blob: c20a50ba362e8fbd943819eb938443b1e4a4d55c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "GCStress.h"
// For converting from ANSI to UTF16
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <src/include/pal/utils.h>
void DoVerify(bool value, const char * expr, const char * file, int line)
if (!value)
wprintf(_u("==== FAILURE: '%S' evaluated to false. %S(%d)\n"), expr, file, line);
// Some constants for the stress test
static const unsigned int stackRootCount = 50;
static const unsigned int globalRootCount = 50;
static const unsigned int implicitRootCount = 50;
#ifdef _WIN32
static const unsigned int initializeCount = 1000000;
static const unsigned int operationsPerHeapWalk = 1000000;
// xplat-todo: Increase this number to match the windows numbers
// Currently, the windows numbers seem to be really slow on linux
// Need to investigate what operation is so much slower on linux
static const unsigned int initializeCount = 10000;
static const unsigned int operationsPerHeapWalk = 100000;
// Some global variables
// Recycler instance
Recycler * recyclerInstance = nullptr;
// TODO, make this configurable on the command line
bool implicitRootsMode = false;
//bool implicitRootsMode = true;
// List of root locations. These may be on the stack or elsewhere.
WeightedTable<Location> roots;
// Global root locations. These are pinned (if not null).
RecyclerTestObject * globalRoots[globalRootCount];
// Implicit root locations. These are allocated using ImplicitRootBit.
// Only enabled in MemProtect mode.
RecyclerTestObject * implicitRoots[implicitRootCount];
// Object creation function table. Used to randomly create new objects.
typedef RecyclerTestObject * (*ObjectCreationFunc)(void);
WeightedTable<ObjectCreationFunc> objectCreationTable;
// Operation table. Used to randomly perform heap operations.
typedef void (*Operation)(void);
WeightedTable<Operation> operationTable;
// Not used currently, but keep for now
bool verbose = false;
RecyclerTestObject * CreateNewObject()
// Get a random creation routine from the objectCreationTable
ObjectCreationFunc creationFunc = objectCreationTable.GetRandomEntry();
// Invoke it to create the new object
return creationFunc();
Location GetRandomLocation()
Location location = roots.GetRandomEntry();
while (true)
// If the current location contains nullptr, we can't walk it.
// Just return this location.
RecyclerTestObject * object = location.Get();
if (object == nullptr)
return location;
// Once in a while, just stop walking and return the current location, even though it's not nullptr.
// We don't want to do this too often, because if we update the location, we'll prune the entire tree
// underneath it. So make this relatively rare.
// (Note, different object mixes may require this to be tuned up/down as appropriate.)
if (GetRandomInteger(10000) == 0)
return location;
// Otherwise, try to walk to a new location on the specified object
if (!object->TryGetRandomLocation(&location))
// TryGetRandomLocation failed, e.g. because the object is a leaf object and has no internal locations.
// Thus we can't walk any further. Return the location we have.
return location;
void InsertObject()
// Create a new object
RecyclerTestObject * object = CreateNewObject();
// Walk to a random location in the current object graph
Location location = GetRandomLocation();
// If the location is currently null, set the object there
// If it's not null, do nothing and let the new object be collected.
if (location.Get() == nullptr)
void ReplaceObject()
// Create a new object
RecyclerTestObject * object = CreateNewObject();
// Walk to a random location in the current object graph
Location location = GetRandomLocation();
// Set the new object there unconditionally
void DeleteObject()
// Walk to a random location in the current object graph
Location location = GetRandomLocation();
// Set it to nullptr
void MoveObject()
// Walk to two random locations in the current object graph
Location location1 = GetRandomLocation();
Location location2 = GetRandomLocation();
// Move the reference and delete the old reference.
RecyclerTestObject * object = location1.Get();
void CopyObject()
// Walk to two random locations in the current object graph
Location location1 = GetRandomLocation();
Location location2 = GetRandomLocation();
// Copy from the first reference to second.
RecyclerTestObject * object = location1.Get();
void SwapObjects()
// Walk to two random locations in the current object graph
Location location1 = GetRandomLocation();
Location location2 = GetRandomLocation();
// Swap their references.
RecyclerTestObject * object = location1.Get();
void DoHeapOperation()
// Get a random heap operation routine from the operation table
Operation operationFunc = operationTable.GetRandomEntry();
// Invoke it to perform the heap walk
return operationFunc();
void WalkHeap()
// The roots table always has weight 1 for every entry, so we can walk it directly without hitting duplicates.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < roots.GetSize(); i++)
void BuildObjectCreationTable()
// Populate the object creation func table
// This defines the set of objects we create and their relative weights
objectCreationTable.AddWeightedEntry(&LeafObject<1, 50>::New, 1000);
objectCreationTable.AddWeightedEntry(&ScannedObject<1, 50>::New, 10000);
objectCreationTable.AddWeightedEntry(&BarrierObject<1, 50>::New, 2000);
objectCreationTable.AddWeightedEntry(&TrackedObject<1, 50>::New, 2000);
objectCreationTable.AddWeightedEntry(&RecyclerVisitedObject<1, 50>::New, 2000);
objectCreationTable.AddWeightedEntry(&LeafObject<51, 1000>::New, 10);
objectCreationTable.AddWeightedEntry(&ScannedObject<51, 1000>::New, 100);
objectCreationTable.AddWeightedEntry(&BarrierObject<51, 1000>::New, 20);
objectCreationTable.AddWeightedEntry(&TrackedObject<51, 1000>::New, 20);
objectCreationTable.AddWeightedEntry(&RecyclerVisitedObject<51, 1000>::New, 40);
objectCreationTable.AddWeightedEntry(&LeafObject<1001, 50000>::New, 1);
objectCreationTable.AddWeightedEntry(&ScannedObject<1001, 50000>::New, 10);
objectCreationTable.AddWeightedEntry(&BarrierObject<1001, 50000>::New, 2);
objectCreationTable.AddWeightedEntry(&FinalizedObject<1001, 50000>::New, 2);
//objectCreationTable.AddWeightedEntry(&TrackedObject<1001, 50000>::New, 2); // Large tracked objects are not supported
objectCreationTable.AddWeightedEntry(&RecyclerVisitedObject<1001, 50000>::New, 2);
void BuildOperationTable()
operationTable.AddWeightedEntry(&InsertObject, 5);
operationTable.AddWeightedEntry(&ReplaceObject, 2);
operationTable.AddWeightedEntry(&DeleteObject, 2);
operationTable.AddWeightedEntry(&MoveObject, 5);
operationTable.AddWeightedEntry(&CopyObject, 5);
operationTable.AddWeightedEntry(&SwapObjects, 5);
void SimpleRecyclerTest()
// Initialize the probability tables for object creation and heap operations.
// Construct Recycler instance and use it
PageAllocator::BackgroundPageQueue backgroundPageQueue;
IdleDecommitPageAllocator pageAllocator(nullptr,
0 /* maxFreePageCount */, PageAllocator::DefaultMaxFreePageCount /* maxIdleFreePageCount */,
false /* zero pages */
, &backgroundPageQueue
// REVIEW: Do we need a stack probe here? We don't care about OOM's since we deal with that below
recyclerInstance = HeapNewZ(Recycler, nullptr, &pageAllocator, Js::Throw::OutOfMemory, Js::Configuration::Global.flags, nullptr);
recyclerInstance->Initialize(false /* forceInThread */, nullptr /* threadService */);
// TODO: Support EnableImplicitRoots call on Recycler (or similar, e.g. constructor param)
// Until then, implicitRootsMode support doesn't actually work.
if (implicitRootsMode)
wprintf(_u("Recycler created, initializing heap...\n"));
// Initialize stack roots and add to our roots table
RecyclerTestObject * stackRoots[stackRootCount];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < stackRootCount; i++)
stackRoots[i] = nullptr;
roots.AddWeightedEntry(Location::Scanned(&stackRoots[i]), 1);
// Initialize global roots and add to our roots table
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < globalRootCount; i++)
globalRoots[i] = nullptr;
roots.AddWeightedEntry(Location::Rooted(&globalRoots[i]), 1);
// MemProtect only:
// Initialize implicit roots and add to our roots table
if (implicitRootsMode)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < implicitRootCount; i++)
implicitRoots[i] = nullptr;
roots.AddWeightedEntry(Location::ImplicitRoot(&implicitRoots[i]), 1);
// Initialize GC heap randomly
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < initializeCount; i++)
wprintf(_u("Initialization complete\n"));
// Do an initial walk
// Loop, continually doing heap operations, and periodically doing a full heap walk
while (true)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < operationsPerHeapWalk; i++)
// Dispose now
catch (Js::OutOfMemoryException)
printf("Error: OOM\n");
wprintf(_u("==== Test completed.\n"));
//////////////////// End test implementations ////////////////////
//////////////////// Begin test stubs ////////////////////
// This is consumed by AutoSystemInfo. AutoSystemInfo is in Chakra.Common.Core.lib, which is linked
// into multiple DLLs. The hosting DLL provides the implementation of this function.
bool GetDeviceFamilyInfo(
_Out_opt_ ULONGLONG* /*pullUAPInfo*/,
_Out_opt_ ULONG* /*pulDeviceFamily*/,
_Out_opt_ ULONG* /*pulDeviceForm*/)
return false;
//////////////////// End test stubs ////////////////////
//////////////////// Begin program entrypoint ////////////////////
void usage(const WCHAR* self)
_u("usage: %s [-?|-v] [-js <jscript options from here on>]\n")
_u(" -v\n\tverbose logging\n"),
int __cdecl wmain(int argc, __in_ecount(argc) WCHAR* argv[])
int jscriptOptions = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
if (argv[i][0] == '-')
if (wcscmp(argv[i], _u("-?")) == 0)
else if (wcscmp(argv[i], _u("-v")) == 0)
verbose = true;
else if (wcscmp(argv[i], _u("-js")) == 0 || wcscmp(argv[i], _u("-JS")) == 0)
jscriptOptions = i;
wprintf(_u("unknown argument '%s'\n"), argv[i]);
wprintf(_u("unknown argument '%s'\n"), argv[i]);
// Parse the rest of the command line as js options
if (jscriptOptions)
CmdLineArgsParser parser(nullptr);
parser.Parse(argc - jscriptOptions, argv + jscriptOptions);
// Run the actual test
return 0;
#ifndef _WIN32
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Ignoring mem-alloc failures here as this is
// simply a test tool. We can add more error checking
// here later if desired.
char16** args = new char16*[argc];
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
args[i] = UTIL_MBToWC_Alloc(argv[i], -1);
int ret = wmain(argc, args);
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
delete[] args;
return ret;
//////////////////// End program entrypoint ////////////////////