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Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
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<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/iteration_helpers.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/math/range.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/math/running_statistics.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/math/sorted_array_utils.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/math/statistics.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/scalar.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/unit.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/diagnostics/diagnostic_map.html">
'use strict';
tr.exportTo('tr.v', function() {
const DELTA = String.fromCharCode(916);
const Z_SCORE_NAME = 'z-score';
const P_VALUE_NAME = 'p-value';
* Converts the given percent to a string in the format specified above.
* @param {number} percent The percent must be between 0.0 and 1.0.
* @return {string}
function percentToString(percent) {
if (percent < 0 || percent > 1) {
throw new Error('percent must be in [0,1]');
if (percent === 0) return '000';
if (percent === 1) return '100';
let str = percent.toString();
if (str[1] !== '.') {
throw new Error('Unexpected percent');
// Pad short strings with zeros.
str = str + '0'.repeat(Math.max(4 - str.length, 0));
if (str.length > 4) str = str.slice(0, 4) + '_' + str.slice(4);
return '0' + str.slice(2);
* Converts the given string to a percent between 0 and 1.
* @param {string}
* @return {number}
function percentFromString(s) {
return parseFloat(s[0] + '.' + s.substr(1).replace(/_/g, ''));
class HistogramBin {
* @param {!tr.b.math.Range} range
constructor(range) {
this.range = range;
this.count = 0;
this.diagnosticMaps = [];
* @param {*} value
addSample(value) {
this.count += 1;
* @param {!tr.v.d.DiagnosticMap} diagnostics
addDiagnosticMap(diagnostics) {
this.diagnosticMaps, this.count, diagnostics, MAX_DIAGNOSTIC_MAPS);
addBin(other) {
if (!this.range.equals(other.range)) {
throw new Error('Merging incompatible Histogram bins.');
tr.b.math.Statistics.mergeSampledStreams(this.diagnosticMaps, this.count,
other.diagnosticMaps, other.count, MAX_DIAGNOSTIC_MAPS);
this.count += other.count;
fromDict(dict) {
this.count = dict[0];
if (dict.length > 1) {
for (let map of dict[1]) {
asDict() {
if (!this.diagnosticMaps.length) {
return [this.count];
// It's more efficient to serialize these 2 fields in an array. If you
// add any other fields, you should re-evaluate whether it would be more
// efficient to serialize as a dict.
return [this.count, => d.asDict())];
['avg', true],
['count', true],
['geometricMean', false],
['max', true],
['min', true],
['nans', false],
['std', true],
['sum', true],
// Don't include 'percentile' here. Its default value is [], which is
// modifiable. Callers may push to it, so there must be a different Array
// instance for each Histogram instance.
* This is basically a histogram, but so much more.
* Histogram is serializable using asDict/fromDict.
* Histogram computes several statistics of its contents.
* Histograms can be merged.
* getDifferenceSignificance() test whether one Histogram is statistically
* significantly different from another Histogram.
* Histogram stores a random sample of the exact number values added to it.
* Histogram stores a random sample of optional per-sample DiagnosticMaps.
* Histogram is visualized by <tr-v-ui-histogram-span>, which supports
* selecting bins, and visualizing the DiagnosticMaps of selected bins.
* @param {!tr.b.Unit} unit
* @param {!tr.v.HistogramBinBoundaries=} opt_binBoundaries
class Histogram {
constructor(name, unit, opt_binBoundaries) {
let binBoundaries = opt_binBoundaries;
if (!binBoundaries) {
let baseUnit = unit.baseUnit ? unit.baseUnit : unit;
binBoundaries = DEFAULT_BOUNDARIES_FOR_UNIT.get(baseUnit.unitName);
// If this Histogram is being deserialized, then its guid will be set by
// fromDict().
// If this Histogram is being computed by a metric, then its guid will be
// allocated the first time the guid is gotten by asDict().
this.guid_ = undefined;
// Serialize binBoundaries here instead of holding a reference to it in
// case it is modified.
this.binBoundariesDict_ = binBoundaries.asDict();
this.allBins = [];
this.description = '';
this.diagnostics = new tr.v.d.DiagnosticMap();
this.name_ = name;
this.nanDiagnosticMaps = [];
this.numNans = 0;
this.running_ = undefined;
this.sampleValues_ = [];
this.shortName = undefined;
this.summaryOptions = new Map(DEFAULT_SUMMARY_OPTIONS);
this.summaryOptions.set('percentile', []);
this.unit = unit;
this.allBins.length = binBoundaries.binRanges.length;
for (let i = 0; i < this.allBins.length; ++i) {
this.allBins[i] = new HistogramBin(binBoundaries.binRanges[i]);
this.maxNumSampleValues_ = this.defaultMaxNumSampleValues_;
get running() {
return this.running_;
get maxNumSampleValues() {
return this.maxNumSampleValues_;
set maxNumSampleValues(n) {
this.maxNumSampleValues_ = n;
this.sampleValues_, this.maxNumSampleValues_);
get name() {
return this.name_;
get guid() {
if (this.guid_ === undefined) {
this.guid_ = tr.b.GUID.allocateUUID4();
return this.guid_;
set guid(guid) {
if (this.guid_ !== undefined) {
throw new Error('Cannot reset guid');
this.guid_ = guid;
static fromDict(dict) {
let hist = new Histogram(, tr.b.Unit.fromJSON(dict.unit),
hist.guid = dict.guid;
if (dict.shortName) {
hist.shortName = dict.shortName;
if (dict.description) {
hist.description = dict.description;
if (dict.diagnostics) {
if (dict.allBins) {
if (dict.allBins.length !== undefined) {
for (let i = 0; i < dict.allBins.length; ++i) {
} else {
for (var [i, binDict] of Object.entries(dict.allBins)) {
if (dict.running) {
hist.running_ = tr.b.math.RunningStatistics.fromDict(dict.running);
if (dict.summaryOptions) {
if (dict.maxNumSampleValues !== undefined) {
hist.maxNumSampleValues = dict.maxNumSampleValues;
if (dict.sampleValues) {
hist.sampleValues_ = dict.sampleValues;
if (dict.numNans) {
hist.numNans = dict.numNans;
if (dict.nanDiagnostics) {
for (let map of dict.nanDiagnostics) {
return hist;
get numValues() {
return this.running_ ? this.running_.count : 0;
get average() {
return this.running_ ? this.running_.mean : undefined;
get standardDeviation() {
return this.running_ ? this.running_.stddev : undefined;
get geometricMean() {
return this.running_ ? this.running_.geometricMean : 0;
get sum() {
return this.running_ ? this.running_.sum : 0;
get min() {
return this.running_ ? this.running_.min : Infinity;
get max() {
return this.running_ ? this.running_.max : -Infinity;
* Requires that units agree.
* Returns DONT_CARE if that is the units' improvementDirection.
* Returns SIGNIFICANT if the Mann-Whitney U test returns a
* p-value less than opt_alpha or DEFAULT_ALPHA. Returns INSIGNIFICANT if
* the p-value is greater than alpha.
* @param {!tr.v.Histogram} other
* @param {number=} opt_alpha
* @return {!tr.b.math.Statistics.Significance}
getDifferenceSignificance(other, opt_alpha) {
if (this.unit !== other.unit) {
throw new Error('Cannot compare Histograms with different units');
if (this.unit.improvementDirection ===
tr.b.ImprovementDirection.DONT_CARE) {
return tr.b.math.Statistics.Significance.DONT_CARE;
if (!(other instanceof Histogram)) {
throw new Error('Unable to compute a p-value');
let testResult = tr.b.math.Statistics.mwu(
this.sampleValues, other.sampleValues, opt_alpha);
return testResult.significance;
* Compute an approximation of percentile based on the counts in the bins.
* If the real percentile lies within |this.range| then the result of
* the function will deviate from the real percentile by at most
* the maximum width of the bin(s) within which the point(s)
* from which the real percentile would be calculated lie.
* If the real percentile is outside |this.range| then the function
* returns the closest range limit: |this.range.min| or |this.range.max|.
* @param {number} percent The percent must be between 0.0 and 1.0.
getApproximatePercentile(percent) {
if (percent < 0 || percent > 1) {
throw new Error('percent must be in [0,1]');
if (this.numValues === 0) {
return 0;
if (this.allBins.length === 1) {
// Copy sampleValues, don't sort them in place, in order to preserve
// insertion order.
let sortedSampleValues = this.sampleValues.slice().sort(
(x, y) => x - y);
return sortedSampleValues[Math.floor((sortedSampleValues.length - 1) *
let valuesToSkip = Math.floor((this.numValues - 1) * percent);
for (let bin of this.allBins) {
valuesToSkip -= bin.count;
if (valuesToSkip >= 0) continue;
if (bin.range.min === -Number.MAX_VALUE)
return bin.range.max;
if (bin.range.max === Number.MAX_VALUE)
return bin.range.min;
return this.allBins[this.allBins.length - 1].range.min;
getBinForValue(value) {
// Don't use subtraction to avoid arithmetic overflow.
let binIndex = tr.b.math.findHighIndexInSortedArray(
this.allBins, b => ((value < b.range.max) ? -1 : 1));
return this.allBins[binIndex] || this.allBins[this.allBins.length - 1];
* @param {number|*} value
* @param {(!Object|!tr.v.d.DiagnosticMap)=} opt_diagnostics
addSample(value, opt_diagnostics) {
if (opt_diagnostics &&
!(opt_diagnostics instanceof tr.v.d.DiagnosticMap)) {
opt_diagnostics = tr.v.d.DiagnosticMap.fromObject(opt_diagnostics);
if (typeof(value) !== 'number' || isNaN(value)) {
if (opt_diagnostics) {
this.numNans, opt_diagnostics, MAX_DIAGNOSTIC_MAPS);
} else {
if (this.running_ === undefined) {
this.running_ = new tr.b.math.RunningStatistics();
let bin = this.getBinForValue(value);
if (opt_diagnostics) {
this.numValues + this.numNans, value, this.maxNumSampleValues);
sampleValuesInto(samples) {
for (let sampleValue of this.sampleValues) {
* Return true if this Histogram can be added to |other|.
* @param {!tr.v.Histogram} other
* @return {boolean}
canAddHistogram(other) {
if (this.unit !== other.unit) {
return false;
if (this.binBoundariesDict_ === other.binBoundariesDict_) {
return true;
// |binBoundariesDict_| may be equal even if they are not the same object.
if (this.binBoundariesDict_.length !== other.binBoundariesDict_.length) {
return false;
for (let i = 0; i < this.binBoundariesDict_.length; ++i) {
let slice = this.binBoundariesDict_[i];
let otherSlice = other.binBoundariesDict_[i];
if (slice instanceof Array) {
if (!(otherSlice instanceof Array)) {
return false;
if (slice[0] !== otherSlice[0] ||
!tr.b.math.approximately(slice[1], otherSlice[1]) ||
slice[2] !== otherSlice[2]) {
return false;
} else {
if (otherSlice instanceof Array) {
return false;
if (!tr.b.math.approximately(slice, otherSlice)) {
return false;
return true;
* Add |other| to this Histogram in-place if they can be added.
* @param {!tr.v.Histogram} other
addHistogram(other) {
if (!this.canAddHistogram(other)) {
throw new Error('Merging incompatible Histograms');
this.numNans, other.nanDiagnosticMaps, other.numNans,
this.sampleValues, this.numValues + this.numNans,
other.sampleValues, other.numValues + other.numNans,
(this.maxNumSampleValues + other.maxNumSampleValues) / 2);
this.numNans += other.numNans;
if (other.running_ !== undefined) {
if (this.running_ === undefined) {
this.running_ = new tr.b.math.RunningStatistics();
this.running_ = this.running_.merge(other.running_);
for (let i = 0; i < this.allBins.length; ++i) {
let mergedFrom = this.diagnostics.get(tr.v.d.MERGED_FROM_DIAGNOSTIC_KEY);
if (!mergedFrom) {
mergedFrom = new tr.v.d.RelatedHistogramSet();
this.diagnostics.set(tr.v.d.MERGED_FROM_DIAGNOSTIC_KEY, mergedFrom);
let mergedTo = other.diagnostics.get(tr.v.d.MERGED_TO_DIAGNOSTIC_KEY);
if (!mergedTo) {
mergedTo = new tr.v.d.RelatedHistogramSet();
other.diagnostics.set(tr.v.d.MERGED_TO_DIAGNOSTIC_KEY, mergedTo);
for (let [stat, option] of other.summaryOptions) {
if (stat === 'percentile') {
for (let percent of option) {
let percentiles = this.summaryOptions.get(stat);
if (percentiles.indexOf(percent) < 0) {
} else if (option && !this.summaryOptions.get(stat)) {
this.summaryOptions.set(stat, true);
* Controls which statistics are exported to dashboard for this Histogram.
* The options not included in the |summaryOptions| will not change.
* @param {!Object} summaryOptions
* @param {boolean=} summaryOptions.avg
* @param {boolean=} summaryOptions.count
* @param {boolean=} summaryOptions.geometricMean
* @param {boolean=} summaryOptions.max
* @param {boolean=} summaryOptions.min
* @param {boolean=} summaryOptions.nans
* @param {boolean=} summaryOptions.std
* @param {boolean=} summaryOptions.sum
* @param {!Array.<number>=} summaryOptions.percentile Numbers in (0,1)
customizeSummaryOptions(summaryOptions) {
for (var [key, value] of Object.entries(summaryOptions)) {
this.summaryOptions.set(key, value);
* @param {string} statName
* @param {!tr.v.Histogram=} opt_referenceHistogram
* @param {!HypothesisTestResult=} opt_mwu
* @return {!tr.b.Scalar}
* @throws {Error} When statName is not recognized, such as delta statistics
* when !this.canCompare(opt_referenceHistograms).
getStatisticScalar(statName, opt_referenceHistogram, opt_mwu) {
if (statName === 'avg') {
if (this.running_ === undefined) return undefined;
return new tr.b.Scalar(this.unit, this.average);
if (statName === 'std') {
if (this.standardDeviation === undefined) return undefined;
return new tr.b.Scalar(this.unit, this.standardDeviation);
if (statName === 'geometricMean') {
return new tr.b.Scalar(this.unit, this.geometricMean);
if (statName === 'min' || statName === 'max' || statName === 'sum') {
if (this.running_ === undefined) {
this.running_ = new tr.b.math.RunningStatistics();
return new tr.b.Scalar(this.unit, this.running_[statName]);
if (statName === 'nans') {
return new tr.b.Scalar(
tr.b.Unit.byName.count_smallerIsBetter, this.numNans);
if (statName === 'count') {
return new tr.b.Scalar(
tr.b.Unit.byName.count_smallerIsBetter, this.numValues);
if (statName.substr(0, 4) === 'pct_') {
let percent = percentFromString(statName.substr(4));
let percentile = this.getApproximatePercentile(percent);
return new tr.b.Scalar(this.unit, percentile);
if (!this.canCompare(opt_referenceHistogram)) {
throw new Error(
'Cannot compute ' + statName +
' when histograms are not comparable');
const suffix = tr.b.Unit.nameSuffixForImprovementDirection(
const deltaIndex = statName.indexOf(DELTA);
if (deltaIndex >= 0) {
const baseStatName = statName.substr(deltaIndex + 1);
const thisStat = this.getStatisticScalar(baseStatName);
const otherStat = opt_referenceHistogram.getStatisticScalar(
const deltaValue = thisStat.value - otherStat.value;
if (statName[0] === '%') {
return new tr.b.Scalar(
tr.b.Unit.byName['normalizedPercentageDelta' + suffix],
deltaValue / otherStat.value);
return new tr.b.Scalar(
thisStat.unit.correspondingDeltaUnit, deltaValue);
if (statName === Z_SCORE_NAME) {
return new tr.b.Scalar(
tr.b.Unit.byName['sigmaDelta' + suffix],
(this.average - opt_referenceHistogram.average) /
let mwu = opt_mwu || tr.b.math.Statistics.mwu(
this.sampleValues, opt_referenceHistogram.sampleValues);
if (statName === P_VALUE_NAME) {
return new tr.b.Scalar(tr.b.Unit.byName.unitlessNumber, mwu.p);
if (statName === U_STATISTIC_NAME) {
return new tr.b.Scalar(tr.b.Unit.byName.unitlessNumber, mwu.U);
throw new Error('Unrecognized statistic name: ' + statName);
* @return {!Array.<string>} names of enabled summary statistics
get statisticsNames() {
let statisticsNames = new Set();
for (let [statName, option] of this.summaryOptions) {
if (statName === 'percentile') {
for (let pctile of option) {
statisticsNames.add('pct_' + tr.v.percentToString(pctile));
} else if (option) {
return statisticsNames;
* Returns true if delta statistics can be computed between |this| and
* |other|.
* @param {!tr.v.Histogram=} other
* @return {boolean}
canCompare(other) {
return other instanceof Histogram &&
this.unit === other.unit &&
this.numValues > 0 &&
other.numValues > 0;
* Returns |statName| if it can be computed, or the related non-delta
* statistic if |statName| is a delta statistic and
* !this.canCompare(opt_referenceHist).
* @param {string} statName
* @param {!tr.v.Histogram=} opt_referenceHist
* @return {string}
getAvailableStatisticName(statName, opt_referenceHist) {
if (this.canCompare(opt_referenceHist)) return statName;
if (statName === Z_SCORE_NAME ||
statName === P_VALUE_NAME ||
statName === U_STATISTIC_NAME) {
return 'avg';
const deltaIndex = statName.indexOf(DELTA);
if (deltaIndex < 0) return statName;
return statName.substr(deltaIndex + 1);
* Returns names of delta statistics versions of given non-delta statistics
* names.
* @param {!Array.<string>} statNames
* @return {!Array.<string>}
static getDeltaStatisticsNames(statNames) {
const deltaNames = [];
for (const statName of statNames) {
return deltaNames.concat([Z_SCORE_NAME, P_VALUE_NAME, U_STATISTIC_NAME]);
* Returns a Map {statisticName: Scalar}.
* Each enabled summary option produces the corresponding value:
* min, max, count, sum, avg, or std.
* Each percentile 0.x produces pct_0x0.
* Each percentile 0.xx produces pct_0xx.
* Each percentile 0.xxy produces pct_0xx_y.
* Percentile 1.0 produces pct_100.
* @return {!Map.<string, Scalar>}
get statisticsScalars() {
let results = new Map();
for (let statName of this.statisticsNames) {
let scalar = this.getStatisticScalar(statName);
if (scalar === undefined) continue;
results.set(statName, scalar);
return results;
get sampleValues() {
return this.sampleValues_;
* Create a new Histogram instance that is just like |this| except for its
* guid. This is useful when merging Histograms.
* @return {!tr.v.Histogram}
clone() {
let binBoundaries = HistogramBinBoundaries.fromDict(
let hist = new Histogram(, this.unit, binBoundaries);
for (let [stat, option] of this.summaryOptions) {
// Copy arrays.
if (stat === 'percentile') {
option = Array.from(option);
hist.summaryOptions.set(stat, option);
return hist;
* Produce a Histogram with |this| Histogram's name, unit, description,
* statistics, summaryOptions, sampleValues, and diagnostics, but with
* |newBoundaries|.
* guid and sample diagnostics are not copied. In-bound Relationship
* diagnostics are broken.
* @param {!tr.v.HistogramBinBoundaries} newBoundaries
* @return {!tr.v.Histogram}
rebin(newBoundaries) {
const rebinned = new tr.v.Histogram(, this.unit, newBoundaries);
rebinned.description = this.description;
for (const sample of this.sampleValues) {
rebinned.running_ = this.running_;
for (const [name, diagnostic] of this.diagnostics) {
rebinned.diagnostics.set(name, diagnostic);
for (let [stat, option] of this.summaryOptions) {
// Copy the array of percentiles.
if (stat === 'percentile') option = Array.from(option);
rebinned.summaryOptions.set(stat, option);
return rebinned;
asDict() {
let dict = {}; =;
dict.unit = this.unit.asJSON();
dict.guid = this.guid;
if (this.binBoundariesDict_ !== undefined) {
dict.binBoundaries = this.binBoundariesDict_;
if (this.shortName) {
dict.shortName = this.shortName;
if (this.description) {
dict.description = this.description;
if (this.diagnostics.size) {
dict.diagnostics = this.diagnostics.asDict();
if (this.maxNumSampleValues !== this.defaultMaxNumSampleValues_) {
dict.maxNumSampleValues = this.maxNumSampleValues;
if (this.numNans) {
dict.numNans = this.numNans;
if (this.nanDiagnosticMaps.length) {
dict.nanDiagnostics =
dm => dm.asDict());
if (this.numValues) {
dict.sampleValues = this.sampleValues.slice();
dict.running = this.running_.asDict();
dict.allBins = this.allBinsAsDict_();
let summaryOptions = {};
let anyOverriddenSummaryOptions = false;
for (let [name, option] of this.summaryOptions) {
if (name === 'percentile') {
if (option.length === 0) {
option = option.slice();
} else if (option === DEFAULT_SUMMARY_OPTIONS.get(name)) {
summaryOptions[name] = option;
anyOverriddenSummaryOptions = true;
if (anyOverriddenSummaryOptions) {
dict.summaryOptions = summaryOptions;
return dict;
allBinsAsDict_() {
// dict.allBins may be either an array or a dict, whichever is more
// efficient.
// The overhead of the array form is significant when the histogram is
// sparse, and the overhead of the dict form is significant when the
// histogram is dense.
// The dict form is more efficient when more than half of allBins are
// empty. The array form is more efficient when fewer than half of
// allBins are empty.
let numBins = this.allBins.length;
// If allBins are empty, then don't serialize anything for them.
let emptyBins = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < numBins; ++i) {
if (this.allBins[i].count === 0) {
if (emptyBins === numBins) {
return undefined;
if (emptyBins > (numBins / 2)) {
let allBinsDict = {};
for (let i = 0; i < numBins; ++i) {
let bin = this.allBins[i];
if (bin.count > 0) {
allBinsDict[i] = bin.asDict();
return allBinsDict;
let allBinsArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numBins; ++i) {
return allBinsArray;
get defaultMaxNumSampleValues_() {
// Single-bin histograms might be rebin()ned, so they should retain enough
// samples that the rebinned histogram looks close enough.
this.allBins.length, DEFAULT_REBINNED_COUNT);
* Reusable builder for tr.v.Histogram objects.
* The bins of the Histogram are specified by adding the desired boundaries
* between bins. Initially, the builder has only a single boundary:
* range.min=range.max
* |
* |
* -MAX_VALUE <-----|-----------> +MAX_VALUE
* : resulting : resulting :
* : underflow : overflow :
* : bin : bin :
* If the single boundary is set to either -Number.MAX_VALUE or
* +Number.MAX_VALUE, then the builder will construct only a single bin:
* range.min=range.max
* |
* |
* : resulting :
* : bin :
* More boundaries can be added (in increasing order) using addBinBoundary,
* addLinearBins and addExponentialBins:
* range.min range.max
* | | | | |
* | | | | |
* -MAX_VALUE <------|---------|---------|-----|---------|------> +MAX_VALUE
* : resulting : result. : result. : : result. : resulting :
* : underflow : central : central : ... : central : overflow :
* : bin : bin 0 : bin 1 : : bin N-1 : bin :
* An important feature of the builder is that it's reusable, i.e. it can be
* used to build multiple Histograms with the same bin structure.
class HistogramBinBoundaries {
* Create a linearly scaled tr.v.HistogramBinBoundaries with |numBins| bins
* ranging from |min| to |max|.
* @param {number} min
* @param {number} max
* @param {number} numBins
* @return {tr.v.HistogramBinBoundaries}
static createLinear(min, max, numBins) {
return new HistogramBinBoundaries(min).addLinearBins(max, numBins);
* Create an exponentially scaled tr.v.HistogramBinBoundaries with |numBins|
* bins ranging from |min| to |max|.
* @param {number} min
* @param {number} max
* @param {number} numBins
* @return {tr.v.HistogramBinBoundaries}
static createExponential(min, max, numBins) {
return new HistogramBinBoundaries(min).addExponentialBins(max, numBins);
* @param {Array.<number>} binBoundaries
static createWithBoundaries(binBoundaries) {
let builder = new HistogramBinBoundaries(binBoundaries[0]);
for (let boundary of binBoundaries.slice(1)) {
return builder;
* |minBinBoundary| will be the boundary between the underflow bin and the
* first central bin if other bin boundaries are added.
* If no other bin boundaries are added, then |minBinBoundary| will be the
* boundary between the underflow bin and the overflow bin.
* If no other bin boundaries are added and |minBinBoundary| is either
* -Number.MAX_VALUE or +Number.MAX_VALUE, then only a single binRange will
* be built.
* @param {number} minBinBoundary The minimum boundary between bins.
constructor(minBinBoundary) {
this.builder_ = [minBinBoundary];
this.range_ = new tr.b.math.Range();
this.binRanges_ = undefined;
get range() {
return this.range_;
asDict() {
if (this.builder_.length === 1 && this.builder_[0] === Number.MAX_VALUE) {
return undefined;
// Don't copy builder_ here so that Histogram.canAddHistogram() can test
// for object identity.
return this.builder_;
pushBuilderSlice_(slice) {
// Copy builder_ when it's modified so that Histogram.canAddHistogram()
// can test for object identity.
this.builder_ = this.builder_.slice();
static fromDict(dict) {
if (dict === undefined) {
return HistogramBinBoundaries.SINGULAR;
// When loading a results2.html with many Histograms with the same bin
// boundaries, caching the HistogramBinBoundaries not only speeds up
// loading, but also prevents a bug where build_ is occasionally
// non-deterministic, which causes similar Histograms to be unmergeable.
let cacheKey = JSON.stringify(dict);
let binBoundaries = new HistogramBinBoundaries(dict[0]);
for (let slice of dict.slice(1)) {
if (!(slice instanceof Array)) {
switch (slice[0]) {
case HistogramBinBoundaries.SLICE_TYPE.LINEAR:
binBoundaries.addLinearBins(slice[1], slice[2]);
case HistogramBinBoundaries.SLICE_TYPE.EXPONENTIAL:
binBoundaries.addExponentialBins(slice[1], slice[2]);
throw new Error('Unrecognized HistogramBinBoundaries slice type');
HISTOGRAM_BIN_BOUNDARIES_CACHE.set(cacheKey, binBoundaries);
return binBoundaries;
* @return {!Array.<!tr.b.math.Range>}
get binRanges() {
if (this.binRanges_ === undefined) {
return this.binRanges_;
build_() {
if (typeof this.builder_[0] !== 'number') {
throw new Error('Invalid start of builder_');
this.binRanges_ = [];
let prevBoundary = this.builder_[0];
if (prevBoundary > -Number.MAX_VALUE) {
// underflow bin
-Number.MAX_VALUE, prevBoundary));
for (let slice of this.builder_.slice(1)) {
if (!(slice instanceof Array)) {
tr.b.math.Range.fromExplicitRange(prevBoundary, slice));
prevBoundary = slice;
let nextMaxBinBoundary = slice[1];
let binCount = slice[2];
let sliceMinBinBoundary = prevBoundary;
switch (slice[0]) {
case HistogramBinBoundaries.SLICE_TYPE.LINEAR:
let binWidth = (nextMaxBinBoundary - prevBoundary) / binCount;
for (let i = 1; i < binCount; i++) {
let boundary = sliceMinBinBoundary + i * binWidth;
prevBoundary, boundary));
prevBoundary = boundary;
case HistogramBinBoundaries.SLICE_TYPE.EXPONENTIAL:
let binExponentWidth =
Math.log(nextMaxBinBoundary / prevBoundary) / binCount;
for (let i = 1; i < binCount; i++) {
let boundary = sliceMinBinBoundary * Math.exp(
i * binExponentWidth);
prevBoundary, boundary));
prevBoundary = boundary;
throw new Error('Unrecognized HistogramBinBoundaries slice type');
prevBoundary, nextMaxBinBoundary));
prevBoundary = nextMaxBinBoundary;
if (prevBoundary < Number.MAX_VALUE) {
// overflow bin
prevBoundary, Number.MAX_VALUE));
* Add a bin boundary |nextMaxBinBoundary| to the builder.
* This operation effectively corresponds to appending a new central bin
* with the range [this.range.max, nextMaxBinBoundary].
* @param {number} nextMaxBinBoundary The added bin boundary (must be
* greater than |this.maxMinBoundary|).
addBinBoundary(nextMaxBinBoundary) {
if (nextMaxBinBoundary <= this.range.max) {
throw new Error('The added max bin boundary must be larger than ' +
'the current max boundary');
// If binRanges_ had been built, then clear them.
this.binRanges_ = undefined;
return this;
* Add |binCount| linearly scaled bin boundaries up to |nextMaxBinBoundary|
* to the builder.
* This operation corresponds to appending |binCount| central bins of
* constant range width
* W = ((|nextMaxBinBoundary| - |this.range.max|) / |binCount|)
* with the following ranges:
* [|this.maxMinBoundary|, |this.maxMinBoundary| + W]
* [|this.maxMinBoundary| + W, |this.maxMinBoundary| + 2W]
* [|this.maxMinBoundary| + 2W, |this.maxMinBoundary| + 3W]
* ...
* [|this.maxMinBoundary| + (|binCount| - 2) * W,
* |this.maxMinBoundary| + (|binCount| - 2) * W]
* [|this.maxMinBoundary| + (|binCount| - 1) * W,
* |nextMaxBinBoundary|]
* @param {number} nextBinBoundary The last added bin boundary (must be
* greater than |this.maxMinBoundary|).
* @param {number} binCount Number of bins to be added (must be positive).
addLinearBins(nextMaxBinBoundary, binCount) {
if (binCount <= 0) {
throw new Error('Bin count must be positive');
if (nextMaxBinBoundary <= this.range.max) {
throw new Error('The new max bin boundary must be greater than ' +
'the previous max bin boundary');
// If binRanges_ had been built, then clear them.
this.binRanges_ = undefined;
nextMaxBinBoundary, binCount]);
return this;
* Add |binCount| exponentially scaled bin boundaries up to
* |nextMaxBinBoundary| to the builder.
* This operation corresponds to appending |binCount| central bins with
* a constant difference between the logarithms of their range min and max
* D = ((ln(|nextMaxBinBoundary|) - ln(|this.range.max|)) / |binCount|)
* with the following ranges:
* [|this.maxMinBoundary|, |this.maxMinBoundary| * exp(D)]
* [|this.maxMinBoundary| * exp(D), |this.maxMinBoundary| * exp(2D)]
* [|this.maxMinBoundary| * exp(2D), |this.maxMinBoundary| * exp(3D)]
* ...
* [|this.maxMinBoundary| * exp((|binCount| - 2) * D),
* |this.maxMinBoundary| * exp((|binCount| - 2) * D)]
* [|this.maxMinBoundary| * exp((|binCount| - 1) * D),
* |nextMaxBinBoundary|]
* This method requires that the current max bin boundary is positive.
* @param {number} nextBinBoundary The last added bin boundary (must be
* greater than |this.maxMinBoundary|).
* @param {number} binCount Number of bins to be added (must be positive).
addExponentialBins(nextMaxBinBoundary, binCount) {
if (binCount <= 0) {
throw new Error('Bin count must be positive');
if (this.range.max <= 0) {
throw new Error('Current max bin boundary must be positive');
if (this.range.max >= nextMaxBinBoundary) {
throw new Error('The last added max boundary must be greater than ' +
'the current max boundary boundary');
// If binRanges_ had been built, then clear them.
this.binRanges_ = undefined;
nextMaxBinBoundary, binCount]);
return this;
HistogramBinBoundaries.SLICE_TYPE = {
// This special HistogramBinBoundaries instance produces a singe binRange,
// allowing Histograms to have a single bin.
// This is the only way for Histograms to have fewer than 2 bins, since
// HistogramBinBoundaries.build_() ensures that there is always a bin whose
// min is -Number.MAX_VALUE, and a bin whose max is Number.MAX_VALUE. SINGULAR
// is the only HistogramBinBoundaries in which those bins are one and the
// same.
HistogramBinBoundaries.SINGULAR = new HistogramBinBoundaries(
HistogramBinBoundaries.createExponential(1e-3, 1e6, 1e2));
HistogramBinBoundaries.createLinear(0, 1e10, 1e3));
HistogramBinBoundaries.createLinear(0, 1.0, 20));
HistogramBinBoundaries.createExponential(1, 1e12, 1e2));
HistogramBinBoundaries.createExponential(1e-3, 1e3, 50));
HistogramBinBoundaries.createExponential(1e-3, 1, 50));
HistogramBinBoundaries.createExponential(1e-3, 1e3, 50));
HistogramBinBoundaries.createExponential(1, 1e3, 20));
HistogramBinBoundaries.createLinear(-5, 5, 50));
return {