blob: 513843362f52a742e43272a49e55d41a60f2857c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
#include "ParserPch.h"
namespace UnifiedRegex
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compiler (inlines etc)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The VS2013 linker treats this as a redefinition of an already
// defined constant and complains. So skip the declaration if we're compiling
// with VS2013 or below.
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1900
const CharCount Compiler::initInstBufSize;
uint8* Compiler::Emit(size_t size)
Assert(size <= UINT32_MAX);
if (instLen - instNext < size)
CharCount newLen = max(instLen, initInstBufSize);
CharCount instLenPlus = (CharCount)(instLen + size - 1);
// check for overflow
if (instLenPlus < instLen || instLenPlus * 2 < instLenPlus)
while (newLen <= instLenPlus)
newLen *= 2;
instBuf = (uint8*)ctAllocator->Realloc(instBuf, instLen, newLen);
instLen = newLen;
uint8* inst = instBuf + instNext;
instNext += (CharCount)size;
return inst;
template <typename T>
T* Compiler::Emit()
return new(Emit(sizeof(T))) T;
#define EMIT(compiler, T, ...) (new (compiler.Emit(sizeof(T))) T(__VA_ARGS__))
#define L2I(O, label) LabelToInstPointer<O##Inst>(Inst::InstTag::O, label)
// Remember: The machine address of an instruction is no longer valid after a subsequent emit,
// so all label fixups must be done using Compiler::GetFixup / Compiler::DoFixup
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Node
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void Node::AppendLiteral(CharCount& litbufNext, CharCount litbufLen, __inout_ecount(litbufLen) Char* litbuf) const
CharCount Node::EmitScanFirstSet(Compiler& compiler)
if (thisConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty())
// Can't be sure of consuming something in FIRST
return 0;
if (firstSet->Count() > maxSyncToSetSize)
// HEURISTIC: If FIRST is large we'll get too many false positives
return 0;
// Compilation scheme:
// SyncTo(Char|Char2|Set)And(Consume|Continue)
Char entries[CharSet<Char>::MaxCompact];
int count = firstSet->GetCompactEntries(2, entries);
if (SupportsPrefixSkipping(compiler))
if (count == 1)
EMIT(compiler, SyncToCharAndConsumeInst, entries[0]);
else if (count == 2)
EMIT(compiler, SyncToChar2SetAndConsumeInst, entries[0], entries[1]);
EMIT(compiler, SyncToSetAndConsumeInst<false>)->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *firstSet);
return 1;
if (count == 1)
EMIT(compiler, SyncToCharAndContinueInst, entries[0]);
else if (count == 2)
EMIT(compiler, SyncToChar2SetAndContinueInst, entries[0], entries[1]);
EMIT(compiler, SyncToSetAndContinueInst<false>)->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *firstSet);
return 0;
bool Node::IsBetterSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler, Node* curr, Node* proposed)
int proposedNumLiterals = 0;
CharCount proposedLength = proposed->MinSyncronizingLiteralLength(compiler, proposedNumLiterals);
if (proposedLength == 0 || proposedNumLiterals > maxNumSyncLiterals)
// Not a synchronizable node or too many literals.
return false;
if (curr == nullptr)
// We'll take whatever we can get
return true;
int currNumLiterals = 0;
CharCount currLength = curr->MinSyncronizingLiteralLength(compiler, currNumLiterals);
// Lexicographic ordering based on
// - whether literal length is above a threshold (above is better)
// - number of literals (smaller is better)
// - upper bound on backup (finite is better)
// - minimum literal length (longer is better)
// - actual backup upper bound (shorter is better)
if (proposedLength >= preferredMinSyncToLiteralLength
&& currLength < preferredMinSyncToLiteralLength)
return true;
if (proposedLength < preferredMinSyncToLiteralLength
&& currLength >= preferredMinSyncToLiteralLength)
return false;
if (proposedNumLiterals < currNumLiterals)
return true;
if (proposedNumLiterals > currNumLiterals)
return false;
if (!proposed->prevConsumes.IsUnbounded() && curr->prevConsumes.IsUnbounded())
return true;
if (proposed->prevConsumes.IsUnbounded() && !curr->prevConsumes.IsUnbounded())
return false;
if (proposedLength > currLength)
return true;
if (proposedLength < currLength)
return false;
return proposed->prevConsumes.upper < curr->prevConsumes.upper;
bool Node::IsSingleChar(Compiler& compiler, Char& outChar) const
if (tag != Node::MatchChar)
return false;
const MatchCharNode* node = (const MatchCharNode*)this;
if (node->isEquivClass)
return false;
outChar = node->cs[0];
return true;
bool Node::IsBoundedWord(Compiler& compiler) const
if (tag != Node::Concat)
return false;
const ConcatNode* concatNode = (const ConcatNode *)this;
if (concatNode->head->tag != Node::WordBoundary ||
concatNode->tail == 0 ||
concatNode->tail->head->tag != Node::Loop ||
concatNode->tail->tail == 0 ||
concatNode->tail->tail->head->tag != Node::WordBoundary ||
concatNode->tail->tail->tail != 0)
return false;
const WordBoundaryNode* enter = (const WordBoundaryNode*)concatNode->head;
const LoopNode* loop = (const LoopNode*)concatNode->tail->head;
const WordBoundaryNode* leave = (const WordBoundaryNode*)concatNode->tail->tail->head;
if (enter->isNegation ||
!loop->isGreedy ||
loop->repeats.lower != 1 ||
loop->repeats.upper != CharCountFlag ||
loop->body->tag != Node::MatchSet ||
return false;
const MatchSetNode* wordSet = (const MatchSetNode*)loop->body;
if (wordSet->isNegation)
return false;
return wordSet->set.IsEqualTo(*compiler.standardChars->GetWordSet());
bool Node::IsBOILiteral2(Compiler& compiler) const
if (tag != Node::Concat)
return false;
const ConcatNode* concatNode = (const ConcatNode *)this;
if ((compiler.program->flags & (IgnoreCaseRegexFlag | MultilineRegexFlag)) != 0 ||
concatNode->head->tag != Node::BOL ||
concatNode->tail == nullptr ||
concatNode->tail->head->tag != Node::MatchLiteral ||
concatNode->tail->tail != nullptr ||
((MatchLiteralNode *)concatNode->tail->head)->isEquivClass ||
((MatchLiteralNode *)concatNode->tail->head)->length != 2)
return false;
return true;
bool Node::IsLeadingTrailingSpaces(Compiler& compiler, CharCount& leftMinMatch, CharCount& rightMinMatch) const
if (tag != Node::Alt)
return false;
if (compiler.program->flags & MultilineRegexFlag)
return false;
const AltNode* altNode = (const AltNode*)this;
if (altNode->head->tag != Node::Concat ||
altNode->tail == 0 ||
altNode->tail->head->tag != Node::Concat ||
altNode->tail->tail != 0)
return false;
const ConcatNode* left = (const ConcatNode*)altNode->head;
const ConcatNode* right = (const ConcatNode*)altNode->tail->head;
if (left->head->tag != Node::BOL ||
left->tail == 0 ||
left->tail->head->tag != Node::Loop ||
left->tail->tail != 0)
return false;
if (right->head->tag != Node::Loop ||
right->tail == 0 ||
right->tail->head->tag != Node::EOL ||
right->tail->tail != 0)
return false;
const LoopNode* leftLoop = (const LoopNode*)left->tail->head;
const LoopNode* rightLoop = (const LoopNode*)right->head;
if (!leftLoop->isGreedy ||
leftLoop->repeats.upper != CharCountFlag ||
leftLoop->body->tag != Node::MatchSet ||
!rightLoop->isGreedy ||
rightLoop->repeats.upper != CharCountFlag ||
rightLoop->body->tag != Node::MatchSet)
return false;
const MatchSetNode* leftSet = (const MatchSetNode*)leftLoop->body;
const MatchSetNode* rightSet = (const MatchSetNode*)rightLoop->body;
if (leftSet->isNegation ||
return false;
leftMinMatch = leftLoop->repeats.lower;
rightMinMatch = rightLoop->repeats.lower;
leftSet->set.IsEqualTo(*compiler.standardChars->GetWhitespaceSet()) &&
void Node::PrintAnnotations(DebugWriter* w) const
if (firstSet != 0)
w->Print(_u("features: {"));
bool first = true;
for (uint i = Empty; i <= Assertion; i++)
if ((features & (1 << i)) != 0)
if (first)
first = false;
switch (i)
case Empty: w->Print(_u("Empty")); break;
case BOL: w->Print(_u("BOL")); break;
case EOL: w->Print(_u("EOL")); break;
case WordBoundary: w->Print(_u("WordBoundary")); break;
case MatchLiteral: w->Print(_u("MatchLiteral")); break;
case MatchChar: w->Print(_u("MatchChar")); break;
case Concat: w->Print(_u("Concat")); break;
case Alt: w->Print(_u("Alt")); break;
case DefineGroup: w->Print(_u("DefineGroup")); break;
case MatchGroup: w->Print(_u("MatchGroup")); break;
case Loop: w->Print(_u("Loop")); break;
case MatchSet: w->Print(_u("MatchSet")); break;
case Assertion: w->Print(_u("Assertion")); break;
w->Print(_u("firstSet: "));
if (isFirstExact)
w->Print(_u(" (exact)"));
w->Print(_u("followSet: "));
w->Print(_u("prevConsumes: "));
w->Print(_u("thisConsumes: "));
w->Print(_u("followConsumes: "));
w->PrintEOL(_u("isThisIrrefutable: %s"), isThisIrrefutable ? _u("true") : _u("false"));
w->PrintEOL(_u("isFollowIrrefutable: %s"), isFollowIrrefutable ? _u("true") : _u("false"));
w->PrintEOL(_u("isWord: %s"), isWord ? _u("true") : _u("false"));
w->PrintEOL(_u("isThisWillNotProgress: %s"), isThisWillNotProgress ? _u("true") : _u("false"));
w->PrintEOL(_u("isThisWillNotRegress: %s"), isThisWillNotRegress ? _u("true") : _u("false"));
w->PrintEOL(_u("isPrevWillNotProgress: %s"), isPrevWillNotProgress ? _u("true") : _u("false"));
w->PrintEOL(_u("isPrevWillNotRegress: %s"), isPrevWillNotRegress ? _u("true") : _u("false"));
w->PrintEOL(_u("isDeterministic: %s"), isDeterministic ? _u("true") : _u("false"));
w->PrintEOL(_u("isNotInLoop: %s"), isNotInLoop ? _u("true") : _u("false"));
w->PrintEOL(_u("isNotNegated: %s"), isNotNegated ? _u("true") : _u("false"));
w->PrintEOL(_u("isAtLeastOnce: %s"), isAtLeastOnce ? _u("true") : _u("false"));
w->PrintEOL(_u("hasInitialHardFailBOI: %s"), hasInitialHardFailBOI ? _u("true") : _u("false"));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SimpleNode
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CharCount SimpleNode::LiteralLength() const
return 0;
bool SimpleNode::IsCharOrPositiveSet() const
return false;
CharCount SimpleNode::TransferPass0(Compiler& compiler, const Char* litbuf)
return 0;
void SimpleNode::TransferPass1(Compiler& compiler, const Char* litbuf)
bool SimpleNode::IsRefiningAssertion(Compiler& compiler)
return tag == EOL && (compiler.program->flags & MultilineRegexFlag) != 0;
void SimpleNode::AnnotatePass0(Compiler& compiler)
isWord = false;
void SimpleNode::AnnotatePass1(Compiler& compiler, bool parentNotInLoop, bool parentAtLeastOnce, bool parentNotSpeculative, bool parentNotNegated)
isFirstExact = false;
isThisWillNotProgress = true;
isThisWillNotRegress = true;
isNotInLoop = parentNotInLoop;
isAtLeastOnce = parentAtLeastOnce;
isNotSpeculative = parentNotSpeculative;
isNotNegated = parentNotNegated;
switch (tag)
case Empty:
features = HasEmpty;
firstSet = compiler.standardChars->GetEmptySet();
isThisIrrefutable = true;
case BOL:
features = HasBOL;
firstSet = compiler.standardChars->GetFullSet();
isThisIrrefutable = false;
case EOL:
features = HasEOL;
if ((compiler.program->flags & MultilineRegexFlag) != 0)
firstSet = compiler.standardChars->GetNewlineSet();
firstSet = compiler.standardChars->GetEmptySet();
isThisIrrefutable = false;
void SimpleNode::AnnotatePass2(Compiler& compiler, CountDomain accumConsumes, bool accumPrevWillNotProgress, bool accumPrevWillNotRegress)
prevConsumes = accumConsumes;
isPrevWillNotProgress = accumPrevWillNotProgress;
isPrevWillNotRegress = accumPrevWillNotRegress;
void SimpleNode::AnnotatePass3(Compiler& compiler, CountDomain accumConsumes, CharSet<Char>* accumFollow, bool accumFollowIrrefutable, bool accumFollowEOL)
followConsumes = accumConsumes;
followSet = accumFollow;
isFollowIrrefutable = accumFollowIrrefutable;
isFollowEOL = accumFollowEOL;
hasInitialHardFailBOI = ((tag == BOL) &&
prevConsumes.IsExact(0) &&
(compiler.program->flags & MultilineRegexFlag) == 0 &&
isAtLeastOnce &&
isNotNegated &&
void SimpleNode::AnnotatePass4(Compiler& compiler)
isDeterministic = true;
bool SimpleNode::SupportsPrefixSkipping(Compiler& compiler) const
return false;
Node* SimpleNode::HeadSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler)
return 0;
CharCount SimpleNode::MinSyncronizingLiteralLength(Compiler& compiler, int& numLiterals) const
return 0;
void SimpleNode::CollectSyncronizingLiterals(Compiler& compiler, ScannersMixin& scanners) const
void SimpleNode::BestSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler, Node*& bestNode)
void SimpleNode::AccumDefineGroups(Js::ScriptContext* scriptContext, int& minGroup, int& maxGroup)
void SimpleNode::Emit(Compiler& compiler, CharCount& skipped)
Assert(skipped == 0);
switch (tag)
case Empty:
// Nothing
case BOL:
if ((compiler.program->flags & MultilineRegexFlag) != 0)
// Compilation scheme:
// BOLTest
EMIT(compiler, BOLTestInst);
if (compiler.CurrentLabel() == 0)
// The first instruction is BOI, change the tag and only execute it once
// without looping every start position
// Compilation scheme:
// BOITest
// Obviously starting later in the string won't help, so can hard fail if:
// - this pattern must always be matched
// - not in a negative assertion
// - backtracking could never rewind the input pointer
bool canHardFail = isAtLeastOnce && isNotNegated && isPrevWillNotRegress;
if (canHardFail)
EMIT(compiler, BOITestInst<true>);
EMIT(compiler, BOITestInst<false>);
case EOL:
if ((compiler.program->flags & MultilineRegexFlag) != 0)
// Compilation scheme:
// EOLTest
EMIT(compiler, EOLTestInst);
// Compilation scheme:
// EOITest
// Can hard fail if
// - this pattern must always be matched
// - not in a negative assertion
// - backtracking could never advance the input pointer
bool canHardFail = isAtLeastOnce && isNotNegated && isPrevWillNotProgress;
if (canHardFail)
EMIT(compiler, EOITestInst<true>);
EMIT(compiler, EOITestInst<false>);
CharCount SimpleNode::EmitScan(Compiler& compiler, bool isHeadSyncronizingNode)
return 0;
bool SimpleNode::IsOctoquad(Compiler& compiler, OctoquadIdentifier* oi)
return false;
bool SimpleNode::IsCharTrieArm(Compiler& compiler, uint& accNumAlts) const
return tag == Empty;
bool SimpleNode::BuildCharTrie(Compiler& compiler, CharTrie* trie, Node* cont, bool isAcceptFirst) const
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
Assert(tag == Empty);
if (cont == 0)
if (trie->Count() > 0)
// This literal is a proper prefix of an earlier literal
return false;
return true;
return cont->BuildCharTrie(compiler, trie, 0, isAcceptFirst);
void SimpleNode::Print(DebugWriter* w, const Char* litbuf) const
switch (tag)
case Empty:
w->Print(_u("Empty")); break;
case BOL:
w->Print(_u("BOL")); break;
case EOL:
w->Print(_u("EOL")); break;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// WordBoundaryNode
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CharCount WordBoundaryNode::LiteralLength() const
return 0;
bool WordBoundaryNode::IsCharOrPositiveSet() const
return false;
CharCount WordBoundaryNode::TransferPass0(Compiler& compiler, const Char* litbuf)
return 0;
void WordBoundaryNode::TransferPass1(Compiler& compiler, const Char* litbuf)
// WordChars and NonWordChars sets are already case invariant
bool WordBoundaryNode::IsRefiningAssertion(Compiler& compiler)
return mustIncludeEntering != mustIncludeLeaving;
void WordBoundaryNode::AnnotatePass0(Compiler& compiler)
isWord = false;
void WordBoundaryNode::AnnotatePass1(Compiler& compiler, bool parentNotInLoop, bool parentAtLeastOnce, bool parentNotSpeculative, bool parentNotNegated)
features = HasWordBoundary;
isFirstExact = false;
isThisIrrefutable = false;
isThisWillNotProgress = true;
isThisWillNotRegress = true;
isNotInLoop = parentNotInLoop;
isAtLeastOnce = parentAtLeastOnce;
isNotSpeculative = parentNotSpeculative;
isNotNegated = parentNotNegated;
if (isNegation)
firstSet = compiler.standardChars->GetFullSet();
if (mustIncludeEntering && !mustIncludeLeaving)
firstSet = compiler.standardChars->GetWordSet();
else if (mustIncludeLeaving && !mustIncludeEntering)
firstSet = compiler.standardChars->GetNonWordSet();
firstSet = compiler.standardChars->GetFullSet();
void WordBoundaryNode::AnnotatePass2(Compiler& compiler, CountDomain accumConsumes, bool accumPrevWillNotProgress, bool accumPrevWillNotRegress)
prevConsumes = accumConsumes;
isPrevWillNotProgress = accumPrevWillNotProgress;
isPrevWillNotRegress = accumPrevWillNotRegress;
void WordBoundaryNode::AnnotatePass3(Compiler& compiler, CountDomain accumConsumes, CharSet<Char>* accumFollow, bool accumFollowIrrefutable, bool accumFollowEOL)
followConsumes = accumConsumes;
followSet = accumFollow;
isFollowIrrefutable = accumFollowIrrefutable;
isFollowEOL = accumFollowEOL;
void WordBoundaryNode::AnnotatePass4(Compiler& compiler)
isDeterministic = true;
bool WordBoundaryNode::SupportsPrefixSkipping(Compiler& compiler) const
return false;
Node* WordBoundaryNode::HeadSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler)
return 0;
CharCount WordBoundaryNode::MinSyncronizingLiteralLength(Compiler& compiler, int& numLiterals) const
return 0;
void WordBoundaryNode::CollectSyncronizingLiterals(Compiler& compiler, ScannersMixin& scanners) const
void WordBoundaryNode::BestSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler, Node*& bestNode)
void WordBoundaryNode::AccumDefineGroups(Js::ScriptContext* scriptContext, int& minGroup, int& maxGroup)
void WordBoundaryNode::Emit(Compiler& compiler, CharCount& skipped)
Assert(skipped == 0);
// Compilation scheme:
// WordBoundaryTest
if (isNegation)
EMIT(compiler, WordBoundaryTestInst<true>);
EMIT(compiler, WordBoundaryTestInst<false>);
CharCount WordBoundaryNode::EmitScan(Compiler& compiler, bool isHeadSyncronizingNode)
return 0;
bool WordBoundaryNode::IsOctoquad(Compiler& compiler, OctoquadIdentifier* oi)
return false;
bool WordBoundaryNode::IsCharTrieArm(Compiler& compiler, uint& accNumAlts) const
return false;
bool WordBoundaryNode::BuildCharTrie(Compiler& compiler, CharTrie* trie, Node* cont, bool isAcceptFirst) const
return false;
void WordBoundaryNode::Print(DebugWriter* w, const Char* litbuf) const
w->PrintEOL(_u("WordBoundary(%s, %s, %s)"), isNegation ? _u("negative") : _u("positive"), mustIncludeEntering ? _u("entering") : _u("-"), mustIncludeLeaving ? _u("leaving") : _u("-"));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MatchLiteralNode
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CharCount MatchLiteralNode::LiteralLength() const
return length;
void MatchLiteralNode::AppendLiteral(CharCount& litbufNext, CharCount litbufLen, __inout_ecount(litbufLen) Char* litbuf) const
// Called during parsing only, so literal always in original form
Assert(litbufNext + length <= litbufLen && offset + length <= litbufLen);
#pragma prefast(suppress:26000, "The error said that offset + length >= litbufLen + 1, which is incorrect due to if statement below.")
if (litbufNext + length <= litbufLen && offset + length <= litbufLen) // for prefast
js_wmemcpy_s(litbuf + litbufNext, litbufLen - litbufNext, litbuf + offset, length);
litbufNext += length;
bool MatchLiteralNode::IsCharOrPositiveSet() const
return false;
CharCount MatchLiteralNode::TransferPass0(Compiler& compiler, const Char* litbuf)
Assert(length > 1);
if ((compiler.program->flags & IgnoreCaseRegexFlag) != 0
&& !compiler.standardChars->IsTrivialString(compiler.program->GetCaseMappingSource(), litbuf + offset, length))
// We'll need to expand each character of literal into its equivalence class
isEquivClass = true;
return UInt32Math::MulAdd<CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize,0>(length);
return length;
void MatchLiteralNode::TransferPass1(Compiler& compiler, const Char* litbuf)
CharCount nextLit = compiler.program->rep.insts.litbufLen;
if (isEquivClass)
Assert((compiler.program->flags & IgnoreCaseRegexFlag) != 0);
// Expand literal according to character equivalence classes
for (CharCount i = 0; i < length; i++)
litbuf[offset + i],
compiler.program->rep.insts.litbuf + nextLit + i * CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize);
compiler.program->rep.insts.litbufLen += length * CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize;
for (CharCount i = 0; i < length; i++)
compiler.program->rep.insts.litbuf[nextLit + i] = litbuf[offset + i];
compiler.program->rep.insts.litbufLen += length;
offset = nextLit;
void MatchLiteralNode::AnnotatePass0(Compiler& compiler)
const Char* litbuf = compiler.program->rep.insts.litbuf;
for (CharCount i = offset; i < offset + length; i++)
if (!compiler.standardChars->IsWord(litbuf[i]))
isWord = false;
isWord = true;
bool MatchLiteralNode::IsRefiningAssertion(Compiler& compiler)
return false;
void MatchLiteralNode::AnnotatePass1(Compiler& compiler, bool parentNotInLoop, bool parentAtLeastOnce, bool parentNotSpeculative, bool parentNotNegated)
features = HasMatchLiteral;
firstSet = Anew(compiler.ctAllocator, UnicodeCharSet);
for (int i = 0; i < (isEquivClass ? CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize : 1); i++)
firstSet->Set(compiler.ctAllocator, compiler.program->rep.insts.litbuf[offset + i]);
isFirstExact = true;
isThisIrrefutable = false;
isThisWillNotProgress = true;
isThisWillNotRegress = true;
isNotInLoop = parentNotInLoop;
isAtLeastOnce = parentAtLeastOnce;
isNotSpeculative = parentNotSpeculative;
isNotNegated = parentNotNegated;
void MatchLiteralNode::AnnotatePass2(Compiler& compiler, CountDomain accumConsumes, bool accumPrevWillNotProgress, bool accumPrevWillNotRegress)
prevConsumes = accumConsumes;
isPrevWillNotProgress = accumPrevWillNotProgress;
isPrevWillNotRegress = accumPrevWillNotRegress;
void MatchLiteralNode::AnnotatePass3(Compiler& compiler, CountDomain accumConsumes, CharSet<Char>* accumFollow, bool accumFollowIrrefutable, bool accumFollowEOL)
followConsumes = accumConsumes;
followSet = accumFollow;
isFollowIrrefutable = accumFollowIrrefutable;
isFollowEOL = accumFollowEOL;
void MatchLiteralNode::AnnotatePass4(Compiler& compiler)
isDeterministic = true;
bool MatchLiteralNode::SupportsPrefixSkipping(Compiler& compiler) const
return true;
Node* MatchLiteralNode::HeadSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler)
return this;
CharCount MatchLiteralNode::MinSyncronizingLiteralLength(Compiler& compiler, int& numLiterals) const
return length;
void MatchLiteralNode::CollectSyncronizingLiterals(Compiler& compiler, ScannersMixin& scanners) const
ScannerMixin* scanner =
scanners.Add(compiler.GetScriptContext()->GetRecycler(), compiler.GetProgram(), offset, length, isEquivClass);
scanner->scanner.Setup(compiler.rtAllocator, compiler.program->rep.insts.litbuf + offset, length, isEquivClass ? CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize : 1);
void MatchLiteralNode::BestSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler, Node*& bestNode)
if (IsBetterSyncronizingNode(compiler, bestNode, this))
bestNode = this;
void MatchLiteralNode::AccumDefineGroups(Js::ScriptContext* scriptContext, int& minGroup, int& maxGroup)
void MatchLiteralNode::Emit(Compiler& compiler, CharCount& skipped)
if (skipped >= length)
// Asking to skip entire literal
skipped -= length;
// Compilation scheme:
// Match(Char|Char4|Literal|LiteralEquiv)Inst
CharCount effectiveOffset = offset + skipped * (isEquivClass ? CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize : 1);
CharCount effectiveLength = length - skipped;
skipped -= min(skipped, length);
if (effectiveLength == 1)
Char* cs = compiler.program->rep.insts.litbuf + effectiveOffset;
MatchCharNode::Emit(compiler, cs, isEquivClass);
if (isEquivClass)
EMIT(compiler, MatchLiteralEquivInst, effectiveOffset, effectiveLength);
EMIT(compiler, MatchLiteralInst, effectiveOffset, effectiveLength);
CompileAssert(CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize == 4);
CharCount MatchLiteralNode::EmitScan(Compiler& compiler, bool isHeadSyncronizingNode)
// Compilation scheme:
// SyncTo(Literal|LiteralEquiv|LinearLiteral)And(Continue|Consume|Backup)
Char * litptr = compiler.program->rep.insts.litbuf + offset;
if (isHeadSyncronizingNode)
// For a head literal there's no need to back up after finding the literal, so use a faster instruction
Assert(prevConsumes.IsExact(0)); // there should not be any consumes before this node
if (isEquivClass)
const uint lastPatCharIndex = length - 1;
if (litptr[lastPatCharIndex * CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize] == litptr[lastPatCharIndex * CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize + 1]
&& litptr[lastPatCharIndex * CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize] == litptr[lastPatCharIndex * CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize + 2]
&& litptr[lastPatCharIndex * CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize] == litptr[lastPatCharIndex * CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize + 3])
EMIT(compiler, SyncToLiteralEquivTrivialLastPatCharAndConsumeInst, offset, length)->scanner.Setup(compiler.rtAllocator, litptr, length, CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize);
EMIT(compiler, SyncToLiteralEquivAndConsumeInst, offset, length)->scanner.Setup(compiler.rtAllocator, litptr, length, CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize);
else if (length == 1)
EMIT(compiler, SyncToCharAndConsumeInst, litptr[0]);
else if (length == 2)
EMIT(compiler, SyncToChar2LiteralAndConsumeInst, litptr[0], litptr[1]);
TextbookBoyerMooreSetup<char16> setup(litptr, length);
switch (setup.GetScheme())
case TextbookBoyerMooreSetup<char16>::LinearScheme:
EMIT(compiler, SyncToLinearLiteralAndConsumeInst, offset, length)->scanner.Setup(compiler.rtAllocator, setup);
case TextbookBoyerMooreSetup<char16>::DefaultScheme:
EMIT(compiler, SyncToLiteralAndConsumeInst, offset, length)->scanner.Setup(compiler.rtAllocator, setup);
return length;
// We're synchronizing on a non-head literal so we may need to back up. Or if we're syncing to the first literal
// inside a group for instance, then we won't need to back up but we cannot consume the literal.
if (prevConsumes.IsExact(0))
if (isEquivClass)
const uint lastPatCharIndex = length - 1;
if (litptr[lastPatCharIndex * CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize] == litptr[lastPatCharIndex * CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize + 1]
&& litptr[lastPatCharIndex * CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize] == litptr[lastPatCharIndex * CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize + 2]
&& litptr[lastPatCharIndex * CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize] == litptr[lastPatCharIndex * CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize + 3])
EMIT(compiler, SyncToLiteralEquivTrivialLastPatCharAndContinueInst, offset, length)->scanner.Setup(compiler.rtAllocator, litptr, length, CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize);
EMIT(compiler, SyncToLiteralEquivAndContinueInst, offset, length)->scanner.Setup(compiler.rtAllocator, litptr, length, CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize);
else if (length == 1)
EMIT(compiler, SyncToCharAndContinueInst, litptr[0]);
else if (length == 2)
EMIT(compiler, SyncToChar2LiteralAndContinueInst, litptr[0], litptr[1]);
TextbookBoyerMooreSetup<char16> setup(litptr, length);
switch (setup.GetScheme())
case TextbookBoyerMooreSetup<char16>::LinearScheme:
EMIT(compiler, SyncToLinearLiteralAndContinueInst, offset, length)->scanner.Setup(compiler.rtAllocator, setup);
case TextbookBoyerMooreSetup<char16>::DefaultScheme:
EMIT(compiler, SyncToLiteralAndContinueInst, offset, length)->scanner.Setup(compiler.rtAllocator, setup);
if (isEquivClass)
const uint lastPatCharIndex = length - 1;
if (litptr[lastPatCharIndex * CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize] == litptr[lastPatCharIndex * CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize + 1]
&& litptr[lastPatCharIndex * CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize] == litptr[lastPatCharIndex * CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize + 2]
&& litptr[lastPatCharIndex * CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize] == litptr[lastPatCharIndex * CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize + 3])
EMIT(compiler, SyncToLiteralEquivTrivialLastPatCharAndBackupInst, offset, length, prevConsumes)->scanner.Setup(compiler.rtAllocator, litptr, length, CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize);
EMIT(compiler, SyncToLiteralEquivAndBackupInst, offset, length, prevConsumes)->scanner.Setup(compiler.rtAllocator, litptr, length, CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize);
else if (length == 1)
EMIT(compiler, SyncToCharAndBackupInst, litptr[0], prevConsumes);
else if (length == 2)
EMIT(compiler, SyncToChar2LiteralAndBackupInst, litptr[0], litptr[1], prevConsumes);
TextbookBoyerMooreSetup<char16> setup(litptr, length);
switch (setup.GetScheme())
case TextbookBoyerMooreSetup<char16>::LinearScheme:
EMIT(compiler, SyncToLinearLiteralAndBackupInst, offset, length, prevConsumes)->scanner.Setup(compiler.rtAllocator, setup);
case TextbookBoyerMooreSetup<char16>::DefaultScheme:
EMIT(compiler, SyncToLiteralAndBackupInst, offset, length, prevConsumes)->scanner.Setup(compiler.rtAllocator, setup);
return 0;
bool MatchLiteralNode::IsOctoquad(Compiler& compiler, OctoquadIdentifier* oi)
// We look for octoquad patterns before converting for case-insensitivity
if (!oi->CouldAppend(length))
return false;
for (CharCount i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (!oi->AppendChar(compiler.standardChars->ToCanonical(compiler.program->GetCaseMappingSource(), compiler.program->rep.insts.litbuf[offset + i])))
return false;
return true;
bool MatchLiteralNode::IsCharTrieArm(Compiler& compiler, uint& accNumAlts) const
if (isEquivClass)
// The literal would expand into length^3 alternatives
return false;
return true;
bool MatchLiteralNode::BuildCharTrie(Compiler& compiler, CharTrie* trie, Node* cont, bool isAcceptFirst) const
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
CharTrie* tail = trie;
for (CharCount i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (tail->IsAccepting())
// An earlier literal is a prefix of this literal
// If isAcceptFirst, can ignore suffix of already recognized literal.
// Otherwise, must fail.
return isAcceptFirst;
CharTrie* newTail = tail->Add(compiler.ctAllocator, compiler.program->rep.insts.litbuf[offset + i]);
if (tail->Count() > maxTrieArmExpansion)
return false;
tail = newTail;
if (cont == 0)
if (tail->Count() > 0)
// This literal is a proper prefix of an earlier literal
return false;
if (!cont->BuildCharTrie(compiler, tail, 0, isAcceptFirst))
return false;
return true;
void MatchLiteralNode::Print(DebugWriter* w, const Char* litbuf) const
int skip = isEquivClass ? CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize : 1;
for (int i = 0; i < skip; i++)
if (i > 0)
w->Print(_u(", "));
for (CharCount j = 0; j < length; j++)
w->PrintEscapedChar(litbuf[offset + j * skip + i]);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MatchCharNode
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CharCount MatchCharNode::LiteralLength() const
return 1;
void MatchCharNode::AppendLiteral(CharCount& litbufNext, CharCount litbufLen, __inout_ecount(litbufLen) Char* litbuf) const
Assert(litbufNext + 1 <= litbufLen);
if (litbufNext + 1 <= litbufLen) // for prefast
litbuf[litbufNext++] = cs[0];
bool MatchCharNode::IsCharOrPositiveSet() const
return true;
CharCount MatchCharNode::TransferPass0(Compiler& compiler, const Char* litbuf)
if ((compiler.program->flags & IgnoreCaseRegexFlag) != 0)
// To ensure initialization, we first default-initialize the
// whole array with a constant, and then individually set it
// to be just the first character (known to exist). This can
// hopefully be optimized to just initialize to cs[0] by the
// compiler.
Char equivs[CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize] = { (Char)-1 };
for (int i = 0; i < CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize; i++)
equivs[i] = cs[0];
bool isNonTrivial = compiler.standardChars->ToEquivs(compiler.program->GetCaseMappingSource(), cs[0], equivs);
if (isNonTrivial)
isEquivClass = true;
for (int i = 0; i < CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize; i++)
cs[i] = equivs[i];
return 0;
void MatchCharNode::TransferPass1(Compiler& compiler, const Char* litbuf)
bool MatchCharNode::IsRefiningAssertion(Compiler& compiler)
return false;
void MatchCharNode::AnnotatePass0(Compiler& compiler)
// If c is a word char then all characters equivalent to c are word chars
isWord = compiler.standardChars->IsWord(cs[0]);
void MatchCharNode::AnnotatePass1(Compiler& compiler, bool parentNotInLoop, bool parentAtLeastOnce, bool parentNotSpeculative, bool parentNotNegated)
features = HasMatchChar;
firstSet = Anew(compiler.ctAllocator, UnicodeCharSet);
for (int i = 0; i < (isEquivClass ? CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize : 1); i++)
firstSet->Set(compiler.ctAllocator, cs[i]);
isFirstExact = true;
isThisIrrefutable = false;
isThisWillNotProgress = true;
isThisWillNotRegress = true;
isNotInLoop = parentNotInLoop;
isAtLeastOnce = parentAtLeastOnce;
isNotSpeculative = parentNotSpeculative;
isNotNegated = parentNotNegated;
void MatchCharNode::AnnotatePass2(Compiler& compiler, CountDomain accumConsumes, bool accumPrevWillNotProgress, bool accumPrevWillNotRegress)
prevConsumes = accumConsumes;
isPrevWillNotProgress = accumPrevWillNotProgress;
isPrevWillNotRegress = accumPrevWillNotRegress;
void MatchCharNode::AnnotatePass3(Compiler& compiler, CountDomain accumConsumes, CharSet<Char>* accumFollow, bool accumFollowIrrefutable, bool accumFollowEOL)
followConsumes = accumConsumes;
followSet = accumFollow;
isFollowIrrefutable = accumFollowIrrefutable;
isFollowEOL = accumFollowEOL;
void MatchCharNode::AnnotatePass4(Compiler& compiler)
isDeterministic = true;
bool MatchCharNode::SupportsPrefixSkipping(Compiler& compiler) const
return true;
Node* MatchCharNode::HeadSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler)
return this;
CharCount MatchCharNode::MinSyncronizingLiteralLength(Compiler& compiler, int& numLiterals) const
return 1;
void MatchCharNode::CollectSyncronizingLiterals(Compiler& compiler, ScannersMixin& scanners) const
void MatchCharNode::BestSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler, Node*& bestNode)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
if (IsBetterSyncronizingNode(compiler, bestNode, this))
bestNode = this;
void MatchCharNode::AccumDefineGroups(Js::ScriptContext* scriptContext, int& minGroup, int& maxGroup)
CompileAssert(CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize == 4);
void MatchCharNode::Emit(Compiler& compiler, __in_ecount(4) Char * cs, bool isEquivClass)
if (isEquivClass)
// To ensure initialization, we first default-initialize the
// whole array with a constant, and then individually set it
// to be just the first character (known to exist). This can
// hopefully be optimized to just initialize to cs[0] by the
// compiler.
Char uniqueEquivs[CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize] = { (Char)-1 };
for (int i = 0; i < CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize; i++)
uniqueEquivs[i] = cs[0];
CharCount uniqueEquivCount = FindUniqueEquivs(cs, uniqueEquivs);
switch (uniqueEquivCount)
case 1:
EMIT(compiler, MatchCharInst, uniqueEquivs[0]);
case 2:
EMIT(compiler, MatchChar2Inst, uniqueEquivs[0], uniqueEquivs[1]);
case 3:
EMIT(compiler, MatchChar3Inst, uniqueEquivs[0], uniqueEquivs[1], uniqueEquivs[2]);
EMIT(compiler, MatchChar4Inst, uniqueEquivs[0], uniqueEquivs[1], uniqueEquivs[2], uniqueEquivs[3]);
EMIT(compiler, MatchCharInst, cs[0]);
CharCount MatchCharNode::FindUniqueEquivs(const Char equivs[CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize], __out_ecount(4) Char uniqueEquivs[CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize])
uniqueEquivs[0] = equivs[0];
CharCount uniqueCount = 1;
for (CharCount equivIndex = 1; equivIndex < CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize; ++equivIndex)
bool alreadyHave = false;
for (CharCount uniqueIndex = 0; uniqueIndex < uniqueCount; ++uniqueIndex)
if (uniqueEquivs[uniqueIndex] == equivs[equivIndex])
alreadyHave = true;
if (!alreadyHave)
uniqueEquivs[uniqueCount] = equivs[equivIndex];
uniqueCount += 1;
return uniqueCount;
void MatchCharNode::Emit(Compiler& compiler, CharCount& skipped)
if (skipped >= 1)
// Asking to skip entire char
// Compilation scheme:
// MatchChar(2|3|4)?
skipped -= min(skipped, static_cast<CharCount>(1));
Emit(compiler, cs, isEquivClass);
CharCount MatchCharNode::EmitScan(Compiler& compiler, bool isHeadSyncronizingNode)
// Compilation scheme:
// SyncTo(Char|Char2Set|Set)And(Consume|Continue|Backup)
if (isHeadSyncronizingNode)
// For a head literal there's no need to back up after finding the literal, so use a faster instruction
Assert(prevConsumes.IsExact(0)); // there should not be any consumes before this node
if (firstSet->IsSingleton())
EMIT(compiler, SyncToCharAndConsumeInst, firstSet->Singleton());
EMIT(compiler, SyncToSetAndConsumeInst<false>)->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *firstSet);
return 1;
// We're synchronizing on a non-head literal so we may need to back up. Or if we're syncing to the first literal
// inside a group for instance, then we won't need to back up but we cannot consume the literal. If we don't need to
// back up, we can use SyncToCharAndContinue instead.
if (prevConsumes.IsExact(0))
Char entries[CharSet<Char>::MaxCompact];
int count = firstSet->GetCompactEntries(2, entries);
if (count == 1)
EMIT(compiler, SyncToCharAndContinueInst, entries[0]);
else if (count == 2)
EMIT(compiler, SyncToChar2SetAndContinueInst, entries[0], entries[1]);
EMIT(compiler, SyncToSetAndContinueInst<false>)->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *firstSet);
if (firstSet->IsSingleton())
EMIT(compiler, SyncToCharAndBackupInst, firstSet->Singleton(), prevConsumes);
EMIT(compiler, SyncToSetAndBackupInst<false>, prevConsumes)->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *firstSet);
return 0;
bool MatchCharNode::IsOctoquad(Compiler& compiler, OctoquadIdentifier* oi)
// We look for octoquad patterns before converting for case-insensitivity
return oi->AppendChar(compiler.standardChars->ToCanonical(compiler.program->GetCaseMappingSource(), cs[0]));
bool MatchCharNode::IsCharTrieArm(Compiler& compiler, uint& accNumAlts) const
if (isEquivClass)
accNumAlts *= CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize;
if (accNumAlts > maxTrieArmExpansion)
return false;
return true;
bool MatchCharNode::BuildCharTrie(Compiler& compiler, CharTrie* trie, Node* cont, bool isAcceptFirst) const
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
for (int i = 0; i < (isEquivClass ? CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize : 1); i++)
if (trie->IsAccepting())
// An earlier literal is a prefix of this literal
// If isAcceptFirst, can ignore suffix of already recognized literal.
// Otherwise, must fail.
return isAcceptFirst;
CharTrie* tail = trie->Add(compiler.ctAllocator, cs[i]);
if (trie->Count() > maxTrieArmExpansion)
return false;
if (cont == 0)
if (tail->Count() > 0)
// This literal is a proper prefix of an earlier literal
return false;
if (!cont->BuildCharTrie(compiler, tail, 0, isAcceptFirst))
return false;
return true;
void MatchCharNode::Print(DebugWriter* w, const Char* litbuf) const
for (int i = 0; i < (isEquivClass ? CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize : 1); i++)
if (i > 0)
w->Print(_u(", "));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MatchSetNode
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CharCount MatchSetNode::LiteralLength() const
return 0;
bool MatchSetNode::IsCharOrPositiveSet() const
return !isNegation;
CharCount MatchSetNode::TransferPass0(Compiler& compiler, const Char* litbuf)
return 0;
void MatchSetNode::TransferPass1(Compiler& compiler, const Char* litbuf)
if ((compiler.program->flags & IgnoreCaseRegexFlag) != 0 && this->needsEquivClass)
// If the set is negated, then at this point we could:
// (1) take each char in the set to its equivalence class and complement it
// (2) complement the set and take each char to its equivalence class
// Thankfully the spec demands (1), so we don't need to actually calculate any complement, just
// retain the isNegated flag
CharSet<Char> newSet;
// First include all the existing characters in the result set so that large ranges such as \x80-\uffff
// don't temporarily turn into a large number of small ranges corresponding to the various equivalent
// characters
newSet.UnionInPlace(compiler.rtAllocator, set);
set.ToEquivClass(compiler.rtAllocator, newSet);
set = newSet;
bool MatchSetNode::IsRefiningAssertion(Compiler& compiler)
return false;
void MatchSetNode::AnnotatePass0(Compiler& compiler)
if (isNegation || set.IsEmpty())
isWord = false;
isWord = set.IsSubsetOf(*compiler.standardChars->GetWordSet());
void MatchSetNode::AnnotatePass1(Compiler& compiler, bool parentNotInLoop, bool parentAtLeastOnce, bool parentNotSpeculative, bool parentNotNegated)
features = HasMatchSet;
if (isNegation)
firstSet = Anew(compiler.ctAllocator, UnicodeCharSet);
set.ToComplement(compiler.ctAllocator, *firstSet);
// Be careful not to use firstSet after deleting the node.
firstSet = &set;
isFirstExact = true;
// If firstSet is empty then pattern will always fail
thisConsumes.Exact(firstSet->IsEmpty() ? 0 : 1);
isThisIrrefutable = false;
isThisWillNotProgress = true;
isThisWillNotRegress = true;
isNotInLoop = parentNotInLoop;
isAtLeastOnce = parentAtLeastOnce;
isNotSpeculative = parentNotSpeculative;
isNotNegated = parentNotNegated;
void MatchSetNode::AnnotatePass2(Compiler& compiler, CountDomain accumConsumes, bool accumPrevWillNotProgress, bool accumPrevWillNotRegress)
prevConsumes = accumConsumes;
isPrevWillNotProgress = accumPrevWillNotProgress;
isPrevWillNotRegress = accumPrevWillNotRegress;
void MatchSetNode::AnnotatePass3(Compiler& compiler, CountDomain accumConsumes, CharSet<Char>* accumFollow, bool accumFollowIrrefutable, bool accumFollowEOL)
followConsumes = accumConsumes;
followSet = accumFollow;
isFollowIrrefutable = accumFollowIrrefutable;
isFollowEOL = accumFollowEOL;
void MatchSetNode::AnnotatePass4(Compiler& compiler)
isDeterministic = true;
bool MatchSetNode::SupportsPrefixSkipping(Compiler& compiler) const
return true;
Node* MatchSetNode::HeadSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler)
return this;
CharCount MatchSetNode::MinSyncronizingLiteralLength(Compiler& compiler, int& numLiterals) const
return 0;
void MatchSetNode::CollectSyncronizingLiterals(Compiler& compiler, ScannersMixin& scanners) const
void MatchSetNode::BestSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler, Node*& bestNode)
void MatchSetNode::AccumDefineGroups(Js::ScriptContext* scriptContext, int& minGroup, int& maxGroup)
void MatchSetNode::Emit(Compiler& compiler, CharCount& skipped)
if (skipped >= 1)
// Asking to skip entire set
// Compilation scheme:
// MatchSet
skipped -= min(skipped, static_cast<CharCount>(1));
RuntimeCharSet<Char> *runtimeSet;
runtimeSet = &EMIT(compiler, MatchSetInst<true>)->set;
runtimeSet = &EMIT(compiler, MatchSetInst<false>)->set;
runtimeSet->CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, set);
CharCount MatchSetNode::EmitScan(Compiler& compiler, bool isHeadSyncronizingNode)
// Compilation scheme:
// SyncToSetAnd(Consume|Continue|Backup)
RuntimeCharSet<Char> *runtimeSet;
CharCount consumedChars;
if (isHeadSyncronizingNode)
// For a head literal there's no need to back up after finding the literal, so use a faster instruction
Assert(prevConsumes.IsExact(0)); // there should not be any consumes before this node
runtimeSet = &EMIT(compiler, SyncToSetAndConsumeInst<true>)->set;
runtimeSet = &EMIT(compiler, SyncToSetAndConsumeInst<false>)->set;
consumedChars = 1;
// We're synchronizing on a non-head literal so we may need to back up. Or if we're syncing to the first literal
// inside a group for instance, then we won't need to back up but we cannot consume the literal. If we don't need to
// back up, we still cannot use SyncToSetAndContinue like in MatchCharNode::EmitScan, since SyncToSetAndContinue does not support negation
// sets.
runtimeSet = &EMIT(compiler, SyncToSetAndContinueInst<true>)->set;
runtimeSet = &EMIT(compiler, SyncToSetAndContinueInst<false>)->set;
else if(isNegation)
runtimeSet = &EMIT(compiler, SyncToSetAndBackupInst<true>, prevConsumes)->set;
runtimeSet = &EMIT(compiler, SyncToSetAndBackupInst<false>, prevConsumes)->set;
consumedChars = 0;
runtimeSet->CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, set);
return consumedChars;
bool MatchSetNode::IsOctoquad(Compiler& compiler, OctoquadIdentifier* oi)
if (isNegation || set.IsEmpty() || !oi->BeginUnions())
return false;
Assert(CharSet<Char>::MaxCompact >= TrigramAlphabet::AlphaCount);
Char entries[CharSet<Char>::MaxCompact];
int count = set.GetCompactEntries(TrigramAlphabet::AlphaCount, entries);
if (count < 0)
// Too many unique characters
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (!oi->UnionChar(compiler.standardChars->ToCanonical(compiler.program->GetCaseMappingSource(), entries[i])))
// Too many unique characters
return false;
oi->EndUnions(); // this doesn't need to be called if we return false earlier since the OctoquadPattern won't be used
return true;
bool MatchSetNode::IsCharTrieArm(Compiler& compiler, uint& accNumAlts) const
if (isNegation || !set.IsCompact())
return false;
const uint count = set.Count();
if(count == 0)
return false; // empty set always fails and consumes nothing, and therefore is not a char-trie arm
accNumAlts *= count;
if (accNumAlts > maxTrieArmExpansion)
return false;
return true;
bool MatchSetNode::BuildCharTrie(Compiler& compiler, CharTrie* trie, Node* cont, bool isAcceptFirst) const
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
Assert(!isNegation && set.IsCompact());
Char entries[CharSet<Char>::MaxCompact];
int count = set.GetCompactEntries(CharSet<Char>::MaxCompact, entries);
Assert(count > 0);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (trie->IsAccepting())
// An earlier literal is a prefix of this literal
// If isAcceptFirst, can ignore suffix of already recognized literal.
// Otherwise, must fail.
return isAcceptFirst;
CharTrie* tail = trie->Add(compiler.ctAllocator, entries[i]);
if (trie->Count() > maxTrieArmExpansion)
return false;
if (cont == 0)
if (tail->Count() > 0)
// This literal is a proper prefix of an earlier literal
return false;
if (!cont->BuildCharTrie(compiler, tail, 0, isAcceptFirst))
return false;
return true;
void MatchSetNode::Print(DebugWriter* w, const Char* litbuf) const
w->Print(_u("MatchSet(%s, "), isNegation ? _u("negative") : _u("positive"));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ConcatNode
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CharCount ConcatNode::LiteralLength() const
return 0;
bool ConcatNode::IsCharOrPositiveSet() const
return false;
CharCount ConcatNode::TransferPass0(Compiler& compiler, const Char* litbuf)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
Assert(tail != 0);
CharCount n = 0;
#if DBG
ConcatNode* prev = 0;
for (ConcatNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
Assert(curr->head->tag != Concat);
Assert(prev == 0 || !(prev->head->LiteralLength() > 0 && curr->head->LiteralLength() > 0));
n = UInt32Math::Add(n, curr->head->TransferPass0(compiler, litbuf));
#if DBG
prev = curr;
return n;
void ConcatNode::TransferPass1(Compiler& compiler, const Char* litbuf)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
for (ConcatNode *curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
curr->head->TransferPass1(compiler, litbuf);
bool ConcatNode::IsRefiningAssertion(Compiler& compiler)
return false;
void ConcatNode::AnnotatePass0(Compiler& compiler)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
Node* prev = 0;
for (ConcatNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
if (prev != 0)
if (curr->head->tag == WordBoundary && prev->isWord)
WordBoundaryNode* wb = (WordBoundaryNode*)curr->head;
wb->mustIncludeLeaving = true;
else if (prev->tag == WordBoundary && curr->head->isWord)
WordBoundaryNode* wb = (WordBoundaryNode*)prev;
wb->mustIncludeEntering = true;
prev = curr->head;
void ConcatNode::AnnotatePass1(Compiler& compiler, bool parentNotInLoop, bool parentAtLeastOnce, bool parentNotSpeculative, bool parentNotNegated)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
features = HasConcat;
isNotInLoop = parentNotInLoop;
isAtLeastOnce = parentAtLeastOnce;
isNotSpeculative = parentNotSpeculative;
isNotNegated = parentNotNegated;
// Pass 1: Count items
int n = 0;
for (ConcatNode *curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
// Pass 2: Annotate each item, accumulate features, consumes, find longest prefix of possibly-empty-accepting items,
// check if all items are irrefutable
int emptyPrefix = 0;
isThisIrrefutable = true;
isThisWillNotProgress = true;
isThisWillNotRegress = true;
int item = 0;
for (ConcatNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail, item++)
curr->head->AnnotatePass1(compiler, parentNotInLoop, parentAtLeastOnce, parentNotSpeculative, isNotNegated);
features |= curr->head->features;
if (!curr->head->isThisIrrefutable)
isThisIrrefutable = false;
if (!curr->head->isThisWillNotProgress)
isThisWillNotProgress = false;
if (!curr->head->isThisWillNotRegress)
isThisWillNotRegress = false;
if (emptyPrefix == item && curr->head->thisConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty())
if (emptyPrefix == 0)
firstSet = head->firstSet;
isFirstExact = head->isFirstExact;
// Pass 3: Overall first set is union of first's of emptyPrefx
firstSet = Anew(compiler.ctAllocator, UnicodeCharSet);
isFirstExact = true;
item = 0;
for (ConcatNode* curr = this; item <= min(emptyPrefix, n - 1); curr = curr->tail, item++)
firstSet->UnionInPlace(compiler.ctAllocator, *curr->head->firstSet);
if (!curr->head->isFirstExact)
isFirstExact = false;
void ConcatNode::AnnotatePass2(Compiler& compiler, CountDomain accumConsumes, bool accumPrevWillNotProgress, bool accumPrevWillNotRegress)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
prevConsumes = accumConsumes;
isPrevWillNotProgress = accumPrevWillNotProgress;
isPrevWillNotRegress = accumPrevWillNotRegress;
for (ConcatNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
curr->head->AnnotatePass2(compiler, accumConsumes, accumPrevWillNotProgress, accumPrevWillNotRegress);
if (!curr->head->isThisWillNotProgress)
accumPrevWillNotProgress = false;
if (!curr->head->isThisWillNotRegress)
accumPrevWillNotRegress = false;
void ConcatNode::AnnotatePass3(Compiler& compiler, CountDomain accumConsumes, CharSet<Char>* accumFollow, bool accumFollowIrrefutable, bool accumFollowEOL)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
followConsumes = accumConsumes;
followSet = accumFollow;
isFollowIrrefutable = accumFollowIrrefutable;
isFollowEOL = accumFollowEOL;
// Pass 1: Count items
int n = 0;
for (ConcatNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
// Pass 2: Collect items so we can enumerate backwards
Node** nodes = AnewArray(compiler.ctAllocator, Node *, n);
int item = 0;
for (ConcatNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail, item++)
nodes[item] = curr->head;
// Pass 3: Work backwards propagating follow set, irrefutability and FollowEndLineOrPattern, and adding consumes
CharSet<Char>* innerFollow = accumFollow;
for (item = n - 1; item >= 0; item--)
nodes[item]->AnnotatePass3(compiler, accumConsumes, innerFollow, accumFollowIrrefutable, accumFollowEOL);
if (!nodes[item]->isThisIrrefutable)
accumFollowIrrefutable = false;
if (!nodes[item]->IsEmptyOnly() && (compiler.program->flags & MultilineRegexFlag) == 0)
accumFollowEOL = nodes[item]->tag == EOL;
// ConcatNode has hardfail BOI test if any child has hardfail BOI
hasInitialHardFailBOI = hasInitialHardFailBOI || nodes[item]->hasInitialHardFailBOI;
if (item > 0)
CharSet<Char>* nextInnerFollow = Anew(compiler.ctAllocator, UnicodeCharSet);
if (nodes[item]->thisConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty() && !nodes[item]->IsRefiningAssertion(compiler))
// Later follows can shine through this item to the previous item
nextInnerFollow->UnionInPlace(compiler.ctAllocator, *innerFollow);
nextInnerFollow->UnionInPlace(compiler.ctAllocator, *nodes[item]->firstSet);
innerFollow = nextInnerFollow;
void ConcatNode::AnnotatePass4(Compiler& compiler)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
isDeterministic = true;
for (ConcatNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
if (!curr->head->isDeterministic)
isDeterministic = false;
bool ConcatNode::SupportsPrefixSkipping(Compiler& compiler) const
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
int prefix = 0;
for (const ConcatNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
if (curr->head->SupportsPrefixSkipping(compiler))
return prefix > 0;
Node* ConcatNode::HeadSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
return head->HeadSyncronizingNode(compiler);
void ConcatNode::AccumDefineGroups(Js::ScriptContext* scriptContext, int& minGroup, int& maxGroup)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
for (ConcatNode *curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
curr->head->AccumDefineGroups(scriptContext, minGroup, maxGroup);
CharCount ConcatNode::MinSyncronizingLiteralLength(Compiler& compiler, int& numLiterals) const
return 0;
void ConcatNode::CollectSyncronizingLiterals(Compiler& compiler, ScannersMixin& scanners) const
void ConcatNode::BestSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler, Node*& bestNode)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
for (ConcatNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
curr->head->BestSyncronizingNode(compiler, bestNode);
void ConcatNode::Emit(Compiler& compiler, CharCount& skipped)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
// Compilation scheme:
// <item 1>
// ...
// <item n>
// :-)
for (ConcatNode *curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
curr->head->Emit(compiler, skipped);
CharCount ConcatNode::EmitScan(Compiler& compiler, bool isHeadSyncronizingNode)
return 0;
bool ConcatNode::IsOctoquad(Compiler& compiler, OctoquadIdentifier* oi)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
for (ConcatNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
if (!curr->head->IsOctoquad(compiler, oi))
return false;
return true;
bool ConcatNode::IsCharTrieArm(Compiler& compiler, uint& accNumAlts) const
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
for (const ConcatNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
if (!curr->head->IsCharTrieArm(compiler, accNumAlts))
return false;
return true;
bool ConcatNode::BuildCharTrie(Compiler& compiler, CharTrie* trie, Node* cont, bool isAcceptFirst) const
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
if (cont != 0)
// We don't want to manage a stack of continuations
return false;
// NOTE: This is the only place we use an internal node of a concat sequence as a sub-concat sequence
return head->BuildCharTrie(compiler, trie, tail, isAcceptFirst);
void ConcatNode::Print(DebugWriter* w, const Char* litbuf) const
for (const ConcatNode *curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
curr->head->Print(w, litbuf);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// AltNode
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CharCount AltNode::LiteralLength() const
return 0;
bool AltNode::IsCharOrPositiveSet() const
return false;
CharCount AltNode::TransferPass0(Compiler& compiler, const Char* litbuf)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
Assert(tail != 0);
CharCount n = 0;
#if DBG
AltNode* prev = 0;
for (AltNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
Assert(curr->head->tag != Alt);
Assert(prev == 0 || !(prev->head->IsCharOrPositiveSet() && curr->head->IsCharOrPositiveSet()));
n = UInt32Math::Add(n, curr->head->TransferPass0(compiler, litbuf));
#if DBG
prev = curr;
return n;
void AltNode::TransferPass1(Compiler& compiler, const Char* litbuf)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
for (AltNode *curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
curr->head->TransferPass1(compiler, litbuf);
bool AltNode::IsRefiningAssertion(Compiler& compiler)
return false;
void AltNode::AnnotatePass0(Compiler& compiler)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
isWord = true;
for (AltNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
if (!curr->head->isWord)
isWord = false;
void AltNode::AnnotatePass1(Compiler& compiler, bool parentNotInLoop, bool parentAtLeastOnce, bool parentNotSpeculative, bool parentNotNegated)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
features = HasAlt;
isNotInLoop = parentNotInLoop;
isAtLeastOnce = parentAtLeastOnce;
isNotSpeculative = parentNotSpeculative;
isNotNegated = parentNotNegated;
// Overall alternative:
// - is irrefutable if at least one item is irrefutable
// - will not progress(regress) if each item will not progress(regress) and has strictly decreasing(increasing) consumes
firstSet = Anew(compiler.ctAllocator, UnicodeCharSet);
isThisIrrefutable = false;
isThisWillNotProgress = true;
isThisWillNotRegress = true;
isFirstExact = true;
CountDomain prevConsumes;
int item = 0;
for (AltNode *curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail, item++)
curr->head->AnnotatePass1(compiler, parentNotInLoop, false, parentNotSpeculative, isNotNegated);
features |= curr->head->features;
if (!curr->head->isThisWillNotProgress)
isThisWillNotProgress = false;
if (!curr->head->isThisWillNotRegress)
isThisWillNotRegress = false;
if (item == 0)
prevConsumes = thisConsumes = curr->head->thisConsumes;
if (!curr->head->thisConsumes.IsLessThan(prevConsumes))
isThisWillNotProgress = false;
if (!curr->head->thisConsumes.IsGreaterThan(prevConsumes))
isThisWillNotRegress = false;
prevConsumes = curr->head->thisConsumes;
firstSet->UnionInPlace(compiler.ctAllocator, *curr->head->firstSet);
if (!curr->head->isFirstExact || curr->head->isThisIrrefutable)
// If any item is irrefutable then later items may never be taken, so first set cannot be exact
isFirstExact = false;
if (curr->head->isThisIrrefutable)
isThisIrrefutable = true;
void AltNode::AnnotatePass2(Compiler& compiler, CountDomain accumConsumes, bool accumPrevWillNotProgress, bool accumPrevWillNotRegress)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
prevConsumes = accumConsumes;
isPrevWillNotProgress = accumPrevWillNotProgress;
isPrevWillNotRegress = accumPrevWillNotRegress;
for (AltNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
curr->head->AnnotatePass2(compiler, accumConsumes, accumPrevWillNotProgress, accumPrevWillNotRegress);
void AltNode::AnnotatePass3(Compiler& compiler, CountDomain accumConsumes, CharSet<Char>* accumFollow, bool accumFollowIrrefutable, bool accumFollowEOL)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
followConsumes = accumConsumes;
followSet = accumFollow;
isFollowIrrefutable = accumFollowIrrefutable;
isFollowEOL = accumFollowEOL;
for (AltNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
curr->head->AnnotatePass3(compiler, accumConsumes, accumFollow, accumFollowIrrefutable, accumFollowEOL);
// AltNode has hardfail BOI test if all child Nodes have hardfail BOI tests
hasInitialHardFailBOI = curr->head->hasInitialHardFailBOI && (hasInitialHardFailBOI || (curr == this));
void AltNode::AnnotatePass4(Compiler& compiler)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
// Simplification rule
// If the follow is irrefutable then we can ignore all items after an irrefutable item, since
// we'll never be able to backtrack into them.
// E.g.: (a*|b*)c* === a*c*
bool simplified = false;
if (isFollowIrrefutable && isThisIrrefutable)
for (AltNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
if (curr->head->isThisIrrefutable && curr->tail != 0)
curr->tail = 0;
simplified = true;
if (simplified)
// Recalculate firstSet. Since it can only get smaller, and alternative could not have had an exact
// first set, this recalculation does not make any decisions already made based on the current firstSet
// unsound.
// NOTE: Is it worth recalculating the WillNotProgress/WillNotRegress bools?
firstSet = Anew(compiler.ctAllocator, UnicodeCharSet);
for (AltNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
firstSet->UnionInPlace(compiler.ctAllocator, *curr->head->firstSet);
// Annotate items
isDeterministic = true;
for (AltNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
if (!curr->head->isDeterministic)
isDeterministic = false;
// Compilation scheme: Switch/Chain/Set, not isOptional
// If no item can match empty and all items' FIRST sets are pairwise disjoint then we can
// commit to an item using a 1 char lookahead. We can fall-through to the last
// item without guarding it since it will fail if the next character cannot match.
// E.g.: (abc|def)
// Pass 1: Items cannot match empty, accumulate counts
bool fires = true;
bool allCompact = true;
bool allSimpleOneChar = true;
int numItems = 0;
uint totalChars = 0;
for (AltNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
if (curr->head->thisConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty())
fires = false;
if (!curr->head->firstSet->IsCompact())
allCompact = false;
if (!curr->head->IsSimpleOneChar())
allSimpleOneChar = false;
totalChars += curr->head->firstSet->Count();
if (fires)
// To go from two to one items requires the first item
// to be irrefutable, in which case it could match empty and this rule won't fire.
Assert(numItems > 1);
// Step 2: Check FIRST sets are disjoint
if (totalChars == firstSet->Count())
// **COMMIT**
if (allSimpleOneChar)
// This will probably never fire since the parser has already converted alts-of-chars/sets
// to sets. We include it for symmetry with below.
scheme = Set;
else if (allCompact && totalChars <= Switch24Inst::MaxCases)
// Can use a switch instruction to jump to item
scheme = Switch;
switchSize = totalChars;
// Must use a chain of jump instructions to jump to item
scheme = Chain;
isOptional = false;
// Compilation scheme: None/Switch/Chain/Set, isOptional
// Condition (1):
// If some items are empty-only, the rest (if any) cannot match empty, follow cannot match empty, and
// all items' FIRST sets are pairwise disjoint and disjoint from the FOLLOW set, then we can commit to
// either a non-empty item or to the empty item using a 1 char lookahead. In this case we just emit each
// non-empty item with a guard, and fall-through to follow if no guard fires.
// E.g.: (abc||def)h
// Condition (2):
// If some items are empty-only, the rest (if any) cannot match empty, follow is irrefutable, and all
// items' FIRST sets are pairwise disjoint, then we can commit to either a non-empty item or to the empty
// item using a 1 char lookahead, provided each non-empty item obeys the condition:
// ** the item can't fail if given an arbitrary input starting with a character in its FIRST set **
// Currently, we can prove that only for IsSimpleOneChar items, though more analysis could widen the class.
// Again, we emit each non-empty item with a guard, and fall-through to follow if no guard fires.
// E.g.: ([abc]|)a*
// Condition (3):
// If all items are empty-only, we can commit to a single empty-only item
// Pass 1
bool fires = false;
bool allSimpleOneChar = true;
bool allCompact = true;
int numNonEmpty = 0;
uint totalChars = 0;
for (AltNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
if (curr->head->IsEmptyOnly())
fires = true;
else if (curr->head->thisConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty())
fires = false;
if (!curr->head->IsSimpleOneChar())
allSimpleOneChar = false;
if (!curr->head->firstSet->IsCompact())
allCompact = false;
totalChars += curr->head->firstSet->Count();
if (fires)
// The firing condition is not strong enough yet.
fires = false;
// Check conditions (2) and (3) first because they're faster, then check condition (1).
if (numNonEmpty == 0 ||
(isFollowIrrefutable && allSimpleOneChar && totalChars == firstSet->Count()))
fires = true;
else if (!followConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty())
// Check whether all FIRST sets are pairwise disjoint
// and disjoint from the FOLLOW set.
CharSet<Char> unionSet;
unionSet.UnionInPlace(compiler.ctAllocator, *firstSet);
unionSet.UnionInPlace(compiler.ctAllocator, *followSet);
if (totalChars + followSet->Count() == unionSet.Count())
fires = true;
if (fires)
// **COMMIT**
if (numNonEmpty == 0)
scheme = None;
else if (allSimpleOneChar)
scheme = Set;
else if (numNonEmpty > 1 && allCompact && totalChars <= Switch24Inst::MaxCases)
switchSize = totalChars;
scheme = Switch;
scheme = Chain;
isOptional = true;
// Compilation scheme: Trie
// If alt is equivalent to the form:
// (literal1|...|literaln)
// (we expand items with embedded character classes such as a[bc]d to (abd|acd)) and either:
// - follow is irrefutable and no later literal is a proper prefix of an earlier literal
// (and we may ignore later literals which have an earlier literal as proper prefix)
// E.g.: (ab|ac|abd)a* === (ab|ac)a*
// or:
// - follow is not irrefutable and no literal is a proper prefix of any other literal
// and the branching factor of the resulting trie is smallish
// E.g.: (abc|abd|abe)f
// then we can use a character trie to match the appropriate item.
// Pass 1: Items must be structurally appropriate and not result in too many alternatives after expansion
bool fires = true;
for (AltNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
uint numAlts = 1;
if (!curr->head->IsCharTrieArm(compiler, numAlts))
fires = false;
if (numAlts > maxTrieArmExpansion)
fires = false;
if (fires)
// Pass 2: Attempt to construct the trie, checking for prefixes.
CharTrie trie;
for (AltNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
if (!curr->head->BuildCharTrie(compiler, &trie, 0, isFollowIrrefutable))
fires = false;
if (fires)
// **COMMIT**
// If follow is irrefutable and first item is empty, the trie would be of depth zero.
// However, in this case, the first simplification rule would have replaced the alt with a
// single empty item, and the 'None' compilation scheme would have been selected above.
// Similarly, if all alternations are empty and follow is refutable, the trie would be
// of depth zero, and the 'None' compilation scheme would have been selected above.
if (trie.IsDepthOne())
// This case will fire if follow is irrefutable and all non length one items have an
// earlier one-character item as prefix. In this case we don't need the trie: the
// firstSet has all the information.
isOptional = false;
scheme = Set;
// Root of trie will live in compile-time allocator, but body will be in run-time allocator
runtimeTrie = Anew(compiler.ctAllocator, RuntimeCharTrie);
runtimeTrie->CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, trie);
scheme = Trie;
// Compilation scheme: Try
scheme = Try;
isDeterministic = false; // NON-DETERMINISTIC
bool AltNode::SupportsPrefixSkipping(Compiler& compiler) const
return false;
Node* AltNode::HeadSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler)
return 0;
CharCount AltNode::MinSyncronizingLiteralLength(Compiler& compiler, int& numLiterals) const
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
// Here, we ignore nodes with length 1, which are Char nodes. The way the Alt node synchronization
// is currently implemented, it expects all nodes to be Literal nodes. It requires quite a bit of
// refactoring to have Alt nodes support Char nodes for synchronization, so Char nodes are ignored
// for now.
int localNumLiterals = numLiterals;
CharCount minLen = head->MinSyncronizingLiteralLength(compiler, localNumLiterals);
if (minLen <= 1)
return 0;
for (AltNode* curr = tail; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
CharCount thisLen = curr->head->MinSyncronizingLiteralLength(compiler, localNumLiterals);
if (thisLen <= 1)
return 0;
minLen = min(minLen, thisLen);
numLiterals = localNumLiterals;
if (minLen <= 1)
return 0;
return minLen;
void AltNode::CollectSyncronizingLiterals(Compiler& compiler, ScannersMixin& scanners) const
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
for (const AltNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
curr->head->CollectSyncronizingLiterals(compiler, scanners);
void AltNode::BestSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler, Node*& bestNode)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
if (IsBetterSyncronizingNode(compiler, bestNode, this))
bestNode = this;
void AltNode::AccumDefineGroups(Js::ScriptContext* scriptContext, int& minGroup, int& maxGroup)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
for (AltNode *curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
curr->head->AccumDefineGroups(scriptContext, minGroup, maxGroup);
void AltNode::Emit(Compiler& compiler, CharCount& skipped)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
Assert(skipped == 0);
switch (scheme)
case Try:
// Compilation scheme:
// Try((If|Match)(Char|Set))? L2
// <item 1>
// Jump Lexit
// L2: Try((If|Match)(Char|Set))? L3
// <item 2>
// Jump Lexit
// L3: <item 3>
// Lexit:
int numItems = 0;
for (AltNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
Assert(numItems >= 1);
// Each item other than last needs to jump to exit on success
Label* jumpFixups = AnewArray(compiler.ctAllocator, Label, (numItems - 1));
Label lastTryFixup = 0;
int item = 0;
for (AltNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail, item++)
if (item > 0)
// Fixup previous Try
compiler.DoFixup(lastTryFixup, compiler.CurrentLabel());
CharCount itemSkipped = 0;
if (item < numItems-1)
// HEURISTIC: if the first set of the alternative is exact or small, and the
// alternative does not match empty, then it's probably worth using
// a Try(If|Match)(Char|Set)
if (curr->head->firstSet != 0 &&
!curr->head->thisConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty() &&
(curr->head->isFirstExact || curr->head->firstSet->Count() <= maxCharsForConditionalTry))
if (curr->head->SupportsPrefixSkipping(compiler))
if (curr->head->firstSet->IsSingleton())
lastTryFixup = compiler.GetFixup(&EMIT(compiler, TryMatchCharInst, curr->head->firstSet->Singleton())->failLabel);
TryMatchSetInst* const i = EMIT(compiler, TryMatchSetInst);
i->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *curr->head->firstSet);
lastTryFixup = compiler.GetFixup(&i->failLabel);
itemSkipped = 1;
if (curr->head->firstSet->IsSingleton())
lastTryFixup = compiler.GetFixup(&EMIT(compiler, TryIfCharInst, curr->head->firstSet->Singleton())->failLabel);
TryIfSetInst* const i = EMIT(compiler, TryIfSetInst);
i->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *curr->head->firstSet);
lastTryFixup = compiler.GetFixup(&i->failLabel);
lastTryFixup = compiler.GetFixup(&EMIT(compiler, TryInst)->failLabel);
curr->head->Emit(compiler, itemSkipped);
if (item < numItems-1)
jumpFixups[item] = compiler.GetFixup(&EMIT(compiler, JumpInst)->targetLabel);
// Fixup jumps
for (item = 0; item < numItems-1; item++)
compiler.DoFixup(jumpFixups[item], compiler.CurrentLabel());
case None:
// Nothing to emit
case Trie:
// Compilation scheme:
// MatchTrie <trie>
EMIT(compiler, MatchTrieInst)->trie = *runtimeTrie;
case Switch:
// Compilation scheme:
// Switch(AndConsume)?(2|4|8|16|24)(<dispatch to each arm>)
// Fail (if non-optional)
// Jump Lexit (if optional)
// L1: <item1>
// Jump Lexit
// L2: <item2>
// Jump Lexit
// L3: <item3>
// Lexit:
Assert(switchSize <= Switch24Inst::MaxCases);
int numItems = 0;
bool allCanSkip = true;
for (AltNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
if (curr->head->thisConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty())
if (!curr->head->SupportsPrefixSkipping(compiler))
allCanSkip = false;
Assert(numItems > 1);
// Each item other than last needs to jump to exit on success
Label* jumpFixups = AnewArray(compiler.ctAllocator, Label, (numItems - 1));
// We must remember where each item begins to fixup switch
Label* caseLabels = AnewArray(compiler.ctAllocator, Label, numItems);
// We must fixup the switch arms
Label switchLabel = compiler.CurrentLabel();
Assert(switchSize <= Switch24Inst::MaxCases);
if (allCanSkip)
if (switchSize <= Switch2Inst::MaxCases)
EMIT(compiler, SwitchAndConsume2Inst);
else if (switchSize <= Switch4Inst::MaxCases)
EMIT(compiler, SwitchAndConsume4Inst);
else if (switchSize <= Switch8Inst::MaxCases)
EMIT(compiler, SwitchAndConsume8Inst);
else if (switchSize <= Switch16Inst::MaxCases)
EMIT(compiler, SwitchAndConsume16Inst);
else if (switchSize <= Switch24Inst::MaxCases)
EMIT(compiler, SwitchAndConsume24Inst);
AssertOrFailFastMsg(false, "It should not be possible to reach here. This implies that we entered the Switch layout with greater than the max allowable cases.");
if (switchSize <= Switch2Inst::MaxCases)
EMIT(compiler, Switch2Inst);
else if (switchSize <= Switch4Inst::MaxCases)
EMIT(compiler, Switch4Inst);
else if (switchSize <= Switch8Inst::MaxCases)
EMIT(compiler, Switch8Inst);
else if (switchSize <= Switch16Inst::MaxCases)
EMIT(compiler, Switch16Inst);
else if (switchSize <= Switch24Inst::MaxCases)
EMIT(compiler, Switch24Inst);
AssertOrFailFastMsg(false, "It should not be possible to reach here. This implies that we entered the Switch layout with greater than the max allowable cases.");
Label defaultJumpFixup = 0;
if (isOptional)
// Must fixup default jump to exit
defaultJumpFixup = compiler.GetFixup(&EMIT(compiler, JumpInst)->targetLabel);
// Emit each item
int item = 0;
for (AltNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
if (!curr->head->thisConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty())
if (allCanSkip)
skipped = 1;
caseLabels[item] = compiler.CurrentLabel();
curr->head->Emit(compiler, skipped);
if (item < numItems - 1)
jumpFixups[item] = compiler.GetFixup(&EMIT(compiler, JumpInst)->targetLabel);
// Fixup exit labels
if (isOptional)
compiler.DoFixup(defaultJumpFixup, compiler.CurrentLabel());
for (item = 0; item < numItems - 1; item++)
compiler.DoFixup(jumpFixups[item], compiler.CurrentLabel());
// Fixup the switch entries
item = 0;
for (AltNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
if (!curr->head->thisConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty())
Char entries[CharSet<Char>::MaxCompact];
int count = curr->head->firstSet->GetCompactEntries(CharSet<Char>::MaxCompact, entries);
Assert(count > 0);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (allCanSkip)
if (switchSize <= Switch2Inst::MaxCases)
compiler.L2I(SwitchAndConsume2, switchLabel)->AddCase(entries[i], caseLabels[item]);
else if (switchSize <= Switch4Inst::MaxCases)
compiler.L2I(SwitchAndConsume4, switchLabel)->AddCase(entries[i], caseLabels[item]);
else if (switchSize <= Switch8Inst::MaxCases)
compiler.L2I(SwitchAndConsume8, switchLabel)->AddCase(entries[i], caseLabels[item]);
else if (switchSize <= Switch16Inst::MaxCases)
compiler.L2I(SwitchAndConsume16, switchLabel)->AddCase(entries[i], caseLabels[item]);
else if (switchSize <= Switch24Inst::MaxCases)
compiler.L2I(SwitchAndConsume24, switchLabel)->AddCase(entries[i], caseLabels[item]);
if (switchSize <= Switch2Inst::MaxCases)
compiler.L2I(Switch2, switchLabel)->AddCase(entries[i], caseLabels[item]);
else if (switchSize <= Switch4Inst::MaxCases)
compiler.L2I(Switch4, switchLabel)->AddCase(entries[i], caseLabels[item]);
else if (switchSize <= Switch8Inst::MaxCases)
compiler.L2I(Switch8, switchLabel)->AddCase(entries[i], caseLabels[item]);
else if (switchSize <= Switch16Inst::MaxCases)
compiler.L2I(Switch16, switchLabel)->AddCase(entries[i], caseLabels[item]);
else if (switchSize <= Switch24Inst::MaxCases)
compiler.L2I(Switch24, switchLabel)->AddCase(entries[i], caseLabels[item]);
case Chain:
// Compilation scheme:
// JumpIfNot(Char|Set) L2
// <item1>
// Jump Lexit
// L2: JumpIfNot(Char|Set) L3
// <item2>
// Jump Lexit
// L3: <item3> (if non-optional)
// L3: JumpIfNot(Char|Set) Lexit (if optional)
// <item3> (if optional)
// Lexit:
int numItems = 0;
for (AltNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
if (curr->head->thisConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty())
Assert(numItems > 0);
// Each item other than last needs to jump to exit on success
Label* jumpFixups = AnewArray(compiler.ctAllocator, Label, (numItems - 1));
Label lastJumpFixup = 0;
int item = 0;
for (AltNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
if (!curr->head->thisConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty())
if (item > 0)
// Fixup previous Jump
compiler.DoFixup(lastJumpFixup, compiler.CurrentLabel());
CharCount itemSkipped = 0;
if (item < numItems-1 || isOptional)
if (curr->head->firstSet->IsSingleton())
if (curr->head->SupportsPrefixSkipping(compiler))
lastJumpFixup = compiler.GetFixup(&EMIT(compiler, MatchCharOrJumpInst, curr->head->firstSet->Singleton())->targetLabel);
itemSkipped = 1;
lastJumpFixup = compiler.GetFixup(&EMIT(compiler, JumpIfNotCharInst, curr->head->firstSet->Singleton())->targetLabel);
if (curr->head->SupportsPrefixSkipping(compiler))
MatchSetOrJumpInst* const i = EMIT(compiler, MatchSetOrJumpInst);
i->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *curr->head->firstSet);
lastJumpFixup = compiler.GetFixup(&i->targetLabel);
itemSkipped = 1;
JumpIfNotSetInst* const i = EMIT(compiler, JumpIfNotSetInst);
i->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *curr->head->firstSet);
lastJumpFixup = compiler.GetFixup(&i->targetLabel);
curr->head->Emit(compiler, itemSkipped);
if (item < numItems-1)
jumpFixups[item] = compiler.GetFixup(&EMIT(compiler, JumpInst)->targetLabel);
// Fixup jumps to exit
for (item = 0; item < numItems-1; item++)
compiler.DoFixup(jumpFixups[item], compiler.CurrentLabel());
if (isOptional)
// Fixup last Jump to exit
compiler.DoFixup(lastJumpFixup, compiler.CurrentLabel());
case Set:
// Compilation scheme:
// Match(Char|Set) (non optional)
// OptMatch(Char|Set) (optional)
if (isOptional)
if (firstSet->IsSingleton())
EMIT(compiler, OptMatchCharInst, firstSet->Singleton());
EMIT(compiler, OptMatchSetInst)->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *firstSet);
if (firstSet->IsSingleton())
EMIT(compiler, MatchCharInst, firstSet->Singleton());
EMIT(compiler, MatchSetInst<false>)->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *firstSet);
CharCount AltNode::EmitScan(Compiler& compiler, bool isHeadSyncronizingNode)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
// Compilation scheme:
// SyncToLiteralsAndBackup
SyncToLiteralsAndBackupInst* i =
CollectSyncronizingLiterals(compiler, *i);
return 0;
bool AltNode::IsOctoquad(Compiler& compiler, OctoquadIdentifier* oi)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
if (tail == 0 || tail->tail != 0)
// Must be exactly two alts
return false;
for (AltNode* curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
if (!oi->BeginConcat())
return false;
if (!curr->head->IsOctoquad(compiler, oi))
return false;
return true;
bool AltNode::IsCharTrieArm(Compiler& compiler, uint& accNumAlts) const
return false;
bool AltNode::BuildCharTrie(Compiler& compiler, CharTrie* trie, Node* cont, bool isAcceptFirst) const
return false;
void AltNode::Print(DebugWriter* w, const Char* litbuf) const
for (const AltNode *curr = this; curr != 0; curr = curr->tail)
curr->head->Print(w, litbuf);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// DefineGroupNode
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CharCount DefineGroupNode::LiteralLength() const
return 0;
bool DefineGroupNode::IsCharOrPositiveSet() const
return false;
CharCount DefineGroupNode::TransferPass0(Compiler& compiler, const Char* litbuf)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
Assert(groupId > 0 && groupId < compiler.program->numGroups);
return body->TransferPass0(compiler, litbuf);
void DefineGroupNode::TransferPass1(Compiler& compiler, const Char* litbuf)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
body->TransferPass1(compiler, litbuf);
bool DefineGroupNode::IsRefiningAssertion(Compiler& compiler)
return false;
void DefineGroupNode::AnnotatePass0(Compiler& compiler)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
isWord = body->isWord;
void DefineGroupNode::AnnotatePass1(Compiler& compiler, bool parentNotInLoop, bool parentAtLeastOnce, bool parentNotSpeculative, bool parentNotNegated)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
features = HasDefineGroup;
body->AnnotatePass1(compiler, parentNotInLoop, parentAtLeastOnce, parentNotSpeculative, parentNotNegated);
features |= body->features;
thisConsumes = body->thisConsumes;
firstSet = body->firstSet;
isFirstExact = body->isFirstExact;
isThisIrrefutable = body->isThisIrrefutable;
isThisWillNotProgress = body->isThisWillNotProgress;
isThisWillNotRegress = body->isThisWillNotRegress;
isNotInLoop = parentNotInLoop;
isAtLeastOnce = parentAtLeastOnce;
isNotSpeculative = parentNotSpeculative;
isNotNegated = parentNotNegated;
void DefineGroupNode::AnnotatePass2(Compiler& compiler, CountDomain accumConsumes, bool accumPrevWillNotProgress, bool accumPrevWillNotRegress)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
prevConsumes = accumConsumes;
isPrevWillNotProgress = accumPrevWillNotProgress;
isPrevWillNotRegress = accumPrevWillNotRegress;
body->AnnotatePass2(compiler, accumConsumes, accumPrevWillNotProgress, accumPrevWillNotRegress);
void DefineGroupNode::AnnotatePass3(Compiler& compiler, CountDomain accumConsumes, CharSet<Char>* accumFollow, bool accumFollowIrrefutable, bool accumFollowEOL)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
followConsumes = accumConsumes;
followSet = accumFollow;
isFollowIrrefutable = accumFollowIrrefutable;
isFollowEOL = accumFollowEOL;
body->AnnotatePass3(compiler, accumConsumes, accumFollow, accumFollowIrrefutable, accumFollowEOL);
hasInitialHardFailBOI = body->hasInitialHardFailBOI;
void DefineGroupNode::AnnotatePass4(Compiler& compiler)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
isDeterministic = body->isDeterministic;
// If the follow is irrefutable and we're not in an assertion, then we are not going to backtrack beyond this point, so
// we don't need to save the group before updating it
noNeedToSave = isFollowIrrefutable && isNotSpeculative;
// Compilation scheme: Chomp
// Body consists of a loop node with a Chomp compilation scheme.
if(body->tag == NodeTag::Loop)
const LoopNode *const loop = static_cast<const LoopNode *>(body);
if(loop->scheme == LoopNode::CompilationScheme::Chomp && loop->repeats.lower <= 1 && loop->repeats.IsUnbounded())
// **COMMIT**
scheme = Chomp;
// Compilation scheme: Fixed
// Body has fixed width, so don't need a Begin instruction to keep track of the input start offset of the group.
if (body->thisConsumes.IsFixed())
// **COMMIT**
scheme = Fixed;
// Compilation scheme: BeginEnd
// If both the body and the follow are irrefutable, we're not in any loops, and we're not in an assertion,
// then we don't need to save the group before updating it.
// **COMMIT**
scheme = BeginEnd;
bool DefineGroupNode::SupportsPrefixSkipping(Compiler& compiler) const
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
if (scheme != Fixed)
// We can't skip over part of the match if the BeginDefineGroup must capture it's start
return false;
return body->SupportsPrefixSkipping(compiler);
Node* DefineGroupNode::HeadSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
if (scheme != Fixed)
// Can't skip BeginDefineGroup
return 0;
return body->HeadSyncronizingNode(compiler);
CharCount DefineGroupNode::MinSyncronizingLiteralLength(Compiler& compiler, int& numLiterals) const
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
return body->MinSyncronizingLiteralLength(compiler, numLiterals);
void DefineGroupNode::CollectSyncronizingLiterals(Compiler& compiler, ScannersMixin& scanners) const
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
body->CollectSyncronizingLiterals(compiler, scanners);
void DefineGroupNode::BestSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler, Node*& bestNode)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
body->BestSyncronizingNode(compiler, bestNode);
void DefineGroupNode::AccumDefineGroups(Js::ScriptContext* scriptContext, int& minGroup, int& maxGroup)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
if (groupId < minGroup)
minGroup = groupId;
if (groupId > maxGroup)
maxGroup = groupId;
body->AccumDefineGroups(scriptContext, minGroup, maxGroup);
void DefineGroupNode::Emit(Compiler& compiler, CharCount& skipped)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
switch (scheme)
case Chomp:
// Compilation scheme:
// Chomp(Char|Set)Group
Assert(body->tag == NodeTag::Loop);
const LoopNode *const loop = static_cast<const LoopNode *>(body);
const CharSet<Char> *const loopBodyFirstSet = loop->body->firstSet;
const CountDomain &repeats = loop->repeats;
Assert(repeats.lower <= 1 && repeats.IsUnbounded());
const Char c = loopBodyFirstSet->Singleton();
if(repeats.lower == 0)
EMIT(compiler, ChompCharGroupInst<ChompMode::Star>, c, groupId, noNeedToSave);
EMIT(compiler, ChompCharGroupInst<ChompMode::Plus>, c, groupId, noNeedToSave);
Assert(repeats.lower <= 1 && repeats.IsUnbounded());
RuntimeCharSet<Char> *runtimeSet;
if(repeats.lower == 0)
runtimeSet = &EMIT(compiler, ChompSetGroupInst<ChompMode::Star>, groupId, noNeedToSave)->set;
runtimeSet = &EMIT(compiler, ChompSetGroupInst<ChompMode::Plus>, groupId, noNeedToSave)->set;
runtimeSet->CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *loopBodyFirstSet);
case Fixed:
// Compilation scheme:
// <body>
// DefineGroup
body->Emit(compiler, skipped);
EMIT(compiler, DefineGroupFixedInst, groupId, body->thisConsumes.lower, noNeedToSave);
case BeginEnd:
// Compilation scheme:
// BeginDefineGroup
// <body>
// EndDefineGroup
Assert(skipped == 0);
EMIT(compiler, BeginDefineGroupInst, groupId);
body->Emit(compiler, skipped);
EMIT(compiler, EndDefineGroupInst, groupId, noNeedToSave);
CharCount DefineGroupNode::EmitScan(Compiler& compiler, bool isHeadSyncronizingNode)
return 0;
bool DefineGroupNode::IsOctoquad(Compiler& compiler, OctoquadIdentifier* oi)
return false;
bool DefineGroupNode::IsCharTrieArm(Compiler& compiler, uint& accNumAlts) const
return false;
bool DefineGroupNode::BuildCharTrie(Compiler& compiler, CharTrie* trie, Node* cont, bool isAcceptFirst) const
return false;
void DefineGroupNode::Print(DebugWriter* w, const Char* litbuf) const
w->PrintEOL(_u("DefineGroup(%d)"), groupId);
body->Print(w, litbuf);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MatchGroupNode
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CharCount MatchGroupNode::LiteralLength() const
return 0;
bool MatchGroupNode::IsCharOrPositiveSet() const
return false;
CharCount MatchGroupNode::TransferPass0(Compiler& compiler, const Char* litbuf)
Assert(groupId > 0 && groupId < compiler.program->numGroups);
return 0;
void MatchGroupNode::TransferPass1(Compiler& compiler, const Char* litbuf)
bool MatchGroupNode::IsRefiningAssertion(Compiler& compiler)
return false;
void MatchGroupNode::AnnotatePass0(Compiler& compiler)
isWord = false;
void MatchGroupNode::AnnotatePass1(Compiler& compiler, bool parentNotInLoop, bool parentAtLeastOnce, bool parentNotSpeculative, bool parentNotNegated)
features = HasMatchGroup;
thisConsumes.lower = 0;
thisConsumes.upper = CharCountFlag;
firstSet = compiler.standardChars->GetFullSet();
isFirstExact = false;
isThisIrrefutable = false;
isThisWillNotProgress = true;
isThisWillNotRegress = true;
isNotInLoop = parentNotInLoop;
isAtLeastOnce = parentAtLeastOnce;
isNotSpeculative = parentNotSpeculative;
isNotNegated = parentNotNegated;
void MatchGroupNode::AnnotatePass2(Compiler& compiler, CountDomain accumConsumes, bool accumPrevWillNotProgress, bool accumPrevWillNotRegress)
prevConsumes = accumConsumes;
isPrevWillNotProgress = accumPrevWillNotProgress;
isPrevWillNotRegress = accumPrevWillNotRegress;
void MatchGroupNode::AnnotatePass3(Compiler& compiler, CountDomain accumConsumes, CharSet<Char>* accumFollow, bool accumFollowIrrefutable, bool accumFollowEOL)
followConsumes = accumConsumes;
followSet = accumFollow;
isFollowIrrefutable = accumFollowIrrefutable;
isFollowEOL = accumFollowEOL;
void MatchGroupNode::AnnotatePass4(Compiler& compiler)
isDeterministic = true;
bool MatchGroupNode::SupportsPrefixSkipping(Compiler& compiler) const
return false;
Node* MatchGroupNode::HeadSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler)
return 0;
CharCount MatchGroupNode::MinSyncronizingLiteralLength(Compiler& compiler, int& numLiterals) const
return 0;
void MatchGroupNode::CollectSyncronizingLiterals(Compiler& compiler, ScannersMixin& scanners) const
void MatchGroupNode::BestSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler, Node*& bestNode)
void MatchGroupNode::AccumDefineGroups(Js::ScriptContext* scriptContext, int& minGroup, int& maxGroup)
void MatchGroupNode::Emit(Compiler& compiler, CharCount& skipped)
Assert(skipped == 0);
// Compilation scheme:
// MatchGroup
EMIT(compiler, MatchGroupInst, groupId);
CharCount MatchGroupNode::EmitScan(Compiler& compiler, bool isHeadSyncronizingNode)
return 0;
bool MatchGroupNode::IsOctoquad(Compiler& compiler, OctoquadIdentifier* oi)
return false;
bool MatchGroupNode::IsCharTrieArm(Compiler& compiler, uint& accNumAlts) const
return false;
bool MatchGroupNode::BuildCharTrie(Compiler& compiler, CharTrie* trie, Node* cont, bool isAcceptFirst) const
return false;
void MatchGroupNode::Print(DebugWriter* w, const Char* litbuf) const
w->PrintEOL(_u("MatchGroup(%d)"), groupId);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// LoopNode
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CharCount LoopNode::LiteralLength() const
return 0;
bool LoopNode::IsCharOrPositiveSet() const
return false;
CharCount LoopNode::TransferPass0(Compiler& compiler, const Char* litbuf)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
Assert(repeats.upper == CharCountFlag || repeats.upper > 0);
Assert(repeats.upper == CharCountFlag || repeats.upper >= repeats.lower);
Assert(!(repeats.lower == 1 && repeats.upper == 1));
return body->TransferPass0(compiler, litbuf);
void LoopNode::TransferPass1(Compiler& compiler, const Char* litbuf)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
body->TransferPass1(compiler, litbuf);
bool LoopNode::IsRefiningAssertion(Compiler& compiler)
return false;
void LoopNode::AnnotatePass0(Compiler& compiler)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
isWord = !repeats.CouldMatchEmpty() && body->isWord;
void LoopNode::AnnotatePass1(Compiler& compiler, bool parentNotInLoop, bool parentAtLeastOnce, bool parentNotSpeculative, bool parentNotNegated)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
features = HasLoop;
isNotInLoop = parentNotInLoop;
isAtLeastOnce = parentAtLeastOnce;
isNotSpeculative = parentNotSpeculative;
isNotNegated = parentNotNegated;
body->AnnotatePass1(compiler, false, parentAtLeastOnce && repeats.lower > 0, parentNotSpeculative, isNotNegated);
features |= body->features;
thisConsumes = body->thisConsumes;
firstSet = body->firstSet;
isFirstExact = repeats.lower > 0 && body->isFirstExact;
isThisIrrefutable = repeats.CouldMatchEmpty() || body->isThisIrrefutable;
// Caution: Even if a greedy loop has a 'isThisWillNotProgress' body, if the body has choicepoints then
// a backtrack could resume execution at an earlier loop iteration, which may then continue to repeat
// the loop beyond the input offset which triggered the backtrack. Ideally we'd use the body's isDeterministic
// flag to tell us when that can't happen, but it's not available till pass 4, so we must make do with
// a simple-minded structural approximation.
isThisWillNotProgress = (isGreedy || repeats.IsExact(1)) && body->isThisWillNotProgress && body->IsObviouslyDeterministic();
isThisWillNotRegress = (!isGreedy || repeats.IsExact(1)) && body->isThisWillNotRegress && body->IsObviouslyDeterministic();
void LoopNode::AnnotatePass2(Compiler& compiler, CountDomain accumConsumes, bool accumPrevWillNotProgress, bool accumPrevWillNotRegress)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
prevConsumes = accumConsumes;
isPrevWillNotProgress = accumPrevWillNotProgress;
isPrevWillNotRegress = accumPrevWillNotRegress;
// May have already gone through loop when starting body
CountDomain bodyConsumes = body->thisConsumes;
CharCountOrFlag prevMax = repeats.upper;
if (prevMax != CharCountFlag)
CountDomain prevLoops(0, prevMax);
body->AnnotatePass2(compiler, accumConsumes, accumPrevWillNotProgress && isThisWillNotProgress, accumPrevWillNotRegress && isThisWillNotRegress);
void LoopNode::AnnotatePass3(Compiler& compiler, CountDomain accumConsumes, CharSet<Char>* accumFollow, bool accumFollowIrrefutable, bool accumFollowEOL)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
followConsumes = accumConsumes;
followSet = accumFollow;
isFollowIrrefutable = accumFollowIrrefutable;
isFollowEOL = accumFollowEOL;
// May go through loop again when leaving body
CountDomain bodyConsumes = body->thisConsumes;
CharCountOrFlag nextMax = repeats.upper;
if (nextMax != CharCountFlag)
CountDomain nextLoops(0, nextMax);
CharSet<Char>* innerFollow = Anew(compiler.ctAllocator, UnicodeCharSet);
innerFollow->UnionInPlace(compiler.ctAllocator, *accumFollow);
innerFollow->UnionInPlace(compiler.ctAllocator, *body->firstSet);
if (followSet->IsSingleton())
followFirst = followSet->GetCompactChar(0);
All of the following must be true for the loop body's follow to be irrefutable:
The loop's follow is irrefutable.
The loop can complete the required minimum number of iterations of the body without backtracking into a completed
iteration of the body.
- If repeats.lower == 0, the required minimum number of iterations is met without executing the body
- If repeats.lower == 1
- If the first iteration of the body fails, there is no previous iteration of the body to backtrack into
- After completing the first iteration of the body, the loop cannot reject the first iteration for not
making progress because the iteration is required for the loop to succeed
- If repeats.lower >= 2
- If the second iteration of the body fails, it will backtrack into the first iteration of the body
- To prevent this, the body must be irrefutable
After completing the required minimum number of iterations of the body, the loop cannot reject a subsequent
completed iteration of the body for not making progress.
- If !isGreedy || repeats.IsFixed(), there will not be any more iterations of the body, as it will proceed to
the irrefutable follow
- If !body->thisConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty(), subsequent iterations of the body cannot complete without making
const bool isBodyFollowIrrefutable =
accumFollowIrrefutable &&
(repeats.lower <= 1 || body->isThisIrrefutable) &&
(!isGreedy || !body->thisConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty() || repeats.IsFixed());
body->AnnotatePass3(compiler, accumConsumes, innerFollow, isBodyFollowIrrefutable, false);
hasInitialHardFailBOI = body->hasInitialHardFailBOI;
void LoopNode::AnnotatePass4(Compiler& compiler)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
isDeterministic = body->isDeterministic;
// Loops can be defined by unfolding:
// r* === (rr*|)
// r*? === (|rr*?)
// Thus many of the optimizations for alternatives carry over to loops.
// Compilation scheme: None
// If overall loop is empty-only then emit nothing.
// (Parser has already eliminated loops with upper == 0, so this can only happen if the body is empty-only)
// If loop is non-greedy with lower 0 and follow is irrefutable, then loop body will never be executed
// no emit nothing.
if (body->IsEmptyOnly() ||
(!isGreedy && repeats.lower == 0 && isFollowIrrefutable))
// **COMMIT**
scheme = None;
// Compilation scheme: Chain/Try
// If loop is greedy, with lower 0 and upper 1, then we'd like to treat it as body|<empty> so as to avoid all the loop
// overhead. However, if the body could match empty, then a match against empty must be treated as an 'iteration' of the
// loop body which made no progress. So we treat as a general loop in that case. Otherwise, we may inline two of
// AltNode's compilation schemes:
// Examples:
// - /(a*)?/.exec("") must leave group 1 undefined rather than empty.
// - /(?:a||b)?/.exec("b") chooses the empty alt, then must backtrack due to no progress, and match 'b'.
// This is not the same as /a||b|/, as picking the first empty alt would result in success.
// (cf AltNode's None/Switch/Chain/Set, isOptional compilation scheme)
// If body cannot match empty, follow cannot match empty, and the body FIRST set is disjoint from the FOLLOW
// set, then we can commit to the body using a 1 char lookahead.
// If body cannot match empty, and follow is irrefutable, then we can commit to the body using a 1 char
// lookahead provided:
// ** the body can't fail if given an arbitrary input starting with a character in its FIRST set **
// (cf AltNode's Try compilation scheme)
// Otherwise, protect body by a Try instruction.
if (isGreedy && repeats.lower == 0 && repeats.upper == 1 && !body->thisConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty())
// **COMMIT**
// Note that the FIRST of the loop is already the union of the body FIRST and the loop FOLLOW
if (!body->thisConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty() &&
((!followConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty() && firstSet->Count() == body->firstSet->Count() + followSet->Count()) ||
(isFollowIrrefutable && body->IsSimpleOneChar())))
if (body->IsSimpleOneChar())
scheme = Set;
scheme = Chain;
scheme = Try;
isDeterministic = false; // NON-DETERMINISTIC
// Compilation scheme: Chomp/ChompGroupLastChar
// If the body is a simple-one-char, or a group of a simple-one-char, and either:
// - follow is non-empty and FIRST and FOLLOW are disjoint
// - loop is greedy and follow is irrefutable
// - follow is EOL
// then consume up to upper number of characters in FIRST and fail if number consumed is not >= lower.
if (body->IsSimpleOneChar() || (body->tag == DefineGroup && ((DefineGroupNode*)body)->body->IsSimpleOneChar()))
if (!followConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty())
CharSet<Char> unionSet;
CharCount totalChars = 0;
unionSet.UnionInPlace(compiler.ctAllocator, *body->firstSet);
totalChars += body->firstSet->Count();
unionSet.UnionInPlace(compiler.ctAllocator, *followSet);
totalChars += followSet->Count();
if (totalChars == unionSet.Count())
// **COMMIT**
if (body->tag == DefineGroup)
noNeedToSave = isFollowIrrefutable && isNotInLoop && isNotSpeculative;
scheme = ChompGroupLastChar;
scheme = Chomp;
if ((isGreedy && isFollowIrrefutable) || isFollowEOL)
// **COMMIT**
if (body->tag == DefineGroup)
noNeedToSave = isFollowIrrefutable && isNotInLoop && isNotSpeculative;
scheme = ChompGroupLastChar;
scheme = Chomp;
// Compilation scheme: Guarded
// If body cannot match empty, follow cannot match empty, and FIRST of body and FOLLOW are
// disjoint then can use 1 char lookahead to decide whether to commit to another loop body.
// (If the loop body fails then we know the follow will fail even with one more/fewer iterations of the
// loop body, so we can let that failure propagate without needing to push choicepoints.)
if (!body->thisConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty() && !followConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty())
CharSet<Char> unionSet;
CharCount totalChars = 0;
unionSet.UnionInPlace(compiler.ctAllocator, *body->firstSet);
totalChars += body->firstSet->Count();
unionSet.UnionInPlace(compiler.ctAllocator, *followSet);
totalChars += followSet->Count();
if (totalChars == unionSet.Count())
// **COMMIT**
scheme = Guarded;
// Compilation scheme: Fixed/FixedSet/FixedGroupLastIteration
// If loop is greedy, body is deterministic, non-zero fixed width, and either does not define any groups
// or has one outermost group, then we can keep track of the backtracking information in constant space.
// If body does have an outer group, we can avoid saving the existing group contents if the follow
// is irrefutable, we're not in an outer loop, and we're not in an assertion.
if (isGreedy && body->isDeterministic && !body->thisConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty() && body->thisConsumes.IsFixed())
if (body->tag == DefineGroup)
DefineGroupNode* bodyGroup = (DefineGroupNode*)body;
if (!bodyGroup->body->ContainsDefineGroup())
// **COMMIT**
scheme = FixedGroupLastIteration;
noNeedToSave = isFollowIrrefutable && isNotInLoop && isNotSpeculative;
isDeterministic = false; // NON-DETERMINISTIC;
else if (body->IsSimpleOneChar())
// **COMMIT**
scheme = FixedSet;
isDeterministic = false; // NON-DETERMINISTIC
else if (!body->ContainsDefineGroup())
// **COMMIT**
scheme = Fixed;
isDeterministic = false; // NON-DETERMINISTIC
// Compilation scheme: GreedyNoBacktrack
// If loop is greedy with lower == 0 and upper == inf, the loop body is deterministic and does not define
// groups, and follow is irrefutable, then we will never have to try fewer iterations of the loop once
// entering the follow. Thus we only need one continuation record on the stack to protect against failure
// for each attempt at the loop body.
if (isGreedy && repeats.lower == 0 && repeats.upper == CharCountFlag && body->isDeterministic && !body->ContainsDefineGroup() && isFollowIrrefutable)
// **COMMIT**
scheme = GreedyNoBacktrack;
// Compilation scheme: BeginEnd
scheme = BeginEnd;
isDeterministic = false; // NON-DETERMINISTIC
bool LoopNode::SupportsPrefixSkipping(Compiler& compiler) const
return false;
Node* LoopNode::HeadSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler)
return 0;
CharCount LoopNode::MinSyncronizingLiteralLength(Compiler& compiler, int& numLiterals) const
return 0;
void LoopNode::CollectSyncronizingLiterals(Compiler& compiler, ScannersMixin& scanners) const
void LoopNode::BestSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler, Node*& bestNode)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
if (repeats.lower > 0)
body->BestSyncronizingNode(compiler, bestNode);
// else: can't be sure loop will be taken
void LoopNode::AccumDefineGroups(Js::ScriptContext* scriptContext, int& minGroup, int& maxGroup)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
body->AccumDefineGroups(scriptContext, minGroup, maxGroup);
void LoopNode::Emit(Compiler& compiler, CharCount& skipped)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
Assert(skipped == 0);
switch (scheme)
case BeginEnd:
// Compilation scheme:
// Lloop: BeginLoop Lexit
// <loop body>
// RepeatLoop Lloop
// Lexit:
int minBodyGroupId = compiler.program->numGroups;
int maxBodyGroupId = -1;
body->AccumDefineGroups(compiler.scriptContext, minBodyGroupId, maxBodyGroupId);
Label beginLabel = compiler.CurrentLabel();
Label fixup = compiler.GetFixup(&EMIT(compiler, BeginLoopInst, compiler.NextLoopId(), repeats, !isNotInLoop, !body->isDeterministic, minBodyGroupId, maxBodyGroupId, isGreedy)->exitLabel);
body->Emit(compiler, skipped);
EMIT(compiler, RepeatLoopInst, beginLabel);
compiler.DoFixup(fixup, compiler.CurrentLabel());
case None:
// Nothing to emit
case Chomp:
// Compilation scheme:
// Chomp(Char|Set)(Star|Plus|Bounded)
if(repeats.lower <= 1 && repeats.IsUnbounded())
if(repeats.lower == 0)
EMIT(compiler, ChompCharInst<ChompMode::Star>, body->firstSet->Singleton());
EMIT(compiler, ChompCharInst<ChompMode::Plus>, body->firstSet->Singleton());
EMIT(compiler, ChompCharBoundedInst, body->firstSet->Singleton(), repeats);
if(repeats.lower <= 1 && repeats.IsUnbounded())
if(repeats.lower == 0)
EMIT(compiler, ChompSetInst<ChompMode::Star>)->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *body->firstSet);
EMIT(compiler, ChompSetInst<ChompMode::Plus>)->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *body->firstSet);
EMIT(compiler, ChompSetBoundedInst, repeats)->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *body->firstSet);
case ChompGroupLastChar:
// Compilation scheme:
// ChompSetGroup
Assert(body->tag == DefineGroup);
DefineGroupNode* bodyGroup = (DefineGroupNode*)body;
EMIT(compiler, ChompSetBoundedGroupLastCharInst, repeats, bodyGroup->groupId, noNeedToSave)->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *body->firstSet);
case Guarded:
// Compilation scheme:
// Lloop: BeginLoopIf(Char|Set) Lexit
// <loop body>
// RepeatLoopIf(Char|Set) Lloop
// Lexit:
int minBodyGroupId = compiler.program->numGroups;
int maxBodyGroupId = -1;
body->AccumDefineGroups(compiler.scriptContext, minBodyGroupId, maxBodyGroupId);
Label beginLabel = compiler.CurrentLabel();
Label exitFixup;
if (body->firstSet->IsSingleton())
exitFixup = compiler.GetFixup(&EMIT(compiler, BeginLoopIfCharInst, body->firstSet->Singleton(), compiler.NextLoopId(), repeats, !isNotInLoop, !body->isDeterministic, minBodyGroupId, maxBodyGroupId)->exitLabel);
BeginLoopIfSetInst* i = EMIT(compiler, BeginLoopIfSetInst, compiler.NextLoopId(), repeats, !isNotInLoop, !body->isDeterministic, minBodyGroupId, maxBodyGroupId);
i->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *body->firstSet);
exitFixup = compiler.GetFixup(&i->exitLabel);
body->Emit(compiler, skipped);
if (body->firstSet->IsSingleton())
EMIT(compiler, RepeatLoopIfCharInst, beginLabel);
EMIT(compiler, RepeatLoopIfSetInst, beginLabel);
compiler.DoFixup(exitFixup, compiler.CurrentLabel());
case Fixed:
// Compilation scheme:
// Lloop: BeginLoopFixed Lexit
// <loop body>
// RepeatLoopFixed Lloop
// Lexit:
Assert(body->thisConsumes.lower > 0);
Label beginLabel = compiler.CurrentLabel();
Label fixup = compiler.GetFixup(&EMIT(compiler, BeginLoopFixedInst, compiler.NextLoopId(), repeats, !isNotInLoop, body->thisConsumes.lower)->exitLabel);
body->Emit(compiler, skipped);
EMIT(compiler, RepeatLoopFixedInst, beginLabel);
compiler.DoFixup(fixup, compiler.CurrentLabel());
case FixedSet:
// Compilation scheme:
// LoopSet
if (followFirst == MaxChar || PHASE_OFF1(Js::RegexOptBTPhase))
EMIT(compiler, LoopSetInst, compiler.NextLoopId(), repeats, !isNotInLoop)->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *body->firstSet);
EMIT(compiler, LoopSetWithFollowFirstInst, compiler.NextLoopId(), repeats, !isNotInLoop, followFirst)->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *body->firstSet);
case FixedGroupLastIteration:
// Compilation scheme:
// Lloop: BeginLoopFixedGroupLastIteration Lexit
// <loop body>
// RepeatLoopFixedGroupLastIteration Lloop
// Lexit:
Assert(body->tag == DefineGroup);
DefineGroupNode* bodyGroup = (DefineGroupNode*)body;
Assert(body->thisConsumes.lower > 0);
Label beginLabel = compiler.CurrentLabel();
Label fixup = compiler.GetFixup(&EMIT(compiler, BeginLoopFixedGroupLastIterationInst, compiler.NextLoopId(), repeats, !isNotInLoop, body->thisConsumes.lower, bodyGroup->groupId, noNeedToSave)->exitLabel);
bodyGroup->body->Emit(compiler, skipped);
EMIT(compiler, RepeatLoopFixedGroupLastIterationInst, beginLabel);
compiler.DoFixup(fixup, compiler.CurrentLabel());
case GreedyNoBacktrack:
// Compilation scheme:
// Lloop: BeginGreedyLoopNoBacktrack Lexit
// <loop body>
// RepeatGreedyLoopNoBacktrack Lloop
// Lexit:
Assert(repeats.lower == 0);
Assert(repeats.upper == CharCountFlag);
Label beginLabel = compiler.CurrentLabel();
Label fixup = compiler.GetFixup(&EMIT(compiler, BeginGreedyLoopNoBacktrackInst, compiler.NextLoopId())->exitLabel);
body->Emit(compiler, skipped);
EMIT(compiler, RepeatGreedyLoopNoBacktrackInst, beginLabel);
compiler.DoFixup(fixup, compiler.CurrentLabel());
case Set:
// Compilation scheme:
// OptMatch(Char|Set)
Assert(!body->ContainsDefineGroup() || !body->thisConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty());
if (body->firstSet->IsSingleton())
EMIT(compiler, OptMatchCharInst, body->firstSet->Singleton());
EMIT(compiler, OptMatchSetInst)->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *body->firstSet);
case Chain:
// Compilation scheme:
// JumpIfNot(Char|Set) Lexit
// <body>
// Lexit:
Assert(!body->ContainsDefineGroup() || !body->thisConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty());
Label jumpFixup = 0;
CharCount bodySkipped = 0;
if (body->firstSet->IsSingleton())
if (body->SupportsPrefixSkipping(compiler))
jumpFixup = compiler.GetFixup(&EMIT(compiler, MatchCharOrJumpInst, body->firstSet->Singleton())->targetLabel);
bodySkipped = 1;
jumpFixup = compiler.GetFixup(&EMIT(compiler, JumpIfNotCharInst, body->firstSet->Singleton())->targetLabel);
if (body->SupportsPrefixSkipping(compiler))
MatchSetOrJumpInst* const i = EMIT(compiler, MatchSetOrJumpInst);
i->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *body->firstSet);
jumpFixup = compiler.GetFixup(&i->targetLabel);
bodySkipped = 1;
JumpIfNotSetInst* const i = EMIT(compiler, JumpIfNotSetInst);
i->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *body->firstSet);
jumpFixup = compiler.GetFixup(&i->targetLabel);
body->Emit(compiler, bodySkipped);
compiler.DoFixup(jumpFixup, compiler.CurrentLabel());
case Try:
// Compilation scheme:
// Try((If|Match)(Char|Set))? Lexit
// <loop body>
// Lexit:
Assert(!body->ContainsDefineGroup() || !body->thisConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty());
Label tryFixup = 0;
CharCount bodySkipped = 0;
// HEURISTIC: if the first set of the body is exact or small, and the
// body does not match empty, then it's probably worth using
// a Try(If|Match)(Char|Set)
if (!body->thisConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty() &&
(body->isFirstExact || body->firstSet->Count() <= maxCharsForConditionalTry))
if (body->SupportsPrefixSkipping(compiler))
if (body->firstSet->IsSingleton())
tryFixup = compiler.GetFixup(&EMIT(compiler, TryMatchCharInst, body->firstSet->Singleton())->failLabel);
TryMatchSetInst* const i = EMIT(compiler, TryMatchSetInst);
i->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *body->firstSet);
tryFixup = compiler.GetFixup(&i->failLabel);
bodySkipped = 1;
tryFixup = compiler.GetFixup(&EMIT(compiler, TryIfCharInst, body->firstSet->Singleton())->failLabel);
TryIfSetInst* const i = EMIT(compiler, TryIfSetInst);
i->set.CloneFrom(compiler.rtAllocator, *body->firstSet);
tryFixup = compiler.GetFixup(&i->failLabel);
tryFixup = compiler.GetFixup(&EMIT(compiler, TryInst)->failLabel);
body->Emit(compiler, bodySkipped);
// Fixup Try
compiler.DoFixup(tryFixup, compiler.CurrentLabel());
CharCount LoopNode::EmitScan(Compiler& compiler, bool isHeadSyncronizingNode)
return 0;
bool LoopNode::IsOctoquad(Compiler& compiler, OctoquadIdentifier* oi)
return false;
bool LoopNode::IsCharTrieArm(Compiler& compiler, uint& accNumAlts) const
return false;
bool LoopNode::BuildCharTrie(Compiler& compiler, CharTrie* trie, Node* cont, bool isAcceptFirst) const
return false;
void LoopNode::Print(DebugWriter* w, const Char* litbuf) const
w->PrintEOL(_u(", %s)"), isGreedy ? _u("greedy") : _u("non-greedy"));
body->Print(w, litbuf);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// AssertionNode
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CharCount AssertionNode::LiteralLength() const
return 0;
bool AssertionNode::IsCharOrPositiveSet() const
return false;
CharCount AssertionNode::TransferPass0(Compiler& compiler, const Char* litbuf)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
return body->TransferPass0(compiler, litbuf);
void AssertionNode::TransferPass1(Compiler& compiler, const Char* litbuf)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
body->TransferPass1(compiler, litbuf);
bool AssertionNode::IsRefiningAssertion(Compiler& compiler)
return !isNegation;
void AssertionNode::AnnotatePass0(Compiler& compiler)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
isWord = false;
void AssertionNode::AnnotatePass1(Compiler& compiler, bool parentNotInLoop, bool parentAtLeastOnce, bool parentNotSpeculative, bool parentNotNegated)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
features = HasAssertion;
body->AnnotatePass1(compiler, parentNotInLoop, parentAtLeastOnce, false, parentNotNegated && !isNegation);
features |= body->features;
if (isNegation)
firstSet = compiler.standardChars->GetFullSet();
firstSet = body->firstSet;
isFirstExact = false;
if (isNegation)
// This will always fail
isThisIrrefutable = false;
// If body is irrefutable overall assertion is irrefutable
isThisIrrefutable = body->isThisIrrefutable;
isThisWillNotProgress = true;
isThisWillNotRegress = true;
isNotInLoop = parentNotInLoop;
isAtLeastOnce = parentAtLeastOnce;
isNotSpeculative = parentNotSpeculative;
isNotNegated = parentNotNegated;
void AssertionNode::AnnotatePass2(Compiler& compiler, CountDomain accumConsumes, bool accumPrevWillNotProgress, bool accumPrevWillNotRegress)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
prevConsumes = accumConsumes;
isPrevWillNotProgress = accumPrevWillNotProgress;
isPrevWillNotRegress = accumPrevWillNotRegress;
body->AnnotatePass2(compiler, accumConsumes, accumPrevWillNotProgress, accumPrevWillNotRegress);
void AssertionNode::AnnotatePass3(Compiler& compiler, CountDomain accumConsumes, CharSet<Char>* accumFollow, bool accumFollowIrrefutable, bool accumFollowEOL)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
followConsumes = accumConsumes;
followSet = accumFollow;
isFollowIrrefutable = accumFollowIrrefutable;
isFollowEOL = accumFollowEOL;
// Can't say anything about what the assertion body will see at its end
CountDomain innerConsumes;
CharSet<Char>* innerFollow = compiler.standardChars->GetFullSet();
// We can never backtrack into the body of an assertion (the continuation stack is cut)
body->AnnotatePass3(compiler, innerConsumes, innerFollow, true, false);
hasInitialHardFailBOI = body->hasInitialHardFailBOI;
void AssertionNode::AnnotatePass4(Compiler& compiler)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
// Even if body is non-deterministic we cut the choicepoints on exit from the assertion,
// so overall assertion is deterministic.
isDeterministic = true;
// Compilation scheme: Fail
// If body is irrefutable, assertion will always fail (and will leave groups empty).
if (isNegation && body->isThisIrrefutable)
// ***COMMIT***
scheme = Fail;
// Compilation scheme: Succ
// If body is irrefutable, assertion will always succeed. If it does not define groups
// we can eliminate it altogether.
if (!isNegation && body->isThisIrrefutable && !body->ContainsDefineGroup())
// **COMMIT**
scheme = Succ;
// Compilation scheme: BeginEnd
scheme = BeginEnd;
bool AssertionNode::SupportsPrefixSkipping(Compiler& compiler) const
return false;
Node* AssertionNode::HeadSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler)
return 0;
CharCount AssertionNode::MinSyncronizingLiteralLength(Compiler& compiler, int& numLiterals) const
return 0;
void AssertionNode::CollectSyncronizingLiterals(Compiler& compiler, ScannersMixin& scanners) const
void AssertionNode::BestSyncronizingNode(Compiler& compiler, Node*& bestNode)
void AssertionNode::AccumDefineGroups(Js::ScriptContext* scriptContext, int& minGroup, int& maxGroup)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
body->AccumDefineGroups(scriptContext, minGroup, maxGroup);
void AssertionNode::Emit(Compiler& compiler, CharCount& skipped)
PROBE_STACK_NO_DISPOSE(compiler.scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackRegex);
Assert(skipped == 0);
switch (scheme)
case BeginEnd:
// Compilation scheme:
// BeginAssertion Lexit
// <body>
// EndAssertion
// Lexit:
int minBodyGroupId = compiler.program->numGroups;
int maxBodyGroupId = -1;
body->AccumDefineGroups(compiler.scriptContext, minBodyGroupId, maxBodyGroupId);
Label fixup = compiler.GetFixup(&EMIT(compiler, BeginAssertionInst, isNegation, minBodyGroupId, maxBodyGroupId)->nextLabel);
body->Emit(compiler, skipped);
EMIT(compiler, EndAssertionInst);
compiler.DoFixup(fixup, compiler.CurrentLabel());
case Succ:
// Nothing to emit
case Fail:
// Compilation scheme:
// Fail
EMIT(compiler, FailInst);
CharCount AssertionNode::EmitScan(Compiler& compiler, bool isHeadSyncronizingNode)
return 0;
bool AssertionNode::IsOctoquad(Compiler& compiler, OctoquadIdentifier* oi)
return false;
bool AssertionNode::IsCharTrieArm(Compiler& compiler, uint& accNumAlts) const
return false;
bool AssertionNode::BuildCharTrie(Compiler& compiler, CharTrie* trie, Node* cont, bool isAcceptFirst) const
return false;
void AssertionNode::Print(DebugWriter* w, const Char* litbuf) const
w->PrintEOL(_u("Assertion(%s)"), isNegation ? _u("negative") : _u("positive"));
body->Print(w, litbuf);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compiler
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
( Js::ScriptContext* scriptContext
, ArenaAllocator* ctAllocator
, ArenaAllocator* rtAllocator
, StandardChars<Char>* standardChars
, Program* program
, DebugWriter* w
, RegexStats* stats
: scriptContext(scriptContext)
, ctAllocator(ctAllocator)
, rtAllocator(rtAllocator)
, standardChars(standardChars)
, w(w)
, stats(stats)
, program(program)
, instBuf(0)
, instLen(0)
, instNext(0)
, nextLoopId(0)
void Compiler::CaptureNoLiterals(Program* program)
program->rep.insts.litbuf = nullptr;
program->rep.insts.litbufLen = 0;
void Compiler::CaptureLiterals(Node* root, const Char* litbuf)
// Program will own literal buffer. Prepare buffer and nodes for case-invariant matching if necessary.
CharCount finalLen = root->TransferPass0(*this, litbuf);
if (finalLen < root->LiteralLength()) // overflowed
program->rep.insts.litbuf = finalLen == 0 ? 0 : RecyclerNewArrayLeaf(scriptContext->GetRecycler(), Char, finalLen);
program->rep.insts.litbufLen = 0;
root->TransferPass1(*this, litbuf);
Assert(program->rep.insts.litbufLen == finalLen);
void Compiler::EmitAndCaptureSuccInst(Recycler* recycler, Program* program)
program->rep.insts.insts = (uint8*)RecyclerNewLeaf(recycler, SuccInst);
program->rep.insts.instsLen = sizeof(SuccInst);
program->numLoops = 0;
void Compiler::CaptureInsts()
program->rep.insts.insts = RecyclerNewArrayLeaf(scriptContext->GetRecycler(), uint8, instNext);
program->rep.insts.instsLen = instNext;
memcpy_s(program->rep.insts.insts, instNext, instBuf, instNext);
program->numLoops = nextLoopId;
void Compiler::FreeBody()
if (instBuf != 0)
ctAllocator->Free(instBuf, instLen);
instBuf = 0;
instLen = 0;
instNext = 0;
void Compiler::CompileEmptyRegex
( Program* program
, RegexPattern* pattern
, DebugWriter* w
, RegexStats* stats
program->tag = Program::ProgramTag::InstructionsTag;
EmitAndCaptureSuccInst(pattern->GetScriptContext()->GetRecycler(), program);
void Compiler::Compile
( Js::ScriptContext* scriptContext
, ArenaAllocator* ctAllocator
, ArenaAllocator* rtAllocator
, StandardChars<Char>* standardChars
, Program *program
, Node* root
, const Char* litbuf
, RegexPattern* pattern
, DebugWriter* w
, RegexStats* stats
if (w != 0)
w->PrintEOL(_u("REGEX AST /%s/ {"), PointerValue(program->source));
root->Print(w, litbuf);
Compiler compiler
( scriptContext
, ctAllocator
, rtAllocator
, standardChars
, program
, w
, stats
bool compiled = false;
if (REGEX_CONFIG_FLAG(RegexOptimize))
// SPECIAL CASE: Octoquad/trigrams
// (must handle before converting to case-insensitive form since the later interferes with octoquad pattern recognizer)
if (OctoquadIdentifier::Qualifies(program))
int numCodes;
char localCodeToChar[TrigramAlphabet::AlphaCount];
char localCharToCode[TrigramAlphabet::AsciiTableSize];
char (*codeToChar)[TrigramAlphabet::AlphaCount];
char (*charToCode)[TrigramAlphabet::AsciiTableSize];
TrigramAlphabet *trigramAlphabet = scriptContext->GetTrigramAlphabet();
numCodes = TrigramAlphabet::AlphaCount;
codeToChar = &trigramAlphabet->alpha;
charToCode = &trigramAlphabet->alphaBits;
numCodes = 0;
codeToChar = &localCodeToChar;
charToCode = &localCharToCode;
OctoquadIdentifier oi(numCodes, *codeToChar, *charToCode);
// We haven't captured literals yet: temporarily set the program's litbuf to be the parser's litbuf
Assert(program->rep.insts.litbuf == nullptr);
program->rep.insts.litbuf = (Char*)litbuf;
if (root->IsOctoquad(compiler, &oi) && oi.IsOctoquad())
program->rep.insts.litbuf = nullptr;
oi.InitializeTrigramInfo(scriptContext, pattern);
program->tag = Program::ProgramTag::OctoquadTag;
program->rep.octoquad.matcher = OctoquadMatcher::New(scriptContext->GetRecycler(), standardChars, program->GetCaseMappingSource(), &oi);
compiled = true;
program->rep.insts.litbuf = nullptr;
if (!compiled)
if (REGEX_CONFIG_FLAG(RegexOptimize))
Char c = 0;
if (root->IsSingleChar(compiler, c))
program->tag = Program::ProgramTag::SingleCharTag;
program->rep.singleChar.c = c;
else if (root->IsBoundedWord(compiler))
// SPECIAL CASE: \b\w+\b
program->tag = Program::ProgramTag::BoundedWordTag;
else if (root->IsLeadingTrailingSpaces(compiler,
// SPECIAL CASE: ^\s*|\s*$
program->tag = Program::ProgramTag::LeadingTrailingSpacesTag;
else if (root->IsBOILiteral2(compiler))
program->tag = Program::ProgramTag::BOILiteral2Tag;
program->rep.boiLiteral2.literal = *(DWORD *)litbuf;
program->tag = Program::ProgramTag::InstructionsTag;
compiler.CaptureLiterals(root, litbuf);
root->AnnotatePass1(compiler, true, true, true, true);
// Nothing comes before or after overall pattern
CountDomain consumes(0);
// Match could progress from lhs (since we try successive start positions), but can never regress
root->AnnotatePass2(compiler, consumes, false, true);
// Anything could follow an end of pattern match
CharSet<Char>* follow = standardChars->GetFullSet();
root->AnnotatePass3(compiler, consumes, follow, true, false);
if (w != 0)
w->PrintEOL(_u("REGEX ANNOTATED AST /%s/ {"), PointerValue(program->source));
root->Print(w, program->rep.insts.litbuf);
CharCount skipped = 0;
// If the root Node has a hard fail BOI, we should not emit any synchronize Nodes
// since we can easily just search from the beginning.
if (root->hasInitialHardFailBOI == false)
// If the root Node doesn't have hard fail BOI but sticky flag is present don't synchronize Nodes
// since we can easily just search from the beginning. Instead set to special InstructionTag
if ((program->flags & StickyRegexFlag) != 0)
Node* bestSyncronizingNode = 0;
root->BestSyncronizingNode(compiler, bestSyncronizingNode);
Node* headSyncronizingNode = root->HeadSyncronizingNode(compiler);
if ((bestSyncronizingNode == 0 && headSyncronizingNode != 0) ||
(bestSyncronizingNode != 0 && headSyncronizingNode == bestSyncronizingNode))
// Scan and consume the head, continue with rest assuming head has been consumed
skipped = headSyncronizingNode->EmitScan(compiler, true);
else if (bestSyncronizingNode != 0)
// Scan for the synchronizing node, then backup ready for entire pattern
skipped = bestSyncronizingNode->EmitScan(compiler, false);
Assert(skipped == 0);
// We're synchronizing to a non-head node; if we have to back up, then try to synchronize to a character
// in the first set before running the remaining instructions
if (!bestSyncronizingNode->prevConsumes.CouldMatchEmpty()) // must back up at least one character
skipped = root->EmitScanFirstSet(compiler);
// Optionally scan for a character in the overall pattern's FIRST set, possibly consume it,
// then match all or remainder of pattern
skipped = root->EmitScanFirstSet(compiler);
root->Emit(compiler, skipped);
program->tag = Program::ProgramTag::InstructionsTag;
compiler.CaptureLiterals(root, litbuf);
CharCount skipped = 0;
root->Emit(compiler, skipped);
if (w != 0)
w->PrintEOL(_u("REGEX PROGRAM /%s/"), PointerValue(program->source));