blob: ea1a8f372965cb838ce86e114ee4577d381866c9 [file] [log] [blame]
:: Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
:: Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
:: ============================================================================
:: runcitests.cmd
:: Runs tests for continuous integration. This script is called from the VSO
:: build and it runs all tests for x86 and x64, debug and test build configs.
:: Logs are copied to build drop.
:: Do not use this script to run all tests on your dev box.
:: - It will delete all your existing test logs
:: - It does not run the various flavors of the tests in parallel (though
:: this is not currently possible anyway because rl stages logs in a
:: common directory)
:: - It does nothing to provide useful output when there are failures, e.g.
:: they can be buried under thousands of lines of output from further
:: tests run.
:: - It cannot be cancelled without risk of polluting your command prompt
:: environment with environment variables that will make further calls to
:: runtests.cmd behave unexpectedly.
:: - It will copy the logs to a folder named \testlogs in the directory you
:: started this script from.
:: ============================================================================
@echo off
echo TF_BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY is required for this script to work correctly.
exit /b 1
set _RootDir=%~dp0..
REM %TF_BUILD_DROPLOCATION% is not required -- used only for an informational message
set _HadFailures=0
:: ============================================================================
:: Main script
:: ============================================================================
call :parseArgs %*
if not "%fShowUsage%" == "" (
call :printUsage
goto :eof
call :validateArgs
if not "%fShowGetHelp%" == "" (
call :printGetHelp
goto :eof
if not "%TF_BUILD%" == "True" (
echo Error: TF_BUILD environment variable is not set to "True".
echo This script must be run under a TF Build Agent environment.
exit /b 2
:: Cannot run tests for arm on build machine and release builds
:: do not work with ch.exe so no-op those configurations.
:: Include _RunAll in the check because if it is specified it
:: should trump this early out.
if "%_RunAll%%_BuildArch%" == "arm" goto :noTests
if "%_RunAll%%_BuildArch%" == "arm64" goto :noTests
if "%_RunAll%%_BuildType%" == "release" goto :noTests
pushd %_RootDir%\test
set _TestDir=%CD%
call :doSilent rd /s/q %_TestDir%\logs
if not "%_RunAll%" == "" (
call :runTests x86 debug
call :runTests x86 test
call :runTests x64 debug
call :runTests x64 test
call :runNativeTests x86 debug
call :runNativeTests x86 test
call :runNativeTests x64 debug
call :runNativeTests x64 test
call :summarizeLogs summary.log
) else (
call :runTests %_BuildArch% %_BuildType% %_ExtraArgs%
call :runNativeTests %_BuildArch% %_BuildType%
call :summarizeLogs summary.%_BuildArch%%_BuildType%.log
call :copyLogsToDrop
echo -- runcitests.cmd ^>^> Failure code: %_HadFailures%
if "%_HadFailures%" NEQ "0" (
if "%_HadFailures%" == "3" (
echo -- runcitests.cmd ^>^> Unit tests failed! 1>&2
) else if "%_HadFailures%" == "4" (
echo -- runcitests.cmd ^>^> Native tests failed! 1>&2
) else (
echo -- runcitests.cmd ^>^> Unknown failure! 1>&2
) else (
echo -- runcitests.cmd ^>^> Tests passed!
echo -- runcitests.cmd ^>^> Logs at %_DropRootDir%\testlogs
exit /b %_HadFailures%
echo -- runcitests.cmd ^>^> The tests are not supported on this build configuration.
echo -- runcitests.cmd ^>^> No tests were run. This is expected.
echo -- runcitests.cmd ^>^> Configuration: %_BuildArch% %_BuildType%
exit /b 0
:: ============================================================================
:: Run one test suite against one build config and record if there were errors
:: ============================================================================
:: save the architecture and build values, then obtain the rest of the arguments
set arch=%1
set build=%2
set rest=
if "%1"=="" goto after_rest_loop
set rest=%rest% %1
goto rest_loop
call :do %_TestDir%\runtests.cmd -%arch%%build% %rest% -quiet -cleanupall -binDir %_StagingDir%\bin
if "%_error%" NEQ "0" (
echo -- runcitests.cmd ^>^> runtests.cmd failed
set _HadFailures=3
goto :eof
:: ============================================================================
:: Run jsrt test suite against one build config and record if there were errors
:: ============================================================================
echo -- runcitests.cmd ^>^> Running native tests... this can take some time
if not exist %_LogDir%\ mkdir %_LogDir%
set _LogFile=%_TestDir%\logs\%1_%2\nativetests.log
call :do %_TestDir%\runnativetests.cmd -%1%2 -d yes > %_LogFile% 2>&1
echo -- runcitests.cmd ^>^> Running native tests... DONE!
if "%_error%" NEQ "0" (
echo -- runcitests.cmd ^>^> runnativetests.cmd failed; printing %_LogFile%
powershell "if (Test-Path %_LogFile%) { Get-Content %_LogFile% }"
set _HadFailures=4
goto :eof
:: ============================================================================
:: Copy all result logs to the drop share
:: ============================================================================
:: /S Copy all non-empty dirs
:: /Y Do not prompt for overwriting destination files
:: /C Continue copying if there are errors
:: /I Assume destination is a directory if it does not exist
call :do xcopy %_TestDir%\logs %_StagingDir%\testlogs /S /Y /C /I
goto :eof
:: ============================================================================
:: Summarize the logs into a listing of only the failures
:: ============================================================================
pushd %_TestDir%\logs
findstr /sp failed rl.results.log > %1
findstr /sip failed nativetests.log >> %1
rem Echo to stderr so that VSO includes the output in the build summary
type %1 1>&2
goto :eof
:: ============================================================================
:: Print usage
:: ============================================================================
echo runcitests.cmd -x86^|-x64^|-arm -debug^|-test^|-release
echo Runs tests post-build for automated VSO TFS Builds.
echo Depends on TFS Build environment.
echo Required switches:
echo Specify architecture of build to test:
echo -x86 Build arch of binaries is x86
echo -x64 Build arch of binaries is x64
echo -arm Build arch of binaries is ARM
echo Specify type of of build to test:
echo -debug Build type of binaries is debug
echo -test Build type of binaries is test
echo -release Build type of binaries is release
echo Shorthand combinations can be used, e.g. -x64debug
echo Note: No tests are run for ARM or release as they are
echo not supported. The switches are provided for tooling
echo convenience.
goto :eof
:: ============================================================================
:: Print how to get help
:: ============================================================================
echo For help use runcitests.cmd -?
goto :eof
:: ============================================================================
:: Parse the user arguments into environment variables
:: ============================================================================
if "%1" == "-?" set fShowUsage=1& goto :ArgOk
if "%1" == "/?" set fShowUsage=1& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-x86" set _BuildArch=x86& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-x64" set _BuildArch=x64& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-arm" set _BuildArch=arm& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-debug" set _BuildType=debug& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-test" set _BuildType=test& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-release" set _BuildType=release& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-x86debug" set _BuildArch=x86&set _BuildType=debug& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-x64debug" set _BuildArch=x64&set _BuildType=debug& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-armdebug" set _BuildArch=arm&set _BuildType=debug& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-x86test" set _BuildArch=x86&set _BuildType=test& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-x64test" set _BuildArch=x64&set _BuildType=test& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-armtest" set _BuildArch=arm&set _BuildType=test& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-x86release" set _BuildArch=x86&set _BuildType=release& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-x64release" set _BuildArch=x64&set _BuildType=release& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-armrelease" set _BuildArch=arm&set _BuildType=release& goto :ArgOk
if /i "%1" == "-all" set _RunAll=1& goto :ArgOk
if not "%1" == "" set _ExtraArgs=%_ExtraArgs% %1& goto :ArgOk
goto :eof
goto :NextArgument
:: ============================================================================
:: Validate arguments; if non specified default to -all
:: ============================================================================
if "%_BuildArch%" == "" (
set _RunAll=1
if "%_BuildType%" == "" (
set _RunAll=1
goto :eof
:: ============================================================================
:: Echo a command line before executing it
:: ============================================================================
echo -- runcitests.cmd ^>^> %*
cmd /s /c "%*"
set _error=%ERRORLEVEL%
goto :eof
:: ============================================================================
:: Echo a command line before executing it and redirect the command's output
:: to nul
:: ============================================================================
echo -- runcitests.cmd ^>^> %* ^> nul 2^>^&1
cmd /s /c "%* > nul 2>&1"
set _error=%ERRORLEVEL%
goto :eof