blob: 6bd0e11093a0a30f222318dfac6225940622f1c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
// Regex programs and their execution context
#pragma once
namespace UnifiedRegex
typedef CharCount Label;
struct ScannerInfo;
class ContStack;
class AssertionStack;
class OctoquadMatcher;
enum class ChompMode : uint8
Star, // min = 0, max = infinite
Plus // min = 1, max = infinite
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Programs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct Program : private Chars<char16>
friend class Lowerer;
friend class Compiler;
friend struct MatchLiteralNode;
friend struct AltNode;
friend class Matcher;
friend struct LoopInfo;
template <typename ScannerT>
friend struct SyncToLiteralAndConsumeInstT;
template <typename ScannerT>
friend struct SyncToLiteralAndContinueInstT;
template <typename ScannerT>
friend struct SyncToLiteralAndBackupInstT;
template <typename ScannerT>
friend struct ScannerMixinT;
template <uint lastPatCharEquivClassSize>
friend struct EquivScannerMixinT;
#define M(TagName) friend struct TagName##Inst;
#define MTemplate(TagName, TemplateDeclaration, GenericClassName, ...) TemplateDeclaration friend struct GenericClassName;
#include "RegexOpCodes.h"
#undef M
#undef MTemplate
// Copy of original text of regex (without delimiting '/'s or trailing flags), null terminated.
// In run-time allocator, owned by program
Field(Char*) source;
Field(CharCount) sourceLen; // length in char16's, NOT including terminating null
// Number of capturing groups (including implicit overall group at index 0)
Field(uint16) numGroups;
Field(int) numLoops;
Field(RegexFlags) flags;
enum class ProgramTag : uint8
Field(ProgramTag) tag;
struct Instructions
// Instruction array, in run-time allocator, owned by program, never null
Field(uint8*) insts;
Field(CharCount) instsLen; // in bytes
// Literals
// In run-time allocator, owned by program, may be 0
Field(CharCount) litbufLen; // length of litbuf in char16's, no terminating null
Field(Char*) litbuf;
// These scanner infos are used by ScannersMixin, which is used by only SyncToLiteralsAndBackupInst. There will only
// ever be only one of those instructions per program. Since scanners are large (> 1 KB), for that instruction they
// are allocated on the recycler with pointers stored here to reference them.
Field(Field(ScannerInfo *)*) scannersForSyncToLiterals;
struct SingleChar
Field(Char) c;
Field(uint8) padding[sizeof(Instructions) - sizeof(Char)];
struct Octoquad
Field(OctoquadMatcher*) matcher;
Field(uint8) padding[sizeof(Instructions) - sizeof(void*)];
struct BOILiteral2
Field(DWORD) literal;
Field(uint8) padding[sizeof(Instructions) - sizeof(DWORD)];
struct LeadingTrailingSpaces
Field(CharCount) beginMinMatch;
Field(CharCount) endMinMatch;
Field(uint8) padding[sizeof(Instructions) - (sizeof(CharCount) * 2)];
struct Other
Field(uint8) padding[sizeof(Instructions)];
union RepType
Field(Instructions) insts;
Field(SingleChar) singleChar;
Field(Octoquad) octoquad;
Field(BOILiteral2) boiLiteral2;
Field(LeadingTrailingSpaces) leadingTrailingSpaces;
Field(Other) other;
RepType() {}
Field(RepType) rep;
Program(RegexFlags flags);
static Program *New(Recycler *recycler, RegexFlags flags);
static size_t GetOffsetOfTag() { return offsetof(Program, tag); }
static size_t GetOffsetOfRep() { return offsetof(Program, rep); }
static size_t GetOffsetOfBOILiteral2Literal() { return offsetof(BOILiteral2, literal); }
static ProgramTag GetBOILiteral2Tag() { return ProgramTag::BOILiteral2Tag; }
Field(ScannerInfo *)*CreateScannerArrayForSyncToLiterals(Recycler *const recycler);
ScannerInfo *AddScannerForSyncToLiterals(
Recycler *const recycler,
const int scannerIndex,
const CharCount offset,
const CharCount length,
const bool isEquivClass);
void FreeBody(ArenaAllocator* rtAllocator);
inline CaseInsensitive::MappingSource GetCaseMappingSource() const
return (flags & UnicodeRegexFlag) != 0
? CaseInsensitive::MappingSource::CaseFolding
: CaseInsensitive::MappingSource::UnicodeData;
void Print(DebugWriter* w);
class Matcher;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CountDomain
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct CountDomain : private Chars<char16>
CharCount lower;
CharCountOrFlag upper; // CharCountFlag => unbounded
inline CountDomain() : lower(0), upper(CharCountFlag) {}
inline CountDomain(CharCount exact) : lower(exact), upper(exact) {}
inline CountDomain(CharCount lower, CharCountOrFlag upper) : lower(lower), upper(upper) {}
inline void Exact(CharCount n)
lower = upper = n;
inline void Unknown()
lower = 0;
upper = CharCountFlag;
inline void Lub(const CountDomain& other)
lower = min(lower, other.lower);
upper = upper == CharCountFlag || other.upper == CharCountFlag ? CharCountFlag : max(upper, other.upper);
inline void Add(const CountDomain& other)
lower = lower + other.lower;
upper = upper == CharCountFlag || other.upper == CharCountFlag ? CharCountFlag : upper + other.upper;
inline void Sub(const CountDomain& other)
lower = other.upper == CharCountFlag || other.upper > lower ? 0 : lower - other.upper;
upper = upper == CharCountFlag ? CharCountFlag : (other.lower > upper ? 0 : upper - other.lower);
inline void Mult(const CountDomain& other)
if (lower != 0)
CharCount maxOther = MaxCharCount / lower;
if (other.lower > maxOther)
// Clip to maximum
lower = MaxCharCount;
lower *= other.lower;
if (upper != 0 && upper != CharCountFlag)
if (other.upper == CharCountFlag)
upper = CharCountFlag;
CharCount maxOther = MaxCharCount / upper;
if (other.upper > maxOther)
// Clip to 'unbounded'
upper = CharCountFlag;
upper *= other.upper;
inline bool CouldMatchEmpty() const
return lower == 0;
inline bool IsUnbounded() const
return upper == CharCountFlag;
inline bool IsFixed() const
return lower == upper;
inline bool IsExact(CharCount n) const
return lower == n && upper == n;
inline bool IsGreaterThan(const CountDomain& other) const
return other.upper != CharCountFlag && lower > other.upper;
inline bool IsLessThan(const CountDomain& other) const
return upper != CharCountFlag && upper < other.lower;
void Print(DebugWriter* w) const;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mix-in types
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma pack(push, 1)
// Contains information about how much to back up after syncing to a literal (for the SyncTo... instructions)
struct BackupMixin
const CountDomain backup; // range of characters to backup, if upper is CharCountFlag then backup to existing matchStart
inline BackupMixin(const CountDomain& backup) : backup(backup) {}
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct CharMixin
char16 c;
inline CharMixin(char16 c) : c(c) {}
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct Char2Mixin
char16 cs[2];
inline Char2Mixin(char16 c0, char16 c1) { cs[0] = c0; cs[1] = c1; }
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct Char3Mixin
char16 cs[3];
inline Char3Mixin(char16 c0, char16 c1, char16 c2) { cs[0] = c0; cs[1] = c1; cs[2] = c2; }
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct Char4Mixin
char16 cs[4];
inline Char4Mixin(char16 c0, char16 c1, char16 c2, char16 c3) { cs[0] = c0; cs[1] = c1; cs[2] = c2; cs[3] = c3; }
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct LiteralMixin
Field(CharCount) offset; // into program's literal buffer
Field(CharCount) length; // in char16's
inline LiteralMixin(CharCount offset, CharCount length) : offset(offset), length(length) {}
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf, bool isEquivClass) const;
template<bool IsNegation>
struct SetMixin
RuntimeCharSet<char16> set; // contents always lives in run-time allocator
// set must always be cloned from source
void FreeBody(ArenaAllocator* rtAllocator);
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct TrieMixin
RuntimeCharTrie trie;
// Trie must always be cloned
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct Char2LiteralScannerMixin : Char2Mixin
// scanner must be setup
Char2LiteralScannerMixin(CharCount offset, CharCount length) : Char2Mixin(0, 0) { Assert(length == 2); }
void Setup(char16 c0, char16 c1) { cs[0] = c0; cs[1] = c1; }
CharCount GetLiteralLength() const { return 2; }
bool Match(Matcher& matcher, const char16* const input, const CharCount inputLength, CharCount& inputOffset) const;
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
template <typename ScannerT>
struct ScannerMixinT : LiteralMixin
Field(ScannerT) scanner;
// scanner must be setup
ScannerMixinT(CharCount offset, CharCount length) : LiteralMixin(offset, length) {}
CharCount GetLiteralLength() const { return length; }
bool Match(Matcher& matcher, const char16* const input, const CharCount inputLength, CharCount& inputOffset) const;
void FreeBody(ArenaAllocator* rtAllocator);
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf, bool isEquivClass = false) const;
typedef ScannerMixinT<TextbookBoyerMoore<char16>> ScannerMixin;
typedef ScannerMixinT<TextbookBoyerMooreWithLinearMap<char16>> ScannerMixin_WithLinearCharMap;
template <uint lastPatCharEquivCLassSize>
struct EquivScannerMixinT : ScannerMixin
// scanner must be setup
EquivScannerMixinT(CharCount offset, CharCount length) : ScannerMixin(offset, length) {}
bool Match(Matcher& matcher, const char16* const input, const CharCount inputLength, CharCount& inputOffset) const;
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
typedef EquivScannerMixinT<CaseInsensitive::EquivClassSize> EquivScannerMixin;
typedef EquivScannerMixinT<1> EquivTrivialLastPatCharScannerMixin;
struct ScannerInfo : ScannerMixin
Field(bool) isEquivClass;
// scanner must be setup
inline ScannerInfo(CharCount offset, CharCount length, bool isEquivClass) : ScannerMixin(offset, length), isEquivClass(isEquivClass) {}
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct ScannersMixin
static const int MaxNumSyncLiterals = 4;
int numLiterals;
Field(ScannerInfo*)* infos;
// scanner mixins must be added
inline ScannersMixin(Recycler *const recycler, Program *const program)
: numLiterals(0), infos(program->CreateScannerArrayForSyncToLiterals(recycler))
// Only used at compile time
ScannerInfo* Add(Recycler *recycler, Program *program, CharCount offset, CharCount length, bool isEquivClass);
void FreeBody(ArenaAllocator* rtAllocator);
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct GroupMixin
const int groupId;
inline GroupMixin(int groupId) : groupId(groupId) {}
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct ChompBoundedMixin
const CountDomain repeats; // if upper is CharCountFlag, consume as many characters as possible
inline ChompBoundedMixin(const CountDomain& repeats) : repeats(repeats) {}
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct JumpMixin
Label targetLabel;
// targetLabel must always be fixed up
inline JumpMixin()
#if DBG
targetLabel = (Label)-1;
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct BodyGroupsMixin
int minBodyGroupId;
int maxBodyGroupId;
inline BodyGroupsMixin(int minBodyGroupId, int maxBodyGroupId) : minBodyGroupId(minBodyGroupId), maxBodyGroupId(maxBodyGroupId) {}
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct BeginLoopBasicsMixin
int loopId;
const CountDomain repeats;
bool hasOuterLoops;
inline BeginLoopBasicsMixin(int loopId, const CountDomain& repeats, bool hasOuterLoops)
: loopId(loopId), repeats(repeats), hasOuterLoops(hasOuterLoops)
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct BeginLoopMixin : BeginLoopBasicsMixin
bool hasInnerNondet;
Label exitLabel;
// exitLabel must always be fixed up
inline BeginLoopMixin(int loopId, const CountDomain& repeats, bool hasOuterLoops, bool hasInnerNondet)
: BeginLoopBasicsMixin(loopId, repeats, hasOuterLoops), hasInnerNondet(hasInnerNondet)
#if DBG
exitLabel = (Label)-1;
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct GreedyMixin
bool isGreedy;
inline GreedyMixin(bool isGreedy) : isGreedy(isGreedy) {}
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct RepeatLoopMixin
Label beginLabel; // label of the BeginLoopX instruction
inline RepeatLoopMixin(Label beginLabel) : beginLabel(beginLabel) {}
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct GreedyLoopNoBacktrackMixin
int loopId;
Label exitLabel;
// exitLabel must always be fixed up
inline GreedyLoopNoBacktrackMixin(int loopId) : loopId(loopId) {}
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct TryMixin
Label failLabel;
// failLabel must always be fixed up
inline TryMixin()
#if DBG
failLabel = (Label)-1;
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct NegationMixin
bool isNegation;
inline NegationMixin(bool isNegation) : isNegation(isNegation) {}
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct NextLabelMixin
Label nextLabel;
// nextLabel must always be fixed up
inline NextLabelMixin()
#if DBG
nextLabel = (Label)-1;
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct FixedLengthMixin
CharCount length;
inline FixedLengthMixin(CharCount length) : length(length) {}
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct FollowFirstMixin : private Chars<char16>
Char followFirst;
inline FollowFirstMixin(Char followFirst) : followFirst(followFirst) {}
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct NoNeedToSaveMixin
bool noNeedToSave;
inline NoNeedToSaveMixin(bool noNeedToSave) : noNeedToSave(noNeedToSave) {}
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
struct SwitchCase
char16 c;
Label targetLabel;
void Print(DebugWriter* w) const;
template <uint8 n>
struct SwitchMixin
static constexpr uint8 MaxCases = n;
uint8 numCases;
// numCases cases, in increasing character order
SwitchCase cases[MaxCases];
// Cases must always be added
inline SwitchMixin() : numCases(0)
#if DBG
for (uint8 i = 0; i < MaxCases; i++)
cases[i].c = (char16)-1;
cases[i].targetLabel = (Label)-1;
// Only used at compile time
void AddCase(char16 c, Label targetLabel);
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const char16* litbuf) const;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Instructions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: #pragma pack(1) applies to all Inst structs as well as all Mixin structs (see above).
struct Inst : protected Chars<char16>
enum class InstTag : uint8
#define M(TagName) TagName,
#define MTemplate(TagName, ...) M(TagName)
#include "RegexOpCodes.h"
#undef M
#undef MTemplate
Field(InstTag) tag;
inline Inst(InstTag tag) : tag(tag) {}
void FreeBody(ArenaAllocator* rtAllocator) {}
static bool IsBaselineMode();
static Label GetPrintLabel(Label label);
template <typename T>
void PrintBytes(DebugWriter *w, Inst *inst, T *that, const char16 *annotation) const;
#define INST_BODY_FREE(T) \
void FreeBody(ArenaAllocator* rtAllocator) \
{ \
T::FreeBody(rtAllocator); \
Inst::FreeBody(rtAllocator); \
#define INST_BODY_PRINT int Print(DebugWriter*w, Label label, const Char* litbuf) const;
#define REGEX_INST_EXEC_PARAMETERS Matcher& matcher, const Char* const input, const CharCount inputLength, CharCount &matchStart, CharCount& inputOffset, CharCount &nextSyncInputOffset, const uint8*& instPointer, ContStack &contStack, AssertionStack &assertionStack, uint &qcTicks, bool firstIteration
#define INST_BODY bool Exec(REGEX_INST_EXEC_PARAMETERS) const; \
// Control flow
struct NopInst : Inst
inline NopInst() : Inst(InstTag::Nop) {}
struct FailInst : Inst
inline FailInst() : Inst(InstTag::Fail) {}
struct SuccInst : Inst
inline SuccInst() : Inst(InstTag::Succ) {}
struct JumpInst : Inst, JumpMixin
// targetLabel must always be fixed up
inline JumpInst() : Inst(InstTag::Jump), JumpMixin() {}
struct JumpIfNotCharInst : Inst, CharMixin, JumpMixin
// targetLabel must always be fixed up
inline JumpIfNotCharInst(Char c) : Inst(InstTag::JumpIfNotChar), CharMixin(c), JumpMixin() {}
struct MatchCharOrJumpInst : Inst, CharMixin, JumpMixin
// targetLabel must always be fixed up
inline MatchCharOrJumpInst(Char c) : Inst(InstTag::MatchCharOrJump), CharMixin(c), JumpMixin() {}
struct JumpIfNotSetInst : Inst, SetMixin<false>, JumpMixin
// set must always be cloned from source
// targetLabel must always be fixed up
inline JumpIfNotSetInst() : Inst(InstTag::JumpIfNotSet), JumpMixin() {}
struct MatchSetOrJumpInst : Inst, SetMixin<false>, JumpMixin
// set must always be cloned from source
// targetLabel must always be fixed up
inline MatchSetOrJumpInst() : Inst(InstTag::MatchSetOrJump), JumpMixin() {}
#define SwitchInstActual(n) \
struct Switch##n##Inst : Inst, SwitchMixin<n> \
{ \
inline Switch##n##Inst() : Inst(InstTag::Switch##n), SwitchMixin() {} \
#undef SwitchInstActual
#define SwitchAndConsumeInstActual(n) \
struct SwitchAndConsume##n##Inst : Inst, SwitchMixin<n> \
{ \
inline SwitchAndConsume##n##Inst() : Inst(InstTag::SwitchAndConsume##n), SwitchMixin() {} \
#undef SwitchAndConsumeInstActual
// Built-in assertions
// BOI = Beginning of Input
template <bool canHardFail>
struct BOITestInst : Inst
// EOI = End of Input
template <bool canHardFail>
struct EOITestInst : Inst
// BOL = Beginning of Line (/^.../)
struct BOLTestInst : Inst
inline BOLTestInst() : Inst(InstTag::BOLTest) {}
// EOL = End of Line (/...$/)
struct EOLTestInst : Inst
inline EOLTestInst() : Inst(InstTag::EOLTest) {}
template <bool isNegation>
struct WordBoundaryTestInst : Inst
// Matching
struct MatchCharInst : Inst, CharMixin
inline MatchCharInst(Char c) : Inst(InstTag::MatchChar), CharMixin(c) {}
struct MatchChar2Inst : Inst, Char2Mixin
inline MatchChar2Inst(Char c0, Char c1) : Inst(InstTag::MatchChar2), Char2Mixin(c0, c1) {}
struct MatchChar3Inst : Inst, Char3Mixin
inline MatchChar3Inst(Char c0, Char c1, Char c2) : Inst(InstTag::MatchChar3), Char3Mixin(c0, c1, c2) {}
struct MatchChar4Inst : Inst, Char4Mixin
inline MatchChar4Inst(Char c0, Char c1, Char c2, Char c3) : Inst(InstTag::MatchChar4), Char4Mixin(c0, c1, c2, c3) {}
template<bool IsNegation>
struct MatchSetInst : Inst, SetMixin<IsNegation>
// set must always be cloned from source
inline MatchSetInst() : Inst(IsNegation ? InstTag::MatchNegatedSet : InstTag::MatchSet) {}
struct MatchLiteralInst : Inst, LiteralMixin
inline MatchLiteralInst(CharCount offset, CharCount length) : Inst(InstTag::MatchLiteral), LiteralMixin(offset, length) {}
struct MatchLiteralEquivInst : Inst, LiteralMixin
inline MatchLiteralEquivInst(CharCount offset, CharCount length) : Inst(InstTag::MatchLiteralEquiv), LiteralMixin(offset, length) {}
struct MatchTrieInst : Inst, TrieMixin
// Trie must always be cloned
inline MatchTrieInst() : Inst(InstTag::MatchTrie) {}
void FreeBody(ArenaAllocator* rtAllocator);
struct OptMatchCharInst : Inst, CharMixin
inline OptMatchCharInst(Char c) : Inst(InstTag::OptMatchChar), CharMixin(c) {}
struct OptMatchSetInst : Inst, SetMixin<false>
// set must always be cloned from source
inline OptMatchSetInst() : Inst(InstTag::OptMatchSet) {}
// Synchronization:
// SyncTo(Char|Char2Set|Set|Char2Literal|Literal|LiteralEquiv|Literals)And(Consume|Continue|Backup)
struct SyncToCharAndContinueInst : Inst, CharMixin
inline SyncToCharAndContinueInst(Char c) : Inst(InstTag::SyncToCharAndContinue), CharMixin(c) {}
struct SyncToChar2SetAndContinueInst : Inst, Char2Mixin
inline SyncToChar2SetAndContinueInst(Char c0, Char c1) : Inst(InstTag::SyncToChar2SetAndContinue), Char2Mixin(c0, c1) {}
template<bool IsNegation>
struct SyncToSetAndContinueInst : Inst, SetMixin<IsNegation>
// set must always be cloned from source
inline SyncToSetAndContinueInst() : Inst(IsNegation ? InstTag::SyncToNegatedSetAndContinue : InstTag::SyncToSetAndContinue) {}
template <typename ScannerT>
struct SyncToLiteralAndContinueInstT : Inst, ScannerT
SyncToLiteralAndContinueInstT(InstTag tag, CharCount offset, CharCount length) : Inst(tag), ScannerT(offset, length) {}
// Specialized version of the SyncToLiteralAndContinueInst for a length 2 literal
struct SyncToChar2LiteralAndContinueInst : SyncToLiteralAndContinueInstT<Char2LiteralScannerMixin>
SyncToChar2LiteralAndContinueInst(Char c0, Char c1) :
SyncToLiteralAndContinueInstT(InstTag::SyncToChar2LiteralAndContinue, 0, 2) { Char2LiteralScannerMixin::Setup(c0, c1); }
struct SyncToLiteralAndContinueInst : SyncToLiteralAndContinueInstT<ScannerMixin>
// scanner must be setup
SyncToLiteralAndContinueInst(CharCount offset, CharCount length) :
SyncToLiteralAndContinueInstT(InstTag::SyncToLiteralAndContinue, offset, length) {}
struct SyncToLinearLiteralAndContinueInst : SyncToLiteralAndContinueInstT<ScannerMixin_WithLinearCharMap>
// scanner must be setup
SyncToLinearLiteralAndContinueInst(CharCount offset, CharCount length) :
SyncToLiteralAndContinueInstT(InstTag::SyncToLinearLiteralAndContinue, offset, length) {}
struct SyncToLiteralEquivAndContinueInst : SyncToLiteralAndContinueInstT<EquivScannerMixin>
// scanner must be setup
SyncToLiteralEquivAndContinueInst(CharCount offset, CharCount length) :
SyncToLiteralAndContinueInstT(InstTag::SyncToLiteralEquivAndContinue, offset, length) {}
struct SyncToLiteralEquivTrivialLastPatCharAndContinueInst : SyncToLiteralAndContinueInstT<EquivTrivialLastPatCharScannerMixin>
// scanner must be setup
SyncToLiteralEquivTrivialLastPatCharAndContinueInst(CharCount offset, CharCount length) :
SyncToLiteralAndContinueInstT(InstTag::SyncToLiteralEquivTrivialLastPatCharAndContinue, offset, length) {}
struct SyncToCharAndConsumeInst : Inst, CharMixin
inline SyncToCharAndConsumeInst(Char c) : Inst(InstTag::SyncToCharAndConsume), CharMixin(c) {}
struct SyncToChar2SetAndConsumeInst : Inst, Char2Mixin
inline SyncToChar2SetAndConsumeInst(Char c0, Char c1) : Inst(InstTag::SyncToChar2SetAndConsume), Char2Mixin(c0, c1) {}
template<bool IsNegation>
struct SyncToSetAndConsumeInst : Inst, SetMixin<IsNegation>
// set must always be cloned from source
inline SyncToSetAndConsumeInst() : Inst(IsNegation ? InstTag::SyncToNegatedSetAndConsume : InstTag::SyncToSetAndConsume) {}
template <typename ScannerT>
struct SyncToLiteralAndConsumeInstT : Inst, ScannerT
SyncToLiteralAndConsumeInstT(InstTag tag, CharCount offset, CharCount length) : Inst(tag), ScannerT(offset, length) {}
// Specialized version of the SyncToLiteralAndConsumeInst for a length 2 literal
struct SyncToChar2LiteralAndConsumeInst : SyncToLiteralAndConsumeInstT<Char2LiteralScannerMixin>
SyncToChar2LiteralAndConsumeInst(Char c0, Char c1) :
SyncToLiteralAndConsumeInstT(InstTag::SyncToChar2LiteralAndConsume, 0, 2) { Char2LiteralScannerMixin::Setup(c0, c1); }
struct SyncToLiteralAndConsumeInst : SyncToLiteralAndConsumeInstT<ScannerMixin>
// scanner must be setup
SyncToLiteralAndConsumeInst(CharCount offset, CharCount length) :
SyncToLiteralAndConsumeInstT(InstTag::SyncToLiteralAndConsume, offset, length) {}
struct SyncToLinearLiteralAndConsumeInst : SyncToLiteralAndConsumeInstT<ScannerMixin_WithLinearCharMap>
// scanner must be setup
SyncToLinearLiteralAndConsumeInst(CharCount offset, CharCount length) :
SyncToLiteralAndConsumeInstT(InstTag::SyncToLinearLiteralAndConsume, offset, length) {}
struct SyncToLiteralEquivAndConsumeInst : SyncToLiteralAndConsumeInstT<EquivScannerMixin>
// scanner must be setup
SyncToLiteralEquivAndConsumeInst(CharCount offset, CharCount length) :
SyncToLiteralAndConsumeInstT(InstTag::SyncToLiteralEquivAndConsume,offset, length) {}
struct SyncToLiteralEquivTrivialLastPatCharAndConsumeInst : SyncToLiteralAndConsumeInstT<EquivTrivialLastPatCharScannerMixin>
// scanner must be setup
SyncToLiteralEquivTrivialLastPatCharAndConsumeInst(CharCount offset, CharCount length) :
SyncToLiteralAndConsumeInstT(InstTag::SyncToLiteralEquivTrivialLastPatCharAndConsume, offset, length) {}
struct SyncToCharAndBackupInst : Inst, CharMixin, BackupMixin
inline SyncToCharAndBackupInst(Char c, const CountDomain& backup) : Inst(InstTag::SyncToCharAndBackup), CharMixin(c), BackupMixin(backup) {}
template<bool IsNegation>
struct SyncToSetAndBackupInst : Inst, SetMixin<IsNegation>, BackupMixin
// set must always be cloned from source
inline SyncToSetAndBackupInst(const CountDomain& backup) : Inst(IsNegation ? InstTag::SyncToNegatedSetAndBackup : InstTag::SyncToSetAndBackup), BackupMixin(backup) {}
template <typename ScannerT>
struct SyncToLiteralAndBackupInstT : Inst, ScannerT, BackupMixin
SyncToLiteralAndBackupInstT(InstTag tag, CharCount offset, CharCount length, const CountDomain& backup) : Inst(tag), ScannerT(offset, length), BackupMixin(backup) {}
// Specialized version of the SyncToLiteralAndConsumeInst for a length 2 literal
struct SyncToChar2LiteralAndBackupInst : SyncToLiteralAndBackupInstT<Char2LiteralScannerMixin>
SyncToChar2LiteralAndBackupInst(Char c0, Char c1, const CountDomain& backup) :
SyncToLiteralAndBackupInstT(InstTag::SyncToChar2LiteralAndBackup, 0, 2, backup) { Char2LiteralScannerMixin::Setup(c0, c1); }
struct SyncToLiteralAndBackupInst : SyncToLiteralAndBackupInstT<ScannerMixin>
// scanner must be setup
SyncToLiteralAndBackupInst(CharCount offset, CharCount length, const CountDomain& backup) :
SyncToLiteralAndBackupInstT(InstTag::SyncToLiteralAndBackup, offset, length, backup) {}
struct SyncToLinearLiteralAndBackupInst : SyncToLiteralAndBackupInstT<ScannerMixin_WithLinearCharMap>
// scanner must be setup
SyncToLinearLiteralAndBackupInst(CharCount offset, CharCount length, const CountDomain& backup) :
SyncToLiteralAndBackupInstT(InstTag::SyncToLinearLiteralAndBackup, offset, length, backup) {}
struct SyncToLiteralEquivAndBackupInst : SyncToLiteralAndBackupInstT<EquivScannerMixin>
// scanner must be setup
SyncToLiteralEquivAndBackupInst(CharCount offset, CharCount length, const CountDomain& backup) :
SyncToLiteralAndBackupInstT(InstTag::SyncToLiteralEquivAndBackup, offset, length, backup) {}
struct SyncToLiteralEquivTrivialLastPatCharAndBackupInst : SyncToLiteralAndBackupInstT<EquivTrivialLastPatCharScannerMixin>
// scanner must be setup
SyncToLiteralEquivTrivialLastPatCharAndBackupInst(CharCount offset, CharCount length, const CountDomain& backup) :
SyncToLiteralAndBackupInstT(InstTag::SyncToLiteralEquivTrivialLastPatCharAndBackup, offset, length, backup) {}
struct SyncToLiteralsAndBackupInst : Inst, ScannersMixin, BackupMixin
// scanner mixins must be setup
inline SyncToLiteralsAndBackupInst(Recycler *recycler, Program *program, const CountDomain& backup)
: Inst(InstTag::SyncToLiteralsAndBackup), ScannersMixin(recycler, program), BackupMixin(backup)
// Groups
struct MatchGroupInst : Inst, GroupMixin
inline MatchGroupInst(int groupId) : Inst(InstTag::MatchGroup), GroupMixin(groupId) {}
struct BeginDefineGroupInst : Inst, GroupMixin
inline BeginDefineGroupInst(int groupId) : Inst(InstTag::BeginDefineGroup), GroupMixin(groupId) {}
struct EndDefineGroupInst : Inst, GroupMixin, NoNeedToSaveMixin
inline EndDefineGroupInst(int groupId, bool noNeedToSave)
: Inst(InstTag::EndDefineGroup), GroupMixin(groupId), NoNeedToSaveMixin(noNeedToSave)
struct DefineGroupFixedInst : Inst, GroupMixin, FixedLengthMixin, NoNeedToSaveMixin
inline DefineGroupFixedInst(int groupId, CharCount length, bool noNeedToSave) : Inst(InstTag::DefineGroupFixed), GroupMixin(groupId), FixedLengthMixin(length), NoNeedToSaveMixin(noNeedToSave) {}
// Loops
struct BeginLoopInst : Inst, BeginLoopMixin, BodyGroupsMixin, GreedyMixin
// exitLabel must always be fixed up
inline BeginLoopInst(int loopId, const CountDomain& repeats, bool hasOuterLoops, bool hasInnerNondet, int minBodyGroupId, int maxBodyGroupId, bool isGreedy)
: Inst(InstTag::BeginLoop), BeginLoopMixin(loopId, repeats, hasOuterLoops, hasInnerNondet), BodyGroupsMixin(minBodyGroupId, maxBodyGroupId), GreedyMixin(isGreedy)
struct RepeatLoopInst : Inst, RepeatLoopMixin
inline RepeatLoopInst(Label beginLabel) : Inst(InstTag::RepeatLoop), RepeatLoopMixin(beginLabel) {}
struct BeginLoopIfCharInst : Inst, CharMixin, BeginLoopMixin, BodyGroupsMixin
// exitLabel must always be fixed up
inline BeginLoopIfCharInst(Char c, int loopId, const CountDomain& repeats, bool hasOuterLoops, bool hasInnerNondet, int minBodyGroupId, int maxBodyGroupId)
: Inst(InstTag::BeginLoopIfChar), CharMixin(c), BeginLoopMixin(loopId, repeats, hasOuterLoops, hasInnerNondet), BodyGroupsMixin(minBodyGroupId, maxBodyGroupId) {}
struct BeginLoopIfSetInst : Inst, SetMixin<false>, BeginLoopMixin, BodyGroupsMixin
// set must always be cloned from source
// exitLabel must always be fixed up
inline BeginLoopIfSetInst(int loopId, const CountDomain& repeats, bool hasOuterLoops, bool hasInnerNondet, int minBodyGroupId, int maxBodyGroupId)
: Inst(InstTag::BeginLoopIfSet), BeginLoopMixin(loopId, repeats, hasOuterLoops, hasInnerNondet), BodyGroupsMixin(minBodyGroupId, maxBodyGroupId) {}
struct RepeatLoopIfCharInst : Inst, RepeatLoopMixin
inline RepeatLoopIfCharInst(Label beginLabel) : Inst(InstTag::RepeatLoopIfChar), RepeatLoopMixin(beginLabel) {}
struct RepeatLoopIfSetInst : Inst, RepeatLoopMixin
inline RepeatLoopIfSetInst(Label beginLabel) : Inst(InstTag::RepeatLoopIfSet), RepeatLoopMixin(beginLabel) {}
// Loop is greedy, fixed width, deterministic body, no inner groups
struct BeginLoopFixedInst : Inst, BeginLoopMixin, FixedLengthMixin
// exitLabel must always be fixed up
inline BeginLoopFixedInst(int loopId, const CountDomain& repeats, bool hasOuterLoops, CharCount length)
: Inst(InstTag::BeginLoopFixed), BeginLoopMixin(loopId, repeats, hasOuterLoops, false), FixedLengthMixin(length) {}
struct RepeatLoopFixedInst : Inst, RepeatLoopMixin
inline RepeatLoopFixedInst(Label beginLabel) : Inst(InstTag::RepeatLoopFixed), RepeatLoopMixin(beginLabel) {}
// Loop is greedy, contains a MatchSet only
struct LoopSetInst : Inst, SetMixin<false>, BeginLoopBasicsMixin
// set must always be cloned from source
inline LoopSetInst(int loopId, const CountDomain& repeats, bool hasOuterLoops)
: Inst(InstTag::LoopSet), BeginLoopBasicsMixin(loopId, repeats, hasOuterLoops) {}
inline LoopSetInst(InstTag tag, int loopId, const CountDomain& repeats, bool hasOuterLoops)
: Inst(tag), BeginLoopBasicsMixin(loopId, repeats, hasOuterLoops) {}
// Loop is greedy, contains a MatchSet only, first character in its follow set is known
struct LoopSetWithFollowFirstInst : LoopSetInst, FollowFirstMixin
inline LoopSetWithFollowFirstInst(int loopId, const CountDomain& repeats, bool hasOuterLoops, Char followFirst)
: LoopSetInst(InstTag::LoopSetWithFollowFirst, loopId, repeats, hasOuterLoops), FollowFirstMixin(followFirst) {}
// Loop is greedy, fixed width, deterministic body, one outermost group
struct BeginLoopFixedGroupLastIterationInst : Inst, BeginLoopMixin, FixedLengthMixin, GroupMixin, NoNeedToSaveMixin
// exitLabel must always be fixed up
inline BeginLoopFixedGroupLastIterationInst(int loopId, const CountDomain& repeats, bool hasOuterLoops, CharCount length, int groupId, bool noNeedToSave)
: Inst(InstTag::BeginLoopFixedGroupLastIteration), BeginLoopMixin(loopId, repeats, hasOuterLoops, false), FixedLengthMixin(length), GroupMixin(groupId), NoNeedToSaveMixin(noNeedToSave) {}
struct RepeatLoopFixedGroupLastIterationInst : Inst, RepeatLoopMixin
inline RepeatLoopFixedGroupLastIterationInst(Label beginLabel) : Inst(InstTag::RepeatLoopFixedGroupLastIteration), RepeatLoopMixin(beginLabel) {}
// Loop is greedy, deterministic body, lower == 0, upper == inf, follow is irrefutable, no inner groups
struct BeginGreedyLoopNoBacktrackInst : Inst, GreedyLoopNoBacktrackMixin
// exitLabel must always be fixed up
inline BeginGreedyLoopNoBacktrackInst(int loopId) : Inst(InstTag::BeginGreedyLoopNoBacktrack), GreedyLoopNoBacktrackMixin(loopId) {}
struct RepeatGreedyLoopNoBacktrackInst : Inst, RepeatLoopMixin
inline RepeatGreedyLoopNoBacktrackInst(Label beginLabel) : Inst(InstTag::RepeatGreedyLoopNoBacktrack), RepeatLoopMixin(beginLabel) {}
template<ChompMode Mode>
struct ChompCharInst : Inst, CharMixin
ChompCharInst(const Char c) : Inst(Mode == ChompMode::Star ? InstTag::ChompCharStar : InstTag::ChompCharPlus), CharMixin(c) {}
template<ChompMode Mode>
struct ChompSetInst : Inst, SetMixin<false>
// set must always be cloned from source
ChompSetInst() : Inst(Mode == ChompMode::Star ? InstTag::ChompSetStar : InstTag::ChompSetPlus) {}
template<ChompMode Mode>
struct ChompCharGroupInst : Inst, CharMixin, GroupMixin, NoNeedToSaveMixin
ChompCharGroupInst(const Char c, const int groupId, const bool noNeedToSave)
: Inst(Mode == ChompMode::Star ? InstTag::ChompCharGroupStar : InstTag::ChompCharGroupPlus),
template<ChompMode Mode>
struct ChompSetGroupInst : Inst, SetMixin<false>, GroupMixin, NoNeedToSaveMixin
// set must always be cloned from source
ChompSetGroupInst(const int groupId, const bool noNeedToSave)
: Inst(Mode == ChompMode::Star ? InstTag::ChompSetGroupStar : InstTag::ChompSetGroupPlus),
struct ChompCharBoundedInst : Inst, CharMixin, ChompBoundedMixin
inline ChompCharBoundedInst(Char c, const CountDomain& repeats) : Inst(InstTag::ChompCharBounded), CharMixin(c), ChompBoundedMixin(repeats) {}
struct ChompSetBoundedInst : Inst, SetMixin<false>, ChompBoundedMixin
// set must always be cloned from source
inline ChompSetBoundedInst(const CountDomain& repeats) : Inst(InstTag::ChompSetBounded), ChompBoundedMixin(repeats) {}
struct ChompSetBoundedGroupLastCharInst : Inst, SetMixin<false>, ChompBoundedMixin, GroupMixin, NoNeedToSaveMixin
// set must always be cloned from source
inline ChompSetBoundedGroupLastCharInst(const CountDomain& repeats, int groupId, bool noNeedToSave) : Inst(InstTag::ChompSetBoundedGroupLastChar), ChompBoundedMixin(repeats), GroupMixin(groupId), NoNeedToSaveMixin(noNeedToSave) {}
// Choicepoints
struct TryInst : Inst, TryMixin
// failLabel must always be fixed up
inline TryInst() : Inst(InstTag::Try), TryMixin() {}
struct TryIfCharInst : Inst, CharMixin, TryMixin
// failLabel must always be fixed up
inline TryIfCharInst(Char c) : Inst(InstTag::TryIfChar), CharMixin(c), TryMixin() {}
struct TryMatchCharInst : Inst, CharMixin, TryMixin
// failLabel must always be fixed up
inline TryMatchCharInst(Char c) : Inst(InstTag::TryMatchChar), CharMixin(c), TryMixin() {}
struct TryIfSetInst : Inst, SetMixin<false>, TryMixin
// set is always same as matching BeginLoopIfSetInst set
// failLabel must always be fixed up
inline TryIfSetInst() : Inst(InstTag::TryIfSet), TryMixin() {}
struct TryMatchSetInst : Inst, SetMixin<false>, TryMixin
// set is always same as matching BeginLoopIfSetInst set
// failLabel must always be fixed up
inline TryMatchSetInst() : Inst(InstTag::TryMatchSet), TryMixin() {}
// User-defined assertions
struct BeginAssertionInst : Inst, BodyGroupsMixin, NegationMixin, NextLabelMixin
// nextLabel must always be fixed up
inline BeginAssertionInst(bool isNegation, int minBodyGroupId, int maxBodyGroupId)
: Inst(InstTag::BeginAssertion), BodyGroupsMixin(minBodyGroupId, maxBodyGroupId), NegationMixin(isNegation), NextLabelMixin()
struct EndAssertionInst : Inst
inline EndAssertionInst() : Inst(InstTag::EndAssertion) {}
#pragma pack(pop)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Matcher state
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct LoopInfo : protected Chars<char16>
CharCount number; // current iteration number
CharCount startInputOffset; // input offset where the iteration started
JsUtil::List<CharCount, ArenaAllocator>* offsetsOfFollowFirst; // list of offsets from startInputOffset where we matched with followFirst
inline void Reset()
#if DBG
// So debug prints will look nice
number = 0;
startInputOffset = 0;
if (offsetsOfFollowFirst)
inline void EnsureOffsetsOfFollowFirst(Matcher& matcher);
void Print(DebugWriter* w) const;
struct GroupInfo : protected Chars<char16>
Field(CharCount) offset;
Field(CharCountOrFlag) length; // CharCountFlag => group is undefined
inline GroupInfo() : offset(0), length(CharCountFlag) {}
inline GroupInfo(CharCount offset, CharCountOrFlag length) : offset(offset), length(length) {}
//This constructor will only be called by a cross-site marshalling and thus we shouldn't clear offset and length
GroupInfo(VirtualTableInfoCtorEnum) { }
inline bool IsUndefined() const { return length == CharCountFlag; }
inline CharCount EndOffset() const { Assert(length != CharCountFlag); return offset + (CharCount)length; }
inline void Reset()
// The start offset must not be changed when backtracking into the group
length = CharCountFlag;
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const Char* const input) const;
struct AssertionInfo : private Chars<char16>
const Label beginLabel; // label of BeginAssertion instruction
CharCount startInputOffset; // input offset when begun assertion (so can rewind)
size_t contStackPosition; // top of continuation stack when begun assertion (so can cut)
inline AssertionInfo(Label beginLabel, CharCount startInputOffset, size_t contStackPosition)
: beginLabel(beginLabel), startInputOffset(startInputOffset), contStackPosition(contStackPosition) {}
void Print(DebugWriter* w) const;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Continuations
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
struct Cont : protected Chars<char16>
enum class ContTag : uint8
#define M(O) O,
#include "RegexContcodes.h"
#undef M
ContTag tag;
inline Cont(ContTag tag) : tag(tag) {}
virtual int Print(DebugWriter*w, const Char* const input) const = 0;
#define CONT_PRINT int Print(DebugWriter*w, const Char* const input) const override;
#define CONT_PRINT
#define REGEX_CONT_EXEC_PARAMETERS Matcher& matcher, const Char* const input, CharCount& inputOffset, const uint8*& instPointer, ContStack &contStack, AssertionStack &assertionStack, uint &qcTicks
struct ResumeCont : Cont
CharCount origInputOffset;
Label origInstLabel;
inline ResumeCont(CharCount origInputOffset, Label origInstLabel) : Cont(ContTag::Resume), origInputOffset(origInputOffset), origInstLabel(origInstLabel) {}
struct RestoreLoopCont : Cont
int loopId;
LoopInfo origLoopInfo;
RestoreLoopCont(int loopId, LoopInfo& origLoopInfo, Matcher& matcher);
struct RestoreGroupCont : Cont
int groupId;
GroupInfo origGroupInfo;
RestoreGroupCont(int groupId, const GroupInfo &origGroupInfo)
: Cont(ContTag::RestoreGroup), groupId(groupId), origGroupInfo(origGroupInfo)
struct ResetGroupCont : Cont
const int groupId;
ResetGroupCont(const int groupId) : Cont(ContTag::ResetGroup), groupId(groupId) {}
struct ResetGroupRangeCont : Cont
const int fromGroupId;
const int toGroupId;
ResetGroupRangeCont(const int fromGroupId, const int toGroupId)
: Cont(ContTag::ResetGroupRange), fromGroupId(fromGroupId), toGroupId(toGroupId)
Assert(fromGroupId >= 0);
Assert(toGroupId >= 0);
Assert(fromGroupId < toGroupId);
struct RepeatLoopCont : Cont
Label beginLabel; // label of BeginLoop instruction
CharCount origInputOffset; // where to go back to
inline RepeatLoopCont(Label beginLabel, CharCount origInputOffset) : Cont(ContTag::RepeatLoop), beginLabel(beginLabel), origInputOffset(origInputOffset) {}
struct PopAssertionCont : Cont
inline PopAssertionCont() : Cont(ContTag::PopAssertion) {}
struct RewindLoopFixedCont : Cont
Label beginLabel; // label of BeginLoopFixed instruction
bool tryingBody; // true if attempting an additional iteration of loop body, otherwise attempting loop follow
inline RewindLoopFixedCont(Label beginLabel, bool tryingBody) : Cont(ContTag::RewindLoopFixed), beginLabel(beginLabel), tryingBody(tryingBody) {}
struct RewindLoopSetCont : Cont
Label beginLabel; // label of LoopSet instruction
inline RewindLoopSetCont(Label beginLabel) : Cont(ContTag::RewindLoopSet), beginLabel(beginLabel) {}
struct RewindLoopSetWithFollowFirstCont : Cont
Label beginLabel; // label of LoopSet instruction
inline RewindLoopSetWithFollowFirstCont(Label beginLabel) : Cont(ContTag::RewindLoopSetWithFollowFirst), beginLabel(beginLabel) {}
struct RewindLoopFixedGroupLastIterationCont : Cont
Label beginLabel; // label of BeginLoopFixedGroupLastIteration instruction
bool tryingBody; // true if attempting an additional iteration of loop body, otherwise attempting loop follow
inline RewindLoopFixedGroupLastIterationCont(Label beginLabel, bool tryingBody) : Cont(ContTag::RewindLoopFixedGroupLastIteration), beginLabel(beginLabel), tryingBody(tryingBody) {}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Matcher
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ContStack : public ContinuousPageStackOfVariableElements<Cont>, private Chars<char16>
inline ContStack(PageAllocator *const pageAllocator, void (*const outOfMemoryFunc)())
: ContinuousPageStackOfVariableElements(pageAllocator, outOfMemoryFunc)
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const Char* const input) const;
class AssertionStack : public ContinuousPageStackOfFixedElements<AssertionInfo>
inline AssertionStack(PageAllocator *const pageAllocator, void (*const outOfMemoryFunc)())
: ContinuousPageStackOfFixedElements(pageAllocator, outOfMemoryFunc)
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const Matcher* const matcher) const;
struct RegexStacks
RegexStacks(PageAllocator * pageAllocator) :
contStack(pageAllocator, Js::Throw::OutOfMemory),
assertionStack(pageAllocator, Js::Throw::OutOfMemory) {};
ContStack contStack;
AssertionStack assertionStack;
enum class HardFailMode
class Matcher : private Chars<char16>
#define M(TagName) friend struct TagName##Inst;
#define MTemplate(TagName, TemplateDeclaration, GenericClassName, ...) TemplateDeclaration friend struct GenericClassName;
#include "RegexOpCodes.h"
#undef M
#undef MTemplate
#define M(O) friend O##Cont;
#include "RegexContcodes.h"
#undef M
template <typename ScannerT>
friend struct SyncToLiteralAndConsumeInstT;
template <typename ScannerT>
friend struct SyncToLiteralAndContinueInstT;
template <typename ScannerT>
friend struct SyncToLiteralAndBackupInstT;
template <typename ScannerT>
friend struct ScannerMixinT;
friend struct Char2LiteralScannerMixin;
template <uint lastPatCharEquivClassSize>
friend struct EquivScannerMixinT;
friend GroupInfo;
friend LoopInfo;
static const uint TicksPerQc;
static const uint TicksPerQcTimeCheck;
static const uint TimePerQc; // milliseconds
Field(RegexPattern *) const pattern;
Field(StandardChars<Char>*) standardChars;
Field(const Program*) program;
Field(GroupInfo*) groupInfos;
Field(LoopInfo*) loopInfos;
// Furthest offsets in the input string that we tried to match during a scan.
// This is used to prevent unnecessary retraversal of the input string.
// Assume we have the RegExp /<(foo|bar)/ and the input string "<0bar<0bar<0bar".
// When we try to match the string, we first scan it fully for "foo", but can't
// find it. Then we scan for "bar" and find it at index 2. However, since there
// is no '<' right before it, we continue with our search. We do the same thing
// two more times starting at indexes 7 and 12 (since those are where the "bar"s
// are), each time scanning the rest of the string fully for "foo".
// However, if we cache the furthest offsets we tried, we can skip the searches
// for "foo" after the first time.
Field(CharCount*) literalNextSyncInputOffsets;
FieldNoBarrier(Recycler*) recycler;
Field(uint) previousQcTime;
FieldNoBarrier(RegexStats*) stats;
FieldNoBarrier(DebugWriter*) w;
Matcher(Js::ScriptContext* scriptContext, RegexPattern* pattern);
static Matcher *New(Js::ScriptContext* scriptContext, RegexPattern* pattern);
bool Match
( const Char* const input
, const CharCount inputLength
, CharCount offset
, Js::ScriptContext * scriptContext
, RegexStats* stats
, DebugWriter* w
inline bool WasLastMatchSuccessful() const
return !groupInfos[0].IsUndefined();
inline uint16 NumGroups() const
return program->numGroups;
inline GroupInfo GetGroup(int groupId) const
return *GroupIdToGroupInfo(groupId);
void Print(DebugWriter* w, const Char* const input, const CharCount inputLength, CharCount inputOffset, const uint8* instPointer, ContStack &contStack, AssertionStack &assertionStack) const;
void PushStats(ContStack& contStack, const Char* const input) const;
void PopStats(ContStack& contStack, const Char* const input) const;
void UnPopStats(ContStack& contStack, const Char* const input) const;
void CompStats() const;
void InstStats() const;
inline void QueryContinue(uint &qcTicks);
void DoQueryContinue(const uint qcTicks);
static void TraceQueryContinue(const uint now);
// Try backtracking, or return true if should stop. There could be a match using a later starting point.
bool Fail(const Char* const input, CharCount &inputOffset, const uint8 *&instPointer, ContStack &contStack, AssertionStack &assertionStack, uint &qcTicks);
bool RunContStack(const Char* const input, CharCount &inputOffset, const uint8 *&instPointer, ContStack &contStack, AssertionStack &assertionStack, uint &qcTicks);
// As above, but control whether to try backtracking or later matches
inline bool HardFail(const Char* const input, const CharCount inputLength, CharCount &matchStart, CharCount &inputOffset, const uint8 *&instPointer, ContStack &contStack, AssertionStack &assertionStack, uint &qcTicks, HardFailMode mode);
inline void Run(const Char* const input, const CharCount inputLength, CharCount &matchStart, CharCount &nextSyncInputOffset, ContStack &contStack, AssertionStack &assertionStack, uint &qcTicks, bool firstIteration);
inline bool MatchHere(const Char* const input, const CharCount inputLength, CharCount &matchStart, CharCount &nextSyncInputOffset, ContStack &contStack, AssertionStack &assertionStack, uint &qcTicks, bool firstIteration);
// Return true if assertion succeeded
inline bool PopAssertion(CharCount &inputOffset, const uint8 *&instPointer, ContStack &contStack, AssertionStack &assertionStack, bool isFailed);
inline Label InstPointerToLabel(const uint8* inst) const
Assert(inst >= program->rep.insts.insts && inst < program->rep.insts.insts + program->rep.insts.instsLen);
return (Label)((uint8*)inst - program->rep.insts.insts);
inline uint8* LabelToInstPointer(Label label) const
Assert(label < program->rep.insts.instsLen);
return program->rep.insts.insts + label;
template <typename T>
inline T* LabelToInstPointer(Inst::InstTag tag, Label label) const
Assert(label + sizeof(T) <= program->rep.insts.instsLen);
Assert(((Inst*)(program->rep.insts.insts + label))->tag == tag);
return (T*)(program->rep.insts.insts + label);
inline LoopInfo* LoopIdToLoopInfo(int loopId)
Assert(loopId >= 0 && loopId < program->numLoops);
return loopInfos + loopId;
inline GroupInfo* GroupIdToGroupInfo(int groupId) const
Assert(groupId >= 0 && groupId < program->numGroups);
return groupInfos + groupId;
Matcher *CloneToScriptContext(Js::ScriptContext *scriptContext, RegexPattern *pattern);
typedef bool (UnifiedRegex::Matcher::*ComparerForSingleChar)(const Char left, const Char right);
Field(ComparerForSingleChar) comparerForSingleChar;
// Specialized matcher for regex c - case insensitive
inline bool MatchSingleCharCaseInsensitive(const Char* const input, const CharCount inputLength, CharCount offset, const Char c);
inline bool MatchSingleCharCaseInsensitiveHere(CaseInsensitive::MappingSource mappingSource, const Char* const input, CharCount offset, const Char c);
// Specialized matcher for regex c - case sensitive
inline bool MatchSingleCharCaseSensitive(const Char* const input, const CharCount inputLength, CharCount offset, const Char c);
// Specialized matcher for regex \b\w+\b
inline bool MatchBoundedWord(const Char* const input, const CharCount inputLength, CharCount offset);
// Specialized matcher for regex ^\s*|\s*$
inline bool MatchLeadingTrailingSpaces(const Char* const input, const CharCount inputLength, CharCount offset);
// Specialized matcher for octoquad patterns
inline bool MatchOctoquad(const Char* const input, const CharCount inputLength, CharCount offset, OctoquadMatcher* matcher);
// Specialized matcher for regex ^literal
inline bool MatchBOILiteral2(const Char * const input, const CharCount inputLength, CharCount offset, DWORD literal2);
void SaveInnerGroups(const int fromGroupId, const int toGroupId, const bool reset, const Char *const input, ContStack &contStack);
void DoSaveInnerGroups(const int fromGroupId, const int toGroupId, const bool reset, const Char *const input, ContStack &contStack);
void SaveInnerGroups_AllUndefined(const int fromGroupId, const int toGroupId, const Char *const input, ContStack &contStack);
void DoSaveInnerGroups_AllUndefined(const int fromGroupId, const int toGroupId, const Char *const input, ContStack &contStack);
void ResetGroup(int groupId);
void ResetInnerGroups(int minGroupId, int maxGroupId);
#if DBG
void ResetLoopInfos();
#undef INST_BODY
#undef CONT_BODY