blob: aebe5f8ba05082abd2c044d5039de507b0ff966a [file] [log] [blame]
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Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
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<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/base.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/guid.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/range.html">
'use strict';
tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
* EventContainer is a base class for any class in the trace model that
* contains child events or child EventContainers.
* For all EventContainers, updateBounds() must be called after modifying the
* container's events if an up-to-date bounds is expected.
* @constructor
function EventContainer() {
this.guid_ = tr.b.GUID.allocateSimple();
this.important = true;
this.bounds_ = new tr.b.Range();
EventContainer.prototype = {
get guid() {
return this.guid_;
* @return {String} A stable and unique identifier that describes this
* container's position in the event tree relative to the root. If an event
* container 'B' is a child to another event container 'A', then container
* B's stable ID would be 'A.B'.
get stableId() {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
* Returns the bounds of the event container, which describe the range
* of timestamps for all ancestor events.
get bounds() {
return this.bounds_;
// TODO(charliea): A default implementation of this method could likely be
// provided that iterates throuch getDescendantEvents.
* Updates the bounds of the event container. After updating, this.bounds
* will describe the range of timestamps of all ancestor events.
updateBounds: function() {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
// TODO(charliea): A default implementation of this method could likely be
// provided that iterates through getDescendantEvents.
* Shifts the timestamps for ancestor events by 'amount' milliseconds.
shiftTimestampsForward: function(amount) {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
* Returns an iterable of all child events.
childEvents: function* () {
* Returns an iterable of all events in this and descendant
* event containers.
getDescendantEvents: function* () {
yield* this.childEvents();
for (var container of this.childEventContainers())
yield* container.getDescendantEvents();
* Returns an iterable of all child event containers.
childEventContainers: function* () {
* Returns an iterable containing this and all descendant event containers.
getDescendantEventContainers: function* () {
yield this;
for (var container of this.childEventContainers())
yield* container.getDescendantEventContainers();
* Finds topmost slices in this container (see docstring for
* findTopmostSlices).
findTopmostSlicesInThisContainer: function* (eventPredicate, opt_this) {
* The findTopmostSlices* series of helpers find all topmost slices
* satisfying the given predicates.
* As an example, suppose we are trying to find slices named 'C', with the
* following thread:
* -> |---C---| |-----D-----|
* |-C-| |---C---| <-
* findTopmostSlices would locate the pointed-to Cs, because the bottom C on
* the left is not the topmost C, and the right one is, even though it is
* not itself a top-level slice.
findTopmostSlices: function* (eventPredicate) {
for (var ec of this.getDescendantEventContainers())
yield* ec.findTopmostSlicesInThisContainer(eventPredicate);
findTopmostSlicesNamed: function* (name) {
yield* this.findTopmostSlices(e => e.title === name);
return {