blob: 9264ef8a3abd9f72b07464bdcffb9bcfdbb661cc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
#pragma once
namespace UnifiedRegex
struct ParseError
bool isBody;
CharCount pos; // Position in unicode characters
CharCount encodedPos; // Position in underlying characters (eg utf-8 bytes)
HRESULT error;
ParseError(bool isBody, CharCount pos, CharCount encodedPos, HRESULT error);
template <typename EncodingPolicy, const bool IsLiteral>
class Parser : private EncodingPolicy, private Chars<char16>
typedef typename EncodingPolicy::EncodedChar EncodedChar;
// A linked list node to track indices of surrogate pairs.
struct SurrogatePairTracker
const EncodedChar* location;
// If this surrogate pair is inside a range, then rangeLocation isn't null.
const EncodedChar* rangeLocation;
codepoint_t value;
uint32 length;
size_t multiUnits;
SurrogatePairTracker* next;
SurrogatePairTracker(const EncodedChar* location, codepoint_t value, uint32 length, size_t multiUnits)
: location(location)
, next(nullptr)
, value(value)
, length(length)
, multiUnits(multiUnits)
, rangeLocation(nullptr)
SurrogatePairTracker(const EncodedChar* location, const EncodedChar* rangeLocation, codepoint_t value, uint32 length, size_t multiUnits)
: location(location)
, next(nullptr)
, value(value)
, length(length)
, multiUnits(multiUnits)
, rangeLocation(rangeLocation)
bool IsInsideRange() const
return this->rangeLocation != nullptr;
static const CharCount initLitbufSize = 16;
Js::ScriptContext* scriptContext;
// Arena for nodes and items needed only during compilation
ArenaAllocator* ctAllocator;
// Standard characters using raw encoding character representation (eg char for utf-8)
StandardChars<EncodedChar>* standardEncodedChars;
// Standard characters using final character representation (eg char16 for Unicode)
StandardChars<Char>* standardChars;
DebugWriter* w;
const EncodedChar* input;
const EncodedChar* inputLim;
const EncodedChar* next;
bool inBody;
// Maximum number of capturing groups allowed, including the entire regexp, which is always
// considered a capturing group. Using INT16_MAX allows us to pass one value for each
// group, plus a few additional values, to a JavaScript function without overflowing the
// number of arguments. This is important, for example, in the implementation of
// String.prototype.replace, where the second argument is a function.
static const uint16 MAX_NUM_GROUPS = INT16_MAX;
uint16 numGroups; // determined in first parse
// Keeps track of how many capturing groups we've seen during parsing. We use an int, rather than
// a uint16, to be sure we don't overflow during parsing and only check it against MAX_NUM_GROUPS at
// the end. (We know we can't overflow an int because strings and regex literals are limited to
// 2G characters and therefore to 1G pairs of parentheses, which can fit into an int. I'd prefer
// to use size_t here, but making that change would go down a serious rabbit hole changing the
// interface to UnifiedRegex::Node::AccumDefineGroups.)
int nextGroupId;
// Buffer accumulating all literals.
// In compile-time allocator, must be transferred to runtime allocator when build program
Char* litbuf;
CharCount litbufLen;
CharCount litbufNext;
// During pass 0, if /u option for regex is provided, a linked list will be built up to
// track positions of surrogate pairs in the buffer. During pass 1, these linked lists will be used
// to figure out when to output a surrogate pair node.
SurrogatePairTracker* surrogatePairList;
SurrogatePairTracker* currentSurrogatePairNode;
bool unicodeFlagPresent;
bool caseInsensitiveFlagPresent;
// The following two variables are used to determine if the the surrogate pair has been encountered
// First holds the temporary location, second holds the value of the codepoint
const EncodedChar* tempLocationOfSurrogatePair;
// This will be set to a location when we are parsing a range in TermPass0, and cleared when we are out of it.
const EncodedChar* tempLocationOfRange;
codepoint_t codePointAtTempLocation;
// When a surrogate is added for tracking, this will be updated.
const EncodedChar* positionAfterLastSurrogate;
codepoint_t valueOfLastSurrogate;
// deferred error state.
ParseError* deferredIfNotUnicodeError;
ParseError* deferredIfUnicodeError;
// Input buffer management
void SetPosition(const EncodedChar* input, const EncodedChar* inputLim, bool inBody);
// Current position in number of logical characters, regardless of underlying character encoding
inline CharCount Pos();
inline bool IsEOF();
inline bool ECCanConsume(CharCount n = 1);
inline EncodedChar ECLookahead(CharCount n = 0);
inline EncodedChar ECLookback(CharCount n = 0);
inline void ECConsume(CharCount n = 1);
inline void ECConsumeMultiUnit(CharCount n = 1);
inline void ECRevert(CharCount n = 1);
// Helpers
int TryParseExtendedUnicodeEscape(Char& c, bool& previousSurrogatePart, bool trackSurrogatePair = false);
void TrackIfSurrogatePair(codepoint_t codePoint, const EncodedChar* location, uint32 consumptionLength);
Node* CreateSurrogatePairAtom(char16 lower, char16 upper);
AltNode* AppendSurrogateRangeToDisjunction(codepoint_t lowerCodePoint, codepoint_t upperCodePoint, AltNode *lastAlttNode);
AltNode* AppendSurrogatePairToDisjunction(codepoint_t codePoint, AltNode *lastAlttNode);
// Errors
void Fail(HRESULT error);
void DeferredFailIfUnicode(HRESULT error);
void DeferredFailIfNotUnicode(HRESULT error);
inline void ECMust(EncodedChar ec, HRESULT error);
inline Char NextChar();
// Patterns/Disjunctions/Alternatives
void PatternPass0();
Node* PatternPass1();
Node* UnionNodes(Node* prev, Node* curr);
void DisjunctionPass0(int depth);
Node* DisjunctionPass1();
bool IsEndOfAlternative();
void EnsureLitbuf(CharCount size);
void AccumLiteral(MatchLiteralNode* deferredLiteralNode, Node* charOrLiteralNode);
Node* FinalTerm(Node* node, MatchLiteralNode* deferredLiteralNode);
void AlternativePass0(int depth);
Node* AlternativePass1();
// Terms
Node* NewLoopNode(CharCount lower, CharCountOrFlag upper, bool isGreedy, Node* body);
bool AtQuantifier();
bool OptNonGreedy();
CharCount RepeatCount();
void TermPass0(int depth);
Node* TermPass1(MatchCharNode* deferredCharNode, bool& previousSurrogatePart);
bool AtomEscapePass0();
bool AtomEscapePass1(Node*& node, MatchCharNode* deferredCharNode, bool& previousSurrogatePart);
bool SurrogatePairPass1(Node*& node, MatchCharNode* deferredCharNode, bool& previousSurrogatePart);
// Classes
bool AtSecondSingletonClassAtom();
void CharacterClassPass0();
template <bool containsSurrogates>
Node* CharacterClassPass1();
bool ClassEscapePass0(Char& singleton, bool& previousSurrogatePart);
Node* ClassEscapePass1(MatchCharNode* deferredCharNode, MatchSetNode* deferredSetNode, bool& previousSurrogatePart);
Node* GetNodeWithValidCharacterSet(EncodedChar ch);
// Options
void Options(RegexFlags& flags);
( Js::ScriptContext* scriptContext
, ArenaAllocator* ctAllocator
, StandardChars<EncodedChar>* standardEncodedChars
, StandardChars<Char>* standardChars
, bool isUtf8
, DebugWriter* w
// Entry points
Node* ParseDynamic
( const EncodedChar* body // non null, null terminated (may contain embedded nulls)
, const EncodedChar* bodyLim // points to terminating null of above
, const EncodedChar* opts // may be null if no options, otherwise null terminated
, const EncodedChar* optsLim // if above non-null, points to terminating null of above
, RegexFlags& flags );
// (*) For ParseLiteral:
// - input string must be null terminated
// - inputLim may point to the terminating null in above or before it
// - if the later, input is known to be syntactically well-formed so that the parser
// will find the natural end of the regex literal before passing inputLim
// - input may contain nulls before the inputLim
Node* ParseLiteral
( const EncodedChar* input // non null, null terminated (may contain embedded nulls)
, const EncodedChar* inputLim // see (*) above
, CharCount& outBodyEncodedChars // in encoded characters, not including trailing '/'
, CharCount& outTotalEncodedChars // in encoded characters, including trailing '/' and any options
, CharCount& outBodyChars // in unicode characters, not including ttrailing '/'
, CharCount& outTotalChars // in unicode characters, including trailing '/' and any options
, RegexFlags& flags );
void ParseLiteralNoAST
( const EncodedChar* input // non null, null terminated
, const EncodedChar* inputLim // see (*) above
, CharCount& outBodyEncodedChars
, CharCount& outTotalEncodedChars
, CharCount& outBodyChars
, CharCount& outTotalChars );
template<const bool buildAST>
RegexPattern* CompileProgram
( Node* root,
const EncodedChar*& currentCharacter,
const CharCount totalLen,
const CharCount bodyChars,
const CharCount bodyEncodedChars,
const CharCount totalChars,
const RegexFlags flags );
static void CaptureEmptySourceAndNoGroups(Program* program);
// bodyChars is number of unicode characters in program body, which may be less than the number
// of underlying UTF-8 characters
void CaptureSourceAndGroups(Recycler* recycler, Program* program, const EncodedChar* body, CharCount bodyChars, CharCount bodyEncodedChars);
inline const Char* GetLitbuf() { return litbuf; }
void FreeBody();
size_t GetMultiUnits() { return this->m_cMultiUnits; }