blob: 0038e3d3bed462cc85071fb66cc5434cd70a4266 [file] [log] [blame]
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Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
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<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/chrome/chrome_test_utils.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/metrics/system_health/cpu_time_metric.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/histogram_set.html">
'use strict';
tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
function computeCpuTime(customizeModelCallback, opt_options) {
var model = tr.c.TestUtils.newModel(function(model) {
var histograms = new tr.v.HistogramSet();, model, opt_options);
return tr.b.getOnlyElement(histograms).average;
// There are two slices, each of length 50. The total bounds is 3000.
// This yields total CPU time of 100ms, averaged over 3 seconds is 33ms.
test('cpuTimeMetric_oneProcess', function() {
var sliceDuration = 50;
var totalDuration = 3000;
var value = computeCpuTime(function(model) {
model.rendererProcess = model.getOrCreateProcess(2);
model.rendererMain = model.rendererProcess.getOrCreateThread(3);
type: tr.model.ThreadSlice,
isTopLevel: true,
start: 0,
duration: sliceDuration,
cpuStart: 0,
cpuDuration: sliceDuration,
type: tr.model.ThreadSlice,
isTopLevel: true,
start: totalDuration - sliceDuration,
duration: sliceDuration,
cpuStart: totalDuration - sliceDuration,
cpuDuration: sliceDuration,
assert.closeTo(value, 0.033, 0.001);
// Normalize against the browser process, whose non-CPU slice goes from 2900
// to 3000.
test('cpuTimeMetric_browserProcess', function() {
var sliceDuration = 50;
var totalDuration = 3000;
var model = {
type: tr.model.ThreadSlice,
isTopLevel: true,
start: totalDuration - 2 * sliceDuration,
duration: 2 * sliceDuration,
type: tr.model.ThreadSlice,
isTopLevel: true,
start: 0,
duration: sliceDuration,
cpuStart: 0,
cpuDuration: sliceDuration,
type: tr.model.ThreadSlice,
isTopLevel: true,
start: totalDuration - sliceDuration,
duration: sliceDuration,
cpuStart: totalDuration - sliceDuration,
cpuDuration: sliceDuration,
var histograms = new tr.v.HistogramSet();, model);
var value = tr.b.getOnlyElement(histograms).average;
assert.closeTo(value, 0.5, 0.001);
// Makes sure that rangeOfInterest works correctly.
test('cpuTimeMetric_oneProcess_rangeOfInterest', function() {
var sliceDuration = 50;
var totalDuration = 3000;
var rangeOfInterest = new tr.b.math.Range.fromExplicitRange(-10, 30);
var options = {};
options.rangeOfInterest = rangeOfInterest;
var value = computeCpuTime(function(model) {
model.rendererProcess = model.getOrCreateProcess(2);
model.rendererMain = model.rendererProcess.getOrCreateThread(3);
type: tr.model.ThreadSlice,
isTopLevel: true,
start: 0,
duration: sliceDuration,
cpuStart: 0,
cpuDuration: sliceDuration,
type: tr.model.ThreadSlice,
isTopLevel: true,
start: totalDuration - sliceDuration,
duration: sliceDuration,
cpuStart: totalDuration - sliceDuration,
cpuDuration: sliceDuration,
}, options);
assert.closeTo(value, 0.75, 0.001);
// Process 1: There are two slices, each of length 50. The total bounds is
// 3000. Process 2: There is one slice of length 50.
// This yields total CPU time of 150ms, averaged over 3 seconds is 50ms.
test('cpuTimeMetric_twoProcesses', function() {
var sliceDuration = 50;
var totalDuration = 3000;
var value = computeCpuTime(function(model) {
model.rendererProcess = model.getOrCreateProcess(2);
model.rendererMain = model.rendererProcess.getOrCreateThread(3);
type: tr.model.ThreadSlice,
isTopLevel: true,
start: 0,
duration: sliceDuration,
cpuStart: 0,
cpuDuration: sliceDuration,
type: tr.model.ThreadSlice,
isTopLevel: true,
start: totalDuration - sliceDuration,
duration: sliceDuration,
cpuStart: totalDuration - sliceDuration,
cpuDuration: sliceDuration,
var otherProcess = model.getOrCreateProcess(3);
var otherThread = otherProcess.getOrCreateThread(4);
type: tr.model.ThreadSlice,
isTopLevel: true,
start: 0,
duration: sliceDuration,
cpuStart: 0,
cpuDuration: sliceDuration,
assert.closeTo(value, 0.05, 0.001);