blob: 1927461e1ebf0b3165c7f0f98fa94f96d25d11ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
#include "JsrtPch.h"
#include "JsrtRuntime.h"
#include "Base/ThreadContextTlsEntry.h"
static THREAD_LOCAL JsrtContext* s_tlvSlot = nullptr;
JsrtContext::JsrtContext(JsrtRuntime * runtime) :
runtime(runtime), javascriptLibrary(nullptr)
void JsrtContext::SetJavascriptLibrary(Js::JavascriptLibrary * library)
this->javascriptLibrary = library;
if (this->javascriptLibrary)
void JsrtContext::Link()
// Link this new JsrtContext up in the JsrtRuntime's context list
this->next = runtime->contextList;
this->previous = nullptr;
if (runtime->contextList != nullptr)
Assert(runtime->contextList->previous == nullptr);
runtime->contextList->previous = this;
runtime->contextList = this;
void JsrtContext::Unlink()
// Unlink from JsrtRuntime JsrtContext list
if (this->previous == nullptr)
// Have to check this because if we failed while creating, it might
// never have gotten linked in to the runtime at all.
if (this->runtime->contextList == this)
this->runtime->contextList = this->next;
Assert(this->previous->next == this);
this->previous->next = this->next;
if (this->next != nullptr)
Assert(this->next->previous == this);
this->next->previous = this->previous;
/* static */
JsrtContext * JsrtContext::GetCurrent()
return s_tlvSlot;
/* static */
bool JsrtContext::TrySetCurrent(JsrtContext * context)
ThreadContext * threadContext;
//We are not pinning the context after SetCurrentContext, so if the context is not pinned
//it might be reclaimed half way during execution. In jsrtshell the runtime was optimized out
//at time of JsrtContext::Run by the compiler.
//The change is to pin the context at setconcurrentcontext, and unpin the previous one. In
//JsDisposeRuntime we'll reject if current context is active, so that will make sure all
//contexts are unpinned at time of JsDisposeRuntime.
if (context != nullptr)
threadContext = context->GetScriptContext()->GetThreadContext();
if (!ThreadContextTLSEntry::TrySetThreadContext(threadContext))
return false;
// no need to rootAddRef and Release for the same context
if (s_tlvSlot == context) return true;
if (!ThreadContextTLSEntry::ClearThreadContext(true))
return false;
JsrtContext* originalContext = s_tlvSlot;
if (originalContext != nullptr)
originalContext->GetScriptContext()->GetRecycler()->RootRelease((LPVOID) originalContext);
s_tlvSlot = context;
return true;
void JsrtContext::Mark(Recycler * recycler)
AssertMsg(false, "Mark called on object that isn't TrackableObject");