blob: 2339e88df55375eedb5482068dabfd831ca19651 [file] [log] [blame]
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation ============//
#include <vrcore/dirtools_public.h>
#include <vrcore/strtools_public.h>
#include <vrcore/pathtools_public.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "windows.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#if defined( OSX )
#include <sys/syslimits.h>
// Purpose: utility function to create dirs & subdirs
bool BCreateDirectoryRecursive( const char *pchPath )
// Does it already exist?
if ( Path_IsDirectory( pchPath ) )
return true;
// copy the path into something we can munge
int len = (int)strlen( pchPath );
char *path = (char *)malloc( len + 1 );
strcpy( path, pchPath );
// Walk backwards to first non-existing dir that we find
char *s = path + len - 1;
const char slash = Path_GetSlash();
while ( s > path )
if ( *s == slash )
*s = '\0';
bool bExists = Path_IsDirectory( path );
*s = slash;
if ( bExists )
// and then move forwards from there
while ( *s )
if ( *s == slash )
*s = '\0';
BCreateDirectory( path );
*s = slash;
bool bRetVal = BCreateDirectory( path );
free( path );
return bRetVal;
// Purpose: Creates the directory, returning true if it is created, or if it already existed
bool BCreateDirectory( const char *pchPath )
#ifdef WIN32
std::wstring wPath = UTF8to16( pchPath );
if ( ::CreateDirectoryW( wPath.c_str(), NULL ) )
return true;
if ( ::GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS )
return true;
return false;
int i = mkdir( pchPath, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO );
if ( i == 0 )
return true;
if ( errno == EEXIST )
return true;
return false;
#if !defined( VRCORE_NO_PLATFORM )
#include <vrcore/log.h>
CDirIterator::CDirIterator( const char *pchPath, const char *pchPattern )
m_pFindData = NULL;
// put in the path
if ( pchPath )
std::string sPathAndPattern = Path_Join( pchPath, pchPattern );
Init( sPathAndPattern.c_str() );
m_bNoFiles = true;
m_bUsedFirstFile = true;
#if defined( _WIN32 )
m_pFindData = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW;
m_hFind = -1;
m_pFindData = new _finddata_t;
memset( m_pFindData, 0, sizeof( *m_pFindData ) );
// Purpose: Initialize iteration structure
void CDirIterator::Init( const std::string &sPathAndPattern )
#if defined( _WIN32 )
m_pFindData = new WIN32_FIND_DATAW;
memset( m_pFindData, 0, sizeof( *m_pFindData ) );
std::wstring sWPathAndPattern = UTF8to16( sPathAndPattern.c_str() );
m_hFind = FindFirstFileW( sWPathAndPattern.c_str(), m_pFindData );
bool bSuccess = ( m_hFind != HMD_INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE );
// Conversion should never fail with valid filenames...
if ( bSuccess )
m_sFilename = UTF16to8( m_pFindData->cFileName );
m_pFindData = new _finddata_t;
memset( m_pFindData, 0, sizeof( *m_pFindData ) );
m_hFind = _findfirst( sPathAndPattern.c_str(), m_pFindData );
bool bSuccess = ( m_hFind != -1 );
if ( !bSuccess )
m_bNoFiles = true;
m_bUsedFirstFile = true;
m_bNoFiles = false;
// if we're pointing at . or .., set it as used
// so we'll look for the next item when BNextFile() is called
m_bUsedFirstFile = !BValidFilename();
// Purpose: Destructor
#if defined( _WIN32 )
FindClose( m_hFind );
delete m_pFindData;
if ( m_hFind != -1 )
_findclose( m_hFind );
if ( m_pFindData )
for ( int i = 0; i < m_pFindData->numNames; i++ )
// scandir allocates with malloc, so free with free
free( m_pFindData->namelist[ i ] );
free( m_pFindData->namelist );
delete m_pFindData;
// Purpose: Check for successful construction
bool CDirIterator::IsValid() const
#if defined( _WIN32 )
return m_hFind != -1;
// Purpose: Filter out . and ..
bool CDirIterator::BValidFilename()
#if defined( _WIN32 )
const char *pch = m_sFilename.c_str();
const char *pch = m_pFindData->name;
if ( ( pch[ 0 ] == '.' && pch[ 1 ] == 0 ) || ( pch[ 0 ] == '.' && pch[ 1 ] == '.' && pch[ 2 ] == 0 ) )
return false;
return true;
// Purpose: returns true if there is a file to read
bool CDirIterator::BNextFile()
if ( m_bNoFiles )
return false;
// use the first result
if ( !m_bUsedFirstFile )
m_bUsedFirstFile = true;
return true;
// find the next item
for ( ;; )
#if defined( _WIN32 )
bool bFound = ( FindNextFileW( m_hFind, m_pFindData ) != FALSE );
// Conversion should never fail with valid filenames...
if ( bFound )
m_sFilename = UTF16to8( m_pFindData->cFileName );
bool bFound = ( _findnext( m_hFind, m_pFindData ) == 0 );
if ( !bFound )
// done
m_bNoFiles = true;
return false;
// skip over the '.' and '..' paths
if ( !BValidFilename() )
// have one more file
return true;
// Purpose: returns name (filename portion only) of the current file.
// Name is emitted in UTF-8 encoding.
// NOTE: This method returns a pointer into a static buffer, either a member
// or the buffer inside the _finddata_t.
std::string CDirIterator::CurrentFileName()
#if defined( _WIN32 )
return m_sFilename;
return m_pFindData->name;
// Purpose: returns size of the file
int64_t CDirIterator::CurrentFileLength() const
#if defined( _WIN32 )
LARGE_INTEGER li = { { m_pFindData->nFileSizeLow, ( LONG )m_pFindData->nFileSizeHigh } };
return li.QuadPart;
return ( int64_t )m_pFindData->size;
#if defined( _WIN32 )
// Purpose: utility for converting a regular time to a system filetime
FILETIME UnixTimeToFileTime( int64_t t )
long long int ll;
ll = ( ( long long )t * 10000000LL );
ll += 116444736000000000LL;
retf.dwHighDateTime = ll >> 32;
retf.dwLowDateTime = ll & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF;
return retf;
// Purpose: utility for converting a system filetime to a regular time
int64_t FileTimeToUnixTime( FILETIME filetime )
long long int t = filetime.dwHighDateTime;
t <<= 32;
t += ( unsigned long )filetime.dwLowDateTime;
t -= 116444736000000000LL;
return t / 10000000;
#endif // _WIN32
// Purpose: returns last write time of the file
int64_t CDirIterator::CurrentFileWriteTime() const
#if defined( _WIN32 )
return FileTimeToUnixTime( m_pFindData->ftLastWriteTime );
return m_pFindData->time_write;
// Purpose: returns the creation time of the file
int64_t CDirIterator::CurrentFileCreateTime() const
#if defined( _WIN32 )
return FileTimeToUnixTime( m_pFindData->ftCreationTime );
return m_pFindData->time_create;
// Purpose: returns whether current item under examination is a directory
bool CDirIterator::BCurrentIsDir() const
#if defined( _WIN32 )
return ( m_pFindData->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) != 0;
return ( m_pFindData->attrib & _A_SUBDIR ? true : false );
// Purpose: returns whether current item under examination is a hidden file
bool CDirIterator::BCurrentIsHidden() const
#if defined( _WIN32 )
return ( m_pFindData->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN ) != 0;
return ( m_pFindData->attrib & _A_HIDDEN ? true : false );
// Purpose: returns whether current item under examination is read-only
bool CDirIterator::BCurrentIsReadOnly() const
#if defined( _WIN32 )
return ( m_pFindData->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY ) != 0;
return ( m_pFindData->attrib & _A_RDONLY ? true : false );
// Purpose: returns whether current item under examination is marked as a system file
bool CDirIterator::BCurrentIsSystem() const
#if defined( _WIN32 )
return ( m_pFindData->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM ) != 0;
return ( m_pFindData->attrib & _A_SYSTEM ? true : false );
// Purpose: returns whether current item under examination is marked for archiving
bool CDirIterator::BCurrentIsMarkedForArchive() const
#if defined( _WIN32 )
return ( m_pFindData->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE ) != 0;
return ( m_pFindData->attrib & _A_ARCH ? true : false );
// A huge pile of stuff from fileio.cpp in steam/tier1
#if !defined( _WIN32 )
// findfirst/findnext implementation from filesystem/linux_support.[h|cpp]
static char selectBuf[ PATH_MAX ];
#if defined( OSX ) && !defined( __MAC_10_8 )
static int FileSelect( direntBig_t *ent )
#elif defined( LINUX ) || defined( OSX )
static int FileSelect( const direntBig_t *ent )
const char *mask = selectBuf;
const char *name = ent->d_name;
return FileSelect( name, mask );
static int FileSelect( const char *name, const char *mask )
// printf("Test:%s %s\n",mask,name);
if ( !strcmp( name, "." ) || !strcmp( name, ".." ) )
return 0;
if ( !strcmp( mask, "*.*" ) || !strcmp( mask, "*" ) )
return 1;
while ( *mask && *name )
if ( *mask == '*' )
mask++; // move to the next char in the mask
if ( !*mask ) // if this is the end of the mask its a match
return 1;
while ( *name && toupper( *name ) != toupper( *mask ) )
{ // while the two don't meet up again
if ( !*name )
{ // end of the name
else if ( *mask != '?' )
if ( toupper( *mask ) != toupper( *name ) )
{ // mismatched!
return 0;
if ( !*mask && !*name )
{ // if its at the end of the buffer
return 1;
else /* mask is "?", we don't care*/
return ( !*mask && !*name ); // both of the strings are at the end
int FillDataStruct( _finddata_t *dat )
statBig_t fileStat;
if ( dat->curName >= dat->numNames )
return -1;
strncpy( dat->name, dat->namelist[ dat->curName ]->d_name, sizeof( dat->name ) );
char szFullPath[ MAX_PATH ];
int nWriteSize = snprintf( szFullPath, sizeof( szFullPath ), "%s%c%s", dat->dirBase, Path_GetSlash(), dat->name );
if ( nWriteSize >= sizeof( szFullPath ) )
Log( LogError, "File path truncated\n" );
if ( statBig( szFullPath, &fileStat ) == 0 )
dat->attrib = fileStat.st_mode;
dat->size = fileStat.st_size;
dat->time_write = fileStat.st_mtime;
dat->time_create = fileStat.st_ctime;
dat->attrib = 0;
dat->size = 0;
dat->time_write = 0;
dat->time_create = 0;
free( dat->namelist[ dat->curName ] );
dat->namelist[ dat->curName ] = NULL;
return 1;
int _findfirst( const char *fileName, _finddata_t *dat )
char nameStore[ MAX_PATH ];
char *dir = NULL;
int n, iret = -1;
strncpy( nameStore, fileName, sizeof( nameStore ) );
if ( strrchr( nameStore, '/' ) )
dir = nameStore;
while ( strrchr( dir, '/' ) )
statBig_t dirChk;
// zero this with the dir name
dir = strrchr( nameStore, '/' );
*dir = '\0';
if ( dir == nameStore )
strcpy( nameStore, "/" ); // C++11 would prefer no `dir = "/";`
dir = nameStore;
if ( statBig( dir, &dirChk ) == 0 && S_ISDIR( dirChk.st_mode ) )
// couldn't find a dir separator...
return -1;
if ( strlen( dir ) > 0 )
if ( strlen( dir ) == 1 )
strncpy( selectBuf, fileName + 1, sizeof( selectBuf ) );
strncpy( selectBuf, fileName + strlen( dir ) + 1, sizeof( selectBuf ) );
n = scandirBig( dir, &dat->namelist, FileSelect, alphasortBig );
if ( n < 0 )
// silently return, nothing interesting
dat->curName = 0;
dat->numNames = n; // n is the number of matches
strncpy( dat->dirBase, dir, sizeof( dat->dirBase ) );
iret = FillDataStruct( dat );
if ( iret < 0 )
free( dat->namelist );
dat->namelist = NULL;
dat->curName = 0;
dat->numNames = 0;
// printf("Returning: %i \n",iret);
return iret;
int _findnext( int64_t handle, _finddata_t *dat )
if ( dat->curName >= dat->numNames )
free( dat->namelist );
dat->namelist = NULL;
dat->curName = 0;
dat->numNames = 0;
return -1; // no matches left
FillDataStruct( dat );
return 0;
bool _findclose( int64_t handle )
return true;
#endif // !defined( _WIN32 )