blob: c7e3bcaec53b8a88d5ed03296513f857a713367c [file] [log] [blame]
package page
// Code generated by cdproto-gen. DO NOT EDIT.
import (
// EventDomContentEventFired [no description].
type EventDomContentEventFired struct {
Timestamp *cdp.MonotonicTime `json:"timestamp"`
// EventFrameAttached fired when frame has been attached to its parent.
type EventFrameAttached struct {
FrameID cdp.FrameID `json:"frameId"` // Id of the frame that has been attached.
ParentFrameID cdp.FrameID `json:"parentFrameId"` // Parent frame identifier.
Stack *runtime.StackTrace `json:"stack,omitempty"` // JavaScript stack trace of when frame was attached, only set if frame initiated from script.
// EventFrameClearedScheduledNavigation fired when frame no longer has a
// scheduled navigation.
type EventFrameClearedScheduledNavigation struct {
FrameID cdp.FrameID `json:"frameId"` // Id of the frame that has cleared its scheduled navigation.
// EventFrameDetached fired when frame has been detached from its parent.
type EventFrameDetached struct {
FrameID cdp.FrameID `json:"frameId"` // Id of the frame that has been detached.
// EventFrameNavigated fired once navigation of the frame has completed.
// Frame is now associated with the new loader.
type EventFrameNavigated struct {
Frame *cdp.Frame `json:"frame"` // Frame object.
// EventFrameResized [no description].
type EventFrameResized struct{}
// EventFrameScheduledNavigation fired when frame schedules a potential
// navigation.
type EventFrameScheduledNavigation struct {
FrameID cdp.FrameID `json:"frameId"` // Id of the frame that has scheduled a navigation.
Delay float64 `json:"delay"` // Delay (in seconds) until the navigation is scheduled to begin. The navigation is not guaranteed to start.
Reason FrameScheduledNavigationReason `json:"reason"` // The reason for the navigation.
URL string `json:"url"` // The destination URL for the scheduled navigation.
// EventFrameStartedLoading fired when frame has started loading.
type EventFrameStartedLoading struct {
FrameID cdp.FrameID `json:"frameId"` // Id of the frame that has started loading.
// EventFrameStoppedLoading fired when frame has stopped loading.
type EventFrameStoppedLoading struct {
FrameID cdp.FrameID `json:"frameId"` // Id of the frame that has stopped loading.
// EventInterstitialHidden fired when interstitial page was hidden.
type EventInterstitialHidden struct{}
// EventInterstitialShown fired when interstitial page was shown.
type EventInterstitialShown struct{}
// EventJavascriptDialogClosed fired when a JavaScript initiated dialog
// (alert, confirm, prompt, or onbeforeunload) has been closed.
type EventJavascriptDialogClosed struct {
Result bool `json:"result"` // Whether dialog was confirmed.
UserInput string `json:"userInput"` // User input in case of prompt.
// EventJavascriptDialogOpening fired when a JavaScript initiated dialog
// (alert, confirm, prompt, or onbeforeunload) is about to open.
type EventJavascriptDialogOpening struct {
URL string `json:"url"` // Frame url.
Message string `json:"message"` // Message that will be displayed by the dialog.
Type DialogType `json:"type"` // Dialog type.
HasBrowserHandler bool `json:"hasBrowserHandler"` // True iff browser is capable showing or acting on the given dialog. When browser has no dialog handler for given target, calling alert while Page domain is engaged will stall the page execution. Execution can be resumed via calling Page.handleJavaScriptDialog.
DefaultPrompt string `json:"defaultPrompt,omitempty"` // Default dialog prompt.
// EventLifecycleEvent fired for top level page lifecycle events such as
// navigation, load, paint, etc.
type EventLifecycleEvent struct {
FrameID cdp.FrameID `json:"frameId"` // Id of the frame.
LoaderID cdp.LoaderID `json:"loaderId"` // Loader identifier. Empty string if the request is fetched from worker.
Name string `json:"name"`
Timestamp *cdp.MonotonicTime `json:"timestamp"`
// EventLoadEventFired [no description].
type EventLoadEventFired struct {
Timestamp *cdp.MonotonicTime `json:"timestamp"`
// EventNavigatedWithinDocument fired when same-document navigation happens,
// e.g. due to history API usage or anchor navigation.
type EventNavigatedWithinDocument struct {
FrameID cdp.FrameID `json:"frameId"` // Id of the frame.
URL string `json:"url"` // Frame's new url.
// EventScreencastFrame compressed image data requested by the
// startScreencast.
type EventScreencastFrame struct {
Data string `json:"data"` // Base64-encoded compressed image.
Metadata *ScreencastFrameMetadata `json:"metadata"` // Screencast frame metadata.
SessionID int64 `json:"sessionId"` // Frame number.
// EventScreencastVisibilityChanged fired when the page with currently
// enabled screencast was shown or hidden .
type EventScreencastVisibilityChanged struct {
Visible bool `json:"visible"` // True if the page is visible.
// EventWindowOpen fired when a new window is going to be opened, via
//, link click, form submission, etc.
type EventWindowOpen struct {
URL string `json:"url"` // The URL for the new window.
WindowName string `json:"windowName"` // Window name.
WindowFeatures []string `json:"windowFeatures"` // An array of enabled window features.
UserGesture bool `json:"userGesture"` // Whether or not it was triggered by user gesture.
// EventCompilationCacheProduced issued for every compilation cache
// generated. Is only available if Page.setGenerateCompilationCache is enabled.
type EventCompilationCacheProduced struct {
URL string `json:"url"`
Data string `json:"data"` // Base64-encoded data