blob: 892cdc91dffff971f104519556b41b0bd8c15210 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
// ARM64-specific macro definitions
#pragma once
#ifndef _M_ARM64
#error Include arm64.h in builds of ARM64 targets only.
#define arm64_GET_CURRENT_FRAME() ((LPVOID)__getReg(29))
extern "C" VOID arm64_SAVE_REGISTERS(void*);
* The relevant part of the frame looks like this (high addresses at the top, low ones at the bottom):
* ----------------------
* r3 <=== Homed input parameters
* r2 <
* r1 <
* r0 <===
* lr <=== return address
* r11 <=== current r11 (frame pointer)
* ...
const DWORD ReturnAddrOffsetFromFramePtr = 1;
const DWORD ArgOffsetFromFramePtr = 2;