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Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
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<link rel="import" href="/tracing/metrics/system_health/loading_metric.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/histogram_set.html">
'use strict';
tr.exportTo('', function() {
// TODO(dproy): Because title and category are properties of TimedEvent
// subclasses and not TimedEvent itself, we have to write our own "has title
// and category" function rather than having it provided by TimedEvent.
// This should be fixed.
function hasTitleAndCategory(event, title, category) {
return event.title === title && event.category &&
function getNavStartTimestamps(rendererHelper) {
var navStartTimestamps = [];
for (var e of rendererHelper.mainThread.sliceGroup.childEvents()) {
if (hasTitleAndCategory(e, 'navigationStart', 'blink.user_timing')) {
return navStartTimestamps;
* Returns a map of renderer PIDs to array of timestamps at which the
* renderer became interactive.
function getInteractiveTimestamps(model) {
var interactiveTimestampsMap = new Map();
var chromeHelper = model.getOrCreateHelper(
for (var rendererHelper of Object.values(chromeHelper.rendererHelpers)) {
var timestamps = [];
interactiveTimestampsMap.set(, timestamps);
var samples =
for (var sample of samples) {
sample.diagnostics['Navigation infos'].value.interactive);
return interactiveTimestampsMap;
* Returns an Array of task windows that start with the supplied interactive
* timestamps.
* A task window is defined as the range of time from the time when the page
* became interactive until either
* 1. The beginning of the next navigationStart event or
* 2. The end of the trace
* This function only works when timestamps are from the same renderer. If
* windows for multiple renderers need to be computed, the timestamps should
* be separated for each renderer and this function should be called
* separately for each.
* @param {!Array.<number>} interactiveTimestamps
* @param {!Array.<number>} navStartTimestamps
* @param {!number} traceEndTimestamp
* @returns {!Array.<tr.b.math.Range>}
function getPostInteractiveTaskWindows(
interactiveTimestamps, navStartTimestamps, traceEndTimestamp) {
var navStartTsIndex = 0;
var lastTaskWindowEndTs = undefined;
var taskWindows = [];
for (var currTTI of interactiveTimestamps) {
// Find the first navigation start event after the interactive
// timestamp.
while (navStartTsIndex < navStartTimestamps.length &&
navStartTimestamps[navStartTsIndex] < currTTI) {
var taskWindowEndTs = navStartTsIndex < navStartTimestamps.length ?
navStartTimestamps[navStartTsIndex] : traceEndTimestamp;
if (taskWindowEndTs === lastTaskWindowEndTs) {
// This is the case where we have two different interactive timestamps
// with no navigationStart event between them. This is only possible
// when two different pages are sharing the same renderer process (and
// therefore the same renderer scheduler). We cannot define a proper
// task window in this case to calculate Estimated Input Latency.
throw Error('Encountered two consecutive interactive timestamps ' +
'with no navigationStart between them. ' +
'PostInteractiveTaskWindow is not well defined in this case.');
currTTI, taskWindowEndTs));
lastTaskWindowEndTs = taskWindowEndTs;
return taskWindows;
* Returns the contribution of the given task to expected queueing time
* in the given time window.
* The result is probabilityOf(task) * expectedQueueTimeDueTo(task),
* where
* - probabilityOf(task) = probability of input arriving while the given
* task is running.
* - expectedQueueingTimeDueTo(task) = expected time until the end of the
* given task for input arriving while the task is running.
* We assume that input arrival time is uniformly distributed in the given
* time window.
* @param {!tr.b.math.Range} A time window.
* @param {!Array.<!{start: number, end: number, weight: number}>} A list of
* weighted tasks. The weight of a task must be between 0.0 and 1.0.
* @returns {number}
function contributionToEQT(window, task) {
var startInWindow = Math.max(window.min, task.start);
var endInWindow = Math.min(window.max, task.end);
var durationInWindow = endInWindow - startInWindow;
if (durationInWindow <= 0) return 0;
var probabilityOfTask = durationInWindow / (window.max - window.min);
var minQueueingTime = task.end - endInWindow;
var maxQueueingTime = task.end - startInWindow;
var expectedQueueingTimeDueToTask =
(maxQueueingTime + minQueueingTime) / 2;
return probabilityOfTask * expectedQueueingTimeDueToTask;
* Returns weighted expected queueing time (EQT) for the given time window and
* the given set of weighted tasks. The tasks must not overlap.
* The weighted EQT is computed as
* sum(contributionToEQT(window, task) * task.weight)
* for all tasks in weightedTasks, where
* - contributionToEQT is the function defined above.
* - task.weight is an arbitrary number between 0.0 and 1.0. This is useful
* for computing contribution of chrome subcomponents (e.g. GC) to
* the expected queueing time for EQT diagnostics.
* We assume that input arrival time is uniformly distributed in the given
* time window.
* @param {!tr.b.math.Range} A time window.
* @param {!Array.<!{start: number, end: number, weight: number}>} A list of
* weighted tasks. The weight of a task must be between 0.0 and 1.0.
* @returns {number}
function weightedExpectedQueueingTime(window, weightedTasks) {
var result = 0;
for (var task of weightedTasks) {
result += contributionToEQT(window, task) * task.weight;
return result;
* Returns expected queueing time for the given time window and
* the given set of tasks. The tasks must not overlap.
* @param {!tr.b.math.Range} A time window.
* @param {!Array.<!{start: number, end: number}>} A list of tasks.
* @returns {number}
function expectedQueueingTime(window, tasks) {
return weightedExpectedQueueingTime(window, {
return { start: task.start, end: task.end, weight: 1 };
* Object of this calss represents the sliding window and maintains its
* main invariant: windowEQT = firstTaskEQT + innerEQT + lastTaskEQT.
* It is intended to be used only in maxExpectedQueueingTimeInSlidingWindow().
class SlidingWindow {
* @param {number} The starting time of the sliding window.
* @param {number} The window size.
* @param {!Array.<!{start: number, end: number}>} A list of tasks sorted by
* task start time.
constructor(startTime, windowSize, sortedTasks) {
* @private @const {number} The window size.
this.windowSize_ = windowSize;
* @private @const {!Array.<!{start: number, end: number}>} The tasks.
this.sortedTasks_ = sortedTasks;
* @private {!tr.b.math.Range} The endpoints of the sliding window.
this.range_ = tr.b.math.Range.fromExplicitRange(
startTime, startTime + windowSize);
* @private {number} The index of the first task in the sortedTasks that
* ends after this window starts:
* this.range_.min < this.sortedTasks_[this.firstTaskIndex_].end.
this.firstTaskIndex_ =
sortedTasks.findIndex(task => startTime < task.end);
if (this.firstTaskIndex_ === -1)
this.firstTaskIndex_ = sortedTasks.length;
* @private {number} The index of the last task in the sortedTasks that
* starts before this window ends:
* this.range.max > this.sortedTasks_[lastTaskIndex_].start.
this.lastTaskIndex_ = -1;
while (this.lastTaskIndex_ + 1 < sortedTasks.length &&
sortedTasks[this.lastTaskIndex_ + 1].start < startTime + windowSize) {
* @private {number} The sum of EQT contributions for all tasks between
* the first task and the last task (excluding the first and the last
* tasks). All such tasks are completely inside the window.
this.innerEQT_ = 0;
for (var i = this.firstTaskIndex_ + 1; i < this.lastTaskIndex_; i++) {
this.innerEQT_ += contributionToEQT(this.range_, sortedTasks[i]);
* @returns the EQT for this window.
get getEQT() {
var firstTaskEQT = 0;
if (this.firstTaskIndex_ < this.sortedTasks_.length) {
firstTaskEQT = contributionToEQT(this.range_,
var lastTaskEQT = 0;
if (this.firstTaskIndex_ < this.lastTaskIndex_) {
lastTaskEQT = contributionToEQT(this.range_,
return firstTaskEQT + this.innerEQT_ + lastTaskEQT;
* Moves the window to the given time t.
* @param {number} The time.
slide(t) {
this.range_ = tr.b.math.Range.fromExplicitRange(t, t + this.windowSize_);
if (this.firstTaskIndex_ < this.sortedTasks_.length &&
this.sortedTasks_[this.firstTaskIndex_].end <= t) {
// The first task moved out of the window.
if (this.firstTaskIndex_ < this.lastTaskIndex_) {
// The new first window was accounted in innerEQT. Undo that.
this.innerEQT_ -= contributionToEQT(this.range_,
if (this.lastTaskIndex_ + 1 < this.sortedTasks_.length &&
this.sortedTasks_[this.lastTaskIndex_ + 1].start <
t + this.windowSize_) {
// A new task moved in the window.
if (this.firstTaskIndex_ < this.lastTaskIndex_) {
// The old last task is completely inside the window.
// Account it in innerEQT.
this.innerEQT_ += contributionToEQT(this.range_,
* Returns maximum expected queueing time for time window of the given size
* that slides from the startTime to the endTime:
* max { expectedQueueingTime(window(t, t + windowSize), tasks),
* for all startTime <= t && t + w <= endTime }.
* See for the description of the algorithm.
* @param {number} start time for the sliding window.
* @param {number} end time for the sliding window.
* @param {number} the size of the sliding window.
* @param {!Array.<!{start: number, end: number}>} A list of tasks.
* The tasks must not overlap.
* @returns {number}
function maxExpectedQueueingTimeInSlidingWindow(startTime, endTime,
windowSize, tasks) {
if (windowSize <= 0) {
throw Error('The window size must be positive number');
if (startTime + windowSize > endTime) {
throw Error('The sliding window must fit in the specified time range');
var sortedTasks = tasks.slice().sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start);
for (var i = 1; i < sortedTasks.length; i++) {
// Due to floating-point precision errors it might happen that the end
// of the previous task is larger than the start of the current task.
// Here is an example from a real trace of system-health benchmark:
// Task 1: start=1932.0179090499878 end=1932.070909049988.
// Task 2: start=1932.0709090232850 end=1932.118909023285.
// To account for precision errors we consider tasks as overlapping
// if the overlap is sufficiently large.
if (sortedTasks[i - 1].end > sortedTasks[i].start + 1e-3) {
throw Error('Tasks must not overlap');
// Collect all time points that the sliding window needs to stop at.
// See for justification.
var endpoints = [];
endpoints.push(endTime - windowSize);
for (var task of tasks) {
endpoints.push(task.start - windowSize);
endpoints.push(task.end - windowSize);
endpoints = endpoints.filter(
x => (startTime <= x && x + windowSize <= endTime));
endpoints.sort((a, b) => a - b);
// Slide the window and compute maxEQT.
var slidingWindow = new SlidingWindow(
endpoints[0], windowSize, sortedTasks);
var maxEQT = 0;
for (var t of endpoints) {
maxEQT = Math.max(maxEQT, slidingWindow.getEQT);
return maxEQT;
return {