blob: 0fb36f9aa24e1f0a06b1b67fd4ba67b6f9a4aab2 [file] [log] [blame]
1.8.0rc1 (2018-01-01)
- ``request.POST`` now supports any requests with the appropriate
Content-Type. Allowing any HTTP method to access form encoded content,
including DELETE, PUT, and others. See
- WebOb is no longer officially supported on Python 3.3 which was EOL'ed on
Backwards Incompatibilities
- Many changes have been made to the way WebOb does Accept handling, not just
for the Accept header itself, but also for Accept-Charset, Accept-Encoding
and Accept-Language. This was a `Google Summer of Code
<>`_ project completed by
Whiteroses ( Many thanks to Google for running
GSoC, the Python Software Foundation for organising and a huge thanks to Ira
for completing the work. See and Documentation is available at
- When calling a ``@wsgify`` decorated function, the default arguments passed
to ``@wsgify`` are now used when called with the request, and not as a
.. code::
def hello(req, name):
return "Hello, %s!" % name
app = wsgify(hello, args=("Fred",))
req = Request.blank('/')
resp = req.get_response(app) # => "Hello, Fred"
resp2 = app(req) # => "Hello, Fred"
Previously the ``resp2`` line would have failed with a ``TypeError``. With
this change there is no way to override the default arguments with no
arguments. See
- When setting ``app_iter`` on a ``Response`` object the ``content_md5`` header
is no longer cleared. This behaviour is odd and disallows setting the
``content_md5`` and then returning an iterator for chunked content encoded
responses. See
Experimental Features
These features are experimental and may change at any point in the future.
- The cookie APIs now have the ability to set the SameSite attribute on a
cookie in both ``webob.cookies.make_cookie`` and
``webob.cookies.CookieProfile``. See
- Exceptions now use string.Template.safe_substitute rather than
string.Template.substitute. The latter would raise for missing mappings, the
former will simply not substitute the missing variable. This is safer in case
the WSGI environ does not contain the keys necessary for the body template.
- Request.host_url, Request.host_port, Request.domain correctly parse IPv6 Host
headers as provided by a browser. See
- Request.authorization would raise ValueError for unusual or malformed header
values. See
- Allow unnamed fields in form data to be properly transcoded when calling
request.decode with an alternate encoding. See
- ``Response.__init__`` would discard ``app_iter`` when a ``Response`` had no
body, this would cause issues when ``app_iter`` was an object that was tied
to the life-cycle of a web application and had to be properly closed.
``app_iter`` is more advanced API for ``Response`` and thus even if it
contains a body and is thus against the HTTP RFC's, we should let the users
shoot themselves by returning a body. See