blob: 93f13e601458c714e01d11b38209b1d9a2e98a9e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
#pragma once
class ISourceHolder;
namespace Js
template <typename TLoadCallback, typename TUnloadCallback>
class JsrtSourceHolder sealed : public ISourceHolder
enum MapRequestFor { Source = 1, Length = 2 };
FieldNoBarrier(TLoadCallback) scriptLoadCallback;
FieldNoBarrier(TUnloadCallback) scriptUnloadCallback;
Field(JsSourceContext) sourceContext;
#ifndef NTBUILD
Field(JsValueRef) mappedScriptValue;
Field(DetachedStateBase*) mappedSerializedScriptValue;
Field(utf8char_t const *) mappedSource;
Field(size_t) mappedSourceByteLength;
Field(size_t) mappedAllocLength;
// Wrapper methods with Asserts to ensure that we aren't trying to access unmapped source
utf8char_t const * GetMappedSource()
AssertMsg(mappedSource != nullptr, "Our mapped source is nullptr, isSourceMapped (Assert above) should be false.");
AssertMsg(scriptUnloadCallback != nullptr, "scriptUnloadCallback is null, this means that this object has been finalized.");
return mappedSource;
size_t GetMappedSourceLength()
AssertMsg(mappedSource != nullptr, "Our mapped source is nullptr, isSourceMapped (Assert above) should be false.");
AssertMsg(scriptUnloadCallback != nullptr, "scriptUnloadCallback is null, this means that this object has been finalized.");
return mappedSourceByteLength;
void EnsureSource(MapRequestFor requestedFor, const WCHAR* reasonString);
JsrtSourceHolder(_In_ TLoadCallback scriptLoadCallback,
_In_ TUnloadCallback scriptUnloadCallback,
_In_ JsSourceContext sourceContext,
Js::ArrayBuffer* serializedScriptValue = nullptr) :
#ifndef NTBUILD
mappedSerializedScriptValue(serializedScriptValue == nullptr ? nullptr : serializedScriptValue->DetachAndGetState(false /*queueForDelayFree*/)),
AssertMsg(scriptLoadCallback != nullptr, "script load callback given is null.");
AssertMsg(scriptUnloadCallback != nullptr, "script unload callback given is null.");
virtual bool IsEmpty() override
return false;
// Following two methods do not attempt any source mapping
LPCUTF8 GetSourceUnchecked()
return this->GetMappedSource();
// Following two methods are calls to EnsureSource before attempting to get the source
virtual LPCUTF8 GetSource(const WCHAR* reasonString) override
this->EnsureSource(MapRequestFor::Source, reasonString);
return this->GetMappedSource();
virtual size_t GetByteLength(const WCHAR* reasonString) override
this->EnsureSource(MapRequestFor::Length, reasonString);
return this->GetMappedSourceLength();
virtual void Finalize(bool isShutdown) override;
virtual void Dispose(bool isShutdown) override
#ifndef NTBUILD
if (this->mappedSerializedScriptValue != nullptr)
// We have to extend the buffer data's lifetime until Dispose because
// it might be used during finalization of other objects, such as
// FunctionEntryPointInfo which wants to log its name.
virtual void Mark(Recycler * recycler) override
virtual void Unload() override;
virtual bool Equals(ISourceHolder* other) override
return this == other ||
(this->GetByteLength(_u("Equal Comparison")) == other->GetByteLength(_u("Equal Comparison"))
&& (this->GetSource(_u("Equal Comparison")) == other->GetSource(_u("Equal Comparison"))
|| memcmp(this->GetSource(_u("Equal Comparison")), other->GetSource(_u("Equal Comparison")), this->GetByteLength(_u("Equal Comparison"))) == 0));
virtual hash_t GetHashCode() override
LPCUTF8 source = GetSource(_u("Hash Code Calculation"));
size_t byteLength = GetByteLength(_u("Hash Code Calculation"));
Assert(byteLength < MAXUINT32);
return JsUtil::CharacterBuffer<utf8char_t>::StaticGetHashCode(source, (charcount_t)byteLength);
virtual bool IsDeferrable() override
return !PHASE_OFF1(Js::DeferSourceLoadPhase);