blob: b34e163b374ccc076d8ca8acbf2250d4bac71a78 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
#pragma once
namespace Js
class DelayLoadWindowsGlobalization;
#include "Windows.Globalization.h"
int CountNewlines(LPCOLESTR psz);
class Parser;
struct ParseContext;
struct Token
IdentPtr pid;
const char * pchMin;
int32 length;
int32 lw;
double dbl;
// maybeInt will be true if the number did not contain 'e', 'E' , or '.'
// notably important in asm.js where the '.' has semantic importance
bool maybeInt;
UnifiedRegex::RegexPattern* pattern;
charcount_t ichMin;
charcount_t ichLim;
} u;
IdentPtr CreateIdentifier(HashTbl * hashTbl);
Token() : tk(tkLim) {}
tokens tk;
BOOL IsIdentifier() const
return tk == tkID;
IdentPtr GetStr() const
Assert(tk == tkStrCon || tk == tkStrTmplBasic || tk == tkStrTmplBegin || tk == tkStrTmplMid || tk == tkStrTmplEnd);
IdentPtr GetIdentifier(HashTbl * hashTbl)
Assert(IsIdentifier() || IsReservedWord());
if (
return CreateIdentifier(hashTbl);
int32 GetLong() const
Assert(tk == tkIntCon);
return u.lw;
double GetDouble() const
Assert(tk == tkFltCon);
return u.dbl;
bool GetDoubleMayBeInt() const
Assert(tk == tkFltCon);
return u.maybeInt;
UnifiedRegex::RegexPattern * GetRegex()
Assert(tk == tkRegExp);
return u.pattern;
BOOL IsReservedWord() const
// Keywords and future reserved words (does not include operators)
return tk < tkID;
BOOL IsKeyword() const;
BOOL IsFutureReservedWord(const BOOL isStrictMode) const
// Reserved words that are not keywords
return tk >= tkENUM && tk <= (isStrictMode ? tkSTATIC : tkENUM);
BOOL IsOperator() const
return tk >= tkComma && tk < tkLParen;
// UTF16 Scanner are only for syntax coloring. Only support
// defer pid creation for UTF8
void SetIdentifier(const char * pchMin, int32 len)
this-> = nullptr;
this->u.pchMin = pchMin;
this->u.length = len;
void SetIdentifier(IdentPtr pid)
this-> = pid;
this->u.pchMin = nullptr;
void SetLong(int32 value)
this->u.lw = value;
void SetDouble(double dbl, bool maybeInt)
this->u.dbl = dbl;
this->u.maybeInt = maybeInt;
tokens SetRegex(UnifiedRegex::RegexPattern *const pattern, Parser *const parser);
typedef BYTE UTF8Char;
typedef UTF8Char* UTF8CharPtr;
class NullTerminatedUnicodeEncodingPolicy
typedef OLECHAR EncodedChar;
typedef const OLECHAR *EncodedCharPtr;
static const bool MultiUnitEncoding = false;
static const size_t m_cMultiUnits = 0;
static BOOL IsMultiUnitChar(OLECHAR ch) { return FALSE; }
// See comment below regarding unused 'last' parameter
static OLECHAR ReadFirst(EncodedCharPtr &p, EncodedCharPtr last) { return *p++; }
template <bool bScan>
static OLECHAR ReadRest(OLECHAR ch, EncodedCharPtr &p, EncodedCharPtr last) { return ch; }
template <bool bScan>
static OLECHAR ReadFull(EncodedCharPtr &p, EncodedCharPtr last) { return *p++; }
static OLECHAR PeekFirst(EncodedCharPtr p, EncodedCharPtr last) { return *p; }
static OLECHAR PeekFull(EncodedCharPtr p, EncodedCharPtr last) { return *p; }
static OLECHAR ReadSurrogatePairUpper(const EncodedCharPtr&, const EncodedCharPtr& last)
AssertMsg(false, "method should not be called while scanning UTF16 string");
return 0xfffe;
static void RestoreMultiUnits(size_t multiUnits) { }
static size_t CharacterOffsetToUnitOffset(EncodedCharPtr start, EncodedCharPtr current, EncodedCharPtr last, charcount_t offset) { return offset; }
static void ConvertToUnicode(__out_ecount_full(cch) LPOLESTR pch, charcount_t cch, EncodedCharPtr start, EncodedCharPtr end)
js_memcpy_s(pch, cch * sizeof(OLECHAR), start, cch * sizeof(OLECHAR));
void Clear() {}
void SetIsUtf8(bool isUtf8) { }
bool IsUtf8() const { return false; }
template <bool nullTerminated>
class UTF8EncodingPolicyBase
typedef utf8char_t EncodedChar;
typedef LPCUTF8 EncodedCharPtr;
static const bool MultiUnitEncoding = true;
size_t m_cMultiUnits;
utf8::DecodeOptions m_decodeOptions;
UTF8EncodingPolicyBase() { Clear(); }
static BOOL IsMultiUnitChar(OLECHAR ch) { return ch > 0x7f; }
// Note when nullTerminated is false we still need to increment the character pointer because the scanner "puts back" this virtual null character by decrementing the pointer
static OLECHAR ReadFirst(EncodedCharPtr &p, EncodedCharPtr last) { return (nullTerminated || p < last) ? static_cast<OLECHAR>(*p++) : (p++, 0); }
// "bScan" indicates if this ReadFull is part of scanning. Pass true during scanning and ReadFull will update
// related Scanner state. The caller is supposed to sync result "p" to Scanner's current position. Pass false
// otherwise and this doesn't affect Scanner state.
template <bool bScan>
OLECHAR ReadFull(EncodedCharPtr &p, EncodedCharPtr last)
EncodedChar ch = (nullTerminated || p < last) ? *p++ : (p++, 0);
return !IsMultiUnitChar(ch) ? static_cast<OLECHAR>(ch) : ReadRest<bScan>(ch, p, last);
OLECHAR ReadSurrogatePairUpper(EncodedCharPtr &p, EncodedCharPtr last)
EncodedChar ch = (nullTerminated || p < last) ? *p++ : (p++, 0);
this->m_decodeOptions |= utf8::DecodeOptions::doSecondSurrogatePair;
return ReadRest<true>(ch, p, last);
static OLECHAR PeekFirst(EncodedCharPtr p, EncodedCharPtr last) { return (nullTerminated || p < last) ? static_cast<OLECHAR>(*p) : 0; }
OLECHAR PeekFull(EncodedCharPtr p, EncodedCharPtr last)
OLECHAR result = PeekFirst(p, last);
if (IsMultiUnitChar(result))
result = ReadFull<false>(p, last);
return result;
// "bScan" indicates if this ReadRest is part of scanning. Pass true during scanning and ReadRest will update
// related Scanner state. The caller is supposed to sync result "p" to Scanner's current position. Pass false
// otherwise and this doesn't affect Scanner state.
template <bool bScan>
OLECHAR ReadRest(OLECHAR ch, EncodedCharPtr &p, EncodedCharPtr last)
EncodedCharPtr s;
if (bScan)
s = p;
OLECHAR result = utf8::DecodeTail(ch, p, last, m_decodeOptions);
if (bScan)
// If we are scanning, update m_cMultiUnits counter.
m_cMultiUnits += p - s;
return result;
void RestoreMultiUnits(size_t multiUnits) { m_cMultiUnits = multiUnits; }
size_t CharacterOffsetToUnitOffset(EncodedCharPtr start, EncodedCharPtr current, EncodedCharPtr last, charcount_t offset)
// Note: current may be before or after last. If last is the null terminator, current should be within [start, last].
// But if we excluded HTMLCommentSuffix for the source, last is before "// -->\0". Scanner may stop at null
// terminator past last, then current is after last.
Assert(current >= start);
size_t currentUnitOffset = current - start;
Assert(currentUnitOffset > m_cMultiUnits);
Assert(currentUnitOffset - m_cMultiUnits < LONG_MAX);
charcount_t currentCharacterOffset = charcount_t(currentUnitOffset - m_cMultiUnits);
// If the offset is the current character offset then just return the current unit offset.
if (currentCharacterOffset == offset) return currentUnitOffset;
// If we have not encountered any multi-unit characters and we are moving backward the
// character index and unit index are 1:1 so just return offset
if (m_cMultiUnits == 0 && offset <= currentCharacterOffset) return offset;
// Use local decode options
utf8::DecodeOptions decodeOptions = IsUtf8() ? utf8::doDefault : utf8::doAllowThreeByteSurrogates;
if (offset > currentCharacterOffset)
// If we are looking for an offset past current, current must be within [start, last]. We don't expect seeking
// scanner position past last.
Assert(current <= last);
// If offset > currentOffset we already know the current character offset. The unit offset is the
// unit index of offset - currentOffset characters from current.
charcount_t charsLeft = offset - currentCharacterOffset;
return currentUnitOffset + utf8::CharacterIndexToByteIndex(current, last - current, charsLeft, decodeOptions);
// If all else fails calculate the index from the start of the buffer.
return utf8::CharacterIndexToByteIndex(start, currentUnitOffset, offset, decodeOptions);
void ConvertToUnicode(__out_ecount_full(cch) LPOLESTR pch, charcount_t cch, EncodedCharPtr start, EncodedCharPtr end)
m_decodeOptions = (utf8::DecodeOptions)(m_decodeOptions & ~utf8::doSecondSurrogatePair);
utf8::DecodeUnitsInto(pch, start, end, m_decodeOptions);
void Clear()
m_cMultiUnits = 0;
m_decodeOptions = utf8::doAllowThreeByteSurrogates;
// If we get UTF8 source buffer, turn off doAllowThreeByteSurrogates but allow invalid WCHARs without replacing them with replacement 'g_chUnknown'.
void SetIsUtf8(bool isUtf8)
if (isUtf8)
m_decodeOptions = (utf8::DecodeOptions)(m_decodeOptions & ~utf8::doAllowThreeByteSurrogates | utf8::doAllowInvalidWCHARs);
m_decodeOptions = (utf8::DecodeOptions)(m_decodeOptions & ~utf8::doAllowInvalidWCHARs | utf8::doAllowThreeByteSurrogates);
bool IsUtf8() const { return (m_decodeOptions & utf8::doAllowThreeByteSurrogates) == 0; }
typedef UTF8EncodingPolicyBase<false> NotNullTerminatedUTF8EncodingPolicy;
interface IScanner
virtual void GetErrorLineInfo(__out int32& ichMin, __out int32& ichLim, __out int32& line, __out int32& ichMinLine) = 0;
virtual HRESULT SysAllocErrorLine(int32 ichMinLine, __out BSTR* pbstrLine) = 0;
// Flags that can be provided to the Scan functions.
// These can be bitwise OR'ed.
enum ScanFlag
ScanFlagNone = 0,
ScanFlagSuppressStrPid = 1, // Force strings to always have pid
typedef HRESULT (*CommentCallback)(void *data, OLECHAR firstChar, OLECHAR secondChar, bool containTypeDef, charcount_t min, charcount_t lim, bool adjacent, bool multiline, charcount_t startLine, charcount_t endLine);
// Restore point defined using a relative offset rather than a pointer.
struct RestorePoint
Field(charcount_t) m_ichMinTok;
Field(charcount_t) m_ichMinLine;
Field(size_t) m_cMinTokMultiUnits;
Field(size_t) m_cMinLineMultiUnits;
Field(charcount_t) m_line;
Field(uint) functionIdIncrement;
Field(size_t) lengthDecr;
Field(BOOL) m_fHadEol;
#ifdef DEBUG
Field(size_t) m_cMultiUnits;
: m_ichMinTok((charcount_t)-1),
#ifdef DEBUG
, m_cMultiUnits((size_t)-1)
template <typename EncodingPolicy>
class Scanner : public IScanner, public EncodingPolicy
friend Parser;
typedef typename EncodingPolicy::EncodedChar EncodedChar;
typedef typename EncodingPolicy::EncodedCharPtr EncodedCharPtr;
Scanner(Parser* parser, Token *ptoken, Js::ScriptContext *scriptContext);
tokens Scan();
tokens ScanNoKeywords();
tokens ScanForcingPid();
void SetText(EncodedCharPtr psz, size_t offset, size_t length, charcount_t characterOffset, bool isUtf8, ULONG grfscr, ULONG lineNumber = 0);
void PrepareForBackgroundParse(Js::ScriptContext *scriptContext);
enum ScanState
ScanStateNormal = 0,
ScanStateStringTemplateMiddleOrEnd = 1,
ScanState GetScanState() { return m_scanState; }
void SetScanState(ScanState state) { m_scanState = state; }
bool SetYieldIsKeywordRegion(bool fYieldIsKeywordRegion)
bool fPrevYieldIsKeywordRegion = m_fYieldIsKeywordRegion;
m_fYieldIsKeywordRegion = fYieldIsKeywordRegion;
return fPrevYieldIsKeywordRegion;
bool YieldIsKeywordRegion()
return m_fYieldIsKeywordRegion;
bool YieldIsKeyword()
return YieldIsKeywordRegion() || this->IsStrictMode();
bool SetAwaitIsKeywordRegion(bool fAwaitIsKeywordRegion)
bool fPrevAwaitIsKeywordRegion = m_fAwaitIsKeywordRegion;
m_fAwaitIsKeywordRegion = fAwaitIsKeywordRegion;
return fPrevAwaitIsKeywordRegion;
bool AwaitIsKeywordRegion()
return m_fAwaitIsKeywordRegion;
bool AwaitIsKeyword()
return AwaitIsKeywordRegion() || this->m_fIsModuleCode;
tokens TryRescanRegExp();
tokens RescanRegExp();
tokens RescanRegExpNoAST();
tokens RescanRegExpTokenizer();
BOOL FHadNewLine(void)
return m_fHadEol;
IdentPtr PidFromLong(int32 lw);
IdentPtr PidFromDbl(double dbl);
LPCOLESTR StringFromLong(int32 lw);
LPCOLESTR StringFromDbl(double dbl);
IdentPtr GetSecondaryBufferAsPid();
BYTE SetDeferredParse(BOOL defer)
BYTE fOld = m_DeferredParseFlags;
if (defer)
m_DeferredParseFlags |= ScanFlagSuppressStrPid;
m_DeferredParseFlags = ScanFlagNone;
return fOld;
void SetDeferredParseFlags(BYTE flags)
m_DeferredParseFlags = flags;
// the functions IsDoubleQuoteOnLastTkStrCon() and IsHexOrOctOnLastTKNumber() works only with a scanner without lookahead
// Both functions are used to get more info on the last token for specific diffs necessary for JSON parsing.
//Single quotes are not legal in JSON strings. Make distinction between single quote string constant and single quote string
BOOL IsDoubleQuoteOnLastTkStrCon()
return m_doubleQuoteOnLastTkStrCon;
// True if all chars of last string constant are ascii
BOOL IsEscapeOnLastTkStrCon()
return m_EscapeOnLastTkStrCon;
bool IsOctOrLeadingZeroOnLastTKNumber()
return m_OctOrLeadingZeroOnLastTKNumber;
// Returns the character offset of the first token. The character offset is the offset the first character of the token would
// have if the entire file was converted to Unicode (UTF16-LE).
charcount_t IchMinTok(void) const
Assert(m_pchMinTok - m_pchBase >= 0);
Assert(m_pchMinTok - m_pchBase <= LONG_MAX);
Assert(static_cast<charcount_t>(m_pchMinTok - m_pchBase) >= m_cMinTokMultiUnits);
return static_cast<charcount_t>(m_pchMinTok - m_pchBase - m_cMinTokMultiUnits);
// Returns the character offset of the character immediately following the token. The character offset is the offset the first
// character of the token would have if the entire file was converted to Unicode (UTF16-LE).
charcount_t IchLimTok(void) const
Assert(m_currentCharacter - m_pchBase >= 0);
Assert(m_currentCharacter - m_pchBase <= LONG_MAX);
Assert(static_cast<charcount_t>(m_currentCharacter - m_pchBase) >= this->m_cMultiUnits);
return static_cast<charcount_t>(m_currentCharacter - m_pchBase - this->m_cMultiUnits);
void SetErrorPosition(charcount_t ichMinError, charcount_t ichLimError)
Assert(ichLimError > 0 || ichMinError == 0);
m_ichMinError = ichMinError;
m_ichLimError = ichLimError;
charcount_t IchMinError(void) const
return m_ichLimError ? m_ichMinError : IchMinTok();
charcount_t IchLimError(void) const
return m_ichLimError ? m_ichLimError : IchLimTok();
// Returns the encoded unit offset of first character of the token. For example, in a UTF-8 encoding this is the offset into
// the UTF-8 buffer. In Unicode this is the same as IchMinTok().
size_t IecpMinTok(void) const
return static_cast< size_t >(m_pchMinTok - m_pchBase);
// Returns the encoded unit offset of the character immediately following the token. For example, in a UTF-8 encoding this is
// the offset into the UTF-8 buffer. In Unicode this is the same as IchLimTok().
size_t IecpLimTok(void) const
return static_cast< size_t >(m_currentCharacter - m_pchBase);
size_t IecpLimTokPrevious() const
AssertMsg(m_iecpLimTokPrevious != (size_t)-1, "IecpLimTokPrevious() cannot be called before scanning a token");
return m_iecpLimTokPrevious;
charcount_t IchLimTokPrevious() const
AssertMsg(m_ichLimTokPrevious != (charcount_t)-1, "IchLimTokPrevious() cannot be called before scanning a token");
return m_ichLimTokPrevious;
IdentPtr PidAt(size_t iecpMin, size_t iecpLim);
// Returns the character offset within the stream of the first character on the current line.
charcount_t IchMinLine(void) const
Assert(m_pchMinLine - m_pchBase >= 0);
Assert(m_pchMinLine - m_pchBase <= LONG_MAX);
Assert(static_cast<charcount_t>(m_pchMinLine - m_pchBase) >= m_cMinLineMultiUnits);
return static_cast<charcount_t>(m_pchMinLine - m_pchBase - m_cMinLineMultiUnits);
// Returns the current line number
charcount_t LineCur(void) const { return m_line; }
void SetCurrentCharacter(charcount_t offset, ULONG lineNumber = 0)
DebugOnly(m_iecpLimTokPrevious = (size_t)-1);
DebugOnly(m_ichLimTokPrevious = (charcount_t)-1);
size_t length = m_pchLast - m_pchBase;
if (offset > length) offset = static_cast< charcount_t >(length);
size_t ibOffset = this->CharacterOffsetToUnitOffset(m_pchBase, m_currentCharacter, m_pchLast, offset);
m_currentCharacter = m_pchBase + ibOffset;
Assert(ibOffset >= offset);
this->RestoreMultiUnits(ibOffset - offset);
m_line = lineNumber;
// IScanner methods
virtual void GetErrorLineInfo(__out int32& ichMin, __out int32& ichLim, __out int32& line, __out int32& ichMinLine)
ichMin = this->IchMinError();
ichLim = this->IchLimError();
line = this->LineCur();
ichMinLine = this->IchMinLine();
if (m_ichLimError && m_ichMinError < (charcount_t)ichMinLine)
line = m_startLine;
ichMinLine = UpdateLine(line, m_pchStartLine, m_pchLast, 0, ichMin);
virtual HRESULT SysAllocErrorLine(int32 ichMinLine, __out BSTR* pbstrLine);
class TemporaryBuffer
friend Scanner<EncodingPolicy>;
// Keep a reference to the scanner.
// We will use it to signal an error if we fail to allocate the buffer.
Scanner<EncodingPolicy>* m_pscanner;
uint32 m_cchMax;
uint32 m_ichCur;
__field_ecount(m_cchMax) OLECHAR *m_prgch;
byte m_rgbInit[256];
m_pscanner = nullptr;
m_prgch = (OLECHAR*)m_rgbInit;
m_cchMax = _countof(m_rgbInit) / sizeof(OLECHAR);
m_ichCur = 0;
if (m_prgch != (OLECHAR*)m_rgbInit)
void Reset()
m_ichCur = 0;
void Clear()
if (m_prgch != (OLECHAR*)m_rgbInit)
m_prgch = (OLECHAR*)m_rgbInit;
m_cchMax = _countof(m_rgbInit) / sizeof(OLECHAR);
void AppendCh(uint ch)
return AppendCh<true>(ch);
template<bool performAppend> void AppendCh(uint ch)
if (performAppend)
if (m_ichCur >= m_cchMax)
Assert(m_ichCur < m_cchMax);
__analysis_assume(m_ichCur < m_cchMax);
m_prgch[m_ichCur++] = static_cast<OLECHAR>(ch);
void Grow()
Assert(m_pscanner != nullptr);
byte *prgbNew;
byte *prgbOld = (byte *)m_prgch;
ULONG cbNew;
if (FAILED(ULongMult(m_cchMax, sizeof(OLECHAR) * 2, &cbNew)))
if (prgbOld == m_rgbInit)
if (nullptr == (prgbNew = static_cast<byte*>(malloc(cbNew))))
js_memcpy_s(prgbNew, cbNew, prgbOld, m_ichCur * sizeof(OLECHAR));
else if (nullptr == (prgbNew = static_cast<byte*>(realloc(prgbOld, cbNew))))
m_prgch = (OLECHAR*)prgbNew;
m_cchMax = cbNew / sizeof(OLECHAR);
void Capture(_Out_ RestorePoint* restorePoint);
void SeekTo(const RestorePoint& restorePoint);
void SeekToForcingPid(const RestorePoint& restorePoint);
void Capture(_Out_ RestorePoint* restorePoint, uint functionIdIncrement, size_t lengthDecr);
void SeekTo(const RestorePoint& restorePoint, uint *nextFunctionId);
void Clear();
HashTbl * GetHashTbl() { return &m_htbl; }
Parser *m_parser;
HashTbl m_htbl;
Token *m_ptoken;
EncodedCharPtr m_pchBase; // beginning of source
EncodedCharPtr m_pchLast; // The end of source
EncodedCharPtr m_pchMinLine; // beginning of current line
EncodedCharPtr m_pchMinTok; // beginning of current token
EncodedCharPtr m_currentCharacter; // current character
EncodedCharPtr m_pchPrevLine; // beginning of previous line
size_t m_cMinTokMultiUnits; // number of multi-unit characters previous to m_pchMinTok
size_t m_cMinLineMultiUnits; // number of multi-unit characters previous to m_pchMinLine
uint16 m_fStringTemplateDepth; // we should treat } as string template middle starting character (depth instead of flag)
BOOL m_fHadEol;
BOOL m_fIsModuleCode : 1;
BOOL m_doubleQuoteOnLastTkStrCon :1;
bool m_OctOrLeadingZeroOnLastTKNumber :1;
bool m_EscapeOnLastTkStrCon:1;
BOOL m_fNextStringTemplateIsTagged:1; // the next string template scanned has a tag (must create raw strings)
BYTE m_DeferredParseFlags:2; // suppressStrPid and suppressIdPid
bool es6UnicodeMode; // True if ES6Unicode Extensions are enabled.
bool m_fYieldIsKeywordRegion; // Whether to treat 'yield' as an identifier or keyword
bool m_fAwaitIsKeywordRegion; // Whether to treat 'await' as an identifier or keyword
// Temporary buffer.
TemporaryBuffer m_tempChBuf;
TemporaryBuffer m_tempChBufSecondary;
charcount_t m_line;
ScanState m_scanState;
charcount_t m_ichMinError;
charcount_t m_ichLimError;
charcount_t m_startLine;
EncodedCharPtr m_pchStartLine;
Js::ScriptContext* m_scriptContext;
const Js::CharClassifier *charClassifier;
tokens m_tkPrevious;
size_t m_iecpLimTokPrevious;
charcount_t m_ichLimTokPrevious;
void ClearStates();
template <bool forcePid>
void SeekAndScan(const RestorePoint& restorePoint);
tokens ScanCore(bool identifyKwds);
tokens ScanAhead();
tokens ScanError(EncodedCharPtr pchCur, tokens errorToken)
m_currentCharacter = pchCur;
return m_ptoken->tk = tkScanError;
__declspec(noreturn) void Error(HRESULT hr)
m_pchMinTok = m_currentCharacter;
m_cMinTokMultiUnits = this->m_cMultiUnits;
throw ParseExceptionObject(hr);
const EncodedCharPtr PchBase(void) const
return m_pchBase;
const EncodedCharPtr PchMinTok(void)
return m_pchMinTok;
template<bool stringTemplateMode, bool createRawString> tokens ScanStringConstant(OLECHAR delim, EncodedCharPtr *pp);
tokens ScanStringConstant(OLECHAR delim, EncodedCharPtr *pp);
tokens ScanStringTemplateBegin(EncodedCharPtr *pp);
tokens ScanStringTemplateMiddleOrEnd(EncodedCharPtr *pp);
void ScanNewLine(uint ch);
void NotifyScannedNewLine();
charcount_t LineLength(EncodedCharPtr first, EncodedCharPtr last, size_t* cb);
tokens ScanIdentifier(bool identifyKwds, EncodedCharPtr *pp);
BOOL FastIdentifierContinue(EncodedCharPtr&p, EncodedCharPtr last);
tokens ScanIdentifierContinue(bool identifyKwds, bool fHasEscape, bool fHasMultiChar, EncodedCharPtr pchMin, EncodedCharPtr p, EncodedCharPtr *pp);
tokens SkipComment(EncodedCharPtr *pp, /* out */ bool* containTypeDef);
tokens ScanRegExpConstant(ArenaAllocator* alloc);
tokens ScanRegExpConstantNoAST(ArenaAllocator* alloc);
EncodedCharPtr FScanNumber(EncodedCharPtr p, double *pdbl, bool& likelyInt);
IdentPtr PidOfIdentiferAt(EncodedCharPtr p, EncodedCharPtr last, bool fHadEscape, bool fHasMultiChar);
IdentPtr PidOfIdentiferAt(EncodedCharPtr p, EncodedCharPtr last);
uint32 UnescapeToTempBuf(EncodedCharPtr p, EncodedCharPtr last);
void SaveSrcPos(void)
m_pchMinTok = m_currentCharacter;
OLECHAR PeekNextChar(void)
return this->PeekFull(m_currentCharacter, m_pchLast);
OLECHAR ReadNextChar(void)
return this->template ReadFull<true>(m_currentCharacter, m_pchLast);
EncodedCharPtr AdjustedLast() const
return m_pchLast;
size_t AdjustedLength() const
return AdjustedLast() - m_pchBase;
bool IsStrictMode() const
return this->m_parser != NULL && this->m_parser->IsStrictMode();
// This function expects the first character to be a 'u'
// It will attempt to return a codepoint represented by a single escape point (either of the form \uXXXX or \u{any number of hex characters, s.t. value < 0x110000}
bool TryReadEscape(EncodedCharPtr &startingLocation, EncodedCharPtr endOfSource, codepoint_t *outChar = nullptr);
template <bool bScan>
bool TryReadCodePointRest(codepoint_t lower, EncodedCharPtr &startingLocation, EncodedCharPtr endOfSource, codepoint_t *outChar, bool *outContainsMultiUnitChar);
template <bool bScan>
inline bool TryReadCodePoint(EncodedCharPtr &startingLocation, EncodedCharPtr endOfSource, codepoint_t *outChar, bool *hasEscape, bool *outContainsMultiUnitChar);
inline BOOL IsIdContinueNext(EncodedCharPtr startingLocation, EncodedCharPtr endOfSource)
codepoint_t nextCodepoint;
bool ignore;
if (TryReadCodePoint<false>(startingLocation, endOfSource, &nextCodepoint, &ignore, &ignore))
return charClassifier->IsIdContinue(nextCodepoint);
return false;
charcount_t UpdateLine(int32 &line, EncodedCharPtr start, EncodedCharPtr last, charcount_t ichStart, charcount_t ichEnd);