blob: 746d63ad3692ddd923d44a474ef732f265faadaa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
#pragma once
namespace UnifiedRegex
enum CharMapScheme
template <typename C, typename V, CharMapScheme scheme = CharMapScheme_Full>
class CharMap {};
template <typename V, CharMapScheme scheme>
class CharMap<char, V, scheme> : private Chars<char>
V map[NumChars];
CharMap(V defv)
for (int i = 0; i < NumChars; i++)
map[i] = defv;
void FreeBody(ArenaAllocator* allocator)
inline void Set(ArenaAllocator* allocator, Char k, V v)
map[CTU(k)] = v;
inline V Get(Char k) const
return map[CTU(k)];
static const uint MaxCharMapLinearChars = 4;
template <typename V>
class CharMap<char16, V, CharMapScheme_Linear> : private Chars<char16>
template <typename C>
friend class TextbookBoyerMooreWithLinearMap;
using typename Chars<char16>::Char;
using Chars<char16>::CTU;
V defv;
uint map[MaxCharMapLinearChars];
V lastOcc[MaxCharMapLinearChars];
CharMap(V defv) : defv(defv)
for (uint i = 0; i < MaxCharMapLinearChars; i++)
map[i] = 0;
lastOcc[i] = defv;
inline void Set(uint numLinearChars, Char const * map, V const * lastOcc)
Assert(numLinearChars <= MaxCharMapLinearChars);
for (uint i = 0; i < numLinearChars; i++)
this->map[i] = CTU(map[i]);
this->lastOcc[i] = lastOcc[i];
uint GetChar(uint index) const
Assert(index < MaxCharMapLinearChars);
__analysis_assume(index < MaxCharMapLinearChars);
return map[index];
V GetLastOcc(uint index) const
Assert(index < MaxCharMapLinearChars);
__analysis_assume(index < MaxCharMapLinearChars);
return lastOcc[index];
inline V Get(uint inputChar) const
if (map[0] == inputChar)
return lastOcc[0];
if (map[1] == inputChar)
return lastOcc[1];
if (map[2] == inputChar)
return lastOcc[2];
if (map[3] == inputChar)
return lastOcc[3];
return defv;
inline V Get(Char k) const
return Get(CTU(k));
template <typename V, CharMapScheme scheme>
class CharMap<char16, V, scheme> : private Chars<char16>
// public:
using Chars<char16>::Char;
using Chars<char16>::CharWidth;
using Chars<char16>::CTU;
static const int directBits = Chars<char>::CharWidth;
static const int directSize = Chars<char>::NumChars;
static const int bitsPerLevel = 4;
static const int branchingPerLevel = 1 << bitsPerLevel;
static const uint mask = branchingPerLevel - 1;
static const int levels = CharWidth / bitsPerLevel;
inline static uint innerIdx(int level, uint v)
return (v >> (level * bitsPerLevel)) & mask;
inline static uint leafIdx(uint v)
return v & mask;
struct Node
virtual void FreeSelf(ArenaAllocator* allocator) = 0;
virtual void Set(ArenaAllocator* allocator, V defv, int level, uint k, V v) = 0;
virtual V Get(V defv, int level, uint k) const = 0;
static inline Node* For(ArenaAllocator* allocator, int level, V defv)
if (level == 0)
return Anew(allocator, Leaf, defv);
return Anew(allocator, Inner);
struct Inner : Node
Node* children[branchingPerLevel];
for (int i = 0; i < branchingPerLevel; i++)
children[i] = 0;
void FreeSelf(ArenaAllocator* allocator) override
for (int i = 0; i < branchingPerLevel; i++)
if (children[i] != 0)
#if DBG
children[i] = 0;
Adelete(allocator, this);
void Set(ArenaAllocator* allocator, V defv, int level, uint k, V v) override
Assert(level > 0);
uint i = innerIdx(level--, k);
if (children[i] == 0)
if (v == defv)
children[i] = Node::For(allocator, level, defv);
children[i]->Set(allocator, defv, level, k, v);
V Get(V defv, int level, uint k) const override
Assert(level > 0);
uint i = innerIdx(level--, k);
if (children[i] == 0)
return defv;
return children[i]->Get(defv, level, k);
struct Leaf : Node
V values[branchingPerLevel];
Leaf(V defv)
for (int i = 0; i < branchingPerLevel; i++)
values[i] = defv;
void FreeSelf(ArenaAllocator* allocator) override
Adelete(allocator, this);
void Set(ArenaAllocator* allocator, V defv, int level, uint k, V v) override
Assert(level == 0);
values[leafIdx(k)] = v;
V Get(V defv, int level, uint k) const override
Assert(level == 0);
return values[leafIdx(k)];
Field(BVStatic<directSize>) isInMap;
Field(V) defv;
Field(V) directMap[directSize];
FieldNoBarrier(Node*) root;
CharMap(V defv)
: defv(defv)
, root(0)
for (int i = 0; i < directSize; i++)
directMap[i] = defv;
void FreeBody(ArenaAllocator* allocator)
if (root != 0)
#if DBG
root = 0;
void Set(ArenaAllocator* allocator, Char kc, V v)
uint k = CTU(kc);
if (k < directSize)
directMap[k] = v;
if (root == 0)
if (v == defv)
root = Anew(allocator, Inner);
root->Set(allocator, defv, levels - 1, k, v);
bool GetNonDirect(uint k, V& lastOcc) const
Assert(k >= directSize);
if (root == nullptr)
return false;
Node* curr = root;
for (int level = levels - 1; level > 0; level--)
Inner* inner = (Inner*)curr;
uint i = innerIdx(level, k);
if (inner->children[i] == 0)
return false;
curr = inner->children[i];
Leaf* leaf = (Leaf*)curr;
lastOcc = leaf->values[leafIdx(k)];
return true;
uint GetDirectMapSize() const { return directSize; }
BOOL IsInDirectMap(uint c) const { Assert(c < directSize); return isInMap.Test(c); }
V GetDirectMap(uint c) const
Assert(c < directSize);
__analysis_assume(c < directSize);
return directMap[c];
inline V Get(Char kc) const
if (CTU(kc) < GetDirectMapSize())
if (!IsInDirectMap(CTU(kc)))
return defv;
return GetDirectMap(CTU(kc));
V lastOcc;
if (!GetNonDirect(CTU(kc), lastOcc))
return defv;
return lastOcc;