blob: d2dfd526045b75dfeab19e9d9cb081a52531fb0f [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/event.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/guid.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/iteration_helpers.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/math/range.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/event_registry.html">
'use strict';
tr.exportTo('tr.model', function() {
var EventRegistry = tr.model.EventRegistry;
var RequestSelectionChangeEvent = tr.b.Event.bind(
undefined, 'requestSelectionChange', true, false);
* Represents a event set within a and its associated set of tracks.
* @constructor
function EventSet(opt_events) {
this.bounds_ = new tr.b.math.Range();
this.events_ = new Set();
this.guid_ = tr.b.GUID.allocateSimple();
if (opt_events) {
if (opt_events instanceof Array) {
for (var event of opt_events)
} else if (opt_events instanceof EventSet) {
} else {
EventSet.prototype = {
__proto__: Object.prototype,
get bounds() {
return this.bounds_;
get duration() {
if (this.bounds_.isEmpty)
return 0;
return this.bounds_.max - this.bounds_.min;
get length() {
return this.events_.size;
get guid() {
return this.guid_;
* [Symbol.iterator]() {
for (var event of this.events_)
yield event;
clear: function() {
this.bounds_ = new tr.b.math.Range();
* Pushes each argument onto the EventSet. Returns the number of
* arguments pushed.
push: function( {
var numPushed;
for (var event of events) {
if (event.guid === undefined)
throw new Error('Event must have a GUID');
if (!this.events_.has(event)) {
// Some uses of eventSet (e.g. in tests) have Events as objects that
// don't have addBoundsToRange as a function. Thus we need to handle
// this case.
if (event.addBoundsToRange)
if (this.bounds_ !== undefined)
return numPushed;
contains: function(event) {
if (this.events_.has(event))
return event;
return undefined;
addEventSet: function(eventSet) {
for (var event of eventSet)
intersectionIsEmpty: function(otherEventSet) {
return !this.some(event => otherEventSet.contains(event));
equals: function(that) {
if (this.length !== that.length)
return false;
return this.every(event => that.contains(event));
sortEvents: function(compare) {
// Convert to array, then sort, then convert back
var ary = this.toArray();
for (var event of ary)
getEventsOrganizedByBaseType: function(opt_pruneEmpty) {
var allTypeInfos = EventRegistry.getAllRegisteredTypeInfos();
var events = this.getEventsOrganizedByCallback(function(event) {
var maxEventIndex = -1;
var maxEventTypeInfo = undefined;
allTypeInfos.forEach(function(eventTypeInfo, eventIndex) {
if (!(event instanceof eventTypeInfo.constructor))
if (eventIndex > maxEventIndex) {
maxEventIndex = eventIndex;
maxEventTypeInfo = eventTypeInfo;
if (maxEventIndex === -1) {
throw new Error(`Unrecognized event type: ${}`);
if (!opt_pruneEmpty) {
allTypeInfos.forEach(function(eventTypeInfo) {
if (events[] === undefined)
events[] = new EventSet();
return events;
getEventsOrganizedByTitle: function() {
return this.getEventsOrganizedByCallback(function(event) {
if (event.title === undefined)
throw new Error('An event didn\'t have a title!');
return event.title;
* @param {!function(!tr.model.Event):string} cb
* @param {*=} opt_this
* @return {!Object}
getEventsOrganizedByCallback: function(cb, opt_this) {
var groupedEvents =, cb, opt_this || this);
return tr.b.mapItems(groupedEvents, (_, events) => new EventSet(events));
enumEventsOfType: function(type, func) {
for (var event of this)
if (event instanceof type)
get userFriendlyName() {
if (this.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Empty event set');
var eventsByBaseType = this.getEventsOrganizedByBaseType(true);
var eventTypeName = Object.keys(eventsByBaseType)[0];
if (this.length === 1) {
var tmp = EventRegistry.getUserFriendlySingularName(eventTypeName);
return tr.b.getOnlyElement(this.events_).userFriendlyName;
var numEventTypes = tr.b.dictionaryLength(eventsByBaseType);
if (numEventTypes !== 1) {
return this.length + ' events of various types';
var tmp = EventRegistry.getUserFriendlyPluralName(eventTypeName);
return this.length + ' ' + tmp;
filter: function(fn, opt_this) {
var res = new EventSet();
for (var event of this)
if (, event))
return res;
toArray: function() {
var ary = [];
for (var event of this)
return ary;
forEach: function(fn, opt_this) {
for (var event of this), event);
map: function(fn, opt_this) {
var res = [];
for (var event of this)
res.push(, event));
return res;
every: function(fn, opt_this) {
for (var event of this)
if (!, event))
return false;
return true;
some: function(fn, opt_this) {
for (var event of this)
if (, event))
return true;
return false;
asDict: function() {
var stableIds = [];
for (var event of this)
return {'events': stableIds};
asSet: function() {
return this.events_;
EventSet.IMMUTABLE_EMPTY_SET = (function() {
var s = new EventSet();
s.push = function() {
throw new Error('Cannot push to an immutable event set');
s.addEventSet = function() {
throw new Error('Cannot add to an immutable event set');
return s;
return {