blob: fee52b3c27d7336f4fa2f5682e47206b79d9f3bb [file] [log] [blame]
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<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/histogram.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/legacy_unit_info.html">
'use strict';
tr.exportTo('tr.v', function() {
class ChartJsonConverter {
* Parses Values from |charts|, converts them to Histograms, and adds those
* to |histograms|.
* @param {!Array.<!Object>} charts
* @param {!tr.v.HistogramSet} histograms
static convertChartJson(charts, histograms) {
for (const [name, pageValues] of Object.entries(charts.charts)) {
if (name === 'trace') continue;
const pageValuesCount = Object.keys(pageValues).length;
for (const [storyName, value] of Object.entries(pageValues)) {
if (pageValuesCount > 1 && storyName === 'summary') continue;
const unitInfo = tr.v.LEGACY_UNIT_INFO.get(value.units) || {};
const unitName = || 'unitlessNumber';
const conversionFactor = unitInfo.conversionFactor || 1;
let improvementDirection = tr.b.ImprovementDirection.DONT_CARE;
if (unitInfo.defaultImprovementDirection !== undefined) {
improvementDirection = unitInfo.defaultImprovementDirection;
// Metrics have the final say.
if (value.improvement_direction !== undefined) {
improvementDirection =
const unitNameSuffix = tr.b.Unit.nameSuffixForImprovementDirection(
const hist = new tr.v.Histogram(,
tr.b.Unit.byName[unitName + unitNameSuffix],
hist.description = value.description || '';
new tr.v.d.TelemetryInfo({
storyDisplayName: pageValuesCount > 1 ? storyName : '',
legacyTIRLabel: value.tir_label,
benchmarkName: charts.benchmark_name,
label: charts.label,
benchmarkStartMs: charts.benchmarkStartMs,
if (value.type === 'histogram') {
for (const bucket of value.buckets) {
// Take the center of the bin. This coarse granularity can amplify
// noise when a measurement moves from one bin to the next.
const sample = conversionFactor * (bucket.high + bucket.low) / 2;
for (let i = 0; i < bucket.count; ++i) {
} else if (value.type === 'list_of_scalar_values') {
// |value.values| is undefined if the list_of_scalar_values is
// empty.
if (value.values) {
for (const sample of value.values) {
hist.addSample(sample * conversionFactor);
} else if (value.type === 'scalar') {
hist.addSample(value.value * conversionFactor);
static convertImprovementDirection(improvementDirection) {
switch (improvementDirection) {
case 'down': return tr.b.ImprovementDirection.SMALLER_IS_BETTER;
case 'up': return tr.b.ImprovementDirection.BIGGER_IS_BETTER;
default: return tr.b.ImprovementDirection.DONT_CARE;
return {