blob: 903675b8c2c278f9e8ec34ace3e6e896b42d2351 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 WebAssembly Community Group participants
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <chrono>
#include <sstream>
#include <support/colors.h>
#include <passes/passes.h>
#include <pass.h>
#include <wasm-validator.h>
namespace wasm {
// PassRegistry
PassRegistry::PassRegistry() {
static PassRegistry singleton;
PassRegistry* PassRegistry::get() {
return &singleton;
void PassRegistry::registerPass(const char* name, const char *description, Creator create) {
assert(passInfos.find(name) == passInfos.end());
passInfos[name] = PassInfo(description, create);
Pass* PassRegistry::createPass(std::string name) {
if (passInfos.find(name) == passInfos.end()) return nullptr;
auto ret = passInfos[name].create();
ret->name = name;
return ret;
std::vector<std::string> PassRegistry::getRegisteredNames() {
std::vector<std::string> ret;
for (auto pair : passInfos) {
return ret;
std::string PassRegistry::getPassDescription(std::string name) {
assert(passInfos.find(name) != passInfos.end());
return passInfos[name].description;
// PassRunner
void PassRegistry::registerPasses() {
registerPass("coalesce-locals", "reduce # of locals by coalescing", createCoalesceLocalsPass);
registerPass("coalesce-locals-learning", "reduce # of locals by coalescing and learning", createCoalesceLocalsWithLearningPass);
registerPass("code-pushing", "push code forward, potentially making it not always execute", createCodePushingPass);
registerPass("dce", "removes unreachable code", createDeadCodeEliminationPass);
registerPass("duplicate-function-elimination", "removes duplicate functions", createDuplicateFunctionEliminationPass);
registerPass("extract-function", "leaves just one function (useful for debugging)", createExtractFunctionPass);
registerPass("flatten-control-flow", "flattens out control flow to be only on blocks, not nested as expressions", createFlattenControlFlowPass);
registerPass("inlining", "inlines functions (currently only ones with a single use)", createInliningPass);
registerPass("legalize-js-interface", "legalizes i64 types on the import/export boundary", createLegalizeJSInterfacePass);
registerPass("local-cse", "common subexpression elimination inside basic blocks", createLocalCSEPass);
registerPass("log-execution", "instrument the build with logging of where execution goes", createLogExecutionPass);
registerPass("instrument-locals", "instrument the build with code to intercept all loads and stores", createInstrumentLocalsPass);
registerPass("instrument-memory", "instrument the build with code to intercept all loads and stores", createInstrumentMemoryPass);
registerPass("memory-packing", "packs memory into separate segments, skipping zeros", createMemoryPackingPass);
registerPass("merge-blocks", "merges blocks to their parents", createMergeBlocksPass);
registerPass("metrics", "reports metrics", createMetricsPass);
registerPass("nm", "name list", createNameListPass);
registerPass("name-manager", "utility pass to manage names in modules", createNameManagerPass);
registerPass("optimize-instructions", "optimizes instruction combinations", createOptimizeInstructionsPass);
registerPass("pick-load-signs", "pick load signs based on their uses", createPickLoadSignsPass);
registerPass("post-emscripten", "miscellaneous optimizations for Emscripten-generated code", createPostEmscriptenPass);
registerPass("precompute", "computes compile-time evaluatable expressions", createPrecomputePass);
registerPass("print", "print in s-expression format", createPrinterPass);
registerPass("print-minified", "print in minified s-expression format", createMinifiedPrinterPass);
registerPass("print-full", "print in full s-expression format", createFullPrinterPass);
registerPass("print-call-graph", "print call graph", createPrintCallGraphPass);
registerPass("relooper-jump-threading", "thread relooper jumps (fastcomp output only)", createRelooperJumpThreadingPass);
registerPass("remove-imports", "removes imports and replaces them with nops", createRemoveImportsPass);
registerPass("remove-memory", "removes memory segments", createRemoveMemoryPass);
registerPass("remove-unused-brs", "removes breaks from locations that are not needed", createRemoveUnusedBrsPass);
registerPass("remove-unused-module-elements", "removes unused module elements", createRemoveUnusedModuleElementsPass);
registerPass("remove-unused-names", "removes names from locations that are never branched to", createRemoveUnusedNamesPass);
registerPass("reorder-functions", "sorts functions by access frequency", createReorderFunctionsPass);
registerPass("reorder-locals", "sorts locals by access frequency", createReorderLocalsPass);
registerPass("rereloop", "re-optimize control flow using the relooper algorithm", createReReloopPass);
registerPass("simplify-locals", "miscellaneous locals-related optimizations", createSimplifyLocalsPass);
registerPass("simplify-locals-notee", "miscellaneous locals-related optimizations", createSimplifyLocalsNoTeePass);
registerPass("simplify-locals-nostructure", "miscellaneous locals-related optimizations", createSimplifyLocalsNoStructurePass);
registerPass("simplify-locals-notee-nostructure", "miscellaneous locals-related optimizations", createSimplifyLocalsNoTeeNoStructurePass);
registerPass("ssa", "ssa-ify variables so that they have a single assignment", createSSAifyPass);
registerPass("untee", "removes tee_locals, replacing them with sets and gets", createUnteePass);
registerPass("vacuum", "removes obviously unneeded code", createVacuumPass);
// registerPass("lower-i64", "lowers i64 into pairs of i32s", createLowerInt64Pass);
void PassRunner::addDefaultOptimizationPasses() {
add("duplicate-function-elimination"); // optimizations show more functions as duplicate
void PassRunner::addDefaultFunctionOptimizationPasses() {
if (!options.debugInfo) { // debug info must be preserved, do not dce it
if (options.optimizeLevel >= 2 || options.shrinkLevel >= 2) {
if (options.optimizeLevel >= 2 || options.shrinkLevel >= 2) {
add("simplify-locals-nostructure"); // don't create if/block return values yet, as coalesce can remove copies that that could inhibit
add("vacuum"); // previous pass creates garbage
add("remove-unused-brs"); // simplify-locals opens opportunities for optimizations
add("vacuum"); // previous pass creates garbage
add("merge-blocks"); // makes remove-unused-brs more effective
add("remove-unused-brs"); // coalesce-locals opens opportunities for optimizations
add("merge-blocks"); // clean up remove-unused-brs new blocks
if (options.shrinkLevel >= 2) {
add("local-cse"); // TODO: run this early, before first coalesce-locals. right now doing so uncovers some deficiencies we need to fix first
add("coalesce-locals"); // just for localCSE
add("vacuum"); // should not be needed, last few passes do not create garbage, but just to be safe
void PassRunner::addDefaultGlobalOptimizationPasses() {
static void dumpWast(Name name, Module* wasm) {
// write out the wast
static int counter = 0;
std::stringstream text;
WasmPrinter::printModule(wasm, text);
FILE* f = fopen((std::string("byn-") + std::to_string(counter++) + "-" + name.str + ".wast").c_str(), "w");
fputs(text.str().c_str(), f);
void PassRunner::run() {
static const int passDebug = getPassDebug();
if (!isNested && (options.debug || passDebug)) {
// for debug logging purposes, run each pass in full before running the other
auto totalTime = std::chrono::duration<double>(0);
size_t padding = 0;
std::cerr << "[PassRunner] running passes..." << std::endl;
for (auto pass : passes) {
padding = std::max(padding, pass->name.size());
if (passDebug >= 3) {
dumpWast("before", wasm);
for (auto* pass : passes) {
// ignoring the time, save a printout of the module before, in case this pass breaks it, so we can print the before and after
std::stringstream moduleBefore;
if (passDebug == 2) {
WasmPrinter::printModule(wasm, moduleBefore);
// prepare to run
std::cerr << "[PassRunner] running pass: " << pass->name << "... ";
for (size_t i = 0; i < padding - pass->name.size(); i++) {
std::cerr << ' ';
auto before = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
if (pass->isFunctionParallel()) {
// function-parallel passes should get a new instance per function
for (auto& func : wasm->functions) {
runPassOnFunction(pass, func.get());
} else {
pass->run(this, wasm);
auto after = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double> diff = after - before;
std::cerr << diff.count() << " seconds." << std::endl;
totalTime += diff;
// validate, ignoring the time
std::cerr << "[PassRunner] (validating)\n";
if (!WasmValidator().validate(*wasm, false, options.validateGlobally)) {
if (passDebug >= 2) {
std::cerr << "Last pass (" << pass->name << ") broke validation. Here is the module before: \n" << moduleBefore.str() << "\n";
} else {
std::cerr << "Last pass (" << pass->name << ") broke validation. Run with BINARYEN_PASS_DEBUG=2 in the env to see the earlier state, or 3 to dump byn-* files for each pass\n";
if (passDebug >= 3) {
dumpWast(pass->name, wasm);
std::cerr << "[PassRunner] passes took " << totalTime.count() << " seconds." << std::endl;
// validate
std::cerr << "[PassRunner] (final validation)\n";
if (!WasmValidator().validate(*wasm, false, options.validateGlobally)) {
std::cerr << "final module does not validate\n";
} else {
// non-debug normal mode, run them in an optimal manner - for locality it is better
// to run as many passes as possible on a single function before moving to the next
std::vector<Pass*> stack;
auto flush = [&]() {
if (stack.size() > 0) {
// run the stack of passes on all the functions, in parallel
size_t num = ThreadPool::get()->size();
std::vector<std::function<ThreadWorkState ()>> doWorkers;
std::atomic<size_t> nextFunction;;
size_t numFunctions = wasm->functions.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) {
doWorkers.push_back([&]() {
auto index = nextFunction.fetch_add(1);
// get the next task, if there is one
if (index >= numFunctions) {
return ThreadWorkState::Finished; // nothing left
Function* func = this->wasm->functions[index].get();
// do the current task: run all passes on this function
for (auto* pass : stack) {
runPassOnFunction(pass, func);
if (index + 1 == numFunctions) {
return ThreadWorkState::Finished; // we did the last one
return ThreadWorkState::More;
for (auto* pass : passes) {
if (pass->isFunctionParallel()) {
} else {
pass->run(this, wasm);
void PassRunner::runFunction(Function* func) {
if (options.debug) {
std::cerr << "[PassRunner] running passes on function " << func->name << std::endl;
for (auto* pass : passes) {
runPassOnFunction(pass, func);
PassRunner::~PassRunner() {
for (auto pass : passes) {
delete pass;
void PassRunner::doAdd(Pass* pass) {
pass->prepareToRun(this, wasm);
void PassRunner::runPassOnFunction(Pass* pass, Function* func) {
// function-parallel passes get a new instance per function
auto instance = std::unique_ptr<Pass>(pass->create());
instance->runFunction(this, wasm, func);
int PassRunner::getPassDebug() {
static const int passDebug = getenv("BINARYEN_PASS_DEBUG") ? atoi(getenv("BINARYEN_PASS_DEBUG")) : 0;
return passDebug;
} // namespace wasm