blob: 4fdb0aa3a908f072dc3ffc1d60e7de083b2709f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
#pragma once
#include "Lifetime.h"
struct OpHelperSpilledLifetime
Lifetime * lifetime;
RegNum reg;
bool spillAsArg;
bool reload; // determines if we want to reload the lifetime at the end of the helper
class OpHelperBlock
OpHelperBlock(JitArenaAllocator * alloc) : spilledLifetime(alloc) {}
IR::LabelInstr * opHelperLabel;
IR::Instr * opHelperEndInstr;
SList<OpHelperSpilledLifetime> spilledLifetime;
uint Length() const;
// Disable copy constructor
OpHelperBlock(OpHelperBlock const&);
class SCCLiveness
Func * func;
JitArenaAllocator *tempAlloc;
Loop * curLoop;
uint32 lastCall;
uint32 lastNonOpHelperCall;
uint16 loopNest;
IR::LabelInstr * lastOpHelperLabel;
Region * curRegion;
SListBase<Loop*> * extendedLifetimesLoopList;
SCCLiveness(Func *func, JitArenaAllocator *tempAlloc) : func(func),
tempAlloc(tempAlloc), loopNest(0), lastCall(0), lastNonOpHelperCall(0),
curLoop(NULL), lastOpHelperLabel(NULL), opHelperBlockList(tempAlloc),
curRegion(NULL), lifetimeList(tempAlloc),
extendedLifetimesLoopList = JitAnew(tempAlloc, SListBase<Loop *>);
void Build();
void Dump();
SList<Lifetime *> lifetimeList;
SList<OpHelperBlock> opHelperBlockList;
uint totalOpHelperFullVisitedLength;
void ProcessSrc(IR::Opnd *src, IR::Instr *instr);
void ProcessDst(IR::Opnd *dst, IR::Instr *instr);
void ProcessRegUse(IR::RegOpnd *regUse, IR::Instr *instr);
void ProcessRegDef(IR::RegOpnd *regDef, IR::Instr *instr);
void ExtendLifetime(Lifetime *lifetime, IR::Instr *instr);
void ProcessStackSymUse(StackSym * stackSym, IR::Instr * instr, int usageSize = MachPtr);
void ProcessBailOutUses(IR::Instr * bailOutInstr);
Lifetime * InsertLifetime(StackSym *stackSym, RegNum reg, IR::Instr *const currentInstr);
void EndOpHelper(IR::Instr * instr);
bool FoldIndir(IR::Instr *instr, IR::Opnd *opnd);
uint CurrentOpHelperVisitedLength(IR::Instr *const currentInstr) const;