blob: fcb788d5a1827270e67fda29f223ac4c716da907 [file] [log] [blame]
package css
// Code generated by cdproto-gen. DO NOT EDIT.
import (
// StyleSheetID [no description].
type StyleSheetID string
// String returns the StyleSheetID as string value.
func (t StyleSheetID) String() string {
return string(t)
// StyleSheetOrigin stylesheet type: "injected" for stylesheets injected via
// extension, "user-agent" for user-agent stylesheets, "inspector" for
// stylesheets created by the inspector (i.e. those holding the "via inspector"
// rules), "regular" for regular stylesheets.
type StyleSheetOrigin string
// String returns the StyleSheetOrigin as string value.
func (t StyleSheetOrigin) String() string {
return string(t)
// StyleSheetOrigin values.
const (
StyleSheetOriginInjected StyleSheetOrigin = "injected"
StyleSheetOriginUserAgent StyleSheetOrigin = "user-agent"
StyleSheetOriginInspector StyleSheetOrigin = "inspector"
StyleSheetOriginRegular StyleSheetOrigin = "regular"
// MarshalEasyJSON satisfies easyjson.Marshaler.
func (t StyleSheetOrigin) MarshalEasyJSON(out *jwriter.Writer) {
// MarshalJSON satisfies json.Marshaler.
func (t StyleSheetOrigin) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return easyjson.Marshal(t)
// UnmarshalEasyJSON satisfies easyjson.Unmarshaler.
func (t *StyleSheetOrigin) UnmarshalEasyJSON(in *jlexer.Lexer) {
switch StyleSheetOrigin(in.String()) {
case StyleSheetOriginInjected:
*t = StyleSheetOriginInjected
case StyleSheetOriginUserAgent:
*t = StyleSheetOriginUserAgent
case StyleSheetOriginInspector:
*t = StyleSheetOriginInspector
case StyleSheetOriginRegular:
*t = StyleSheetOriginRegular
in.AddError(errors.New("unknown StyleSheetOrigin value"))
// UnmarshalJSON satisfies json.Unmarshaler.
func (t *StyleSheetOrigin) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error {
return easyjson.Unmarshal(buf, t)
// PseudoElementMatches CSS rule collection for a single pseudo style.
type PseudoElementMatches struct {
PseudoType cdp.PseudoType `json:"pseudoType"` // Pseudo element type.
Matches []*RuleMatch `json:"matches"` // Matches of CSS rules applicable to the pseudo style.
// InheritedStyleEntry inherited CSS rule collection from ancestor node.
type InheritedStyleEntry struct {
InlineStyle *Style `json:"inlineStyle,omitempty"` // The ancestor node's inline style, if any, in the style inheritance chain.
MatchedCSSRules []*RuleMatch `json:"matchedCSSRules"` // Matches of CSS rules matching the ancestor node in the style inheritance chain.
// RuleMatch match data for a CSS rule.
type RuleMatch struct {
Rule *Rule `json:"rule"` // CSS rule in the match.
MatchingSelectors []int64 `json:"matchingSelectors"` // Matching selector indices in the rule's selectorList selectors (0-based).
// Value data for a simple selector (these are delimited by commas in a
// selector list).
type Value struct {
Text string `json:"text"` // Value text.
Range *SourceRange `json:"range,omitempty"` // Value range in the underlying resource (if available).
// SelectorList selector list data.
type SelectorList struct {
Selectors []*Value `json:"selectors"` // Selectors in the list.
Text string `json:"text"` // Rule selector text.
// StyleSheetHeader CSS stylesheet metainformation.
type StyleSheetHeader struct {
StyleSheetID StyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` // The stylesheet identifier.
FrameID cdp.FrameID `json:"frameId"` // Owner frame identifier.
SourceURL string `json:"sourceURL"` // Stylesheet resource URL.
SourceMapURL string `json:"sourceMapURL,omitempty"` // URL of source map associated with the stylesheet (if any).
Origin StyleSheetOrigin `json:"origin"` // Stylesheet origin.
Title string `json:"title"` // Stylesheet title.
OwnerNode cdp.BackendNodeID `json:"ownerNode,omitempty"` // The backend id for the owner node of the stylesheet.
Disabled bool `json:"disabled"` // Denotes whether the stylesheet is disabled.
HasSourceURL bool `json:"hasSourceURL,omitempty"` // Whether the sourceURL field value comes from the sourceURL comment.
IsInline bool `json:"isInline"` // Whether this stylesheet is created for STYLE tag by parser. This flag is not set for document.written STYLE tags.
StartLine float64 `json:"startLine"` // Line offset of the stylesheet within the resource (zero based).
StartColumn float64 `json:"startColumn"` // Column offset of the stylesheet within the resource (zero based).
Length float64 `json:"length"` // Size of the content (in characters).
// Rule CSS rule representation.
type Rule struct {
StyleSheetID StyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId,omitempty"` // The css style sheet identifier (absent for user agent stylesheet and user-specified stylesheet rules) this rule came from.
SelectorList *SelectorList `json:"selectorList"` // Rule selector data.
Origin StyleSheetOrigin `json:"origin"` // Parent stylesheet's origin.
Style *Style `json:"style"` // Associated style declaration.
Media []*Media `json:"media,omitempty"` // Media list array (for rules involving media queries). The array enumerates media queries starting with the innermost one, going outwards.
// RuleUsage CSS coverage information.
type RuleUsage struct {
StyleSheetID StyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` // The css style sheet identifier (absent for user agent stylesheet and user-specified stylesheet rules) this rule came from.
StartOffset float64 `json:"startOffset"` // Offset of the start of the rule (including selector) from the beginning of the stylesheet.
EndOffset float64 `json:"endOffset"` // Offset of the end of the rule body from the beginning of the stylesheet.
Used bool `json:"used"` // Indicates whether the rule was actually used by some element in the page.
// SourceRange text range within a resource. All numbers are zero-based.
type SourceRange struct {
StartLine int64 `json:"startLine"` // Start line of range.
StartColumn int64 `json:"startColumn"` // Start column of range (inclusive).
EndLine int64 `json:"endLine"` // End line of range
EndColumn int64 `json:"endColumn"` // End column of range (exclusive).
// ShorthandEntry [no description].
type ShorthandEntry struct {
Name string `json:"name"` // Shorthand name.
Value string `json:"value"` // Shorthand value.
Important bool `json:"important,omitempty"` // Whether the property has "!important" annotation (implies false if absent).
// ComputedProperty [no description].
type ComputedProperty struct {
Name string `json:"name"` // Computed style property name.
Value string `json:"value"` // Computed style property value.
// Style CSS style representation.
type Style struct {
StyleSheetID StyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId,omitempty"` // The css style sheet identifier (absent for user agent stylesheet and user-specified stylesheet rules) this rule came from.
CSSProperties []*Property `json:"cssProperties"` // CSS properties in the style.
ShorthandEntries []*ShorthandEntry `json:"shorthandEntries"` // Computed values for all shorthands found in the style.
CSSText string `json:"cssText,omitempty"` // Style declaration text (if available).
Range *SourceRange `json:"range,omitempty"` // Style declaration range in the enclosing stylesheet (if available).
// Property CSS property declaration data.
type Property struct {
Name string `json:"name"` // The property name.
Value string `json:"value"` // The property value.
Important bool `json:"important,omitempty"` // Whether the property has "!important" annotation (implies false if absent).
Implicit bool `json:"implicit,omitempty"` // Whether the property is implicit (implies false if absent).
Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` // The full property text as specified in the style.
ParsedOk bool `json:"parsedOk,omitempty"` // Whether the property is understood by the browser (implies true if absent).
Disabled bool `json:"disabled,omitempty"` // Whether the property is disabled by the user (present for source-based properties only).
Range *SourceRange `json:"range,omitempty"` // The entire property range in the enclosing style declaration (if available).
// Media CSS media rule descriptor.
type Media struct {
Text string `json:"text"` // Media query text.
Source MediaSource `json:"source"` // Source of the media query: "mediaRule" if specified by a @media rule, "importRule" if specified by an @import rule, "linkedSheet" if specified by a "media" attribute in a linked stylesheet's LINK tag, "inlineSheet" if specified by a "media" attribute in an inline stylesheet's STYLE tag.
SourceURL string `json:"sourceURL,omitempty"` // URL of the document containing the media query description.
Range *SourceRange `json:"range,omitempty"` // The associated rule (@media or @import) header range in the enclosing stylesheet (if available).
StyleSheetID StyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId,omitempty"` // Identifier of the stylesheet containing this object (if exists).
MediaList []*MediaQuery `json:"mediaList,omitempty"` // Array of media queries.
// MediaQuery media query descriptor.
type MediaQuery struct {
Expressions []*MediaQueryExpression `json:"expressions"` // Array of media query expressions.
Active bool `json:"active"` // Whether the media query condition is satisfied.
// MediaQueryExpression media query expression descriptor.
type MediaQueryExpression struct {
Value float64 `json:"value"` // Media query expression value.
Unit string `json:"unit"` // Media query expression units.
Feature string `json:"feature"` // Media query expression feature.
ValueRange *SourceRange `json:"valueRange,omitempty"` // The associated range of the value text in the enclosing stylesheet (if available).
ComputedLength float64 `json:"computedLength,omitempty"` // Computed length of media query expression (if applicable).
// PlatformFontUsage information about amount of glyphs that were rendered
// with given font.
type PlatformFontUsage struct {
FamilyName string `json:"familyName"` // Font's family name reported by platform.
IsCustomFont bool `json:"isCustomFont"` // Indicates if the font was downloaded or resolved locally.
GlyphCount float64 `json:"glyphCount"` // Amount of glyphs that were rendered with this font.
// FontFace properties of a web font:
type FontFace struct {
FontFamily string `json:"fontFamily"` // The font-family.
FontStyle string `json:"fontStyle"` // The font-style.
FontVariant string `json:"fontVariant"` // The font-variant.
FontWeight string `json:"fontWeight"` // The font-weight.
FontStretch string `json:"fontStretch"` // The font-stretch.
UnicodeRange string `json:"unicodeRange"` // The unicode-range.
Src string `json:"src"` // The src.
PlatformFontFamily string `json:"platformFontFamily"` // The resolved platform font family
// KeyframesRule CSS keyframes rule representation.
type KeyframesRule struct {
AnimationName *Value `json:"animationName"` // Animation name.
Keyframes []*KeyframeRule `json:"keyframes"` // List of keyframes.
// KeyframeRule CSS keyframe rule representation.
type KeyframeRule struct {
StyleSheetID StyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId,omitempty"` // The css style sheet identifier (absent for user agent stylesheet and user-specified stylesheet rules) this rule came from.
Origin StyleSheetOrigin `json:"origin"` // Parent stylesheet's origin.
KeyText *Value `json:"keyText"` // Associated key text.
Style *Style `json:"style"` // Associated style declaration.
// StyleDeclarationEdit a descriptor of operation to mutate style declaration
// text.
type StyleDeclarationEdit struct {
StyleSheetID StyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` // The css style sheet identifier.
Range *SourceRange `json:"range"` // The range of the style text in the enclosing stylesheet.
Text string `json:"text"` // New style text.
// MediaSource source of the media query: "mediaRule" if specified by a
// @media rule, "importRule" if specified by an @import rule, "linkedSheet" if
// specified by a "media" attribute in a linked stylesheet's LINK tag,
// "inlineSheet" if specified by a "media" attribute in an inline stylesheet's
// STYLE tag.
type MediaSource string
// String returns the MediaSource as string value.
func (t MediaSource) String() string {
return string(t)
// MediaSource values.
const (
MediaSourceMediaRule MediaSource = "mediaRule"
MediaSourceImportRule MediaSource = "importRule"
MediaSourceLinkedSheet MediaSource = "linkedSheet"
MediaSourceInlineSheet MediaSource = "inlineSheet"
// MarshalEasyJSON satisfies easyjson.Marshaler.
func (t MediaSource) MarshalEasyJSON(out *jwriter.Writer) {
// MarshalJSON satisfies json.Marshaler.
func (t MediaSource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return easyjson.Marshal(t)
// UnmarshalEasyJSON satisfies easyjson.Unmarshaler.
func (t *MediaSource) UnmarshalEasyJSON(in *jlexer.Lexer) {
switch MediaSource(in.String()) {
case MediaSourceMediaRule:
*t = MediaSourceMediaRule
case MediaSourceImportRule:
*t = MediaSourceImportRule
case MediaSourceLinkedSheet:
*t = MediaSourceLinkedSheet
case MediaSourceInlineSheet:
*t = MediaSourceInlineSheet
in.AddError(errors.New("unknown MediaSource value"))
// UnmarshalJSON satisfies json.Unmarshaler.
func (t *MediaSource) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error {
return easyjson.Unmarshal(buf, t)