blob: 8c338e8985e6fdf1217ac0a1ed48c764ae8f653d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Core/RecyclerHeapMarkingContext.h"
class RecyclerTestObject : public IRecyclerVisitedObject
generation = currentGeneration;
// IRecyclerVisitedObject implementation. We don't use FinalizableObject here as
// RecyclerVisitedObjects need to have Trace called on them, which is not allowed for
// FinalizableObject.
virtual void Finalize(bool isShutdown) override { VerifyCondition(false); };
virtual void Dispose(bool isShutdown) override { VerifyCondition(false); };
virtual void OnMark() override {}
virtual void Mark(RecyclerHeapHandle recycler) override { Mark(static_cast<Recycler*>(recycler)); };
virtual void Trace(IRecyclerHeapMarkingContext* markContext) override { VerifyCondition(false); };
virtual void Mark(Recycler * recycler) { VerifyCondition(false); };
static void BeginWalk()
walkObjectCount = 0;
walkScannedByteCount = 0;
walkBarrierByteCount = 0;
walkTrackedByteCount = 0;
walkFinalizedByteCount = 0;
walkRecyclerVisitedByteCount = 0;
walkLeafByteCount = 0;
maxWalkDepth = 0;
currentWalkDepth = 0;
wprintf(_u("Full heap walk starting. Current generation: %12llu\n"), (unsigned long long) currentGeneration);
static void WalkReference(RecyclerTestObject * object)
if (object != nullptr)
// See if we've already seen the location in this traversal.
if (object->generation != currentGeneration)
// Haven't see it yet. Must be from the previous generation; increment generation and validate that.
// Update to current generation to indicate we've seen it
VerifyCondition(object->generation == currentGeneration);
maxWalkDepth = max(currentWalkDepth, maxWalkDepth);
// Call virtual for object-specific behavior
static void EndWalk()
VerifyCondition(currentWalkDepth == 0);
wprintf(_u("Full heap walk finished\n"));
wprintf(_u("Object Count: %12llu\n"), (unsigned long long) walkObjectCount);
wprintf(_u("Scanned Bytes: %12llu\n"), (unsigned long long) walkScannedByteCount);
wprintf(_u("Barrier Bytes: %12llu\n"), (unsigned long long) walkBarrierByteCount);
wprintf(_u("Tracked Bytes: %12llu\n"), (unsigned long long) walkTrackedByteCount);
wprintf(_u("Finalized Bytes: %12llu\n"), (unsigned long long) walkFinalizedByteCount);
wprintf(_u("RecyclerVisited Bytes: %12llu\n"), (unsigned long long) walkRecyclerVisitedByteCount);
wprintf(_u("Leaf Bytes: %12llu\n"), (unsigned long long) walkLeafByteCount);
wprintf(_u("Total Bytes: %12llu\n"), (unsigned long long) (walkScannedByteCount + walkBarrierByteCount + walkTrackedByteCount + walkFinalizedByteCount + walkLeafByteCount + walkRecyclerVisitedByteCount));
wprintf(_u("Max Depth: %12llu\n"), (unsigned long long) maxWalkDepth);
// Virtual methods
virtual bool TryGetRandomLocation(Location * location)
// Return false to indicate no internal locations
// Subclasses can override this to handle their internal locations as appropriate
return false;
virtual void DoWalkObject() = 0;
// Global variables
// This global variable contains the "generation" of GC objects
// It is used to validate the correctness of GC objects
// It is assigned initially during object creation, and
// updated when we walk the entire object graph in TraverseAllObjects
static size_t currentGeneration;
// These globals contain statistical data generated by WalkAllReferences
static size_t walkObjectCount;
static size_t walkScannedByteCount;
static size_t walkLeafByteCount;
static size_t walkBarrierByteCount;
static size_t walkTrackedByteCount;
static size_t walkFinalizedByteCount;
static size_t walkRecyclerVisitedByteCount;
static size_t currentWalkDepth;
static size_t maxWalkDepth;
// Instance variables
// See comments above re currentGeneration
Field(size_t) generation;
template <unsigned int minCount, unsigned int maxCount>
class LeafObject : public RecyclerTestObject
LeafObject(unsigned int count) :
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
data[i] = i;
static RecyclerTestObject * New()
unsigned int count = minCount + GetRandomInteger(maxCount - minCount + 1);
return RecyclerNewPlusLeaf(recyclerInstance, sizeof(size_t) * count, LeafObject, count);
virtual void DoWalkObject() override
walkLeafByteCount += sizeof(LeafObject) + count * sizeof(size_t);
Field(unsigned int) count;
Field(size_t ) data[0];
template <unsigned int minCount, unsigned int maxCount>
class ScannedObject : public RecyclerTestObject
ScannedObject(unsigned int count) :
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
references[i] = nullptr;
static RecyclerTestObject * New()
unsigned int count = minCount + GetRandomInteger(maxCount - minCount + 1);
return RecyclerNewPlus(recyclerInstance, sizeof(RecyclerTestObject *) * count, ScannedObject, count);
virtual bool TryGetRandomLocation(Location * location) override
// Get a random slot and construct a Location for it
*location = Location::Scanned(&references[GetRandomInteger(count)]);
return true;
virtual void DoWalkObject() override
walkScannedByteCount += sizeof(ScannedObject) + count * sizeof(RecyclerTestObject *);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Field(unsigned int) count;
FieldNoBarrier(RecyclerTestObject *) references[0]; // SWB-TODO: is this correct?
template <unsigned int minCount, unsigned int maxCount>
class BarrierObject : public RecyclerTestObject
BarrierObject(unsigned int count) :
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
references[i] = nullptr;
static RecyclerTestObject * New()
unsigned int count = minCount + GetRandomInteger(maxCount - minCount + 1);
return RecyclerNewWithBarrierPlus(recyclerInstance, sizeof(RecyclerTestObject *) * count, BarrierObject, count);
virtual bool TryGetRandomLocation(Location * location) override
// Get a random slot and construct a Location for it
*location = Location::Barrier(&references[GetRandomInteger(count)]);
return true;
virtual void DoWalkObject() override
walkBarrierByteCount += sizeof(BarrierObject) + count * sizeof(RecyclerTestObject *);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Field(unsigned int) count;
FieldNoBarrier(RecyclerTestObject *) references[0]; // SWB-TODO: is this correct?
// TrackedObject must be a FinalizableObject (in order to be 'new'ed with RecyclerNewTrackedLeafPlusZ)
// but it also must be a RecyclerTestObject to participate in GCStress. It must inherit from RecyclerTestObject
// first so that the algined pointer is returned from New.
// Fortunately, the v-tables for RecyclerTestObject and FinalizableObject line up, so the
// IRecyclerVisitedObject/FinalizableObject calls end up in the right place.
template <unsigned int minCount, unsigned int maxCount>
class TrackedObject : public RecyclerTestObject, public FinalizableObject
TrackedObject(unsigned int count) :
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
references[i] = nullptr;
static RecyclerTestObject * New()
unsigned int count = minCount + GetRandomInteger(maxCount - minCount + 1);
return RecyclerNewTrackedLeafPlusZ(recyclerInstance, sizeof(RecyclerTestObject *) * count, TrackedObject, count);
virtual bool TryGetRandomLocation(Location * location) override
// Get a random slot and construct a Location for it
*location = Location::Tagged(&references[GetRandomInteger(count)]);
return true;
// Tracked object implementation
virtual void Mark(Recycler * recycler) override
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
RecyclerTestObject * object = Location::Untag(references[i]);
if (object != nullptr)
// Tracked objects are always finalize as well. Just do nothing.
virtual void Finalize(bool isShutdown) override { }
virtual void Dispose(bool isShutdown) override { };
virtual void DoWalkObject() override
walkTrackedByteCount += sizeof(TrackedObject) + count * sizeof(RecyclerTestObject *);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Field(unsigned int) count;
FieldNoBarrier(RecyclerTestObject *) references[0]; // SWB-TODO: is this correct?
// A type of object that is finalizable, but not traced/tracked so that it can be used to test finalization
// for LargeHeapBlock (which currently supports the FinalizeBit, but not TrackBit)
template <unsigned int minCount, unsigned int maxCount>
class FinalizedObject : public RecyclerTestObject, public FinalizableObject
FinalizedObject(unsigned int count) :
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
references[i] = nullptr;
static RecyclerTestObject * New()
unsigned int count = minCount + GetRandomInteger(maxCount - minCount + 1);
return RecyclerNewFinalizedPlus(recyclerInstance, sizeof(RecyclerTestObject *) * count, FinalizedObject, count);
virtual bool TryGetRandomLocation(Location * location) override
// Get a random slot and construct a Location for it
*location = Location::Scanned(&references[GetRandomInteger(count)]);
return true;
virtual void Mark(Recycler * recycler) override { VerifyCondition(false); };
// Finalize implementation.
virtual void Finalize(bool isShutdown) override { }
virtual void Dispose(bool isShutdown) override { }
virtual void DoWalkObject() override
walkFinalizedByteCount += sizeof(FinalizedObject) + count * sizeof(RecyclerTestObject *);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Field(unsigned int) count;
FieldNoBarrier(RecyclerTestObject *) references[0]; // SWB-TODO: is this correct?
template <unsigned int minCount, unsigned int maxCount>
class RecyclerVisitedObject : public RecyclerTestObject
static RecyclerTestObject * New()
// Determine a random amount of RecyclerTestObject* references to influence the size of this object.
const unsigned int count = minCount + GetRandomInteger(maxCount - minCount + 1);
void* mem = nullptr;
const size_t size = sizeof(RecyclerVisitedObject) + (sizeof(RecyclerTestObject*) * count);
// Randomly select the type of object to create
AllocationType allocType = static_cast<AllocationType>(GetRandomInteger(static_cast<unsigned int>(AllocationType::Count)));
switch (allocType)
case AllocationType::TraceAndFinalized:
mem = RecyclerAllocVisitedHostTracedAndFinalized(recyclerInstance, size);
case AllocationType::TraceOnly:
mem = RecyclerAllocVisitedHostTraced(recyclerInstance, size);
case AllocationType::FinalizeLeaf:
mem = RecyclerAllocVisitedHostFinalized(recyclerInstance, size);
Assert(allocType == AllocationType::Leaf);
mem = RecyclerAllocLeaf(recyclerInstance, size);
// Construct the v-table, allocType, and count information for the new object.
RecyclerVisitedObject* obj = new (mem) RecyclerVisitedObject(allocType, count);
return obj;
virtual bool TryGetRandomLocation(Location * location) override
// Leaf types should not return a location
if (type == AllocationType::Leaf || type == AllocationType::FinalizeLeaf)
return false;
// Get a random slot and construct a Location for it
// Make this a Tagged location so that we won't inadvertently keep objects alive
// in the case where this object gets put on the wrong mark stack.
*location = Location::Tagged(&references[GetRandomInteger(count)]);
return true;
virtual void Trace(IRecyclerHeapMarkingContext* markContext) override
VerifyCondition(type == AllocationType::TraceAndFinalized || type == AllocationType::TraceOnly);
// Note that the pointers in the references arrary are technically tagged. However, this is ok
// as the Mark that we're performing is an interior mark, which gets us to the right object(s).
markContext->MarkObjects(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&references[0]), count, this);
virtual void Finalize(bool isShutdown) override
// Only types that request finalization should have Finalize called
virtual void Dispose(bool isShutdown) override
// Only types that request finalization should have Finalize called
VerifyCondition(unmanagedResource != nullptr);
BOOL success = ::HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, unmanagedResource);
VerifyCondition(success != FALSE);
unmanagedResource = nullptr;
virtual void DoWalkObject() override
walkRecyclerVisitedByteCount += sizeof(RecyclerVisitedObject) + count * sizeof(RecyclerTestObject *);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
enum class AllocationType : unsigned int
TraceAndFinalized = 0,
bool IsFinalizable() const { return type == AllocationType::TraceAndFinalized || type == AllocationType::FinalizeLeaf; }
RecyclerVisitedObject(AllocationType allocType, unsigned int count) :
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
references[i] = nullptr;
if (IsFinalizable())
unmanagedResource = ::HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, GetRandomInteger(1024));
VerifyCondition(unmanagedResource != nullptr);
Field(AllocationType) type;
Field(void*) unmanagedResource;
Field(unsigned int) count;
FieldNoBarrier(RecyclerTestObject *) references[0]; // SWB-TODO: is this correct? (copied from TrackedObject)