blob: 3ccdb077eeeaad94f1ac42215985470f48fd90b1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 WebAssembly Community Group participants
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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* limitations under the License.
// Removes branches for which we go to where they go anyhow
#include <wasm.h>
#include <pass.h>
#include <ast_utils.h>
#include <wasm-builder.h>
namespace wasm {
// to turn an if into a br-if, we must be able to reorder the
// condition and possible value, and the possible value must
// not have side effects (as they would run unconditionally)
static bool canTurnIfIntoBrIf(Expression* ifCondition, Expression* brValue) {
if (!brValue) return true;
EffectAnalyzer value(brValue);
if (value.hasSideEffects()) return false;
return !EffectAnalyzer(ifCondition).invalidates(value);
struct RemoveUnusedBrs : public WalkerPass<PostWalker<RemoveUnusedBrs, Visitor<RemoveUnusedBrs>>> {
bool isFunctionParallel() override { return true; }
Pass* create() override { return new RemoveUnusedBrs; }
bool anotherCycle;
// Whether a value can flow in the current path. If so, then a br with value
// can be turned into a value, which will flow through blocks/ifs to the right place
bool valueCanFlow;
typedef std::vector<Expression**> Flows;
// list of breaks that are currently flowing. if they reach their target without
// interference, they can be removed (or their value forwarded TODO)
Flows flows;
// a stack for if-else contents, we merge their outputs
std::vector<Flows> ifStack;
// list of all loops, so we can optimize them
std::vector<Loop*> loops;
static void visitAny(RemoveUnusedBrs* self, Expression** currp) {
auto* curr = *currp;
auto& flows = self->flows;
if (curr->is<Break>()) {
auto* br = curr->cast<Break>();
if (!br->condition) { // TODO: optimize?
// a break, let's see where it flows to
self->valueCanFlow = true; // start optimistic
} else {
self->valueCanFlow = false;
} else if (curr->is<Return>()) {
self->valueCanFlow = true; // start optimistic
} else if (curr->is<If>()) {
auto* iff = curr->cast<If>();
if (iff->ifFalse) {
assert(self->ifStack.size() > 0);
for (auto* flow : self->ifStack.back()) {
} else if (curr->is<Block>()) {
// any breaks flowing to here are unnecessary, as we get here anyhow
auto* block = curr->cast<Block>();
auto name = block->name;
if ( {
size_t size = flows.size();
size_t skip = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
auto* flow = (*flows[i])->dynCast<Break>();
if (flow && flow->name == name) {
if (!flow->value || self->valueCanFlow) {
if (!flow->value) {
// br => nop
} else {
// br with value => value
*flows[i] = flow->value;
self->anotherCycle = true;
} else if (skip > 0) {
flows[i - skip] = flows[i];
if (skip > 0) {
flows.resize(size - skip);
// drop a nop at the end of a block, which prevents a value flowing
while (block->list.size() > 0 && block->list.back()->is<Nop>()) {
block->list.resize(block->list.size() - 1, self->getAllocator());
self->anotherCycle = true;
} else if (curr->is<Nop>()) {
// ignore (could be result of a previous cycle)
self->valueCanFlow = false;
} else {
// anything else stops the flow
self->valueCanFlow = false;
static void clear(RemoveUnusedBrs* self, Expression** currp) {
static void saveIfTrue(RemoveUnusedBrs* self, Expression** currp) {
void visitLoop(Loop* curr) {
void visitIf(If* curr) {
if (!curr->ifFalse) {
// if without an else. try to reduce if (condition) br => br_if (condition)
Break* br = curr->ifTrue->dynCast<Break>();
if (br && !br->condition) { // TODO: if there is a condition, join them
if (canTurnIfIntoBrIf(curr->condition, br->value)) {
br->condition = curr->condition;
anotherCycle = true;
// TODO: if-else can be turned into a br_if as well, if one of the sides is a dead end
// override scan to add a pre and a post check task to all nodes
static void scan(RemoveUnusedBrs* self, Expression** currp) {
self->pushTask(visitAny, currp);
auto* iff = (*currp)->dynCast<If>();
if (iff) {
self->pushTask(doVisitIf, currp);
if (iff->ifFalse) {
// we need to join up if-else control flow, and clear after the condition
self->pushTask(scan, &iff->ifFalse);
self->pushTask(saveIfTrue, currp); // safe the ifTrue flow, we'll join it later
self->pushTask(scan, &iff->ifTrue);
self->pushTask(clear, currp); // clear all flow after the condition
self->pushTask(scan, &iff->condition);
} else {
WalkerPass<PostWalker<RemoveUnusedBrs, Visitor<RemoveUnusedBrs>>>::scan(self, currp);
// optimizes a loop. returns true if we made changes
bool optimizeLoop(Loop* loop) {
// if a loop ends in
// (loop $in
// (block $out
// if (..) br $in; else br $out;
// )
// )
// then our normal opts can remove the break out since it flows directly out
// (and later passes make the if one-armed). however, the simple analysis
// fails on patterns like
// if (..) br $out;
// br $in;
// which is a common way to do a while (1) loop (end it with a jump to the
// top), so we handle that here. Specifically we want to conditionalize
// breaks to the loop top, i.e., put them behind a condition, so that other
// code can flow directly out and thus brs out can be removed. (even if
// the change is to let a break somewhere else flow out, that can still be
// helpful, as it shortens the logical loop. it is also good to generate
// an if-else instead of an if, as it might allow an eqz to be removed
// by flipping arms)
if (!loop-> return false;
auto* block = loop->body->dynCast<Block>();
if (!block) return false;
// does the last element break to the top of the loop?
auto& list = block->list;
if (list.size() <= 1) return false;
auto* last = list.back()->dynCast<Break>();
if (!last || !ExpressionAnalyzer::isSimple(last) || last->name != loop->name) return false;
// last is a simple break to the top of the loop. if we can conditionalize it,
// it won't block things from flowing out and not needing breaks to do so.
Index i = list.size() - 2;
Builder builder(*getModule());
while (1) {
auto* curr = list[i];
if (auto* iff = curr->dynCast<If>()) {
// let's try to move the code going to the top of the loop into the if-else
if (!iff->ifFalse) {
// we need the ifTrue to break, so it cannot reach the code we want to move
if (ExpressionAnalyzer::obviouslyDoesNotFlowOut(iff->ifTrue)) {
iff->ifFalse = builder.stealSlice(block, i + 1, list.size());
return true;
} else {
// this is already an if-else. if one side is a dead end, we can append to the other, if
// there is no returned value to concern us
assert(!isConcreteWasmType(iff->type)); // can't be, since in the middle of a block
if (ExpressionAnalyzer::obviouslyDoesNotFlowOut(iff->ifTrue)) {
iff->ifFalse = builder.blockifyMerge(iff->ifFalse, builder.stealSlice(block, i + 1, list.size()));
return true;
} else if (ExpressionAnalyzer::obviouslyDoesNotFlowOut(iff->ifFalse)) {
iff->ifTrue = builder.blockifyMerge(iff->ifTrue, builder.stealSlice(block, i + 1, list.size()));
return true;
return false;
} else if (auto* brIf = curr->dynCast<Break>()) {
// br_if is similar to if.
if (brIf->condition && !brIf->value && brIf->name != loop->name) {
if (i == list.size() - 2) {
// there is the br_if, and then the br to the top, so just flip them and the condition
brIf->condition = builder.makeUnary(EqZInt32, brIf->condition);
last->name = brIf->name;
brIf->name = loop->name;
return true;
} else {
// there are elements in the middle,
// br_if $somewhere (condition)
// (..more..)
// br $in
// we can convert the br_if to an if. this has a cost, though,
// so only do it if it looks useful, which it definitely is if
// (a) $somewhere is straight out (so the br out vanishes), and
// (b) this br_if is the only branch to that block (so the block will vanish)
if (brIf->name == block->name && BreakSeeker::count(block, block->name) == 1) {
// note that we could drop the last element here, it is a br we know for sure is removable,
// but telling stealSlice to steal all to the end is more efficient, it can just truncate.
list[i] = builder.makeIf(brIf->condition, builder.makeBreak(brIf->name), builder.stealSlice(block, i + 1, list.size()));
return true;
return false;
// if there is control flow, we must stop looking
if (EffectAnalyzer(curr).branches) {
return false;
if (i == 0) return false;
void doWalkFunction(Function* func) {
// multiple cycles may be needed
bool worked = false;
do {
anotherCycle = false;
WalkerPass<PostWalker<RemoveUnusedBrs, Visitor<RemoveUnusedBrs>>>::doWalkFunction(func);
// flows may contain returns, which are flowing out and so can be optimized
for (size_t i = 0; i < flows.size(); i++) {
auto* flow = (*flows[i])->dynCast<Return>();
if (!flow) continue;
if (!flow->value) {
// return => nop
anotherCycle = true;
} else if (valueCanFlow) {
// return with value => value
*flows[i] = flow->value;
anotherCycle = true;
// optimize loops (we don't do it while tracking flows, as they can interfere)
for (auto* loop : loops) {
anotherCycle |= optimizeLoop(loop);
if (anotherCycle) worked = true;
} while (anotherCycle);
if (worked) {
// Our work may alter block and if types, they may now return values that we made flow through them
struct TypeUpdater : public WalkerPass<PostWalker<TypeUpdater, Visitor<TypeUpdater>>> {
void visitBlock(Block* curr) {
void visitLoop(Loop* curr) {
void visitIf(If* curr) {
TypeUpdater typeUpdater;
// thread trivial jumps
struct JumpThreader : public ControlFlowWalker<JumpThreader, Visitor<JumpThreader>> {
// map of all value-less breaks going to a block (and not a loop)
std::map<Block*, std::vector<Break*>> breaksToBlock;
// number of definitions of each name - when a name is defined more than once, it is not trivially safe to do this
std::map<Name, Index> numDefs;
// the names to update, when we can (just one def)
std::map<Break*, Name> newNames;
void visitBreak(Break* curr) {
if (!curr->value) {
if (auto* target = findBreakTarget(curr->name)->dynCast<Block>()) {
// TODO: Switch?
void visitBlock(Block* curr) {
if (curr-> numDefs[curr->name]++;
auto& list = curr->list;
if (list.size() == 1 && curr-> {
// if this block has just one child, a sub-block, then jumps to the former are jumps to us, really
if (auto* child = list[0]->dynCast<Block>()) {
if (child-> && child->name != curr->name) {
auto& breaks = breaksToBlock[child];
for (auto* br : breaks) {
newNames[br] = curr->name;
breaksToBlock[curr].push_back(br); // update the list - we may push it even more later
} else if (list.size() == 2) {
// if this block has two children, a child-block and a simple jump, then jumps to child-block can be replaced with jumps to the new target
auto* child = list[0]->dynCast<Block>();
auto* jump = list[1]->dynCast<Break>();
if (child && child-> && jump && ExpressionAnalyzer::isSimple(jump)) {
auto& breaks = breaksToBlock[child];
for (auto* br : breaks) {
newNames[br] = jump->name;
// if the jump is to another block then we can update the list, and maybe push it even more later
if (auto* newTarget = findBreakTarget(jump->name)->dynCast<Block>()) {
for (auto* br : breaks) {
void visitLoop(Loop* curr) {
if (curr-> numDefs[curr->name]++;
void finish() {
for (auto& iter : newNames) {
auto* br = iter.first;
auto name = iter.second;
if (numDefs[name] == 1) {
br->name = name;
JumpThreader jumpThreader;
// perform some final optimizations
struct FinalOptimizer : public PostWalker<FinalOptimizer, Visitor<FinalOptimizer>> {
bool selectify;
void visitBlock(Block* curr) {
// if a block has an if br else br, we can un-conditionalize the latter, allowing
// the if to become a br_if.
// * note that if not in a block already, then we need to create a block for this, so not useful otherwise
// * note that this only happens at the end of a block, as code after the if is dead
// * note that we do this at the end, because un-conditionalizing can interfere with optimizeLoop()ing.
auto& list = curr->list;
for (Index i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
auto* iff = list[i]->dynCast<If>();
if (!iff || !iff->ifFalse || isConcreteWasmType(iff->type)) continue; // if it lacked an if-false, it would already be a br_if, as that's the easy case
auto* ifTrueBreak = iff->ifTrue->dynCast<Break>();
if (ifTrueBreak && !ifTrueBreak->condition && canTurnIfIntoBrIf(iff->condition, ifTrueBreak->value)) {
// we are an if-else where the ifTrue is a break without a condition, so we can do this
ifTrueBreak->condition = iff->condition;
list[i] = Builder(*getModule()).dropIfConcretelyTyped(ifTrueBreak);
ExpressionManipulator::spliceIntoBlock(curr, i + 1, iff->ifFalse, getAllocator());
// otherwise, perhaps we can flip the if
auto* ifFalseBreak = iff->ifFalse->dynCast<Break>();
if (ifFalseBreak && !ifFalseBreak->condition && canTurnIfIntoBrIf(iff->condition, ifFalseBreak->value)) {
ifFalseBreak->condition = Builder(*getModule()).makeUnary(EqZInt32, iff->condition);
list[i] = Builder(*getModule()).dropIfConcretelyTyped(ifFalseBreak);
ExpressionManipulator::spliceIntoBlock(curr, i + 1, iff->ifTrue, getAllocator());
if (list.size() >= 2) {
if (selectify) {
// Join adjacent br_ifs to the same target, making one br_if with
// a "selectified" condition that executes both.
for (Index i = 0; i < list.size() - 1; i++) {
auto* br1 = list[i]->dynCast<Break>();
if (!br1 || !br1->condition) continue;
auto* br2 = list[i + 1]->dynCast<Break>();
if (!br2 || !br2->condition) continue;
if (br1->name == br2->name) {
assert(!br1->value && !br2->value);
if (!EffectAnalyzer(br2->condition).hasSideEffects()) {
// it's ok to execute them both, do it
Builder builder(*getModule());
br1->condition = builder.makeBinary(OrInt32, br1->condition, br2->condition);
// Restructuring of ifs: if we have
// (block $x
// (br_if $x (cond))
// .., no other references to $x
// )
// then we can turn that into (if (!cond) ..).
// Code size wise, we turn the block into an if (no change), and
// lose the br_if (-2). .. turns into the body of the if in the binary
// format. We need to flip the condition, which at worst adds 1.
if (curr-> {
auto* br = list[0]->dynCast<Break>();
if (br && br->condition && br->name == curr->name) {
assert(!br->value); // can't, it would be dropped or last in the block
if (BreakSeeker::count(curr, curr->name) == 1) {
// no other breaks to that name, so we can do this
Builder builder(*getModule());
builder.makeUnary(EqZInt32, br->condition),
curr->name = Name();
void visitIf(If* curr) {
// we may have simplified ifs enough to turn them into selects
// this is helpful for code size, but can be a tradeoff with performance as we run both code paths
if (!selectify) return;
if (curr->ifFalse && isConcreteWasmType(curr->ifTrue->type) && isConcreteWasmType(curr->ifFalse->type)) {
// if with else, consider turning it into a select if there is no control flow
// TODO: estimate cost
EffectAnalyzer condition(curr->condition);
if (!condition.hasSideEffects()) {
EffectAnalyzer ifTrue(curr->ifTrue);
if (!ifTrue.hasSideEffects()) {
EffectAnalyzer ifFalse(curr->ifFalse);
if (!ifFalse.hasSideEffects()) {
auto* select = getModule()->allocator.alloc<Select>();
select->condition = curr->condition;
select->ifTrue = curr->ifTrue;
select->ifFalse = curr->ifFalse;
FinalOptimizer finalOptimizer;
finalOptimizer.selectify = getPassRunner()->options.shrinkLevel > 0;
Pass *createRemoveUnusedBrsPass() {
return new RemoveUnusedBrs();
} // namespace wasm