blob: 93dd841fa2eb2244a6a20c8a3452ba4a8b16954c [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
from __future__ import print_function
from datetime import datetime
from multiprocessing import Pool, Manager, cpu_count
from threading import Timer
import sys
import os
import glob
import subprocess as SP
import traceback
import argparse
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import re
import time
# handle command line args
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='ChakraCore *nix Test Script',
test all folders:
test only Array: Array
test a single file: Basics/hello.js
parser.add_argument('folders', metavar='folder', nargs='*',
help='folder subset to run tests')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--binary', metavar='bin',
help='ch full path')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
help='increase verbosity of output')
parser.add_argument('--sanitize', metavar='sanitizers',
help='ignore tests known to be broken with these sanitizers')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true',
help='use debug build');
parser.add_argument('-t', '--test', '--test-build', action='store_true',
help='use test build')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--full', '--chakrafull', action='store_true',
help='test chakrafull instead of chakracore')
parser.add_argument('--static', action='store_true',
help='mark that we are testing a static build')
parser.add_argument('--variants', metavar='variant', nargs='+',
help='run specified test variants')
parser.add_argument('--include-slow', action='store_true',
help='include slow tests (timeout ' + str(SLOW_TIMEOUT) + ' seconds)')
parser.add_argument('--only-slow', action='store_true',
help='run only slow tests')
parser.add_argument('--nightly', action='store_true',
help='run as nightly tests')
parser.add_argument('--tag', nargs='*',
help='select tests with given tags')
parser.add_argument('--not-tag', action='append',
help='exclude tests with given tags')
parser.add_argument('--flags', default='',
help='global test flags to ch')
parser.add_argument('--timeout', type=int, default=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
help='test timeout (default ' + str(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) + ' seconds)')
parser.add_argument('--swb', action='store_true',
help='use binary from VcBuild.SWB to run the test')
parser.add_argument('--lldb', default=None,
help='run test suit with lldb batch mode to get call stack for crashing processes (ignores baseline matching)', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--logfile', metavar='logfile',
help='file to log results to', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--x86', action='store_true',
help='use x86 build')
parser.add_argument('--x64', action='store_true',
help='use x64 build')
parser.add_argument('--arm', action='store_true',
help='use arm build')
parser.add_argument('--arm64', action='store_true',
help='use arm64 build')
parser.add_argument('-j', '--processcount', metavar='processcount', type=int,
help='number of parallel threads to use')
parser.add_argument('--warn-on-timeout', action='store_true',
help='warn when a test times out instead of labelling it as an error immediately')
parser.add_argument('--override-test-root', type=str,
help='change the base directory for the tests (where rlexedirs will be sought)')
parser.add_argument('--extra-flags', type=str,
help='add extra flags to all executed tests')
parser.add_argument('--orc','--only-return-code', action='store_true',
help='only consider test return 0/non-0 for pass-fail (no baseline checks)')
args = parser.parse_args()
test_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
repo_root = os.path.dirname(test_root)
# new test root
if args.override_test_root:
test_root = os.path.realpath(args.override_test_root)
# arch: x86, x64, arm, arm64
arch = None
if args.x86:
arch = 'x86'
elif args.x64:
arch = 'x64'
elif args.arm:
arch = 'arm'
elif args.arm64:
arch = 'arm64'
if arch == None:
arch = os.environ.get('_BuildArch', 'x86')
if sys.platform != 'win32':
arch = 'x64' # xplat: hard code arch == x64
arch_alias = 'amd64' if arch == 'x64' else None
# flavor: debug, test, release
type_flavor = {'chk':'Debug', 'test':'Test', 'fre':'Release'}
flavor = 'Debug' if args.debug else ('Test' if args.test else None)
if flavor == None:
print("ERROR: Test build target wasn't defined.")
print("Try '-t' (test build) or '-d' (debug build).")
flavor_alias = 'chk' if flavor == 'Debug' else 'fre'
# handling for extra flags
extra_flags = []
if args.extra_flags:
extra_flags = args.extra_flags.split()
# test variants
if not args.variants:
args.variants = ['interpreted', 'dynapogo']
# target binary variants
binary_name_noext = "ch"
if args.full:
binary_name_noext = "jshost"
repo_root = os.path.dirname(repo_root)
# we need this to have consistent error message formatting with ch
# append exe to the binary name on windows
binary_name = binary_name_noext
if sys.platform == 'win32':
binary_name = binary_name + ".exe"
# binary: full ch path
binary = args.binary
if binary == None:
if sys.platform == 'win32':
build = "VcBuild.SWB" if args.swb else "VcBuild"
binary = os.path.join(repo_root, 'Build', build, 'bin', '{}_{}'.format(arch, flavor), binary_name)
binary = os.path.join(repo_root, 'out', flavor, binary_name)
if not os.path.isfile(binary):
print('{} not found. Did you run ./ already?'.format(binary))
# global tags/not_tags
tags = set(args.tag or [])
not_tags = set(args.not_tag or []).union(['fail', 'exclude_' + arch, 'exclude_' + flavor])
if arch_alias:
not_tags.add('exclude_' + arch_alias)
if flavor_alias:
not_tags.add('exclude_' + flavor_alias)
if args.only_slow:
elif not args.include_slow:
elif args.include_slow and args.timeout == DEFAULT_TIMEOUT:
args.timeout = SLOW_TIMEOUT
not_tags.add('exclude_nightly' if args.nightly else 'nightly')
# verbosity
verbose = False
if args.verbose:
verbose = True
print("Emitting verbose output...")
# xplat: temp hard coded to exclude unsupported tests
if sys.platform != 'win32':
# exclude tests that depend on features not supported on a platform
if arch == 'arm' or arch == 'arm64':
# exclude tests that exclude the current binary
not_tags.add('exclude_' + binary_name_noext)
# exclude tests known to fail under certain sanitizers
if args.sanitize != None:
if args.static != None:
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
if 'require_icu' in not_tags or 'exclude_noicu' in not_tags:
not_compile_flags = None
# use -j flag to specify number of parallel processes
processcount = cpu_count()
if args.processcount != None:
processcount = int(args.processcount)
# handle warn on timeout
warn_on_timeout = False
if args.warn_on_timeout == True:
warn_on_timeout = True
# handle limiting test result analysis to return codes
return_code_only = False
if args.orc == True:
return_code_only = True
# use tags/not_tags/not_compile_flags as case-insensitive
def lower_set(s):
return set([x.lower() for x in s] if s else [])
tags = lower_set(tags)
not_tags = lower_set(not_tags)
not_compile_flags = lower_set(not_compile_flags)
# split tags text into tags set
_empty_set = set()
def split_tags(text):
return set(x.strip() for x in text.lower().split(',')) if text \
else _empty_set
class LogFile(object):
def __init__(self, log_file_path = None):
self.file = None
if log_file_path is None:
# Set up the log file paths
# Make sure the right directory exists and the log file doesn't
log_file_name = "testrun.{0}{1}.log".format(arch, flavor)
log_file_directory = os.path.join(test_root, "logs")
if not os.path.exists(log_file_directory):
self.log_file_path = os.path.join(log_file_directory, log_file_name)
if os.path.exists(self.log_file_path):
self.log_file_path = log_file_path
self.file = open(self.log_file_path, "w")
def log(self, args):
def __del__(self):
if not (self.file is None):
if __name__ == '__main__':
log_file = LogFile(args.logfile)
def log_message(msg = ""):
log_file.log(msg + "\n")
def print_and_log(msg = ""):
# remove carriage returns at end of line to avoid platform difference
def normalize_new_line(text):
return re.sub(b'[\r]+\n', b'\n', text)
# A test simply contains a collection of test attributes.
# Misc attributes added by test run:
# id unique counter to identify a test
# filename full path of test file
# elapsed_time elapsed time when running the test
class Test(dict):
__setattr__ = dict.__setitem__
__delattr__ = dict.__delitem__
# support dot syntax for normal attribute access
def __getattr__(self, key):
return super(Test, self).__getattr__(key) if key.startswith('__') \
else self.get(key)
# mark start of this test run, to compute elapsed_time
def start(self):
self.start_time =
# mark end of this test run, compute elapsed_time
def done(self):
if not self.elapsed_time:
self.elapsed_time = ( - self.start_time)\
# records pass_count/fail_count
class PassFailCount(object):
def __init__(self):
self.pass_count = 0
self.fail_count = 0
def __str__(self):
return 'passed {}, failed {}'.format(self.pass_count, self.fail_count)
def total_count(self):
return self.pass_count + self.fail_count
# records total and individual folder's pass_count/fail_count
class TestResult(PassFailCount):
def __init__(self):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
self.folders = {}
def _get_folder_result(self, folder):
r = self.folders.get(folder)
if not r:
r = PassFailCount()
self.folders[folder] = r
return r
def log(self, filename, fail=False):
folder = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(filename))
r = self._get_folder_result(folder)
if fail:
r.fail_count += 1
self.fail_count += 1
r.pass_count += 1
self.pass_count += 1
# test variants:
# interpreted: -maxInterpretCount:1 -maxSimpleJitRunCount:1 -bgjit-
# dynapogo: -forceNative -off:simpleJit -bgJitDelay:0
class TestVariant(object):
def __init__(self, name, compile_flags=[], variant_not_tags=[]): = name
self.compile_flags = \
'-BaselineMode'] + compile_flags
self._compile_flags_has_expansion = self._has_expansion(compile_flags)
self.tags = tags.copy()
self.not_tags = not_tags.union(variant_not_tags).union(
['{}_{}'.format(x, name) for x in ('fails','exclude')])
self.msg_queue = Manager().Queue() # messages from multi processes
self.test_result = TestResult()
self.test_count = 0
self._print_lines = [] # _print lines buffer
self._last_len = 0
if verbose:
print("Added variant {0}:".format(name))
print("Flags: " + ", ".join(self.compile_flags))
print("Tags: " + ", ".join(self.tags))
print("NotTags: " + ", ".join(self.not_tags))
def _has_expansion(flags):
return any(re.match('.*\${.*}', f) for f in flags)
def _expand(flag, test):
return re.sub('\${id}', str(, flag)
def _expand_compile_flags(self, test):
if self._compile_flags_has_expansion:
return [self._expand(flag, test) for flag in self.compile_flags]
return self.compile_flags
# check if this test variant should run a given test
def _should_test(self, test):
tags = split_tags(test.get('tags'))
if not tags.isdisjoint(self.not_tags):
return False
if self.tags and not self.tags.issubset(tags):
return False
if not_compile_flags: # exclude unsupported compile-flags if any
flags = test.get('compile-flags')
if flags and \
not not_compile_flags.isdisjoint(flags.lower().split()):
return False
return True
# print output from multi-process run, to be sent with result message
def _print(self, line):
# queue a test result from multi-process runs
def _log_result(self, test, fail):
output = u'\n'.join(self._print_lines).encode('utf-8') # collect buffered _print output
self._print_lines = []
self.msg_queue.put((test.filename, fail, test.elapsed_time, output))
# (on main process) process one queued message
def _process_msg(self, msg):
filename, fail, elapsed_time, output = msg
self.test_result.log(filename, fail=fail)
line = '[{}/{} {:4.2f}] {} -> {}'.format(
'Failed' if fail else 'Passed',
padding = self._last_len - len(line)
print(line + ' ' * padding, end='\n' if fail else '\r')
self._last_len = len(line) if not fail else 0
if len(output) > 0:
# get a shorter test file path for display only
def _short_name(self, filename):
folder = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(filename))
return os.path.join(folder, os.path.basename(filename))
# (on main process) wait and process one queued message
def _process_one_msg(self):
# log a failed test with details
def _show_failed(self, test, flags, exit_code, output,
expected_output=None, timedout=False):
if timedout:
if warn_on_timeout:
self._print('WARNING: Test timed out!')
self._print('ERROR: Test timed out!')
self._print('{} {} {}'.format(binary, ' '.join(flags), test.filename))
if not return_code_only:
if expected_output == None or timedout:
lst_output = output.split(b'\n')
lst_expected = expected_output.split(b'\n')
ln = min(len(lst_output), len(lst_expected))
for i in range(0, ln):
if lst_output[i] != lst_expected[i]:
self._print("Output: (at line " + str(i+1) + ")")
self._print("Expected Output:")
self._print("exit code: {}".format(exit_code))
if warn_on_timeout and timedout:
self._log_result(test, fail=False)
self._log_result(test, fail=True)
# temp: try find real file name on hard drive if case mismatch
def _check_file(self, folder, filename):
path = os.path.join(folder, filename)
if os.path.isfile(path):
return path # file exists on disk
filename_lower = filename.lower()
files = os.listdir(folder)
for i in range(len(files)):
if files[i].lower() == filename_lower:
self._print('\nWARNING: {} should be {}\n'.format(
path, files[i]))
return os.path.join(folder, files[i])
# cann't find the file, just return the path and let it error out
return path
# run one test under this variant
def test_one(self, test):
except Exception:
self._log_result(test, fail=True)
# internally perform one test run
def _run_one_test(self, test):
folder = test.folder
js_file = test.filename = self._check_file(folder, test.files)
js_output = b''
working_path = os.path.dirname(js_file)
flags = test.get('compile-flags') or ''
flags = self._expand_compile_flags(test) + \
args.flags.split() + \
if test.get('custom-config-file') != None:
flags = ['-CustomConfigFile:' + test.get('custom-config-file')]
if args.lldb == None:
cmd = [binary] + flags + [os.path.basename(js_file)]
lldb_file = open(working_path + '/' + os.path.basename(js_file) + '.lldb.cmd', 'w')
lldb_command = ['run'] + flags + [os.path.basename(js_file)]
lldb_file.write(' '.join([str(s) for s in lldb_command]));
cmd = ['lldb'] + [binary] + ['-s'] + [os.path.basename(js_file) + '.lldb.cmd'] + ['-o bt'] + ['-b']
proc = SP.Popen(cmd, stdout=SP.PIPE, stderr=SP.STDOUT, cwd=working_path)
timeout_data = [proc, False]
def timeout_func(timeout_data):
timeout_data[1] = True
timeout = test.get('timeout', args.timeout) # test override or default
timer = Timer(timeout, timeout_func, [timeout_data])
skip_baseline_match = False
js_output = normalize_new_line(proc.communicate()[0])
exit_code = proc.wait()
# if -lldb was set; check if test was crashed before corrupting the output
search_for = " exited with status = 0 (0x00000000)"
if args.lldb != None and exit_code == 0 and js_output.index(search_for) > 0:
js_output = js_output[0:js_output.index(search_for)]
exit_pos = js_output.rfind('\nProcess ')
if exit_pos > len(js_output) - 20: # if [Process ????? <seach for>]
if 'baseline' not in test:
js_output = "pass"
skip_baseline_match = True
# shared _show_failed args
fail_args = { 'test': test, 'flags': flags,
'exit_code': exit_code, 'output': js_output }
# check timed out
if (timeout_data[1]):
return self._show_failed(timedout=True, **fail_args)
# check ch failed
if exit_code != 0 and binary_name_noext == 'ch':
return self._show_failed(**fail_args)
if not return_code_only:
# check output
if 'baseline' not in test:
# output lines must be 'pass' or 'passed' or empty
lines = (line.lower() for line in js_output.split(b'\n'))
if any(line != b'' and line != b'pass' and line != b'passed'
for line in lines):
return self._show_failed(**fail_args)
baseline = test.get('baseline')
if not skip_baseline_match and baseline:
# perform baseline comparison
baseline = self._check_file(folder, baseline)
with open(baseline, 'rb') as bs_file:
baseline_output =
# Cleanup carriage return
# todo: remove carriage return at the end of the line
# or better fix ch to output same on all platforms
expected_output = normalize_new_line(baseline_output)
if expected_output != js_output:
return self._show_failed(
expected_output=expected_output, **fail_args)
# passed
if verbose:
self._print('{} {} {}'.format(binary, ' '.join(flags), test.filename))
self._log_result(test, fail=False)
# run tests under this variant, using given multiprocessing Pool
def _run(self, tests, pool):
print_and_log('\n############# Starting {} variant #############'\
if self.tags:
print_and_log(' tags: {}'.format(self.tags))
for x in self.not_tags:
print_and_log(' exclude: {}'.format(x))
# filter tests to run
tests = [x for x in tests if self._should_test(x)]
self.test_count += len(tests)
# run tests in parallel
result = pool.map_async(run_one, [(self,test) for test in tests])
while self.test_result.total_count() != self.test_count:
# print test result summary
def print_summary(self):
print_and_log('\n######## Logs for {} variant ########'\
for folder, result in sorted(self.test_result.folders.items()):
print_and_log('{}: {}'.format(folder, result))
print_and_log('Total: {}'.format(self.test_result))
# run all tests from testLoader
def run(self, testLoader, pool, sequential_pool):
tests, sequential_tests = [], []
for folder in testLoader.folders():
if folder.tags.isdisjoint(self.not_tags):
dest = tests if not folder.is_sequential else sequential_tests
dest += folder.tests
if tests:
self._run(tests, pool)
if sequential_tests:
self._run(sequential_tests, sequential_pool)
# global run one test function for multiprocessing, used by TestVariant
def run_one(data):
variant, test = data
except Exception:
print('ERROR: Unhandled exception!!!')
# A test folder contains a list of tests and maybe some tags.
class TestFolder(object):
def __init__(self, tests, tags=_empty_set):
self.tests = tests
self.tags = tags
self.is_sequential = 'sequential' in tags
# TestLoader loads all tests
class TestLoader(object):
def __init__(self, paths):
self._folder_tags = self._load_folder_tags()
self._test_id = 0
self._folders = []
for path in paths:
if os.path.isfile(path):
folder, file = os.path.dirname(path), os.path.basename(path)
folder, file = path, None
ftags = self._get_folder_tags(folder)
if ftags != None: # Only honor entries listed in rlexedirs.xml
tests = self._load_tests(folder, file)
self._folders.append(TestFolder(tests, ftags))
def folders(self):
return self._folders
# load folder/tags info from test_root/rlexedirs.xml
def _load_folder_tags():
xmlpath = os.path.join(test_root, 'rlexedirs.xml')
xml = ET.parse(xmlpath).getroot()
except IOError:
print_and_log('ERROR: failed to read {}'.format(xmlpath))
folder_tags = {}
for x in xml:
d = x.find('default')
key = d.find('files').text.lower() # avoid case mismatch
tags = d.find('tags')
folder_tags[key] = \
split_tags(tags.text) if tags != None else _empty_set
return folder_tags
# get folder tags if any
def _get_folder_tags(self, folder):
key = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(folder)).lower()
return self._folder_tags.get(key)
def _next_test_id(self):
self._test_id += 1
return self._test_id
# load all tests in folder using rlexe.xml file
def _load_tests(self, folder, file):
xmlpath = os.path.join(folder, 'rlexe.xml')
xml = ET.parse(xmlpath).getroot()
except IOError:
return []
def test_override(condition, check_tag, check_value, test):
target = condition.find(check_tag)
if target != None and target.text == check_value:
for override in condition.find('override'):
test[override.tag] = override.text
def load_test(testXml):
test = Test(folder=folder)
for c in testXml.find('default'):
if c.tag == 'timeout': # timeout seconds
test[c.tag] = int(c.text)
elif c.tag == 'tags' and c.tag in test: # merge multiple <tags>
test[c.tag] = test[c.tag] + ',' + c.text
test[c.tag] = c.text
condition = testXml.find('condition')
if condition != None:
test_override(condition, 'target', arch_alias, test)
return test
tests = [load_test(x) for x in xml]
if file != None:
tests = [x for x in tests if x.files == file]
if len(tests) == 0 and self.is_jsfile(file):
tests = [Test(folder=folder, files=file, baseline='')]
for test in tests: # assign unique = self._next_test_id()
return tests
def is_jsfile(path):
return os.path.splitext(path)[1] == '.js'
def main():
# Set the right timezone, the tests need Pacific Standard Time
# TODO: Windows. time.tzset only supports Unix
if hasattr(time, 'tzset'):
os.environ['TZ'] = 'US/Pacific'
# By default run all tests
if len(args.folders) == 0:
files = (os.path.join(test_root, x) for x in os.listdir(test_root))
args.folders = [f for f in sorted(files) if not os.path.isfile(f)]
# load all tests
testLoader = TestLoader(args.folders)
# test variants
variants = [x for x in [
TestVariant('interpreted', extra_flags + [
'-maxInterpretCount:1', '-maxSimpleJitRunCount:1', '-bgjit-',
], [
TestVariant('dynapogo', extra_flags + [
'-forceNative', '-off:simpleJit', '-bgJitDelay:0',
], [
TestVariant('disable_jit', extra_flags + [
], [
'exclude_interpreted', 'fails_interpreted', 'require_backend'
] if in args.variants]
# rm profile.dpl.*
for f in glob.glob(test_root + '/*/profile.dpl.*'):
# run each variant
pool, sequential_pool = Pool(processcount), Pool(1)
start_time =
for variant in variants:, pool, sequential_pool)
elapsed_time = - start_time
# print summary
for variant in variants:
failed = any(variant.test_result.fail_count > 0 for variant in variants)
print('[{}] {}'.format(
str(elapsed_time), 'Success!' if not failed else 'Failed!'))
return 1 if failed else 0
if __name__ == '__main__':