blob: 676fdedfe78a8e2fed251ddf96b878fa545b5454 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
namespace UnifiedRegex
namespace CaseInsensitive
// It turns out there are many upper-case characters with three lower-case variants, thus
// the maximum size of an equivalence class is four.
static const int EquivClassSize = 4;
enum class MappingSource : uint8
// Following two functions return equivalents from UnicodeData (for char16) and CaseFolding
// (for codepoint_t) files. Their names don't have anything distinguishing them so that
// they can be called easily from template functions.
bool RangeToEquivClass(uint& tblidx, uint l, uint h, uint& acth, __out_ecount(EquivClassSize) char16 equivl[EquivClassSize]);
bool RangeToEquivClass(uint& tblidx, uint l, uint h, uint& acth, __out_ecount(EquivClassSize) codepoint_t equivl[EquivClassSize]);
// Returns equivalents only from the given source. Some case-folding mappings already exist in
// UnicodeData, so this function doesn't return them when CaseFolding is passed as the source.
bool RangeToEquivClassOnlyInSource(MappingSource mappingSource, uint& tblidx, uint l, uint h, uint& acth, __out_ecount(EquivClassSize) char16 equivl[EquivClassSize]);