blob: c5353242f6a63b9248048a1cd3133776d10abbe5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
#pragma once
enum RegionType : BYTE
class Region
Region() : type(RegionTypeInvalid),
parent(NULL), matchingTryRegion(nullptr), matchingCatchRegion(nullptr), matchingFinallyOnExceptRegion(nullptr), matchingFinallyOnNoExceptRegion(nullptr), selfOrFirstTryAncestor(nullptr),
start(NULL), end(NULL),
ehBailoutData(nullptr), bailoutReturnThunkLabel(nullptr), returnThunkEmitted(false),
exceptionObjectSym(nullptr) {}
static Region * New(RegionType, Region *, Func *);
inline RegionType GetType() const { return this->type; }
inline void SetType(RegionType type) { this->type = type; }
inline Region * GetParent() const { return this->parent; }
inline void SetParent(Region* parent) { this->parent = parent; }
inline Region * GetMatchingTryRegion() const { return this->matchingTryRegion; }
inline void SetMatchingTryRegion(Region* tryRegion) { this->matchingTryRegion = tryRegion; }
inline Region * GetMatchingCatchRegion() const { return this->matchingCatchRegion; }
inline void SetMatchingCatchRegion(Region* catchRegion) { this->matchingCatchRegion = catchRegion; }
inline Region * GetMatchingFinallyRegion(bool isExcept) const
return isExcept ? this->matchingFinallyOnExceptRegion : this->matchingFinallyOnNoExceptRegion;
inline void SetMatchingFinallyRegion(Region* finallyRegion, bool isExcept)
if (isExcept)
this->matchingFinallyOnExceptRegion = finallyRegion;
this->matchingFinallyOnNoExceptRegion = finallyRegion;
bool IsNonExceptingFinally()
return (this->GetType() == RegionTypeFinally && this->GetMatchingTryRegion()->GetMatchingFinallyRegion(false) == this);
inline IR::Instr * GetStart() const { return this->start; }
inline void SetStart(IR::Instr * instr) { this->start = instr; }
inline IR::Instr * GetEnd() const { return this->end; }
inline void SetEnd(IR::Instr * instr) { this->end = instr; }
inline IR::LabelInstr * GetBailoutReturnThunkLabel() const { return this->bailoutReturnThunkLabel; }
inline StackSym * GetExceptionObjectSym() const { return this->exceptionObjectSym; }
inline void SetExceptionObjectSym(StackSym * sym) { this->exceptionObjectSym = sym; }
void AllocateEHBailoutData(Func * func, IR::Instr * tryInstr);
Region * GetSelfOrFirstTryAncestor();
Region * GetFirstAncestorOfNonExceptingFinallyParent();
Region * GetFirstAncestorOfNonExceptingFinally();
RegionType type;
Region * parent;
Region * matchingTryRegion;
Region * matchingCatchRegion;
Region * matchingFinallyOnExceptRegion;
Region * matchingFinallyOnNoExceptRegion;
// We need to mark a non-expecting finally region we execute in the JIT, as in EH region.
// We can bailout from the non excepting EH region, in that case we need ehBailoutData to reconstruct eh frames in the interpreter
Region * selfOrFirstTryAncestor; // = self, if try region, otherwise
// = first try ancestor
IR::Instr * start;
IR::Instr * end;
StackSym * exceptionObjectSym;
IR::LabelInstr * bailoutReturnThunkLabel;
// bailoutReturnThunkLabel is the Label denoting start of return thunk for this region.
// The JIT'ed code of a function having EH may have multiple frames on the stack, pertaining to the JIT'ed code and the TryCatch helper.
// After a bailout in an EH region, we want to jump to the epilog of the function, but we have to do this via a series of returns (to clear out the frames on the stack).
// To achieve this, post bailout, we jump to the return thunk of that region, which loads the appropriate return address into eax and executes a RET.
// This has the effect of returning that address to the TryCatch helper, which, in turn, returns it to its caller JIT'ed code.
// Non-top-level EH regions return the address of their parent's return thunk, and top level EH regions return the address
// where the return value from a bailout is loaded into eax (restoreReturnValueFromBailoutLabel in EHBailoutPatchUp::Emit).
// (Control should go to a return thunk only in case of a bailout from an EH region.)
BVSparse<JitArenaAllocator> * writeThroughSymbolsSet;
Js::EHBailoutData * ehBailoutData;
bool returnThunkEmitted;