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<!DOCTYPE html>
Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
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<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/event.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/math/range.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/raf.html">
<dom-module id='tr-v-ui-scalar-context-controller'>
@fileoverview Polymer element for controlling common context across scalar
spans. To facilitate multiple separate contexts (e.g. a separate context for
each table column), each scalar span has to specify which "context group"
it belongs to:
+============ some container element (e.g. <div>) ============+
| |
| <tr-v-ui-scalar-context-controller> |
| ^ ^ |
| | | |
| v v |
| .... Context group 1 .... .... Context group 2 .... |
| : <tr-v-ui-scalar-span> : : <tr-v-ui-scalar-span> : |
| : <tr-v-ui-scalar-span> : : <tr-v-ui-scalar-span> : . . . |
| : . . . : : . . . : |
| :.......................: :.......................: |
An element can find its enclosing context controller using the
getScalarContextControllerForElement(node) defined in this file. Scalar spans
can push their state to the controller using the following three methods:
1. onScalarSpanAdded(contextGroup, span)
This method should be called when a span is attached to the DOM tree (or
afterwards when added to a context group).
2. onScalarSpanRemoved(contextGroup, span)
This method should be called when a span is detached from the DOM tree (or
beforehand when removed from a context group).
3. onScalarSpanUpdated(contextGroup, span)
This method should be called when a span's value changes.
Note: If a span wants to change its context group, it should first call
onScalarSpanRemoved with the old group and then onScalarSpanAdded with the new
If one or more group contexts are modified (due to one of the three methods
above), the controller will asynchronously (at the next RAF) update them and
fire a 'context-updated' event. Scalar spans can listen for this event and
update their UI accordingly.
The context currently consists of the range of values of the associated spans.
This allows automatic display of relative sizes using sparklines.
The controller design is based on:
'use strict';
tr.exportTo('tr.v.ui', function() {
is: 'tr-v-ui-scalar-context-controller',
created: function() {
this.host_ = undefined;
this.groupToContext_ = new Map();
this.dirtyGroups_ = new Set();
attached: function() {
if (this.host_) {
throw new Error(
'Scalar context controller is already attached to a host');
let host = findParentOrHost(this);
if (host.__scalarContextController) {
throw new Error(
'Multiple scalar context controllers attached to this host');
host.__scalarContextController = this;
this.host_ = host;
detached: function() {
if (!this.host_)
throw new Error('Scalar context controller is not attached to a host');
if (this.host_.__scalarContextController !== this) {
throw new Error(
'Scalar context controller is not attached to its host');
delete this.host_.__scalarContextController;
this.host_ = undefined;
getContext: function(group) {
return this.groupToContext_.get(group);
onScalarSpanAdded: function(group, span) {
let context = this.groupToContext_.get(group);
if (context === undefined) {
context = {
spans: new Set(),
range: new tr.b.math.Range()
this.groupToContext_.set(group, context);
if (context.spans.has(span))
throw new Error('Scalar span already registered with group: ' + group);
onScalarSpanRemoved: function(group, span) {
let context = this.groupToContext_.get(group);
if (!context.spans.has(span))
throw new Error('Scalar span not registered with group: ' + group);
onScalarSpanUpdated: function(group, span) {
let context = this.groupToContext_.get(group);
if (!context.spans.has(span))
throw new Error('Scalar span not registered with group: ' + group);
_markGroupDirtyAndScheduleUpdate: function(group) {
let alreadyDirty = this.dirtyGroups_.size > 0;
if (!alreadyDirty) {
this.updateContext, this);
updateContext: function() {
let groups = this.dirtyGroups_;
if (groups.size === 0)
this.dirtyGroups_ = new Set();
for (let group of groups)
let event = new tr.b.Event('context-updated');
event.groups = groups;
updateGroup_: function(group) {
let context = this.groupToContext_.get(group);
if (context.spans.size === 0) {
for (let span of context.spans)
function getScalarContextControllerForElement(element) {
while (element) {
if (element.__scalarContextController)
return element.__scalarContextController;
element = findParentOrHost(element);
return undefined;
function findParentOrHost(node) {
if (node.parentElement)
return node.parentElement;
while (Polymer.dom(node).parentNode)
node = Polymer.dom(node).parentNode;
return {