blob: ae00feb42ea019740dc5f27d91d4feceae933010 [file] [log] [blame]
:: Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
:: Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
:: ============================================================================
:: runtests.cmd
:: Runs checkin tests using the ch.exe on the path, in 2 variants:
:: -maxInterpretCount:1 -maxSimpleJitRunCount:1 -bgjit-
:: <dynapogo>
:: Logs are placed into:
:: logs\interpreted
:: logs\dynapogo
:: User specified variants:
:: logs\forcedeferparse
:: logs\nodeferparse
:: logs\forceundodefer
:: logs\bytecodeserialized (serialized to byte codes)
:: logs\forceserialized (force bytecode serialization internally)
:: ============================================================================
@echo off
goto :main
:: ============================================================================
:: Print usage
:: ============================================================================
echo runtests.cmd -x86^|-x64^|-arm -debug^|-test [options]
echo Required switches:
echo Specify architecture of ChakraCore:
echo -x86 Build arch of binaries is x86
echo -x64 Build arch of binaries is x64
echo -arm Build arch of binaries is ARM
echo -arm64 Build arch of binaries is ARM64
echo Specify type of ChakraCore:
echo -debug Build type of binaries is debug
echo -test Build type of binaries is test
echo -codecoverage Build type of binaries is codecoverage
echo Shorthand combinations can be used, e.g. -x64debug
echo Note: release build type currently unsupported by ch.exe
echo Options:
echo -dirs dirname Run only the specified directory
echo -rebase Create .rebase file on baseline comparision failure
echo -stoponerror Stop testing after first failure (will finish current execution)
:: TODO Add more usage help
goto :eof
:: ============================================================================
:: Print how to get help
:: ============================================================================
echo For help use runtests.cmd -?
goto :eof
:: ============================================================================
:: Main script
:: ============================================================================
if not exist %cd%\rlexedirs.xml (
echo Error: rlexedirs.xml not found in current directory.
echo runtests.cmd must be run from a test root directory containing rlexedirs.xml.
exit /b 1
call :initVars
call :parseArgs %*
if not "%fShowUsage%" == "" (
call :printUsage
goto :eof
call :validateArgs
if not "%fShowGetHelp%" == "" (
call :printGetHelp
goto :eof
call :configureVars
set _logsRoot=%cd%\logs
call :doSilent del /s /q profile.dpl.*
for %%i in (%_Variants%) do (
call :RunOneVariant
call :cleanUp
for %%i in (%_Variants%) do (
echo ######## Logs for %%i variant ########
if exist %_logsRoot%\%_BuildArch%_%_BuildType%\%%i\rl.log (
type %_logsRoot%\%_BuildArch%_%_BuildType%\%%i\rl.log
) else (
echo ERROR: Log file '%_logsRoot%\%_BuildArch%_%_BuildType%\%%i\rl.log' does not exist
if "%_HadFailures%" NEQ "0" (
echo -- runtests.cmd ^>^> Tests failed. See logs for details.
) else (
echo -- runtests.cmd ^>^> All tests passed!
echo -- runtests.cmd ^>^> exiting with exit code %_HadFailures%
exit /b %_HadFailures%
:: ============================================================================
:: Parse the user arguments into environment variables
:: ============================================================================
if "%1" == "-?" set fShowUsage=1& goto :ArgOk
if "%1" == "/?" set fShowUsage=1& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-x86" set _BuildArch=x86& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-x64" set _BuildArch=x64& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-arm" set _BuildArch=arm& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-arm64" set _BuildArch=arm64& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-debug" set _BuildType=debug& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-test" set _BuildType=test& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-codecoverage" set _BuildType=codecoverage& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-x86debug" set _BuildArch=x86&set _BuildType=debug& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-x64debug" set _BuildArch=x64&set _BuildType=debug& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-armdebug" set _BuildArch=arm&set _BuildType=debug& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-arm64debug" set _BuildArch=arm64&set _BuildType=debug& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-x86test" set _BuildArch=x86&set _BuildType=test& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-x64test" set _BuildArch=x64&set _BuildType=test& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-armtest" set _BuildArch=arm&set _BuildType=test& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-arm64test" set _BuildArch=arm64&set _BuildType=test& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-x86codecoverage" set _BuildArch=x86&set _BuildType=codecoverage& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-x64codecoverage" set _BuildArch=x64&set _BuildType=codecoverage& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-armcodecoverage" set _BuildArch=arm&set _BuildType=codecoverage& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-arm64codecoverage" set _BuildArch=arm64&set _BuildType=codecoverage& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-binary" set _Binary=-binary:%2& goto :ArgOkShift2
if /i "%1" == "-bindir" set _BinDir=%~f2& goto :ArgOkShift2
if /i "%1" == "-dirs" set _DIRS=-dirs:%~2& goto :ArgOkShift2
if /i "%1" == "-win7" set TARGET_OS=win7& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-win8" set TARGET_OS=win8& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-winBlue" set TARGET_OS=winBlue& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-win10" set TARGET_OS=win10& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-nottags" set _NOTTAGS=%_NOTTAGS% -nottags:%~2& goto :ArgOkShift2
if /i "%1" == "-tags" set _TAGS=%_TAGS% -tags:%~2& goto :ArgOkShift2
if /i "%1" == "-dirtags" set _DIRTAGS=%_DIRTAGS% -dirtags:%~2& goto :ArgOkShift2
if /i "%1" == "-dirnottags" set _DIRNOTTAGS=%_DIRNOTTAGS% -dirnottags:%~2& goto :ArgOkShift2
if /i "%1" == "-includeSlow" set _includeSlow=1& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-onlySlow" set _onlySlow=1& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-quiet" set _quiet=-quiet& goto :ArgOk
:: TODO Consider removing -drt and exclude_drt in some reasonable manner
if /i "%1" == "-drt" set _drt=1& set _NOTTAGS=%_NOTTAGS% -nottags:exclude_drt& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-rebase" set _rebase=-rebase& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-stoponerror" set _stoponerror=-stoponerror& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-rundebug" set _RUNDEBUG=1& goto :ArgOk
:: TODO Figure out best way to specify build arch for tests that are excluded to specific archs
if /i "%1" == "-platform" set _buildArch=%2& goto :ArgOkShift2
:: TODO Figure out best way to specify build type for tests that are excluded to specific type (chk, fre, etc)
if /i "%1" == "-buildType" set _buildType=%2& goto :ArgOkShift2
if /i "%1" == "-binaryRoot" set _binaryRoot=%~f2& goto :ArgOkShift2
if /i "%1" == "-variants" set _Variants=%~2& goto :ArgOkShift2
if /i "%1" == "-cleanupall" set _CleanUpAll=1& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-noprogramoutput" set _NoProgramOutput=-noprogramoutput& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-onlyassertoutput" set _OnlyAssertOutput=-onlyassertoutput& goto :ArgOk
::Extra ch.exe command line flags
if /i "%1" == "-ExtraHostFlags" set _ExtraHostFlags=%~2& goto :ArgOkShift2
if /i "%1" == "-DumpOnCrash" set _DumpOnCrash=1& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-CrashOnException" set _CrashOnException=1& goto :ArgOk
::Timeout flags
if /i "%1" == "-timeout" set _TestTimeout=%~2& goto :ArgOkShift2
if /i "%1" == "-timeoutRetries" set _TestTimeoutRetries=%~2& goto :ArgOkShift2
if /i "%1" == "-extraVariants" (
:: Extra variants are specified by the user but not run by default.
if "%_ExtraVariants%" == "" (
set _ExtraVariants=%~2
) else (
set _ExtraVariants=%_ExtraVariants%,%~2
goto :ArgOkShift2
:: Defined here are shorthand versions for specifying
:: extra variants when running.
if /i "%1" == "-parser" (
if "%_ExtraVariants%" == "" (
set _ExtraVariants=forcedeferparse,nodeferparse,forceundodefer
) else (
set _ExtraVariants=%_ExtraVariants%,forcedeferparse,nodeferparse,forceundodefer
goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-serialization" (
if "%_ExtraVariants%" == "" (
set _ExtraVariants=bytecodeserialized,forceserialized
) else (
set _ExtraVariants=%_ExtraVariants%,bytecodeserialized,forceserialized
goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-disablejit" (
set _Variants=disable_jit
goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-lite" (
set _Variants=lite
goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-nightly" (
set _nightly=1
if "%_ExtraVariants%" == "" (
set _ExtraVariants=mediumlayout,largelayout,forceserialized
) else (
set _ExtraVariants=%_ExtraVariants%,mediumlayout,largelayout,forceserialized
goto :ArgOk
if not "%1" == "" echo Unknown argument: %1 & set fShowGetHelp=1
goto :eof
goto :NextArgument
:: ============================================================================
:: Initialize batch script variables to defaults
:: ============================================================================
set _HadFailures=0
set _RootDir=%~dp0..
set _BinDir=%_RootDir%\Build\VcBuild\Bin
set _BuildArch=
set _BuildType=
set _Binary=-binary:ch.exe
set _Variants=
set _TAGS=
set _drt=
set _rebase=
set _stoponerror=
set _ExtraVariants=
set _dynamicprofilecache=-dynamicprofilecache:profile.dpl
set _dynamicprofileinput=-dynamicprofileinput:profile.dpl
set _includeSlow=
set _onlySlow=
set _CleanUpAll=
set _nightly=
set TARGET_OS=win10
set _quiet=
set _ExtraHostFlags=
set _DumpOnCrash=
set _CrashOnException=
set _NoProgramOutput=
set _OnlyAssertOutput=
goto :eof
:: ============================================================================
:: Validate that required arguments were specified
:: ============================================================================
if "%_BuildArch%" == "" (
echo Error missing required build architecture or build type switch
set fShowGetHelp=1
goto :eof
if "%_BuildType%" == "" (
echo Error missing required build architecture or build type switch
set fShowGetHelp=1
if not exist %_binDir%\%_BuildArch%_%_BuildType%\%_Binary:~8% (
echo Error missing binary %_binDir%\%_BuildArch%_%_BuildType%\%_Binary:~8%
set fShowGetHelp=1
goto :eof
:: ============================================================================
:: Configure the script variables and environment based on parsed arguments
:: ============================================================================
echo Adding to PATH: %_binDir%\%_BuildArch%_%_BuildType%
set path=%_binDir%\%_BuildArch%_%_BuildType%;%path%
:: If the user didn't specify explicit variants then do the defaults
if "%_Variants%"=="" set _Variants=interpreted,dynapogo
:: If the user specified extra variants to run (i.e. in addition to the defaults), include them.
if not "%_ExtraVariants%" == "" set _Variants=%_Variants%,%_ExtraVariants%
if not "%_nightly%" == "1" (
set _NOTTAGS=%_NOTTAGS% -nottags:nightly
) else (
set _NOTTAGS=%_NOTTAGS% -nottags:exclude_nightly
if "%_includeSlow%%_onlySlow%" == "" (
set _NOTTAGS=%_NOTTAGS% -nottags:Slow
if "%_onlySlow%" == "1" (
set _TAGS=%_TAGS% -tags:Slow
if not "%NUM_RL_THREADS%" == "" (
if "%_DIRS%" == "" (
set _DIRS=-all
set _NOTTAGS=%_NOTTAGS% -nottags:exclude_windows
set _BuildArchMapped=%_BuildArch%
set _BuildTypeMapped=%_BuildType%
:: _NewBuildArchMapped and _NewBuildTypeMapped store new terms of the build and architecture
:: _NewBuildArchMapped: x86/x64 _BuildArchMapped:x86/amd64
:: _NewBuildTypeMapped: debug/test _BuildTypeMapped:chk/fre
set _NewBuildArchMapped=%_BuildArch%
set _NewBuildTypeMapped=%_BuildType%
:: Map new build arch and type names to old names until rl test tags are
:: updated to the new names
if "%_BuildArchMapped%" == "x64" set _BuildArchMapped=amd64
if "%_BuildTypeMapped%" == "debug" set _BuildTypeMapped=chk
if "%_BuildTypeMapped%" == "test" set _BuildTypeMapped=fre
if "%_BuildTypeMapped%" == "codecoverage" (
set _BuildTypeMapped=fre
set _NewBuildTypeMapped=test
if "%_BuildArch%" == "arm" set _NOTTAGS=%_NOTTAGS% -nottags:require_asmjs -nottags:require_wasm
if "%_BuildArch%" == "arm64" set _NOTTAGS=%_NOTTAGS% -nottags:require_asmjs -nottags:require_wasm
if "%Disable_JIT%" == "1" (
set _dynamicprofilecache=
set _dynamicprofileinput=
goto :eof
:: ============================================================================
:: Run one variant
:: ============================================================================
if exist %_logsRoot%\%_BuildArch%_%_BuildType%\%_TESTCONFIG% (
rd /q /s %_logsRoot%\%_BuildArch%_%_BuildType%\%_TESTCONFIG%
if %_HadFailures% NEQ 0 (
if "%_stoponerror%" NEQ "" (
goto :eof
if "%_BuildType%" == "test" (
rem bytecode layout switches not available in test build
if "%_TESTCONFIG%"=="largelayout" (
if not exist %_logsRoot%\%_BuildArch%_%_BuildType%\%_TESTCONFIG% (
mkdir %_logsRoot%\%_BuildArch%_%_BuildType%\%_TESTCONFIG%
echo. > %_logsRoot%\%_BuildArch%_%_BuildType%\%_TESTCONFIG%\rl.log
goto :eof
if "%_TESTCONFIG%"=="mediumlayout" (
if not exist %_logsRoot%\%_BuildArch%_%_BuildType%\%_TESTCONFIG% (
mkdir %_logsRoot%\%_BuildArch%_%_BuildType%\%_TESTCONFIG%
echo. > %_logsRoot%\%_BuildArch%_%_BuildType%\%_TESTCONFIG%\rl.log
goto :eof
set EXTRA_RL_FLAGS=-appendtestnametoextraccflags
set _exclude_serialized=
if "%_BuildType%" == "debug" (
rem Enabling storing dumps on user directory.
set _DumpOnCrash=1
if not "%_DumpOnCrash%" == "" (
if not "%_CrashOnException%" == "" (
if "%_Binary%" == "-binary:ch.exe" (
set EXTRA_CC_FLAGS=%EXTRA_CC_FLAGS% -WERExceptionSupport -ExtendedErrorStackForTestHost -BaselineMode
if "%_TESTCONFIG%"=="interpreted" (
set EXTRA_CC_FLAGS=%EXTRA_CC_FLAGS% -maxInterpretCount:1 -maxSimpleJitRunCount:1 -bgjit- %_dynamicprofilecache%
if "%_TESTCONFIG%"=="nonative" (
set EXTRA_RL_FLAGS=-nottags:exclude_interpreted -nottags:fails_interpreted
:: DisableJit is different from NoNative in that NoNative can be used
:: with builds which include backend code, whereas DisableJit doesn't have
:: backend code linked in, and also disables other features that incidentally
:: depends on the backend like dynamic profile, asmjs, simdjs, background parsing etc.
:: TODO: Re-enable interpreter mode asmjs and simdjs
if "%_TESTCONFIG%"=="disable_jit" (
set EXTRA_RL_FLAGS=-nottags:exclude_interpreted -nottags:fails_interpreted -nottags:require_backend
) else (
set EXTRA_RL_FLAGS=%EXTRA_RL_FLAGS% -nottags:require_disable_jit
if "%_TESTCONFIG%"=="lite" (
set EXTRA_RL_FLAGS=-nottags:exclude_interpreted -nottags:fails_interpreted -nottags:require_backend -nottags:require_debugger -nottags:Intl
if "%_TESTCONFIG%"=="dynapogo" (
set EXTRA_CC_FLAGS=%EXTRA_CC_FLAGS% -forceNative -off:simpleJit -bgJitDelay:0 %_dynamicprofileinput%
:: Variants after here are user supplied variants (not run by default).
if "%_TESTCONFIG%"=="forcedeferparse" (
set EXTRA_CC_FLAGS=%EXTRA_CC_FLAGS% -forceDeferParse %_dynamicprofilecache%
set _exclude_forcedeferparse=-nottags:exclude_forcedeferparse
if "%_TESTCONFIG%"=="nodeferparse" (
set EXTRA_CC_FLAGS=%EXTRA_CC_FLAGS% -noDeferParse %_dynamicprofilecache%
set _exclude_nodeferparse=-nottags:exclude_nodeferparse
if "%_TESTCONFIG%"=="forceundodefer" (
set EXTRA_CC_FLAGS=%EXTRA_CC_FLAGS% -forceUndoDefer %_dynamicprofilecache%
set _exclude_forceundodefer=-nottags:exclude_forceundodefer
if "%_TESTCONFIG%"=="bytecodeserialized" (
set EXTRA_CC_FLAGS=%EXTRA_CC_FLAGS% -recreatebytecodefile -serialized:%TEMP%\ByteCode
set _exclude_serialized=-nottags:exclude_serialized
if "%_TESTCONFIG%"=="forceserialized" (
set EXTRA_CC_FLAGS=%EXTRA_CC_FLAGS% -forceserialized
set EXTRA_RL_FLAGS=-nottags:exclude_forceserialized
set _exclude_serialized=-nottags:exclude_serialized
if "%_TESTCONFIG%"=="mediumlayout" (
set EXTRA_CC_FLAGS=%EXTRA_CC_FLAGS% -MediumByteCodeLayout -forceserialized
set EXTRA_RL_FLAGS=-nottags:exclude_bytecodelayout -nottags:exclude_forceserialized
set _exclude_serialized=-nottags:exclude_serialized
if "%_TESTCONFIG%"=="largelayout" (
set EXTRA_CC_FLAGS=%EXTRA_CC_FLAGS% -LargeByteCodeLayout -forceserialized
set EXTRA_RL_FLAGS=-nottags:exclude_bytecodelayout -nottags:exclude_forceserialized
set _exclude_serialized=-nottags:exclude_serialized
if not "%_TestTimeout%" == "" (
set EXTRA_RL_FLAGS=%EXTRA_RL_FLAGS% -timeout:%_TestTimeout%
if not "%_TestTimeoutRetries%" == "" (
set EXTRA_RL_FLAGS=%EXTRA_RL_FLAGS% -timeoutRetries:%_TestTimeoutRetries%
echo ############# Starting %_TESTCONFIG% variant #############
call :doSilent del /q %_logsRoot%\%_BuildArch%_%_BuildType%\%_TESTCONFIG%\rl*
call :doSilent md %_logsRoot%\%_BuildArch%_%_BuildType%\%_TESTCONFIG%
set _rlArgs=%_Binary%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% -target:%_BuildArchMapped%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% -nottags:fail
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% %_RL_THREAD_FLAGS%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% %_DIRS%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% -verbose
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% %_TAGS%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% %_NOTTAGS%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% %_DIRTAGS%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% %_DIRNOTTAGS%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% -nottags:fails_%_TESTCONFIG%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% -nottags:exclude_%_TESTCONFIG%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% -nottags:exclude_%TARGET_OS%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% -nottags:exclude_%_BuildArchMapped%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% -nottags:exclude_%_NewBuildArchMapped%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% -nottags:exclude_%_BuildTypeMapped%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% -nottags:exclude_%_NewBuildTypeMapped%
if [%_JSHOST%] NEQ [1] (
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% -nottags:exclude_ch
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% %_exclude_serialized%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% %_exclude_forcedeferparse%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% %_exclude_nodeferparse%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% %_exclude_forceundodefer%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% %_NoProgramOutput%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% %_OnlyAssertOutput%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% %_quiet%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% -exe
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% %EXTRA_RL_FLAGS%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% %_rebase%
set _rlArgs=%_rlArgs% %_stoponerror%
call :do rl %_rlArgs%
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 set _HadFailures=1
call :do move /Y %_logsRoot%\*.log %_logsRoot%\%_BuildArch%_%_BuildType%\%_TESTCONFIG%
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 set _HadFailures=1
goto :eof
:: ============================================================================
:: Clean up left over files
:: ============================================================================
call :doSilent del /s *.bc
call :doSilent del /s *.out
call :doSilent del /s *.dpl
call :doSilent del /s profile.dpl.*
call :doSilent del /s testout*
if "%_CleanUpAll%" == "1" (
call :doSilent del /s *.rebase
goto :eof
:: ============================================================================
:: Echo a command line before executing it
:: ============================================================================
echo ^>^> %*
cmd /s /c "%*"
goto :eof
:: ============================================================================
:: Echo a command line before executing it and redirect the command's output
:: to nul
:: ============================================================================
echo ^>^> %* ^> nul 2^>^&1
cmd /s /c "%* > nul 2>&1"
goto :eof