blob: 050331542107b9963bf87a8cca54e69865abad72 [file] [log] [blame]
// Code generated by private/model/cli/gen-api/main.go. DO NOT EDIT.
package ecrpublic
import (
const (
// ErrCodeEmptyUploadException for service response error code
// "EmptyUploadException".
// The specified layer upload does not contain any layer parts.
ErrCodeEmptyUploadException = "EmptyUploadException"
// ErrCodeImageAlreadyExistsException for service response error code
// "ImageAlreadyExistsException".
// The specified image has already been pushed, and there were no changes to
// the manifest or image tag after the last push.
ErrCodeImageAlreadyExistsException = "ImageAlreadyExistsException"
// ErrCodeImageDigestDoesNotMatchException for service response error code
// "ImageDigestDoesNotMatchException".
// The specified image digest does not match the digest that Amazon ECR calculated
// for the image.
ErrCodeImageDigestDoesNotMatchException = "ImageDigestDoesNotMatchException"
// ErrCodeImageNotFoundException for service response error code
// "ImageNotFoundException".
// The image requested does not exist in the specified repository.
ErrCodeImageNotFoundException = "ImageNotFoundException"
// ErrCodeImageTagAlreadyExistsException for service response error code
// "ImageTagAlreadyExistsException".
// The specified image is tagged with a tag that already exists. The repository
// is configured for tag immutability.
ErrCodeImageTagAlreadyExistsException = "ImageTagAlreadyExistsException"
// ErrCodeInvalidLayerException for service response error code
// "InvalidLayerException".
// The layer digest calculation performed by Amazon ECR upon receipt of the
// image layer does not match the digest specified.
ErrCodeInvalidLayerException = "InvalidLayerException"
// ErrCodeInvalidLayerPartException for service response error code
// "InvalidLayerPartException".
// The layer part size is not valid, or the first byte specified is not consecutive
// to the last byte of a previous layer part upload.
ErrCodeInvalidLayerPartException = "InvalidLayerPartException"
// ErrCodeInvalidParameterException for service response error code
// "InvalidParameterException".
// The specified parameter is invalid. Review the available parameters for the
// API request.
ErrCodeInvalidParameterException = "InvalidParameterException"
// ErrCodeInvalidTagParameterException for service response error code
// "InvalidTagParameterException".
// An invalid parameter has been specified. Tag keys can have a maximum character
// length of 128 characters, and tag values can have a maximum length of 256
// characters.
ErrCodeInvalidTagParameterException = "InvalidTagParameterException"
// ErrCodeLayerAlreadyExistsException for service response error code
// "LayerAlreadyExistsException".
// The image layer already exists in the associated repository.
ErrCodeLayerAlreadyExistsException = "LayerAlreadyExistsException"
// ErrCodeLayerPartTooSmallException for service response error code
// "LayerPartTooSmallException".
// Layer parts must be at least 5 MiB in size.
ErrCodeLayerPartTooSmallException = "LayerPartTooSmallException"
// ErrCodeLayersNotFoundException for service response error code
// "LayersNotFoundException".
// The specified layers could not be found, or the specified layer is not valid
// for this repository.
ErrCodeLayersNotFoundException = "LayersNotFoundException"
// ErrCodeLimitExceededException for service response error code
// "LimitExceededException".
// The operation did not succeed because it would have exceeded a service limit
// for your account. For more information, see Amazon ECR Service Quotas (
// in the Amazon Elastic Container Registry User Guide.
ErrCodeLimitExceededException = "LimitExceededException"
// ErrCodeReferencedImagesNotFoundException for service response error code
// "ReferencedImagesNotFoundException".
// The manifest list is referencing an image that does not exist.
ErrCodeReferencedImagesNotFoundException = "ReferencedImagesNotFoundException"
// ErrCodeRegistryNotFoundException for service response error code
// "RegistryNotFoundException".
// The registry does not exist.
ErrCodeRegistryNotFoundException = "RegistryNotFoundException"
// ErrCodeRepositoryAlreadyExistsException for service response error code
// "RepositoryAlreadyExistsException".
// The specified repository already exists in the specified registry.
ErrCodeRepositoryAlreadyExistsException = "RepositoryAlreadyExistsException"
// ErrCodeRepositoryNotEmptyException for service response error code
// "RepositoryNotEmptyException".
// The specified repository contains images. To delete a repository that contains
// images, you must force the deletion with the force parameter.
ErrCodeRepositoryNotEmptyException = "RepositoryNotEmptyException"
// ErrCodeRepositoryNotFoundException for service response error code
// "RepositoryNotFoundException".
// The specified repository could not be found. Check the spelling of the specified
// repository and ensure that you are performing operations on the correct registry.
ErrCodeRepositoryNotFoundException = "RepositoryNotFoundException"
// ErrCodeRepositoryPolicyNotFoundException for service response error code
// "RepositoryPolicyNotFoundException".
// The specified repository and registry combination does not have an associated
// repository policy.
ErrCodeRepositoryPolicyNotFoundException = "RepositoryPolicyNotFoundException"
// ErrCodeServerException for service response error code
// "ServerException".
// These errors are usually caused by a server-side issue.
ErrCodeServerException = "ServerException"
// ErrCodeTooManyTagsException for service response error code
// "TooManyTagsException".
// The list of tags on the repository is over the limit. The maximum number
// of tags that can be applied to a repository is 50.
ErrCodeTooManyTagsException = "TooManyTagsException"
// ErrCodeUnsupportedCommandException for service response error code
// "UnsupportedCommandException".
// The action is not supported in this Region.
ErrCodeUnsupportedCommandException = "UnsupportedCommandException"
// ErrCodeUploadNotFoundException for service response error code
// "UploadNotFoundException".
// The upload could not be found, or the specified upload ID is not valid for
// this repository.
ErrCodeUploadNotFoundException = "UploadNotFoundException"
var exceptionFromCode = map[string]func(protocol.ResponseMetadata) error{
"EmptyUploadException": newErrorEmptyUploadException,
"ImageAlreadyExistsException": newErrorImageAlreadyExistsException,
"ImageDigestDoesNotMatchException": newErrorImageDigestDoesNotMatchException,
"ImageNotFoundException": newErrorImageNotFoundException,
"ImageTagAlreadyExistsException": newErrorImageTagAlreadyExistsException,
"InvalidLayerException": newErrorInvalidLayerException,
"InvalidLayerPartException": newErrorInvalidLayerPartException,
"InvalidParameterException": newErrorInvalidParameterException,
"InvalidTagParameterException": newErrorInvalidTagParameterException,
"LayerAlreadyExistsException": newErrorLayerAlreadyExistsException,
"LayerPartTooSmallException": newErrorLayerPartTooSmallException,
"LayersNotFoundException": newErrorLayersNotFoundException,
"LimitExceededException": newErrorLimitExceededException,
"ReferencedImagesNotFoundException": newErrorReferencedImagesNotFoundException,
"RegistryNotFoundException": newErrorRegistryNotFoundException,
"RepositoryAlreadyExistsException": newErrorRepositoryAlreadyExistsException,
"RepositoryNotEmptyException": newErrorRepositoryNotEmptyException,
"RepositoryNotFoundException": newErrorRepositoryNotFoundException,
"RepositoryPolicyNotFoundException": newErrorRepositoryPolicyNotFoundException,
"ServerException": newErrorServerException,
"TooManyTagsException": newErrorTooManyTagsException,
"UnsupportedCommandException": newErrorUnsupportedCommandException,
"UploadNotFoundException": newErrorUploadNotFoundException,