blob: 53254436b8131c558b0d5e1a111076bca7709610 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
#pragma once
// Parse flags
fscrNil = 0,
// Unused = 1 << 0,
fscrReturnExpression = 1 << 1, // call should return the last expression
fscrImplicitThis = 1 << 2, // 'this.' is optional (for Call)
fscrWillDeferFncParse = 1 << 3, // Heuristically choosing to defer parsing of functions
fscrCanDeferFncParse = 1 << 4, // Functionally able to defer parsing of functions
fscrDynamicCode = 1 << 5, // The code is being generated dynamically (eval, new Function, etc.)
fscrDeferredFncIsGenerator = 1 << 6,
fscrNoImplicitHandlers = 1 << 7, // same as Opt NoConnect at start of block
fscrCreateParserState = 1 << 8, // The parser should expose parser state information on the parse nodes.
// This parser state includes the set of names which are captured by each function
// and is stored in ParseNodeFnc::capturedNames.
fscrEnforceJSON = 1 << 9, // used together with fscrReturnExpression
// enforces JSON semantics in the parsing.
fscrEval = 1 << 10, // this expression has eval semantics (i.e., run in caller's context
fscrEvalCode = 1 << 11, // this is an eval expression
fscrGlobalCode = 1 << 12, // this is a global script
fscrDeferredFncIsAsync = 1 << 13,
fscrDeferredFncExpression = 1 << 14, // the function decl node we deferred is an expression,
// i.e., not a declaration statement
fscrDeferredFnc = 1 << 15, // the function we are parsing is deferred
fscrNoPreJit = 1 << 16, // ignore prejit global flag
fscrAllowFunctionProxy = 1 << 17, // Allow creation of function proxies instead of function bodies
fscrIsLibraryCode = 1 << 18, // Current code is engine library code written in Javascript
fscrNoDeferParse = 1 << 19, // Do not defer parsing
fscrJsBuiltIn = 1 << 20, // Current code is a JS built in code written in JavaScript
#ifdef IR_VIEWER
fscrIrDumpEnable = 1 << 21, // Allow parseIR to generate an IR dump
#endif /* IRVIEWER */
// Throw a ReferenceError when the global 'this' is used (possibly in a lambda),
// for debugger when broken in a lambda that doesn't capture 'this'
fscrDebuggerErrorOnGlobalThis = 1 << 22,
fscrDeferredClassMemberFnc = 1 << 23,
fscrConsoleScopeEval = 1 << 24, // The eval string is console eval or debugEval, used to have top level
// let/const in global scope instead of eval scope so that they can be preserved across console inputs
fscrNoAsmJs = 1 << 25, // Disable generation of asm.js code
fscrIsModuleCode = 1 << 26, // Current code should be parsed as a module body
fscrDeferredFncIsMethod = 1 << 27,
fscrUseStrictMode = 1 << 28,
fscrAll = (1 << 29) - 1