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Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
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<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/importer/trace_event_importer.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/metrics/webrtc/webrtc_rendering_metric.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/slice_group.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/histogram.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/histogram_set.html">
'use strict';
tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
const DISPLAY_HERTZ = 60.0;
* @param {Array.<Number>} pair - An array of length 2, from which a valid
* WebMediaPlayerMS event will be generated.
* @returns {event} A valid WebMediaPlayerMS event where the Ideal Render
* Instant is the first element and the Actual Render Begin is the second
* element.
function eventFromPair(pair) {
return {
title: 'WebMediaPlayerMS::UpdateCurrentFrame',
start: pair[1],
duration: 1,
args: {
'Ideal Render Instant': pair[0],
'Actual Render Begin': pair[1],
'Actual Render End': 0,
'Serial': 0,
* @param {Array.<Number>} driftTimes - An array with the desired driftTimes.
* @return {Array.<event>} An array of events such that the drift times
* computed by webrtcRenderingMetric is the same as driftTimes.
function eventsFromDriftTimes(driftTimes) {
let pairs = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= driftTimes.length; ++i) {
pairs.push([i, i + driftTimes[i - 1]]);
* @param {Array.<Number>} normDriftTimes - To decide if a frame is out of
* sync or badly out of sync, we use the normalized drift times, that we get
* by subtracting the mean from each entry of the drift times array. The sum
* of the normDriftTimes must equal 0.
* @return {Array.<event>) An array of events such that when we normalize the
* drift times computed by webrtcRenderingMetric, we get the normDriftTimes
* array.
function eventsFromNormDriftTimes(normDriftTimes) {
/* Let
* B[i] = normDriftTimes[i]
* A[i] = driftTimes[i] be the array we want to find.
* We require that:
* sum(B[i]) = 0
* Then
* B[i] = A[i] - mean(A)
* => B[i] - B[0] = A[i] - mean(A) - A[0] + mean(A)
* => B[i] - B[0] = A[i] - A[0]
* => A[i] = B[i] - B[0] + A[0]
* We can fix A[0] to any number we want.
* Let's make sure that the array A we found generates the array B when
* normalized:
* A[i] - mean(A)
* = A[i] - sum(A[j]) / n
* = B[i] - B[0] + A[0] - sum(B[j] - B[0] + A[0]) / n
* = B[i] - B[0] + A[0] - (sum(B[j]) - n B[0] / n + n A[0] / n)
* = B[i] - B[0] + A[0] - sum(B[j]) + B[0] - A[0]
* = B[i] - sum(B[j])
* = B[i] since we require sum(B[j]) = 0
let driftTimes = [10000];
for (let i = 1; i < normDriftTimes.length; ++i) {
driftTimes.push(normDriftTimes[i] - normDriftTimes[0] + driftTimes[0]);
return eventsFromDriftTimes(driftTimes);
* @param {Array.<Array.<Number>>} frameDistribution - An array of pairs
* encoding the source to output distribution. That is an array where each
* [ticks, count] entry says that there are 'count' frames that are displayed
* 'ticks' times.
* @returns {Array.<events>} The events that give rise to the given
* frameDistribution.
function eventsFromFrameDistribution(frameDistribution) {
let frameId = 0;
let pairs = [];
for (let [ticks, count] of frameDistribution) {
// We need 'count' runs, each run consisting of 'ticks' repeated elements.
for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
frameId += 1;
for (let j = 0; j < ticks; ++j) {
// Frames are decided by the Ideal Render Instant.
pairs.push([frameId, 0]);
function newModel(fakeEvents) {
function customizeModelCallback(model) {
const rendererProcess = model.getOrCreateProcess(1);
const mainThread = rendererProcess.getOrCreateThread(2);
for (const event of fakeEvents) {
return tr.c.TestUtils.newModelWithEvents([], {customizeModelCallback});
function runWebrtcRenderingMetric(fakeEvents) {
let histograms = new tr.v.HistogramSet();
let model = newModel(fakeEvents);
tr.metrics.webrtc.webrtcRenderingMetric(histograms, model);
return histograms;
test('frameDistribution', function() {
// These numbers don't mean anything, we just want to make sure we can
// recover them after running webrtcRenderingMetric.
let frameDistribution = [[10, 3], [5, 15], [3, 146], [1, 546], [2, 10]];
let frameHist = new tr.v.Histogram('', tr.b.Unit.byName.unitlessNumber);
for (const [ticks, count] of frameDistribution) {
for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
let fakeEvents = eventsFromFrameDistribution(frameDistribution);
let histograms = runWebrtcRenderingMetric(fakeEvents);
// We don't have access to the values stored in the histogram, so we check
// for equality in the summary statistics.
let hist =
assert.strictEqual(hist.sum, frameHist.sum);
assert.strictEqual(hist.numValues, frameHist.numValues);
assert.strictEqual(hist.running.min, frameHist.running.min);
assert.strictEqual(hist.running.max, frameHist.running.max);
assert.closeTo(hist.standardDeviation, frameHist.standardDeviation, 1e-2);
test('driftTime', function() {
// These numbers don't mean anything. We just want to make sure we can
// recover them after running the metric.
let fakeDriftTimes = [16700, 17640, 15000, 24470, 16700, 14399, 17675];
let fakeEvents = eventsFromDriftTimes(fakeDriftTimes);
let histograms = runWebrtcRenderingMetric(fakeEvents);
// We don't have access to the values stored in the histogram, so we check
// for equality in the summary statistics.
let hist = histograms.getHistogramNamed('WebRTCRendering_drift_time');
assert.strictEqual(hist.sum, tr.b.math.Statistics.sum(fakeDriftTimes));
assert.strictEqual(hist.numValues, fakeDriftTimes.length);
tr.b.math.Statistics.stddev(fakeDriftTimes), 1e-2);
test('framesBadlyOutOfSyncPerfect', function() {
// None of these will exceed the threshold for badly out of sync events,
// which is about 33 333.
let normDriftTimes = [-16700, 17640, 15000, -17640, -15000, 16700];
assert.strictEqual(tr.b.math.Statistics.sum(normDriftTimes), 0);
let fakeEvents = eventsFromNormDriftTimes(normDriftTimes);
let histograms = runWebrtcRenderingMetric(fakeEvents);
let hist =
assert.strictEqual(hist.numValues, 1);
assert.strictEqual(hist.running.mean, 0);
test('framesBadylOutOfSync', function() {
// Only 34 000 will exceed the threshold for badly out of sync events,
// which is about 33 333.
let normDriftTimes = [-34000, 10000, 10000, 10000, 4000];
assert.strictEqual(tr.b.math.Statistics.sum(normDriftTimes), 0);
let fakeEvents = eventsFromNormDriftTimes(normDriftTimes);
let histograms = runWebrtcRenderingMetric(fakeEvents);
let hist =
assert.strictEqual(hist.numValues, 1);
assert.strictEqual(hist.running.mean, 1);
test('framesOutOfSyncPerfect', function() {
// None of these will exceed the threshold for badly out of sync, which is
// about 16 667.
let normDriftTimes = [-16600, 15640, 15000, -15640, -15000, 16600];
assert.strictEqual(tr.b.math.Statistics.sum(normDriftTimes), 0);
let fakeEvents = eventsFromNormDriftTimes(normDriftTimes);
let histograms = runWebrtcRenderingMetric(fakeEvents);
let hist =
assert.strictEqual(hist.numValues, 1);
assert.strictEqual(hist.running.mean, 0);
test('framesOutOfSync', function() {
// Only 17000 will exceed the threshold for badly out of sync, which is
// about 16 667.
let normDriftTimes = [-17000, 5000, 5000, 5000, 2000];
assert.strictEqual(tr.b.math.Statistics.sum(normDriftTimes), 0);
let fakeEvents = eventsFromNormDriftTimes(normDriftTimes);
let histograms = runWebrtcRenderingMetric(fakeEvents);
let hist =
assert.strictEqual(hist.numValues, 1);
assert.strictEqual(hist.running.mean, 1);
test('percentBadlyOutOfSyncPerfect', function() {
// None of these will exceed the threshold for badly out of sync events,
// which is about 33 333.
let normDriftTimes = [-16700, 17640, 15000, -17640, -15000, 16700];
assert.strictEqual(tr.b.math.Statistics.sum(normDriftTimes), 0);
let fakeEvents = eventsFromNormDriftTimes(normDriftTimes);
let histograms = runWebrtcRenderingMetric(fakeEvents);
let hist =
assert.strictEqual(hist.numValues, 1);
assert.strictEqual(hist.running.mean, 0);
test('percentBadylOutOfSync', function() {
// Only 34 000 will exceed the threshold for badly out of sync events,
// which is about 33 333.
let normDriftTimes = [-34000, 10000, 10000, 10000, 4000];
assert.strictEqual(tr.b.math.Statistics.sum(normDriftTimes), 0);
let fakeEvents = eventsFromNormDriftTimes(normDriftTimes);
let histograms = runWebrtcRenderingMetric(fakeEvents);
let hist =
assert.strictEqual(hist.numValues, 1);
assert.strictEqual(hist.running.mean, .2);
test('percentOutOfSyncPerfect', function() {
// None of these will exceed the threshold for badly out of sync, which is
// about 16 667.
let normDriftTimes = [-16600, 15640, 15000, -15640, -15000, 16600];
assert.strictEqual(tr.b.math.Statistics.sum(normDriftTimes), 0);
let fakeEvents = eventsFromNormDriftTimes(normDriftTimes);
let histograms = runWebrtcRenderingMetric(fakeEvents);
let hist =
assert.strictEqual(hist.numValues, 1);
assert.strictEqual(hist.running.mean, 0);
test('percentOutOfSync', function() {
// Only 17000 will exceed the threshold for badly out of sync, which is
// about 16 667.
let normDriftTimes = [-17000, 5000, 5000, 5000, 2000];
assert.strictEqual(tr.b.math.Statistics.sum(normDriftTimes), 0);
let fakeEvents = eventsFromNormDriftTimes(normDriftTimes);
let histograms = runWebrtcRenderingMetric(fakeEvents);
let hist =
assert.strictEqual(hist.numValues, 1);
assert.strictEqual(hist.running.mean, .2);
test('smoothnessScorePerfect', function() {
// None of these will exceed the threshold for badly out of sync, which is
// about 16 667, so the smoothnessScore wil be perfect.
let normDriftTimes = [-16600, 15640, 15000, -15640, -15000, 16600];
assert.strictEqual(tr.b.math.Statistics.sum(normDriftTimes), 0);
let fakeEvents = eventsFromNormDriftTimes(normDriftTimes);
let histograms = runWebrtcRenderingMetric(fakeEvents);
let hist = histograms.getHistogramNamed('WebRTCRendering_smoothness_score');
assert.strictEqual(hist.numValues, 1);
assert.strictEqual(hist.running.mean, 1);
test('smoothnessScore', function() {
// One will exceed the threshold for frames badly out of sync (33 333) and
// another two the threshold for frames out of sync (16 667). So the
// smoothness score is
// 1 - (frames out of sync + 3 * frames badly out of sync) / n
// = 1 - (2 + 3) / 5 = 0
let normDriftTimes = [-17000, 34000, -17000, -10000, 10000];
assert.strictEqual(tr.b.math.Statistics.sum(normDriftTimes), 0);
let fakeEvents = eventsFromNormDriftTimes(normDriftTimes);
let histograms = runWebrtcRenderingMetric(fakeEvents);
let hist = histograms.getHistogramNamed('WebRTCRendering_smoothness_score');
assert.strictEqual(hist.numValues, 1);
assert.strictEqual(hist.running.mean, 0);
test('fpsPerfect', function() {
// Every frame is displayed once. This is a perfect FPS of 60.
let frameDistribution = [[1, 10]];
let fakeEvents = eventsFromFrameDistribution(frameDistribution);
let histograms = runWebrtcRenderingMetric(fakeEvents);
let hist = histograms.getHistogramNamed('WebRTCRendering_fps');
assert.strictEqual(hist.numValues, 1);
assert.strictEqual(hist.running.mean, 60);
test('fps', function() {
// Every frame is displayed 15 times. This means an FPS of 4.
let frameDistribution = [[15, 10]];
let fakeEvents = eventsFromFrameDistribution(frameDistribution);
let histograms = runWebrtcRenderingMetric(fakeEvents);
let hist = histograms.getHistogramNamed('WebRTCRendering_fps');
assert.strictEqual(hist.numValues, 1);
assert.strictEqual(hist.running.mean, 4);
test('frozenFramesCountPerfect', function() {
// 10 frames are displayed one time, and 10 frames are displayed twice.
// This means no frames exceed the threshold of 6, and so no frames are
// considered frozen.
let frameDistribution = [[1, 10], [2, 10]];
let fakeEvents = eventsFromFrameDistribution(frameDistribution);
let histograms = runWebrtcRenderingMetric(fakeEvents);
let hist =
assert.strictEqual(hist.numValues, 1);
assert.strictEqual(hist.running.mean, 0);
test('frozenFramesCount', function() {
// 82 frames are displayed 1 time, 5 frames are displayed 2 times,
// and 1 frame is displayed 6 times.
// Only the drame displayed 6 times satisfies the threshold of 6. Since the
// first appearance is not considered frozen, there are 5 frozen frames.
let frameDistribution = [[1, 82], [2, 5], [6, 1]];
let fakeEvents = eventsFromFrameDistribution(frameDistribution);
let histograms = runWebrtcRenderingMetric(fakeEvents);
let hist =
assert.strictEqual(hist.numValues, 1);
assert.strictEqual(hist.running.mean, 5);
test('freezingScorePerfect', function() {
// Every frame is displayed 1 times. This means a perfect freezing score of
// 100.
let frameDistribution = [[1, 10]];
let fakeEvents = eventsFromFrameDistribution(frameDistribution);
let histograms = runWebrtcRenderingMetric(fakeEvents);
let hist = histograms.getHistogramNamed('WebRTCRendering_freezing_score');
assert.strictEqual(hist.numValues, 1);
assert.strictEqual(hist.running.mean, 1);
test('freezingScore', function() {
// 82 frames are displayed 1 time, 5 frames are displayed 2 times,
// and 1 frame is displayed 8 times.
// This means that the total number of frames displayed is
// 82 * 1 + 5 * 2 + 1 * 8 = 100
// And the freezing score is
// 1 - 82 / 100 * weight[0]
// - 5 / 100 * weight[1]
// - 1 / 100 * weight[7]
// = 1 - .82 * 0 since weight[0] = 0
// - .05 * 0 since weight[1] = 0 too
// - .01 * 15 since weight[7] = 15
// = 1 - .15 = .85
// See frozenPenaltyWeight for information on the weights and
// addFreezingScore for the definition of the freezingScore.
let frameDistribution = [[1, 82], [2, 5], [8, 1]];
let fakeEvents = eventsFromFrameDistribution(frameDistribution);
let histograms = runWebrtcRenderingMetric(fakeEvents);
let hist = histograms.getHistogramNamed('WebRTCRendering_freezing_score');
assert.strictEqual(hist.numValues, 1);
assert.strictEqual(hist.running.mean, .85);
test('renderingLengthErrorPerfect', function() {
let fakePairs = [];
for (let i = 1; i < 10; ++i) {
// Each frame's Ideal Render Instant is exactly VSYNC_DURATION_US after
// the previous one, so that the rendering length error is 0.
fakePairs.push([VSYNC_DURATION_US * i, 0]);
let fakeEvents =;
let histograms = runWebrtcRenderingMetric(fakeEvents);
let hist =
assert.strictEqual(hist.numValues, 1);
assert.closeTo(hist.running.mean, 0, 1e-3);
test('renderingLengthError', function() {
let errors = [1000, 3000, 0, 5000, 0, 2000];
let fakePairs = [[1, 0]];
for (let i = 0; i < errors.length; ++i) {
// Each frame's Ideal Render Instant is close to VSYNC_DURATION_US after
// the previous one, but with a known delay.
fakePairs.push([fakePairs[i][0] + VSYNC_DURATION_US + errors[i], 0]);
// The rendering length error is then the sum of the errors, normalized by
// the span between the first and the last Ideal Render Instants.
let idealRenderSpan = fakePairs[fakePairs.length - 1][0] - fakePairs[0][0];
let expectedRenderingLengthError = tr.b.math.Statistics.sum(errors) /
let fakeEvents =;
let histograms = runWebrtcRenderingMetric(fakeEvents);
let hist =
assert.strictEqual(hist.numValues, 1);
assert.closeTo(hist.running.mean, expectedRenderingLengthError, 1e-3);