blob: b20b40ea321a7c7e0dd94c323f68ceb7ce0a1d56 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
#include "ParserPch.h"
#define DEBUG_TRASHMEM(pv, cb) memset(pv, 0xbc, cb)
#endif //DEBUG
#if TARGET_64
struct __ALIGN_FOO__ {
int w1;
double dbl;
#define ALIGN_FULL (offsetof(__ALIGN_FOO__, dbl))
// Force check for 4 byte alignment to support Win98/ME
#define ALIGN_FULL 4
#endif // TARGET_64
#define AlignFull(VALUE) (~(~((VALUE) + (ALIGN_FULL-1)) | (ALIGN_FULL-1)))
NoReleaseAllocator::NoReleaseAllocator(int32 cbFirst, int32 cbMax)
: m_pblkList(NULL)
, m_ibCur(0)
, m_ibMax(0)
, m_cbMinBlock(cbFirst)
, m_cbMaxBlock(cbMax)
, m_cbTotRequested(0)
, m_cbTotAlloced(0)
, m_cblk(0)
, m_cpvBig(0)
, m_cpvSmall(0)
// require reasonable ranges
Assert((0 < cbFirst) && (cbFirst < SHRT_MAX/2));
Assert((0 < cbMax ) && (cbMax < SHRT_MAX));
void * NoReleaseAllocator::Alloc(int32 cb)
Assert(cb > 0);
if (cb <= 0)
return NULL;
const int32 kcbHead = AlignFull(sizeof(NoReleaseAllocator::NraBlock));
void * pv;
if (cb > m_ibMax - m_ibCur)
int32 cbBlock;
int32 cbAlloc;
NraBlock * pblk;
if (cb >= m_cbMaxBlock)
// check for integer overflow before allocating (See WindowsSE #88972)
cbAlloc = cb + kcbHead;
if (cbAlloc < cb)
Assert(FALSE); // too big!
return NULL;
// create a chunk just for this allocation
pblk = (NraBlock *)malloc(cbAlloc);
if (NULL == pblk)
return NULL;
m_cbTotAlloced += cbAlloc;
m_cbTotRequested += cb;
#endif //DEBUG
if (m_ibCur < m_ibMax)
// There is still room in current block, so put the new block
// after the current block.
pblk->pblkNext = m_pblkList->pblkNext;
m_pblkList->pblkNext = pblk;
// Link into front of the list.
// Don't need to adjust m_ibCur and m_ibMax, because they
// already have the correct relationship for this full block
// (m_ibCur >= m_ibMax) and the actual values will not be
// used.
pblk->pblkNext = m_pblkList;
m_pblkList = pblk;
DEBUG_TRASHMEM((byte *)pblk + kcbHead, cb);
return (byte *)pblk + kcbHead;
cbBlock = cb; // requested size
if (m_ibMax > cbBlock) // at least current block size
cbBlock = m_ibMax;
cbBlock += cbBlock; // *2 (can overflow, but checked below)
if (m_cbMinBlock > cbBlock) // at least minimum size
cbBlock = m_cbMinBlock;
if (cbBlock > m_cbMaxBlock) // no larger than the max
cbBlock = m_cbMaxBlock;
if (cb > cbBlock) // guarantee it's big enough
Assert(("Request too large", FALSE));
return NULL;
// check for integer overflow before allocating (See WindowsSE #88972)
cbAlloc = cbBlock + kcbHead;
if ((cbAlloc < cbBlock) || (cbAlloc < cb))
Assert(FALSE); // too big!
return NULL ;
// allocate a new block
pblk = (NraBlock *)malloc(cbAlloc);
#ifdef MEM_TRACK
if (NULL == pblk)
return NULL;
m_cbTotAlloced += cbAlloc;
#endif //DEBUG
pblk->pblkNext = m_pblkList;
m_pblkList = pblk;
m_ibMax = cbBlock;
m_ibCur = 0;
Assert(m_ibCur + cb <= m_ibMax);
m_cbTotRequested += cb;
#endif //DEBUG
pv = (byte *)m_pblkList + kcbHead + m_ibCur;
m_ibCur += (int32)AlignFull(cb);
Assert(m_ibCur >= 0);
return pv;
void NoReleaseAllocator::FreeAll(void)
// Free all of the allocated blocks
while (NULL != m_pblkList)
NraBlock * pblk = m_pblkList;
#pragma prefast(suppress:6001, "Not sure why it is complaining *m_plkList is uninitialized")
m_pblkList = pblk->pblkNext;
// prepare for next round of allocations
m_ibCur = m_ibMax = 0;
m_cbTotRequested = 0;
m_cbTotAlloced = 0;
m_cblk = 0;
m_cpvBig = 0;
m_cpvSmall = 0;