blob: 5e6b2447231d1f2825cf30b6d999b6ea292b7133 [file] [log] [blame]
* Throughout the implementation we use consistent naming conventions for
* syntactic elements, associated with the types defined here and in a few
* other places:
* x : var
* v : value
* e : instr
* f : func
* m : module_
* t : value_type
* s : func_type
* c : context / config
* These conventions mostly follow standard practice in language semantics.
open Types
(* Operators *)
module IntOp =
type unop = Clz | Ctz | Popcnt | ExtendS of pack_size
type binop = Add | Sub | Mul | DivS | DivU | RemS | RemU
| And | Or | Xor | Shl | ShrS | ShrU | Rotl | Rotr
type testop = Eqz
type relop = Eq | Ne | LtS | LtU | GtS | GtU | LeS | LeU | GeS | GeU
type cvtop = ExtendSI32 | ExtendUI32 | WrapI64
| TruncSF32 | TruncUF32 | TruncSF64 | TruncUF64
| TruncSatSF32 | TruncSatUF32 | TruncSatSF64 | TruncSatUF64
| ReinterpretFloat
module FloatOp =
type unop = Neg | Abs | Ceil | Floor | Trunc | Nearest | Sqrt
type binop = Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Min | Max | CopySign
type testop
type relop = Eq | Ne | Lt | Gt | Le | Ge
type cvtop = ConvertSI32 | ConvertUI32 | ConvertSI64 | ConvertUI64
| PromoteF32 | DemoteF64
| ReinterpretInt
module I32Op = IntOp
module I64Op = IntOp
module F32Op = FloatOp
module F64Op = FloatOp
type unop = (I32Op.unop, I64Op.unop, F32Op.unop, F64Op.unop) Values.op
type binop = (I32Op.binop, I64Op.binop, F32Op.binop, F64Op.binop) Values.op
type testop = (I32Op.testop, I64Op.testop, F32Op.testop, F64Op.testop) Values.op
type relop = (I32Op.relop, I64Op.relop, F32Op.relop, F64Op.relop) Values.op
type cvtop = (I32Op.cvtop, I64Op.cvtop, F32Op.cvtop, F64Op.cvtop) Values.op
type 'a memop =
{ty : value_type; align : int; offset : Memory.offset; sz : 'a option}
type loadop = (pack_size * extension) memop
type storeop = pack_size memop
(* Expressions *)
type var = int32 Source.phrase
type literal = Values.value Source.phrase
type name = int list
type block_type = VarBlockType of var | ValBlockType of value_type option
type instr = instr' Source.phrase
and instr' =
| Unreachable (* trap unconditionally *)
| Nop (* do nothing *)
| Drop (* forget a value *)
| Select (* branchless conditional *)
| Block of block_type * instr list (* execute in sequence *)
| Loop of block_type * instr list (* loop header *)
| If of block_type * instr list * instr list (* conditional *)
| Br of var (* break to n-th surrounding label *)
| BrIf of var (* conditional break *)
| BrTable of var list * var (* indexed break *)
| Return (* break from function body *)
| Call of var (* call function *)
| CallIndirect of var (* call function through table *)
| LocalGet of var (* read local variable *)
| LocalSet of var (* write local variable *)
| LocalTee of var (* write local variable and keep value *)
| GlobalGet of var (* read global variable *)
| GlobalSet of var (* write global variable *)
| Load of loadop (* read memory at address *)
| Store of storeop (* write memory at address *)
| MemorySize (* size of linear memory *)
| MemoryGrow (* grow linear memory *)
| Const of literal (* constant *)
| Test of testop (* numeric test *)
| Compare of relop (* numeric comparison *)
| Unary of unop (* unary numeric operator *)
| Binary of binop (* binary numeric operator *)
| Convert of cvtop (* conversion *)
(* Globals & Functions *)
type const = instr list Source.phrase
type global = global' Source.phrase
and global' =
gtype : global_type;
value : const;
type func = func' Source.phrase
and func' =
ftype : var;
locals : value_type list;
body : instr list;
(* Tables & Memories *)
type table = table' Source.phrase
and table' =
ttype : table_type;
type memory = memory' Source.phrase
and memory' =
mtype : memory_type;
type 'data segment = 'data segment' Source.phrase
and 'data segment' =
index : var;
offset : const;
init : 'data;
type table_segment = var list segment
type memory_segment = string segment
(* Modules *)
type type_ = func_type Source.phrase
type export_desc = export_desc' Source.phrase
and export_desc' =
| FuncExport of var
| TableExport of var
| MemoryExport of var
| GlobalExport of var
type export = export' Source.phrase
and export' =
name : name;
edesc : export_desc;
type import_desc = import_desc' Source.phrase
and import_desc' =
| FuncImport of var
| TableImport of table_type
| MemoryImport of memory_type
| GlobalImport of global_type
type import = import' Source.phrase
and import' =
module_name : name;
item_name : name;
idesc : import_desc;
type module_ = module_' Source.phrase
and module_' =
types : type_ list;
globals : global list;
tables : table list;
memories : memory list;
funcs : func list;
start : var option;
elems : var list segment list;
data : string segment list;
imports : import list;
exports : export list;
(* Auxiliary functions *)
let empty_module =
types = [];
globals = [];
tables = [];
memories = [];
funcs = [];
start = None;
elems = [];
data = [];
imports = [];
exports = [];
open Source
let func_type_for (m : module_) (x : var) : func_type =
let import_type (m : module_) (im : import) : extern_type =
let {idesc; _} = in
match with
| FuncImport x -> ExternFuncType (func_type_for m x)
| TableImport t -> ExternTableType t
| MemoryImport t -> ExternMemoryType t
| GlobalImport t -> ExternGlobalType t
let export_type (m : module_) (ex : export) : extern_type =
let {edesc; _} = in
let its = (import_type m) in
let open Lib.List32 in
match with
| FuncExport x ->
let fts =
funcs its @ (fun f -> func_type_for m
in ExternFuncType (nth fts
| TableExport x ->
let tts = tables its @ (fun t -> in
ExternTableType (nth tts
| MemoryExport x ->
let mts = memories its @ (fun m -> in
ExternMemoryType (nth mts
| GlobalExport x ->
let gts = globals its @ (fun g -> in
ExternGlobalType (nth gts
let string_of_name n =
let b = Buffer.create 16 in
let escape uc =
if uc < 0x20 || uc >= 0x7f then
Buffer.add_string b (Printf.sprintf "\\u{%02x}" uc)
else begin
let c = Char.chr uc in
if c = '\"' || c = '\\' then Buffer.add_char b '\\';
Buffer.add_char b c
List.iter escape n;
Buffer.contents b