diff --git a/lib/ascii.dart b/lib/ascii.dart
index 48b51d0..75db1c6 100644
--- a/lib/ascii.dart
+++ b/lib/ascii.dart
@@ -28,327 +28,483 @@
 // Control characters.
 /// "Null character" control character.
-const int $nul               = 0x00;
+const int $nul = 0x00;
 /// "Start of Header" control character.
-const int $soh               = 0x01;
+const int $soh = 0x01;
 /// "Start of Text" control character.
-const int $stx               = 0x02;
+const int $stx = 0x02;
 /// "End of Text" control character.
-const int $etx               = 0x03;
+const int $etx = 0x03;
 /// "End of Transmission" control character.
-const int $eot               = 0x04;
+const int $eot = 0x04;
 /// "Enquiry" control character.
-const int $enq               = 0x05;
+const int $enq = 0x05;
 /// "Acknowledgment" control character.
-const int $ack               = 0x06;
+const int $ack = 0x06;
 /// "Bell" control character.
-const int $bel               = 0x07;
+const int $bel = 0x07;
 /// "Backspace" control character.
-const int $bs                = 0x08;
+const int $bs = 0x08;
 /// "Horizontal Tab" control character.
-const int $ht                = 0x09;
+const int $ht = 0x09;
 /// "Horizontal Tab" control character, common name.
-const int $tab               = 0x09;
+const int $tab = 0x09;
 /// "Line feed" control character.
-const int $lf                = 0x0A;
+const int $lf = 0x0A;
 /// "Vertical Tab" control character.
-const int $vt                = 0x0B;
+const int $vt = 0x0B;
 /// "Form feed" control character.
-const int $ff                = 0x0C;
+const int $ff = 0x0C;
 /// "Carriage return" control character.
-const int $cr                = 0x0D;
+const int $cr = 0x0D;
 /// "Shift Out" control character.
-const int $so                = 0x0E;
+const int $so = 0x0E;
 /// "Shift In" control character.
-const int $si                = 0x0F;
+const int $si = 0x0F;
 /// "Data Link Escape" control character.
-const int $dle               = 0x10;
+const int $dle = 0x10;
 /// "Device Control 1" control character (oft. XON).
-const int $dc1               = 0x11;
+const int $dc1 = 0x11;
 /// "Device Control 2" control character.
-const int $dc2               = 0x12;
+const int $dc2 = 0x12;
 /// "Device Control 3" control character (oft. XOFF).
-const int $dc3               = 0x13;
+const int $dc3 = 0x13;
 /// "Device Control 4" control character.
-const int $dc4               = 0x14;
+const int $dc4 = 0x14;
 /// "Negative Acknowledgment" control character.
-const int $nak               = 0x15;
+const int $nak = 0x15;
 /// "Synchronous idle" control character.
-const int $syn               = 0x16;
+const int $syn = 0x16;
 /// "End of Transmission Block" control character.
-const int $etb               = 0x17;
+const int $etb = 0x17;
 /// "Cancel" control character.
-const int $can               = 0x18;
+const int $can = 0x18;
 /// "End of Medium" control character.
-const int $em                = 0x19;
+const int $em = 0x19;
 /// "Substitute" control character.
-const int $sub               = 0x1A;
+const int $sub = 0x1A;
 /// "Escape" control character.
-const int $esc               = 0x1B;
+const int $esc = 0x1B;
 /// "File Separator" control character.
-const int $fs                = 0x1C;
+const int $fs = 0x1C;
 /// "Group Separator" control character.
-const int $gs                = 0x1D;
+const int $gs = 0x1D;
 /// "Record Separator" control character.
-const int $rs                = 0x1E;
+const int $rs = 0x1E;
 /// "Unit Separator" control character.
-const int $us                = 0x1F;
+const int $us = 0x1F;
 /// "Delete" control character.
-const int $del               = 0x7F;
+const int $del = 0x7F;
 // Visible characters.
 /// Space character.
-const int $space             = 0x20;
+const int $space = 0x20;
 /// Character '!'.
-const int $exclamation       = 0x21;
+const int $exclamation = 0x21;
 /// Character '"', short name.
-const int $quot              = 0x22;
+const int $quot = 0x22;
 /// Character '"'.
-const int $quote             = 0x22;
+const int $quote = 0x22;
 /// Character '"'.
-const int $double_quote      = 0x22;
+const int $double_quote = 0x22;
 /// Character '"'.
-const int $quotation         = 0x22;
+const int $quotation = 0x22;
 /// Character '#'.
-const int $hash              = 0x23;
+const int $hash = 0x23;
 /// Character '$'.
-const int $$                 = 0x24;
+const int $$ = 0x24;
 /// Character '$'.
-const int $dollar            = 0x24;
+const int $dollar = 0x24;
 /// Character '%'.
-const int $percent           = 0x25;
+const int $percent = 0x25;
 /// Character '&', short name.
-const int $amp               = 0x26;
+const int $amp = 0x26;
 /// Character '&'.
-const int $ampersand         = 0x26;
+const int $ampersand = 0x26;
 /// Character "'".
-const int $apos              = 0x27;
+const int $apos = 0x27;
 /// Character '''.
-const int $apostrophe        = 0x27;
+const int $apostrophe = 0x27;
 /// Character '''.
-const int $single_quote      = 0x27;
+const int $single_quote = 0x27;
 /// Character '('.
-const int $lparen            = 0x28;
+const int $lparen = 0x28;
 /// Character '('.
-const int $open_paren        = 0x28;
+const int $open_paren = 0x28;
 /// Character '('.
-const int $open_parenthesis  = 0x28;
+const int $open_parenthesis = 0x28;
 /// Character ')'.
-const int $rparen            = 0x29;
+const int $rparen = 0x29;
 /// Character ')'.
-const int $close_paren       = 0x29;
+const int $close_paren = 0x29;
 /// Character ')'.
 const int $close_parenthesis = 0x29;
 /// Character '*'.
-const int $asterisk          = 0x2A;
+const int $asterisk = 0x2A;
 /// Character '+'.
-const int $plus              = 0x2B;
+const int $plus = 0x2B;
 /// Character ','.
-const int $comma             = 0x2C;
+const int $comma = 0x2C;
 /// Character '-'.
-const int $minus             = 0x2D;
+const int $minus = 0x2D;
 /// Character '-'.
-const int $dash              = 0x2D;
+const int $dash = 0x2D;
 /// Character '.'.
-const int $dot               = 0x2E;
+const int $dot = 0x2E;
 /// Character '.'.
-const int $fullstop          = 0x2E;
+const int $fullstop = 0x2E;
 /// Character '/'.
-const int $slash             = 0x2F;
+const int $slash = 0x2F;
 /// Character '/'.
-const int $solidus           = 0x2F;
+const int $solidus = 0x2F;
 /// Character '/'.
-const int $division          = 0x2F;
+const int $division = 0x2F;
 /// Character '0'.
-const int $0                 = 0x30;
+const int $0 = 0x30;
 /// Character '1'.
-const int $1                 = 0x31;
+const int $1 = 0x31;
 /// Character '2'.
-const int $2                 = 0x32;
+const int $2 = 0x32;
 /// Character '3'.
-const int $3                 = 0x33;
+const int $3 = 0x33;
 /// Character '4'.
-const int $4                 = 0x34;
+const int $4 = 0x34;
 /// Character '5'.
-const int $5                 = 0x35;
+const int $5 = 0x35;
 /// Character '6'.
-const int $6                 = 0x36;
+const int $6 = 0x36;
 /// Character '7'.
-const int $7                 = 0x37;
+const int $7 = 0x37;
 /// Character '8'.
-const int $8                 = 0x38;
+const int $8 = 0x38;
 /// Character '9'.
-const int $9                 = 0x39;
+const int $9 = 0x39;
 /// Character ':'.
-const int $colon             = 0x3A;
+const int $colon = 0x3A;
 /// Character ';'.
-const int $semicolon         = 0x3B;
+const int $semicolon = 0x3B;
 /// Character '<'.
-const int $lt                = 0x3C;
+const int $lt = 0x3C;
 /// Character '<'.
-const int $less_than         = 0x3C;
+const int $less_than = 0x3C;
 /// Character '<'.
-const int $langle            = 0x3C;
+const int $langle = 0x3C;
 /// Character '<'.
-const int $open_angle        = 0x3C;
+const int $open_angle = 0x3C;
 /// Character '='.
-const int $equal             = 0x3D;
+const int $equal = 0x3D;
 /// Character '>'.
-const int $gt                = 0x3E;
+const int $gt = 0x3E;
 /// Character '>'.
-const int $greater_than      = 0x3E;
+const int $greater_than = 0x3E;
 /// Character '>'.
-const int $rangle            = 0x3E;
+const int $rangle = 0x3E;
 /// Character '>'.
-const int $close_angle       = 0x3E;
+const int $close_angle = 0x3E;
 /// Character '?'.
-const int $question          = 0x3F;
+const int $question = 0x3F;
 /// Character '@'.
-const int $at                = 0x40;
+const int $at = 0x40;
 /// Character 'A'.
-const int $A                 = 0x41;
+const int $A = 0x41;
 /// Character 'B'.
-const int $B                 = 0x42;
+const int $B = 0x42;
 /// Character 'C'.
-const int $C                 = 0x43;
+const int $C = 0x43;
 /// Character 'D'.
-const int $D                 = 0x44;
+const int $D = 0x44;
 /// Character 'E'.
-const int $E                 = 0x45;
+const int $E = 0x45;
 /// Character 'F'.
-const int $F                 = 0x46;
+const int $F = 0x46;
 /// Character 'G'.
-const int $G                 = 0x47;
+const int $G = 0x47;
 /// Character 'H'.
-const int $H                 = 0x48;
+const int $H = 0x48;
 /// Character 'I'.
-const int $I                 = 0x49;
+const int $I = 0x49;
 /// Character 'J'.
-const int $J                 = 0x4A;
+const int $J = 0x4A;
 /// Character 'K'.
-const int $K                 = 0x4B;
+const int $K = 0x4B;
 /// Character 'L'.
-const int $L                 = 0x4C;
+const int $L = 0x4C;
 /// Character 'M'.
-const int $M                 = 0x4D;
+const int $M = 0x4D;
 /// Character 'N'.
-const int $N                 = 0x4E;
+const int $N = 0x4E;
 /// Character 'O'.
-const int $O                 = 0x4F;
+const int $O = 0x4F;
 /// Character 'P'.
-const int $P                 = 0x50;
+const int $P = 0x50;
 /// Character 'Q'.
-const int $Q                 = 0x51;
+const int $Q = 0x51;
 /// Character 'R'.
-const int $R                 = 0x52;
+const int $R = 0x52;
 /// Character 'S'.
-const int $S                 = 0x53;
+const int $S = 0x53;
 /// Character 'T'.
-const int $T                 = 0x54;
+const int $T = 0x54;
 /// Character 'U'.
-const int $U                 = 0x55;
+const int $U = 0x55;
 /// Character 'V'.
-const int $V                 = 0x56;
+const int $V = 0x56;
 /// Character 'W'.
-const int $W                 = 0x57;
+const int $W = 0x57;
 /// Character 'X'.
-const int $X                 = 0x58;
+const int $X = 0x58;
 /// Character 'Y'.
-const int $Y                 = 0x59;
+const int $Y = 0x59;
 /// Character 'Z'.
-const int $Z                 = 0x5A;
+const int $Z = 0x5A;
 /// Character '['.
-const int $lbracket          = 0x5B;
+const int $lbracket = 0x5B;
 /// Character '['.
-const int $open_bracket      = 0x5B;
+const int $open_bracket = 0x5B;
 /// Character '\'.
-const int $backslash         = 0x5C;
+const int $backslash = 0x5C;
 /// Character ']'.
-const int $rbracket          = 0x5D;
+const int $rbracket = 0x5D;
 /// Character ']'.
-const int $close_bracket     = 0x5D;
+const int $close_bracket = 0x5D;
 /// Character '^'.
-const int $circumflex        = 0x5E;
+const int $circumflex = 0x5E;
 /// Character '^'.
-const int $caret             = 0x5E;
+const int $caret = 0x5E;
 /// Character '^'.
-const int $hat               = 0x5E;
+const int $hat = 0x5E;
 /// Character '_'.
-const int $_                 = 0x5F;
+const int $_ = 0x5F;
 /// Character '_'.
-const int $underscore        = 0x5F;
+const int $underscore = 0x5F;
 /// Character '_'.
-const int $underline         = 0x5F;
+const int $underline = 0x5F;
 /// Character '`'.
-const int $backquote         = 0x60;
+const int $backquote = 0x60;
 /// Character '`'.
-const int $grave             = 0x60;
+const int $grave = 0x60;
 /// Character 'a'.
-const int $a                 = 0x61;
+const int $a = 0x61;
 /// Character 'b'.
-const int $b                 = 0x62;
+const int $b = 0x62;
 /// Character 'c'.
-const int $c                 = 0x63;
+const int $c = 0x63;
 /// Character 'd'.
-const int $d                 = 0x64;
+const int $d = 0x64;
 /// Character 'e'.
-const int $e                 = 0x65;
+const int $e = 0x65;
 /// Character 'f'.
-const int $f                 = 0x66;
+const int $f = 0x66;
 /// Character 'g'.
-const int $g                 = 0x67;
+const int $g = 0x67;
 /// Character 'h'.
-const int $h                 = 0x68;
+const int $h = 0x68;
 /// Character 'i'.
-const int $i                 = 0x69;
+const int $i = 0x69;
 /// Character 'j'.
-const int $j                 = 0x6A;
+const int $j = 0x6A;
 /// Character 'k'.
-const int $k                 = 0x6B;
+const int $k = 0x6B;
 /// Character 'l'.
-const int $l                 = 0x6C;
+const int $l = 0x6C;
 /// Character 'm'.
-const int $m                 = 0x6D;
+const int $m = 0x6D;
 /// Character 'n'.
-const int $n                 = 0x6E;
+const int $n = 0x6E;
 /// Character 'o'.
-const int $o                 = 0x6F;
+const int $o = 0x6F;
 /// Character 'p'.
-const int $p                 = 0x70;
+const int $p = 0x70;
 /// Character 'q'.
-const int $q                 = 0x71;
+const int $q = 0x71;
 /// Character 'r'.
-const int $r                 = 0x72;
+const int $r = 0x72;
 /// Character 's'.
-const int $s                 = 0x73;
+const int $s = 0x73;
 /// Character 't'.
-const int $t                 = 0x74;
+const int $t = 0x74;
 /// Character 'u'.
-const int $u                 = 0x75;
+const int $u = 0x75;
 /// Character 'v'.
-const int $v                 = 0x76;
+const int $v = 0x76;
 /// Character 'w'.
-const int $w                 = 0x77;
+const int $w = 0x77;
 /// Character 'x'.
-const int $x                 = 0x78;
+const int $x = 0x78;
 /// Character 'y'.
-const int $y                 = 0x79;
+const int $y = 0x79;
 /// Character 'z'.
-const int $z                 = 0x7A;
+const int $z = 0x7A;
 /// Character '{'.
-const int $lbrace            = 0x7B;
+const int $lbrace = 0x7B;
 /// Character '{'.
-const int $open_brace        = 0x7B;
+const int $open_brace = 0x7B;
 /// Character '|'.
-const int $pipe              = 0x7C;
+const int $pipe = 0x7C;
 /// Character '|'.
-const int $bar               = 0x7C;
+const int $bar = 0x7C;
 /// Character '}'.
-const int $rbrace            = 0x7D;
+const int $rbrace = 0x7D;
 /// Character '}'.
-const int $close_brace       = 0x7D;
+const int $close_brace = 0x7D;
 /// Character '~'.
-const int $tilde             = 0x7E;
+const int $tilde = 0x7E;
diff --git a/lib/html_entity.dart b/lib/html_entity.dart
index 507afd4..221fd53 100644
--- a/lib/html_entity.dart
+++ b/lib/html_entity.dart
@@ -24,500 +24,748 @@
 export "ascii.dart" show $quot, $amp, $apos, $lt, $gt;
 /// no-break space (non-breaking space)
-const int $nbsp     = 0x00A0;
+const int $nbsp = 0x00A0;
 /// inverted exclamation mark ('¡')
-const int $iexcl    = 0x00A1;
+const int $iexcl = 0x00A1;
 /// cent sign ('¢')
-const int $cent     = 0x00A2;
+const int $cent = 0x00A2;
 /// pound sign ('£')
-const int $pound    = 0x00A3;
+const int $pound = 0x00A3;
 /// currency sign ('¤')
-const int $curren   = 0x00A4;
+const int $curren = 0x00A4;
 /// yen sign (yuan sign) ('¥')
-const int $yen      = 0x00A5;
+const int $yen = 0x00A5;
 /// broken bar (broken vertical bar) ('¦')
-const int $brvbar   = 0x00A6;
+const int $brvbar = 0x00A6;
 /// section sign ('§')
-const int $sect     = 0x00A7;
+const int $sect = 0x00A7;
 /// diaeresis (spacing diaeresis); see Germanic umlaut ('¨')
-const int $uml      = 0x00A8;
+const int $uml = 0x00A8;
 /// copyright symbol ('©')
-const int $copy     = 0x00A9;
+const int $copy = 0x00A9;
 /// feminine ordinal indicator ('ª')
-const int $ordf     = 0x00AA;
+const int $ordf = 0x00AA;
 /// left-pointing double angle quotation mark (left pointing guillemet) ('«')
-const int $laquo    = 0x00AB;
+const int $laquo = 0x00AB;
 /// not sign ('¬')
-const int $not      = 0x00AC;
+const int $not = 0x00AC;
 /// soft hyphen (discretionary hyphen)
-const int $shy      = 0x00AD;
+const int $shy = 0x00AD;
 /// registered sign (registered trademark symbol) ('®')
-const int $reg      = 0x00AE;
+const int $reg = 0x00AE;
 /// macron (spacing macron, overline, APL overbar) ('¯')
-const int $macr     = 0x00AF;
+const int $macr = 0x00AF;
 /// degree symbol ('°')
-const int $deg      = 0x00B0;
+const int $deg = 0x00B0;
 /// plus-minus sign (plus-or-minus sign) ('±')
-const int $plusmn   = 0x00B1;
+const int $plusmn = 0x00B1;
 /// superscript two (superscript digit two, squared) ('²')
-const int $sup2     = 0x00B2;
+const int $sup2 = 0x00B2;
 /// superscript three (superscript digit three, cubed) ('³')
-const int $sup3     = 0x00B3;
+const int $sup3 = 0x00B3;
 /// acute accent (spacing acute) ('´')
-const int $acute    = 0x00B4;
+const int $acute = 0x00B4;
 /// micro sign ('µ')
-const int $micro    = 0x00B5;
+const int $micro = 0x00B5;
 /// pilcrow sign (paragraph sign) ('¶')
-const int $para     = 0x00B6;
+const int $para = 0x00B6;
 /// middle dot (Georgian comma, Greek middle dot) ('·')
-const int $middot   = 0x00B7;
+const int $middot = 0x00B7;
 /// cedilla (spacing cedilla) ('¸')
-const int $cedil    = 0x00B8;
+const int $cedil = 0x00B8;
 /// superscript one (superscript digit one) ('¹')
-const int $sup1     = 0x00B9;
+const int $sup1 = 0x00B9;
 /// masculine ordinal indicator ('º')
-const int $ordm     = 0x00BA;
+const int $ordm = 0x00BA;
 /// right-pointing double angle quotation mark (right pointing guillemet) ('»')
-const int $raquo    = 0x00BB;
+const int $raquo = 0x00BB;
 /// vulgar fraction one quarter (fraction one quarter) ('¼')
-const int $frac14   = 0x00BC;
+const int $frac14 = 0x00BC;
 /// vulgar fraction one half (fraction one half) ('½')
-const int $frac12   = 0x00BD;
+const int $frac12 = 0x00BD;
 /// vulgar fraction three quarters (fraction three quarters) ('¾')
-const int $frac34   = 0x00BE;
+const int $frac34 = 0x00BE;
 /// inverted question mark (turned question mark) ('¿')
-const int $iquest   = 0x00BF;
+const int $iquest = 0x00BF;
 /// Latin capital letter A with grave accent (Latin capital letter A grave) ('À')
-const int $Agrave   = 0x00C0;
+const int $Agrave = 0x00C0;
 /// Latin capital letter A with acute accent ('Á')
-const int $Aacute   = 0x00C1;
+const int $Aacute = 0x00C1;
 /// Latin capital letter A with circumflex ('Â')
-const int $Acirc    = 0x00C2;
+const int $Acirc = 0x00C2;
 /// Latin capital letter A with tilde ('Ã')
-const int $Atilde   = 0x00C3;
+const int $Atilde = 0x00C3;
 /// Latin capital letter A with diaeresis ('Ä')
-const int $Auml     = 0x00C4;
+const int $Auml = 0x00C4;
 /// Latin capital letter A with ring above (Latin capital letter A ring) ('Å')
-const int $Aring    = 0x00C5;
+const int $Aring = 0x00C5;
 /// Latin capital letter AE (Latin capital ligature AE) ('Æ')
-const int $AElig    = 0x00C6;
+const int $AElig = 0x00C6;
 /// Latin capital letter C with cedilla ('Ç')
-const int $Ccedil   = 0x00C7;
+const int $Ccedil = 0x00C7;
 /// Latin capital letter E with grave accent ('È')
-const int $Egrave   = 0x00C8;
+const int $Egrave = 0x00C8;
 /// Latin capital letter E with acute accent ('É')
-const int $Eacute   = 0x00C9;
+const int $Eacute = 0x00C9;
 /// Latin capital letter E with circumflex ('Ê')
-const int $Ecirc    = 0x00CA;
+const int $Ecirc = 0x00CA;
 /// Latin capital letter E with diaeresis ('Ë')
-const int $Euml     = 0x00CB;
+const int $Euml = 0x00CB;
 /// Latin capital letter I with grave accent ('Ì')
-const int $Igrave   = 0x00CC;
+const int $Igrave = 0x00CC;
 /// Latin capital letter I with acute accent ('Í')
-const int $Iacute   = 0x00CD;
+const int $Iacute = 0x00CD;
 /// Latin capital letter I with circumflex ('Î')
-const int $Icirc    = 0x00CE;
+const int $Icirc = 0x00CE;
 /// Latin capital letter I with diaeresis ('Ï')
-const int $Iuml     = 0x00CF;
+const int $Iuml = 0x00CF;
 /// Latin capital letter Eth ('Ð')
-const int $ETH      = 0x00D0;
+const int $ETH = 0x00D0;
 /// Latin capital letter N with tilde ('Ñ')
-const int $Ntilde   = 0x00D1;
+const int $Ntilde = 0x00D1;
 /// Latin capital letter O with grave accent ('Ò')
-const int $Ograve   = 0x00D2;
+const int $Ograve = 0x00D2;
 /// Latin capital letter O with acute accent ('Ó')
-const int $Oacute   = 0x00D3;
+const int $Oacute = 0x00D3;
 /// Latin capital letter O with circumflex ('Ô')
-const int $Ocirc    = 0x00D4;
+const int $Ocirc = 0x00D4;
 /// Latin capital letter O with tilde ('Õ')
-const int $Otilde   = 0x00D5;
+const int $Otilde = 0x00D5;
 /// Latin capital letter O with diaeresis ('Ö')
-const int $Ouml     = 0x00D6;
+const int $Ouml = 0x00D6;
 /// multiplication sign ('×')
-const int $times    = 0x00D7;
+const int $times = 0x00D7;
 /// Latin capital letter O with stroke (Latin capital letter O slash) ('Ø')
-const int $Oslash   = 0x00D8;
+const int $Oslash = 0x00D8;
 /// Latin capital letter U with grave accent ('Ù')
-const int $Ugrave   = 0x00D9;
+const int $Ugrave = 0x00D9;
 /// Latin capital letter U with acute accent ('Ú')
-const int $Uacute   = 0x00DA;
+const int $Uacute = 0x00DA;
 /// Latin capital letter U with circumflex ('Û')
-const int $Ucirc    = 0x00DB;
+const int $Ucirc = 0x00DB;
 /// Latin capital letter U with diaeresis ('Ü')
-const int $Uuml     = 0x00DC;
+const int $Uuml = 0x00DC;
 /// Latin capital letter Y with acute accent ('Ý')
-const int $Yacute   = 0x00DD;
+const int $Yacute = 0x00DD;
 /// Latin capital letter THORN ('Þ')
-const int $THORN    = 0x00DE;
+const int $THORN = 0x00DE;
 /// Latin small letter sharp s (ess-zed); see German Eszett ('ß')
-const int $szlig    = 0x00DF;
+const int $szlig = 0x00DF;
 /// Latin small letter a with grave accent ('à')
-const int $agrave   = 0x00E0;
+const int $agrave = 0x00E0;
 /// Latin small letter a with acute accent ('á')
-const int $aacute   = 0x00E1;
+const int $aacute = 0x00E1;
 /// Latin small letter a with circumflex ('â')
-const int $acirc    = 0x00E2;
+const int $acirc = 0x00E2;
 /// Latin small letter a with tilde ('ã')
-const int $atilde   = 0x00E3;
+const int $atilde = 0x00E3;
 /// Latin small letter a with diaeresis ('ä')
-const int $auml     = 0x00E4;
+const int $auml = 0x00E4;
 /// Latin small letter a with ring above ('å')
-const int $aring    = 0x00E5;
+const int $aring = 0x00E5;
 /// Latin small letter ae (Latin small ligature ae) ('æ')
-const int $aelig    = 0x00E6;
+const int $aelig = 0x00E6;
 /// Latin small letter c with cedilla ('ç')
-const int $ccedil   = 0x00E7;
+const int $ccedil = 0x00E7;
 /// Latin small letter e with grave accent ('è')
-const int $egrave   = 0x00E8;
+const int $egrave = 0x00E8;
 /// Latin small letter e with acute accent ('é')
-const int $eacute   = 0x00E9;
+const int $eacute = 0x00E9;
 /// Latin small letter e with circumflex ('ê')
-const int $ecirc    = 0x00EA;
+const int $ecirc = 0x00EA;
 /// Latin small letter e with diaeresis ('ë')
-const int $euml     = 0x00EB;
+const int $euml = 0x00EB;
 /// Latin small letter i with grave accent ('ì')
-const int $igrave   = 0x00EC;
+const int $igrave = 0x00EC;
 /// Latin small letter i with acute accent ('í')
-const int $iacute   = 0x00ED;
+const int $iacute = 0x00ED;
 /// Latin small letter i with circumflex ('î')
-const int $icirc    = 0x00EE;
+const int $icirc = 0x00EE;
 /// Latin small letter i with diaeresis ('ï')
-const int $iuml     = 0x00EF;
+const int $iuml = 0x00EF;
 /// Latin small letter eth ('ð')
-const int $eth      = 0x00F0;
+const int $eth = 0x00F0;
 /// Latin small letter n with tilde ('ñ')
-const int $ntilde   = 0x00F1;
+const int $ntilde = 0x00F1;
 /// Latin small letter o with grave accent ('ò')
-const int $ograve   = 0x00F2;
+const int $ograve = 0x00F2;
 /// Latin small letter o with acute accent ('ó')
-const int $oacute   = 0x00F3;
+const int $oacute = 0x00F3;
 /// Latin small letter o with circumflex ('ô')
-const int $ocirc    = 0x00F4;
+const int $ocirc = 0x00F4;
 /// Latin small letter o with tilde ('õ')
-const int $otilde   = 0x00F5;
+const int $otilde = 0x00F5;
 /// Latin small letter o with diaeresis ('ö')
-const int $ouml     = 0x00F6;
+const int $ouml = 0x00F6;
 /// division sign (obelus) ('÷')
-const int $divide   = 0x00F7;
+const int $divide = 0x00F7;
 /// Latin small letter o with stroke (Latin small letter o slash) ('ø')
-const int $oslash   = 0x00F8;
+const int $oslash = 0x00F8;
 /// Latin small letter u with grave accent ('ù')
-const int $ugrave   = 0x00F9;
+const int $ugrave = 0x00F9;
 /// Latin small letter u with acute accent ('ú')
-const int $uacute   = 0x00FA;
+const int $uacute = 0x00FA;
 /// Latin small letter u with circumflex ('û')
-const int $ucirc    = 0x00FB;
+const int $ucirc = 0x00FB;
 /// Latin small letter u with diaeresis ('ü')
-const int $uuml     = 0x00FC;
+const int $uuml = 0x00FC;
 /// Latin small letter y with acute accent ('ý')
-const int $yacute   = 0x00FD;
+const int $yacute = 0x00FD;
 /// Latin small letter thorn ('þ')
-const int $thorn    = 0x00FE;
+const int $thorn = 0x00FE;
 /// Latin small letter y with diaeresis ('ÿ')
-const int $yuml     = 0x00FF;
+const int $yuml = 0x00FF;
 /// Latin capital ligature oe ('Œ')
-const int $OElig    = 0x0152;
+const int $OElig = 0x0152;
 /// Latin small ligature oe ('œ')
-const int $oelig    = 0x0153;
+const int $oelig = 0x0153;
 /// Latin capital letter s with caron ('Š')
-const int $Scaron   = 0x0160;
+const int $Scaron = 0x0160;
 /// Latin small letter s with caron ('š')
-const int $scaron   = 0x0161;
+const int $scaron = 0x0161;
 /// Latin capital letter y with diaeresis ('Ÿ')
-const int $Yuml     = 0x0178;
+const int $Yuml = 0x0178;
 /// Latin small letter f with hook (function, florin) ('ƒ')
-const int $fnof     = 0x0192;
+const int $fnof = 0x0192;
 /// modifier letter circumflex accent ('ˆ')
-const int $circ     = 0x02C6;
+const int $circ = 0x02C6;
 /// small tilde ('˜')
-const int $tilde    = 0x02DC;
+const int $tilde = 0x02DC;
 /// Greek capital letter Alpha ('Α')
-const int $Alpha    = 0x0391;
+const int $Alpha = 0x0391;
 /// Greek capital letter Beta ('Β')
-const int $Beta     = 0x0392;
+const int $Beta = 0x0392;
 /// Greek capital letter Gamma ('Γ')
-const int $Gamma    = 0x0393;
+const int $Gamma = 0x0393;
 /// Greek capital letter Delta ('Δ')
-const int $Delta    = 0x0394;
+const int $Delta = 0x0394;
 /// Greek capital letter Epsilon ('Ε')
-const int $Epsilon  = 0x0395;
+const int $Epsilon = 0x0395;
 /// Greek capital letter Zeta ('Ζ')
-const int $Zeta     = 0x0396;
+const int $Zeta = 0x0396;
 /// Greek capital letter Eta ('Η')
-const int $Eta      = 0x0397;
+const int $Eta = 0x0397;
 /// Greek capital letter Theta ('Θ')
-const int $Theta    = 0x0398;
+const int $Theta = 0x0398;
 /// Greek capital letter Iota ('Ι')
-const int $Iota     = 0x0399;
+const int $Iota = 0x0399;
 /// Greek capital letter Kappa ('Κ')
-const int $Kappa    = 0x039A;
+const int $Kappa = 0x039A;
 /// Greek capital letter Lambda ('Λ')
-const int $Lambda   = 0x039B;
+const int $Lambda = 0x039B;
 /// Greek capital letter Mu ('Μ')
-const int $Mu       = 0x039C;
+const int $Mu = 0x039C;
 /// Greek capital letter Nu ('Ν')
-const int $Nu       = 0x039D;
+const int $Nu = 0x039D;
 /// Greek capital letter Xi ('Ξ')
-const int $Xi       = 0x039E;
+const int $Xi = 0x039E;
 /// Greek capital letter Omicron ('Ο')
-const int $Omicron  = 0x039F;
+const int $Omicron = 0x039F;
 /// Greek capital letter Pi ('Π')
-const int $Pi       = 0x03A0;
+const int $Pi = 0x03A0;
 /// Greek capital letter Rho ('Ρ')
-const int $Rho      = 0x03A1;
+const int $Rho = 0x03A1;
 /// Greek capital letter Sigma ('Σ')
-const int $Sigma    = 0x03A3;
+const int $Sigma = 0x03A3;
 /// Greek capital letter Tau ('Τ')
-const int $Tau      = 0x03A4;
+const int $Tau = 0x03A4;
 /// Greek capital letter Upsilon ('Υ')
-const int $Upsilon  = 0x03A5;
+const int $Upsilon = 0x03A5;
 /// Greek capital letter Phi ('Φ')
-const int $Phi      = 0x03A6;
+const int $Phi = 0x03A6;
 /// Greek capital letter Chi ('Χ')
-const int $Chi      = 0x03A7;
+const int $Chi = 0x03A7;
 /// Greek capital letter Psi ('Ψ')
-const int $Psi      = 0x03A8;
+const int $Psi = 0x03A8;
 /// Greek capital letter Omega ('Ω')
-const int $Omega    = 0x03A9;
+const int $Omega = 0x03A9;
 /// Greek small letter alpha ('α')
-const int $alpha    = 0x03B1;
+const int $alpha = 0x03B1;
 /// Greek small letter beta ('β')
-const int $beta     = 0x03B2;
+const int $beta = 0x03B2;
 /// Greek small letter gamma ('γ')
-const int $gamma    = 0x03B3;
+const int $gamma = 0x03B3;
 /// Greek small letter delta ('δ')
-const int $delta    = 0x03B4;
+const int $delta = 0x03B4;
 /// Greek small letter epsilon ('ε')
-const int $epsilon  = 0x03B5;
+const int $epsilon = 0x03B5;
 /// Greek small letter zeta ('ζ')
-const int $zeta     = 0x03B6;
+const int $zeta = 0x03B6;
 /// Greek small letter eta ('η')
-const int $eta      = 0x03B7;
+const int $eta = 0x03B7;
 /// Greek small letter theta ('θ')
-const int $theta    = 0x03B8;
+const int $theta = 0x03B8;
 /// Greek small letter iota ('ι')
-const int $iota     = 0x03B9;
+const int $iota = 0x03B9;
 /// Greek small letter kappa ('κ')
-const int $kappa    = 0x03BA;
+const int $kappa = 0x03BA;
 /// Greek small letter lambda ('λ')
-const int $lambda   = 0x03BB;
+const int $lambda = 0x03BB;
 /// Greek small letter mu ('μ')
-const int $mu       = 0x03BC;
+const int $mu = 0x03BC;
 /// Greek small letter nu ('ν')
-const int $nu       = 0x03BD;
+const int $nu = 0x03BD;
 /// Greek small letter xi ('ξ')
-const int $xi       = 0x03BE;
+const int $xi = 0x03BE;
 /// Greek small letter omicron ('ο')
-const int $omicron  = 0x03BF;
+const int $omicron = 0x03BF;
 /// Greek small letter pi ('π')
-const int $pi       = 0x03C0;
+const int $pi = 0x03C0;
 /// Greek small letter rho ('ρ')
-const int $rho      = 0x03C1;
+const int $rho = 0x03C1;
 /// Greek small letter final sigma ('ς')
-const int $sigmaf   = 0x03C2;
+const int $sigmaf = 0x03C2;
 /// Greek small letter sigma ('σ')
-const int $sigma    = 0x03C3;
+const int $sigma = 0x03C3;
 /// Greek small letter tau ('τ')
-const int $tau      = 0x03C4;
+const int $tau = 0x03C4;
 /// Greek small letter upsilon ('υ')
-const int $upsilon  = 0x03C5;
+const int $upsilon = 0x03C5;
 /// Greek small letter phi ('φ')
-const int $phi      = 0x03C6;
+const int $phi = 0x03C6;
 /// Greek small letter chi ('χ')
-const int $chi      = 0x03C7;
+const int $chi = 0x03C7;
 /// Greek small letter psi ('ψ')
-const int $psi      = 0x03C8;
+const int $psi = 0x03C8;
 /// Greek small letter omega ('ω')
-const int $omega    = 0x03C9;
+const int $omega = 0x03C9;
 /// Greek theta symbol ('ϑ')
 const int $thetasym = 0x03D1;
 /// Greek Upsilon with hook symbol ('ϒ')
-const int $upsih    = 0x03D2;
+const int $upsih = 0x03D2;
 /// Greek pi symbol ('ϖ')
-const int $piv      = 0x03D6;
+const int $piv = 0x03D6;
 /// en space
-const int $ensp     = 0x2002;
+const int $ensp = 0x2002;
 /// em space
-const int $emsp     = 0x2003;
+const int $emsp = 0x2003;
 /// thin space
-const int $thinsp   = 0x2009;
+const int $thinsp = 0x2009;
 /// zero-width non-joiner
-const int $zwnj     = 0x200C;
+const int $zwnj = 0x200C;
 /// zero-width joiner
-const int $zwj      = 0x200D;
+const int $zwj = 0x200D;
 /// left-to-right mark
-const int $lrm      = 0x200E;
+const int $lrm = 0x200E;
 /// right-to-left mark
-const int $rlm      = 0x200F;
+const int $rlm = 0x200F;
 /// en dash ('–')
-const int $ndash    = 0x2013;
+const int $ndash = 0x2013;
 /// em dash ('—')
-const int $mdash    = 0x2014;
+const int $mdash = 0x2014;
 /// left single quotation mark ('‘')
-const int $lsquo    = 0x2018;
+const int $lsquo = 0x2018;
 /// right single quotation mark ('’')
-const int $rsquo    = 0x2019;
+const int $rsquo = 0x2019;
 /// single low-9 quotation mark ('‚')
-const int $sbquo    = 0x201A;
+const int $sbquo = 0x201A;
 /// left double quotation mark ('“')
-const int $ldquo    = 0x201C;
+const int $ldquo = 0x201C;
 /// right double quotation mark ('”')
-const int $rdquo    = 0x201D;
+const int $rdquo = 0x201D;
 /// double low-9 quotation mark ('„')
-const int $bdquo    = 0x201E;
+const int $bdquo = 0x201E;
 /// dagger, obelisk ('†')
-const int $dagger   = 0x2020;
+const int $dagger = 0x2020;
 /// double dagger, double obelisk ('‡')
-const int $Dagger   = 0x2021;
+const int $Dagger = 0x2021;
 /// bullet (black small circle) ('•')
-const int $bull     = 0x2022;
+const int $bull = 0x2022;
 /// horizontal ellipsis (three dot leader) ('…')
-const int $hellip   = 0x2026;
+const int $hellip = 0x2026;
 /// per mille sign ('‰')
-const int $permil   = 0x2030;
+const int $permil = 0x2030;
 /// prime (minutes, feet) ('′')
-const int $prime    = 0x2032;
+const int $prime = 0x2032;
 /// double prime (seconds, inches) ('″')
-const int $Prime    = 0x2033;
+const int $Prime = 0x2033;
 /// single left-pointing angle quotation mark ('‹')
-const int $lsaquo   = 0x2039;
+const int $lsaquo = 0x2039;
 /// single right-pointing angle quotation mark ('›')
-const int $rsaquo   = 0x203A;
+const int $rsaquo = 0x203A;
 /// overline (spacing overscore) ('‾')
-const int $oline    = 0x203E;
+const int $oline = 0x203E;
 /// fraction slash (solidus) ('⁄')
-const int $frasl    = 0x2044;
+const int $frasl = 0x2044;
 /// euro sign ('€')
-const int $euro     = 0x20AC;
+const int $euro = 0x20AC;
 /// black-letter capital I (imaginary part) ('ℑ')
-const int $image    = 0x2111;
+const int $image = 0x2111;
 /// script capital P (power set, Weierstrass p) ('℘')
-const int $weierp   = 0x2118;
+const int $weierp = 0x2118;
 /// black-letter capital R (real part symbol) ('ℜ')
-const int $real     = 0x211C;
+const int $real = 0x211C;
 /// trademark symbol ('™')
-const int $trade    = 0x2122;
+const int $trade = 0x2122;
 /// alef symbol (first transfinite cardinal) ('ℵ')
-const int $alefsym  = 0x2135;
+const int $alefsym = 0x2135;
 /// leftwards arrow ('←')
-const int $larr     = 0x2190;
+const int $larr = 0x2190;
 /// upwards arrow ('↑')
-const int $uarr     = 0x2191;
+const int $uarr = 0x2191;
 /// rightwards arrow ('→')
-const int $rarr     = 0x2192;
+const int $rarr = 0x2192;
 /// downwards arrow ('↓')
-const int $darr     = 0x2193;
+const int $darr = 0x2193;
 /// left right arrow ('↔')
-const int $harr     = 0x2194;
+const int $harr = 0x2194;
 /// downwards arrow with corner leftwards (carriage return) ('↵')
-const int $crarr    = 0x21B5;
+const int $crarr = 0x21B5;
 /// leftwards double arrow ('⇐')
-const int $lArr     = 0x21D0;
+const int $lArr = 0x21D0;
 /// upwards double arrow ('⇑')
-const int $uArr     = 0x21D1;
+const int $uArr = 0x21D1;
 /// rightwards double arrow ('⇒')
-const int $rArr     = 0x21D2;
+const int $rArr = 0x21D2;
 /// downwards double arrow ('⇓')
-const int $dArr     = 0x21D3;
+const int $dArr = 0x21D3;
 /// left right double arrow ('⇔')
-const int $hArr     = 0x21D4;
+const int $hArr = 0x21D4;
 /// for all ('∀')
-const int $forall   = 0x2200;
+const int $forall = 0x2200;
 /// partial differential ('∂')
-const int $part     = 0x2202;
+const int $part = 0x2202;
 /// there exists ('∃')
-const int $exist    = 0x2203;
+const int $exist = 0x2203;
 /// empty set (null set); see also U+8960, ⌀ ('∅')
-const int $empty    = 0x2205;
+const int $empty = 0x2205;
 /// del or nabla (vector differential operator) ('∇')
-const int $nabla    = 0x2207;
+const int $nabla = 0x2207;
 /// element of ('∈')
-const int $isin     = 0x2208;
+const int $isin = 0x2208;
 /// not an element of ('∉')
-const int $notin    = 0x2209;
+const int $notin = 0x2209;
 /// contains as member ('∋')
-const int $ni       = 0x220B;
+const int $ni = 0x220B;
 /// n-ary product (product sign) ('∏')
-const int $prod     = 0x220F;
+const int $prod = 0x220F;
 /// n-ary summation ('∑')
-const int $sum      = 0x2211;
+const int $sum = 0x2211;
 /// minus sign ('−')
-const int $minus    = 0x2212;
+const int $minus = 0x2212;
 /// asterisk operator ('∗')
-const int $lowast   = 0x2217;
+const int $lowast = 0x2217;
 /// square root (radical sign) ('√')
-const int $radic    = 0x221A;
+const int $radic = 0x221A;
 /// proportional to ('∝')
-const int $prop     = 0x221D;
+const int $prop = 0x221D;
 /// infinity ('∞')
-const int $infin    = 0x221E;
+const int $infin = 0x221E;
 /// angle ('∠')
-const int $ang      = 0x2220;
+const int $ang = 0x2220;
 /// logical and (wedge) ('∧')
-const int $and      = 0x2227;
+const int $and = 0x2227;
 /// logical or (vee) ('∨')
-const int $or       = 0x2228;
+const int $or = 0x2228;
 /// intersection (cap) ('∩')
-const int $cap      = 0x2229;
+const int $cap = 0x2229;
 /// union (cup) ('∪')
-const int $cup      = 0x222A;
+const int $cup = 0x222A;
 /// integral ('∫')
-const int $int      = 0x222B;
+const int $int = 0x222B;
 /// therefore sign ('∴')
-const int $there4   = 0x2234;
+const int $there4 = 0x2234;
 /// tilde operator (varies with, similar to) ('∼')
-const int $sim      = 0x223C;
+const int $sim = 0x223C;
 /// congruent to ('≅')
-const int $cong     = 0x2245;
+const int $cong = 0x2245;
 /// almost equal to (asymptotic to) ('≈')
-const int $asymp    = 0x2248;
+const int $asymp = 0x2248;
 /// not equal to ('≠')
-const int $ne       = 0x2260;
+const int $ne = 0x2260;
 /// identical to; sometimes used for 'equivalent to' ('≡')
-const int $equiv    = 0x2261;
+const int $equiv = 0x2261;
 /// less-than or equal to ('≤')
-const int $le       = 0x2264;
+const int $le = 0x2264;
 /// greater-than or equal to ('≥')
-const int $ge       = 0x2265;
+const int $ge = 0x2265;
 /// subset of ('⊂')
-const int $sub      = 0x2282;
+const int $sub = 0x2282;
 /// superset of ('⊃')
-const int $sup      = 0x2283;
+const int $sup = 0x2283;
 /// not a subset of ('⊄')
-const int $nsub     = 0x2284;
+const int $nsub = 0x2284;
 /// subset of or equal to ('⊆')
-const int $sube     = 0x2286;
+const int $sube = 0x2286;
 /// superset of or equal to ('⊇')
-const int $supe     = 0x2287;
+const int $supe = 0x2287;
 /// circled plus (direct sum) ('⊕')
-const int $oplus    = 0x2295;
+const int $oplus = 0x2295;
 /// circled times (vector product) ('⊗')
-const int $otimes   = 0x2297;
+const int $otimes = 0x2297;
 /// up tack (orthogonal to, perpendicular) ('⊥')
-const int $perp     = 0x22A5;
+const int $perp = 0x22A5;
 /// dot operator ('⋅')
-const int $sdot     = 0x22C5;
+const int $sdot = 0x22C5;
 /// vertical ellipsis ('⋮')
-const int $vellip   = 0x22EE;
+const int $vellip = 0x22EE;
 /// left ceiling (APL upstile) ('⌈')
-const int $lceil    = 0x2308;
+const int $lceil = 0x2308;
 /// right ceiling ('⌉')
-const int $rceil    = 0x2309;
+const int $rceil = 0x2309;
 /// left floor (APL downstile) ('⌊')
-const int $lfloor   = 0x230A;
+const int $lfloor = 0x230A;
 /// right floor ('⌋')
-const int $rfloor   = 0x230B;
+const int $rfloor = 0x230B;
 /// left-pointing angle bracket (bra) ('⟨')
-const int $lang     = 0x2329;
+const int $lang = 0x2329;
 /// right-pointing angle bracket (ket) ('⟩')
-const int $rang     = 0x232A;
+const int $rang = 0x232A;
 /// lozenge ('◊')
-const int $loz      = 0x25CA;
+const int $loz = 0x25CA;
 /// black spade suit ('♠')
-const int $spades   = 0x2660;
+const int $spades = 0x2660;
 /// black club suit (shamrock) ('♣')
-const int $clubs    = 0x2663;
+const int $clubs = 0x2663;
 /// black heart suit (valentine) ('♥')
-const int $hearts   = 0x2665;
+const int $hearts = 0x2665;
 /// black diamond suit ('♦')
-const int $diams    = 0x2666;
+const int $diams = 0x2666;