blob: 1a420d4f96819607a8607443f06a8a9b665ae480 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import time
import urlparse
from telemetry.core import exceptions
from telemetry.internal.actions.drag import DragAction
from telemetry.internal.actions.javascript_click import ClickElementAction
from telemetry.internal.actions.key_event import KeyPressAction
from telemetry.internal.actions.load_media import LoadMediaAction
from telemetry.internal.actions.loop import LoopAction
from telemetry.internal.actions.mouse_click import MouseClickAction
from telemetry.internal.actions.navigate import NavigateAction
from telemetry.internal.actions.page_action import GESTURE_SOURCE_DEFAULT
from telemetry.internal.actions.page_action import SUPPORTED_GESTURE_SOURCES
from telemetry.internal.actions.pinch import PinchAction
from import PlayAction
from telemetry.internal.actions.repaint_continuously import (
from telemetry.internal.actions.repeatable_scroll import RepeatableScrollAction
from telemetry.internal.actions.scroll import ScrollAction
from telemetry.internal.actions.scroll_bounce import ScrollBounceAction
from telemetry.internal.actions.scroll_to_element import ScrollToElementAction
from import SeekAction
from telemetry.internal.actions.swipe import SwipeAction
from telemetry.internal.actions.tap import TapAction
from telemetry.internal.actions.wait import WaitForElementAction
from telemetry.web_perf import timeline_interaction_record
from py_trace_event import trace_event
import py_utils
class ActionRunner(object):
__metaclass__ = trace_event.TracedMetaClass
def __init__(self, tab, skip_waits=False):
self._tab = tab
self._skip_waits = skip_waits
def tab(self):
"""Returns the tab on which actions are performed."""
return self._tab
def _RunAction(self, action):
def CreateInteraction(self, label, repeatable=False):
""" Create an action.Interaction object that issues interaction record.
An interaction record is a labeled time period containing
interaction that developers care about. Each set of metrics
specified in flags will be calculated for this time period.
To mark the start of interaction record, call Begin() method on the returned
object. To mark the finish of interaction record, call End() method on
it. Or better yet, use the with statement to create an
interaction record that covers the actions in the with block.
with action_runner.CreateInteraction('Animation-1'):
label: A label for this particular interaction. This can be any
user-defined string, but must not contain '/'.
repeatable: Whether other interactions may use the same logical name
as this interaction. All interactions with the same logical name must
have the same flags.
An instance of action_runner.Interaction
flags = []
if repeatable:
return Interaction(self, label, flags)
def CreateGestureInteraction(self, label, repeatable=False):
""" Create an action.Interaction object that issues gesture-based
interaction record.
This is similar to normal interaction record, but it will
auto-narrow the interaction time period to only include the
synthetic gesture event output by Chrome. This is typically use to
reduce noise in gesture-based analysis (e.g., analysis for a
The interaction record label will be prepended with 'Gesture_'.
with action_runner.CreateGestureInteraction('Scroll-1'):
label: A label for this particular interaction. This can be any
user-defined string, but must not contain '/'.
repeatable: Whether other interactions may use the same logical name
as this interaction. All interactions with the same logical name must
have the same flags.
An instance of action_runner.Interaction
return self.CreateInteraction('Gesture_' + label, repeatable)
def WaitForNetworkQuiescence(self, timeout_in_seconds=10):
""" Wait for network quiesence on the page.
timeout_in_seconds: maximum amount of time (seconds) to wait for network
quiesence unil raising exception.
py_utils.TimeoutException when the timeout is reached but the page's
network is not quiet.
py_utils.WaitFor(, timeout_in_seconds)
def MeasureMemory(self, deterministic_mode=False):
"""Add a memory measurement to the trace being recorded.
Behaves as a no-op if tracing is not enabled.
TODO(perezju): Also behave as a no-op if tracing is enabled but
memory-infra is not.
deterministic_mode: A boolean indicating whether to attempt or not to
control the environment (force GCs, clear caches) before making the
measurement in an attempt to obtain more deterministic results.
GUID of the generated dump if one was triggered, None otherwise.
if not
logging.warning('Tracing is off. No memory dumps are being recorded.')
return None
if deterministic_mode:
dump_id =
if not dump_id:
raise exceptions.StoryActionError('Unable to obtain memory dump')
return dump_id
def Navigate(self, url, script_to_evaluate_on_commit=None,
"""Navigates to |url|.
If |script_to_evaluate_on_commit| is given, the script source string will be
evaluated when the navigation is committed. This is after the context of
the page exists, but before any script on the page itself has executed.
if urlparse.urlparse(url).scheme == 'file':
url = self._tab.browser.platform.http_server.UrlOf(url[7:])
def NavigateBack(self):
""" Navigate back to the previous page."""
def WaitForNavigate(self, timeout_in_seconds_seconds=60):
start_time = time.time()
time_left_in_seconds = (start_time + timeout_in_seconds_seconds
- time.time())
time_left_in_seconds = max(0, time_left_in_seconds)
def ReloadPage(self):
"""Reloads the page."""
def ExecuteJavaScript(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Executes a given JavaScript statement. Does not return the result.
Example: runner.ExecuteJavaScript('var foo = {{ value }};', value='hi');
statement: The statement to execute (provided as a string).
Optional keyword args:
timeout: The number of seconds to wait for the statement to execute.
Additional keyword arguments provide values to be interpolated within
the statement. See telemetry.util.js_template for details.
EvaluationException: The statement failed to execute.
return self._tab.ExecuteJavaScript(*args, **kwargs)
def EvaluateJavaScript(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Returns the result of evaluating a given JavaScript expression.
The evaluation results must be convertible to JSON. If the result
is not needed, use ExecuteJavaScript instead.
Example: runner.ExecuteJavaScript('document.location.href');
expression: The expression to execute (provided as a string).
Optional keyword args:
timeout: The number of seconds to wait for the expression to evaluate.
Additional keyword arguments provide values to be interpolated within
the expression. See telemetry.util.js_template for details.
EvaluationException: The statement expression failed to execute
or the evaluation result can not be JSON-ized.
return self._tab.EvaluateJavaScript(*args, **kwargs)
def WaitForJavaScriptCondition(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Wait for a JavaScript condition to become true.
Example: runner.WaitForJavaScriptCondition(' == 10');
condition: The JavaScript condition (provided as string).
Optional keyword args:
timeout: The number in seconds to wait for the condition to become
True (default to 60).
Additional keyword arguments provide values to be interpolated within
the expression. See telemetry.util.js_template for details.
return self._tab.WaitForJavaScriptCondition(*args, **kwargs)
def Wait(self, seconds):
"""Wait for the number of seconds specified.
seconds: The number of seconds to wait.
if not self._skip_waits:
def WaitForElement(self, selector=None, text=None, element_function=None,
"""Wait for an element to appear in the document.
The element may be selected via selector, text, or element_function.
Only one of these arguments must be specified.
selector: A CSS selector describing the element.
text: The element must contains this exact text.
element_function: A JavaScript function (as string) that is used
to retrieve the element. For example:
'(function() { return foo.element; })()'.
timeout_in_seconds: The timeout in seconds (default to 60).
selector=selector, text=text, element_function=element_function,
def TapElement(self, selector=None, text=None, element_function=None):
"""Tap an element.
The element may be selected via selector, text, or element_function.
Only one of these arguments must be specified.
selector: A CSS selector describing the element.
text: The element must contains this exact text.
element_function: A JavaScript function (as string) that is used
to retrieve the element. For example:
'(function() { return foo.element; })()'.
selector=selector, text=text, element_function=element_function))
def ClickElement(self, selector=None, text=None, element_function=None):
"""Click an element.
The element may be selected via selector, text, or element_function.
Only one of these arguments must be specified.
selector: A CSS selector describing the element.
text: The element must contains this exact text.
element_function: A JavaScript function (as string) that is used
to retrieve the element. For example:
'(function() { return foo.element; })()'.
selector=selector, text=text, element_function=element_function))
def DragPage(self, left_start_ratio, top_start_ratio, left_end_ratio,
top_end_ratio, speed_in_pixels_per_second=800, use_touch=False,
selector=None, text=None, element_function=None):
"""Perform a drag gesture on the page.
You should specify a start and an end point in ratios of page width and
height (see drag.js for full implementation).
left_start_ratio: The horizontal starting coordinate of the
gesture, as a ratio of the visible bounding rectangle for
top_start_ratio: The vertical starting coordinate of the
gesture, as a ratio of the visible bounding rectangle for
left_end_ratio: The horizontal ending coordinate of the
gesture, as a ratio of the visible bounding rectangle for
top_end_ratio: The vertical ending coordinate of the
gesture, as a ratio of the visible bounding rectangle for
speed_in_pixels_per_second: The speed of the gesture (in pixels/s).
use_touch: Whether dragging should be done with touch input.
left_start_ratio=left_start_ratio, top_start_ratio=top_start_ratio,
left_end_ratio=left_end_ratio, top_end_ratio=top_end_ratio,
use_touch=use_touch, selector=selector, text=text,
def PinchPage(self, left_anchor_ratio=0.5, top_anchor_ratio=0.5,
scale_factor=None, speed_in_pixels_per_second=800):
"""Perform the pinch gesture on the page.
It computes the pinch gesture automatically based on the anchor
coordinate and the scale factor. The scale factor is the ratio of
of the final span and the initial span of the gesture.
left_anchor_ratio: The horizontal pinch anchor coordinate of the
gesture, as a ratio of the visible bounding rectangle for
top_anchor_ratio: The vertical pinch anchor coordinate of the
gesture, as a ratio of the visible bounding rectangle for
scale_factor: The ratio of the final span to the initial span.
The default scale factor is
3.0 / (window.outerWidth/window.innerWidth).
speed_in_pixels_per_second: The speed of the gesture (in pixels/s).
left_anchor_ratio=left_anchor_ratio, top_anchor_ratio=top_anchor_ratio,
def PinchElement(self, selector=None, text=None, element_function=None,
left_anchor_ratio=0.5, top_anchor_ratio=0.5,
scale_factor=None, speed_in_pixels_per_second=800):
"""Perform the pinch gesture on an element.
It computes the pinch gesture automatically based on the anchor
coordinate and the scale factor. The scale factor is the ratio of
of the final span and the initial span of the gesture.
selector: A CSS selector describing the element.
text: The element must contains this exact text.
element_function: A JavaScript function (as string) that is used
to retrieve the element. For example:
'function() { return foo.element; }'.
left_anchor_ratio: The horizontal pinch anchor coordinate of the
gesture, as a ratio of the visible bounding rectangle for
the element.
top_anchor_ratio: The vertical pinch anchor coordinate of the
gesture, as a ratio of the visible bounding rectangle for
the element.
scale_factor: The ratio of the final span to the initial span.
The default scale factor is
3.0 / (window.outerWidth/window.innerWidth).
speed_in_pixels_per_second: The speed of the gesture (in pixels/s).
selector=selector, text=text, element_function=element_function,
left_anchor_ratio=left_anchor_ratio, top_anchor_ratio=top_anchor_ratio,
def ScrollPage(self, left_start_ratio=0.5, top_start_ratio=0.5,
direction='down', distance=None, distance_expr=None,
speed_in_pixels_per_second=800, use_touch=False,
"""Perform scroll gesture on the page.
You may specify distance or distance_expr, but not both. If
neither is specified, the default scroll distance is variable
depending on direction (see scroll.js for full implementation).
left_start_ratio: The horizontal starting coordinate of the
gesture, as a ratio of the visible bounding rectangle for
top_start_ratio: The vertical starting coordinate of the
gesture, as a ratio of the visible bounding rectangle for
direction: The direction of scroll, either 'left', 'right',
'up', 'down', 'upleft', 'upright', 'downleft', or 'downright'
distance: The distance to scroll (in pixel).
distance_expr: A JavaScript expression (as string) that can be
evaluated to compute scroll distance. Example:
'window.scrollTop' or '(function() { return crazyMath(); })()'.
speed_in_pixels_per_second: The speed of the gesture (in pixels/s).
use_touch: Whether scrolling should be done with touch input.
synthetic_gesture_source: the source input device type for the
synthetic gesture: 'DEFAULT', 'TOUCH' or 'MOUSE'.
assert synthetic_gesture_source in SUPPORTED_GESTURE_SOURCES
left_start_ratio=left_start_ratio, top_start_ratio=top_start_ratio,
direction=direction, distance=distance, distance_expr=distance_expr,
use_touch=use_touch, synthetic_gesture_source=synthetic_gesture_source))
def ScrollPageToElement(self, selector=None, element_function=None,
"""Perform scroll gesture on container until an element is in view.
Both the element and the container can be specified by a CSS selector
xor a JavaScript function, provided as a string, which returns an element.
The element is required so exactly one of selector and element_function
must be provided. The container is optional so at most one of
container_selector and container_element_function can be provided.
The container defaults to document.scrollingElement or document.body if
scrollingElement is not set.
selector: A CSS selector describing the element.
element_function: A JavaScript function (as string) that is used
to retrieve the element. For example:
'function() { return foo.element; }'.
container_selector: A CSS selector describing the container element.
container_element_function: A JavaScript function (as a string) that is
used to retrieve the container element.
speed_in_pixels_per_second: Speed to scroll.
selector=selector, element_function=element_function,
def RepeatableBrowserDrivenScroll(self, x_scroll_distance_ratio=0.0,
"""Perform a browser driven repeatable scroll gesture.
The scroll gesture is driven from the browser, this is useful because the
main thread often isn't resposive but the browser process usually is, so the
delay between the scroll gestures should be consistent.
x_scroll_distance_ratio: The horizontal length of the scroll as a fraction
of the screen width.
y_scroll_distance_ratio: The vertical length of the scroll as a fraction
of the screen height.
repeat_count: The number of additional times to repeat the gesture.
repeat_delay_ms: The delay in milliseconds between each scroll gesture.
prevent_fling: Prevents a fling gesture.
speed: Swipe speed in pixels per second.
repeat_delay_ms=repeat_delay_ms, timeout=timeout,
prevent_fling=prevent_fling, speed=speed))
def ScrollElement(self, selector=None, text=None, element_function=None,
left_start_ratio=0.5, top_start_ratio=0.5,
direction='down', distance=None, distance_expr=None,
speed_in_pixels_per_second=800, use_touch=False,
"""Perform scroll gesture on the element.
The element may be selected via selector, text, or element_function.
Only one of these arguments must be specified.
You may specify distance or distance_expr, but not both. If
neither is specified, the default scroll distance is variable
depending on direction (see scroll.js for full implementation).
selector: A CSS selector describing the element.
text: The element must contains this exact text.
element_function: A JavaScript function (as string) that is used
to retrieve the element. For example:
'function() { return foo.element; }'.
left_start_ratio: The horizontal starting coordinate of the
gesture, as a ratio of the visible bounding rectangle for
the element.
top_start_ratio: The vertical starting coordinate of the
gesture, as a ratio of the visible bounding rectangle for
the element.
direction: The direction of scroll, either 'left', 'right',
'up', 'down', 'upleft', 'upright', 'downleft', or 'downright'
distance: The distance to scroll (in pixel).
distance_expr: A JavaScript expression (as string) that can be
evaluated to compute scroll distance. Example:
'window.scrollTop' or '(function() { return crazyMath(); })()'.
speed_in_pixels_per_second: The speed of the gesture (in pixels/s).
use_touch: Whether scrolling should be done with touch input.
synthetic_gesture_source: the source input device type for the
synthetic gesture: 'DEFAULT', 'TOUCH' or 'MOUSE'.
assert synthetic_gesture_source in SUPPORTED_GESTURE_SOURCES
selector=selector, text=text, element_function=element_function,
left_start_ratio=left_start_ratio, top_start_ratio=top_start_ratio,
direction=direction, distance=distance, distance_expr=distance_expr,
use_touch=use_touch, synthetic_gesture_source=synthetic_gesture_source))
def ScrollBouncePage(self, left_start_ratio=0.5, top_start_ratio=0.5,
direction='down', distance=100,
overscroll=10, repeat_count=10,
"""Perform scroll bounce gesture on the page.
This gesture scrolls the page by the number of pixels specified in
distance, in the given direction, followed by a scroll by
(distance + overscroll) pixels in the opposite direction.
The above gesture is repeated repeat_count times.
left_start_ratio: The horizontal starting coordinate of the
gesture, as a ratio of the visible bounding rectangle for
top_start_ratio: The vertical starting coordinate of the
gesture, as a ratio of the visible bounding rectangle for
direction: The direction of scroll, either 'left', 'right',
'up', 'down', 'upleft', 'upright', 'downleft', or 'downright'
distance: The distance to scroll (in pixel).
overscroll: The number of additional pixels to scroll back, in
addition to the givendistance.
repeat_count: How often we want to repeat the full gesture.
speed_in_pixels_per_second: The speed of the gesture (in pixels/s).
left_start_ratio=left_start_ratio, top_start_ratio=top_start_ratio,
direction=direction, distance=distance,
overscroll=overscroll, repeat_count=repeat_count,
def ScrollBounceElement(
self, selector=None, text=None, element_function=None,
left_start_ratio=0.5, top_start_ratio=0.5,
direction='down', distance=100,
overscroll=10, repeat_count=10,
"""Perform scroll bounce gesture on the element.
This gesture scrolls on the element by the number of pixels specified in
distance, in the given direction, followed by a scroll by
(distance + overscroll) pixels in the opposite direction.
The above gesture is repeated repeat_count times.
selector: A CSS selector describing the element.
text: The element must contains this exact text.
element_function: A JavaScript function (as string) that is used
to retrieve the element. For example:
'function() { return foo.element; }'.
left_start_ratio: The horizontal starting coordinate of the
gesture, as a ratio of the visible bounding rectangle for
top_start_ratio: The vertical starting coordinate of the
gesture, as a ratio of the visible bounding rectangle for
direction: The direction of scroll, either 'left', 'right',
'up', 'down', 'upleft', 'upright', 'downleft', or 'downright'
distance: The distance to scroll (in pixel).
overscroll: The number of additional pixels to scroll back, in
addition to the given distance.
repeat_count: How often we want to repeat the full gesture.
speed_in_pixels_per_second: The speed of the gesture (in pixels/s).
selector=selector, text=text, element_function=element_function,
left_start_ratio=left_start_ratio, top_start_ratio=top_start_ratio,
direction=direction, distance=distance,
overscroll=overscroll, repeat_count=repeat_count,
def MouseClick(self, selector=None):
"""Mouse click the given element.
selector: A CSS selector describing the element.
def SwipePage(self, left_start_ratio=0.5, top_start_ratio=0.5,
direction='left', distance=100, speed_in_pixels_per_second=800):
"""Perform swipe gesture on the page.
left_start_ratio: The horizontal starting coordinate of the
gesture, as a ratio of the visible bounding rectangle for
top_start_ratio: The vertical starting coordinate of the
gesture, as a ratio of the visible bounding rectangle for
direction: The direction of swipe, either 'left', 'right',
'up', or 'down'
distance: The distance to swipe (in pixel).
speed_in_pixels_per_second: The speed of the gesture (in pixels/s).
left_start_ratio=left_start_ratio, top_start_ratio=top_start_ratio,
direction=direction, distance=distance,
def SwipeElement(self, selector=None, text=None, element_function=None,
left_start_ratio=0.5, top_start_ratio=0.5,
direction='left', distance=100,
"""Perform swipe gesture on the element.
The element may be selected via selector, text, or element_function.
Only one of these arguments must be specified.
selector: A CSS selector describing the element.
text: The element must contains this exact text.
element_function: A JavaScript function (as string) that is used
to retrieve the element. For example:
'function() { return foo.element; }'.
left_start_ratio: The horizontal starting coordinate of the
gesture, as a ratio of the visible bounding rectangle for
the element.
top_start_ratio: The vertical starting coordinate of the
gesture, as a ratio of the visible bounding rectangle for
the element.
direction: The direction of swipe, either 'left', 'right',
'up', or 'down'
distance: The distance to swipe (in pixel).
speed_in_pixels_per_second: The speed of the gesture (in pixels/s).
selector=selector, text=text, element_function=element_function,
left_start_ratio=left_start_ratio, top_start_ratio=top_start_ratio,
direction=direction, distance=distance,
def PressKey(self, key, repeat_count=1, repeat_delay_ms=100, timeout=60):
"""Perform a key press.
key: DOM value of the pressed key (e.g. 'PageDown', see
repeat_count: How many times the key should be pressed.
repeat_delay_ms: Delay after each keypress (including the last one) in
for _ in xrange(repeat_count):
self._RunAction(KeyPressAction(key, timeout=timeout))
self.Wait(repeat_delay_ms / 1000.0)
def EnterText(self, text, character_delay_ms=100, timeout=60):
"""Enter text by performing key presses.
text: The text to enter.
character_delay_ms: Delay after each keypress (including the last one) in
for c in text:
self.PressKey(c, repeat_delay_ms=character_delay_ms, timeout=timeout)
def LoadMedia(self, selector=None, event_timeout_in_seconds=0,
"""Invokes load() on media elements and awaits an event.
selector: A CSS selector describing the element. If none is
specified, play the first media element on the page. If the
selector matches more than 1 media element, all of them will
be played.
event_timeout_in_seconds: Maximum waiting time for the event to be fired.
0 means do not wait.
event_to_await: Which event to await. For example: 'canplaythrough' or
TimeoutException: If the maximum waiting time is exceeded.
selector=selector, timeout_in_seconds=event_timeout_in_seconds,
def PlayMedia(self, selector=None,
"""Invokes the "play" action on media elements (such as video).
selector: A CSS selector describing the element. If none is
specified, play the first media element on the page. If the
selector matches more than 1 media element, all of them will
be played.
playing_event_timeout_in_seconds: Maximum waiting time for the "playing"
event (dispatched when the media begins to play) to be fired.
0 means do not wait.
ended_event_timeout_in_seconds: Maximum waiting time for the "ended"
event (dispatched when playback completes) to be fired.
0 means do not wait.
TimeoutException: If the maximum waiting time is exceeded.
def SeekMedia(self, seconds, selector=None, timeout_in_seconds=0,
log_time=True, label=''):
"""Performs a seek action on media elements (such as video).
seconds: The media time to seek to.
selector: A CSS selector describing the element. If none is
specified, seek the first media element on the page. If the
selector matches more than 1 media element, all of them will
be seeked.
timeout_in_seconds: Maximum waiting time for the "seeked" event
(dispatched when the seeked operation completes) to be
fired. 0 means do not wait.
log_time: Whether to log the seek time for the perf
measurement. Useful when performing multiple seek.
label: A suffix string to name the seek perf measurement.
TimeoutException: If the maximum waiting time is exceeded.
seconds=seconds, selector=selector,
log_time=log_time, label=label))
def LoopMedia(self, loop_count, selector=None, timeout_in_seconds=None):
"""Loops a media playback.
loop_count: The number of times to loop the playback.
selector: A CSS selector describing the element. If none is
specified, loop the first media element on the page. If the
selector matches more than 1 media element, all of them will
be looped.
timeout_in_seconds: Maximum waiting time for the looped playback to
complete. 0 means do not wait. None (the default) means to
wait loop_count * 60 seconds.
TimeoutException: If the maximum waiting time is exceeded.
loop_count=loop_count, selector=selector,
def ForceGarbageCollection(self):
"""Forces garbage collection on all relevant systems.
This includes:
- Java heap for browser and child subprocesses (on Android).
- JavaScript on the current renderer.
- System caches (on supported platforms).
if self._tab.browser.supports_java_heap_garbage_collection:
if self._tab.browser.platform.SupportFlushEntireSystemCache():
def SimulateMemoryPressureNotification(self, pressure_level):
"""Simulate memory pressure notification.
pressure_level: 'moderate' or 'critical'.
def PauseInteractive(self):
"""Pause the page execution and wait for terminal interaction.
This is typically used for debugging. You can use this to pause
the page execution and inspect the browser state before
raw_input("Interacting... Press Enter to continue.")
def RepaintContinuously(self, seconds):
"""Continuously repaints the visible content.
It does this by requesting animation frames until the given number
of seconds have elapsed AND at least three RAFs have been
fired. Times out after max(60, self.seconds), if less than three
RAFs were fired."""
seconds=0 if self._skip_waits else seconds))
class Interaction(object):
def __init__(self, action_runner, label, flags):
assert action_runner
assert label
assert isinstance(flags, list)
self._action_runner = action_runner
self._label = label
self._flags = flags
self._started = False
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
if exc_value is None:
'Exception was raised in the with statement block, the end of '
'interaction record is not marked.')
def Begin(self):
assert not self._started
self._started = True
'console.time({{ marker }});',
self._label, self._flags))
def End(self):
assert self._started
self._started = False
'console.timeEnd({{ marker }});',
self._label, self._flags))