blob: 0a3473585171aa8eddbcf45143fa75c24faf890a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Tests code generation.
/// Runs Dart Dev Compiler on all input in the `codegen` directory and checks
/// that the output is what we expected.
library dev_compiler.test.codegen_test;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart'
show AnalysisContext, AnalysisEngine, Logger;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_engine.dart' show CaughtException;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:cli_util/cli_util.dart' show getSdkDir;
import 'package:logging/logging.dart' show Level;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:dev_compiler/devc.dart';
import 'package:dev_compiler/src/analysis_context.dart';
import 'package:dev_compiler/src/compiler.dart' show defaultRuntimeFiles;
import 'package:dev_compiler/src/options.dart';
import 'package:dev_compiler/src/report.dart' show LogReporter;
import 'testing.dart' show testDirectory;
import 'multitest.dart';
final ArgParser argParser = new ArgParser()
..addOption('dart-sdk', help: 'Dart SDK Path', defaultsTo: null);
final inputDir = path.join(testDirectory, 'codegen');
Iterable<String> _findTests(String dir, RegExp filePattern) {
var files = new Directory(dir)
.where((f) => f is File)
.map((f) => f.path)
.where((p) => p.endsWith('.dart') && filePattern.hasMatch(p));
if (dir != inputDir) {
files = files
.where((p) => p.endsWith('_test.dart') || p.endsWith('_multi.dart'));
return files;
main(arguments) {
if (arguments == null) arguments = [];
ArgResults args = argParser.parse(arguments);
var filePattern = new RegExp( > 0 ?[0] : '.');
var compilerMessages = new StringBuffer();
var loggerSub;
bool codeCoverage = Platform.environment.containsKey('COVERALLS_TOKEN');
setUp(() {
loggerSub = setupLogger(Level.CONFIG, compilerMessages.writeln);
tearDown(() {
if (loggerSub != null) {
loggerSub = null;
var expectDir = path.join(inputDir, 'expect');
BatchCompiler createCompiler(DartUriResolver sdkResolver, {bool checkSdk: false,
bool sourceMaps: false,
bool destructureNamedParams: false,
bool closure: false,
ModuleFormat moduleFormat: ModuleFormat.legacy}) {
String _testCodegenPath(String p1, [String p2]) =>
path.join(testDirectory, 'codegen', p1, p2);
var context = createAnalysisContextWithSources(new SourceResolverOptions(
customUrlMappings: {
'package:expect/expect.dart': _testCodegenPath('expect.dart'),
'package:unittest/unittest.dart': _testCodegenPath('unittest.dart'),
'package:dom/dom.dart': _testCodegenPath('sunflower', 'dom.dart')
}), sdkResolver: sdkResolver);
// TODO(jmesserly): add a way to specify flags in the test file, so
// they're more self-contained.
var runtimeDir = path.join(path.dirname(testDirectory), 'lib', 'runtime');
var options = new CompilerOptions(
codegenOptions: new CodegenOptions(
outputDir: expectDir,
emitSourceMaps: sourceMaps,
closure: closure,
destructureNamedParams: destructureNamedParams,
forceCompile: checkSdk,
moduleFormat: moduleFormat),
useColors: false,
checkSdk: checkSdk,
runtimeDir: runtimeDir,
inputBaseDir: inputDir);
var reporter = new LogReporter(context);
return new BatchCompiler(context, options, reporter: reporter);
bool compile(BatchCompiler compiler, String filePath) {
compiler.compileFromUriString(filePath, (String url) {
// Write compiler messages to disk.
var messagePath = '${path.withoutExtension(url)}.txt';
var file = new File(messagePath);
var message = '''
// Messages from compiling ${path.basenameWithoutExtension(url)}.dart
var dir = file.parent;
if (!dir.existsSync()) dir.createSync(recursive: true);
return !compiler.failure;
var testDirs = <String>['language', path.join('lib', 'typed_data')];
var multitests = new Set<String>();
// Expand wacky multitests into a bunch of test files.
// We'll compile each one as if it was an input.
for (var testDir in testDirs) {
var fullDir = path.join(inputDir, testDir);
var testFiles = _findTests(fullDir, filePattern);
for (var filePath in testFiles) {
if (filePath.endsWith('_multi.dart')) continue;
var contents = new File(filePath).readAsStringSync();
if (isMultiTest(contents)) {
var tests = new Map<String, String>();
var outcomes = new Map<String, Set<String>>();
extractTestsFromMultitest(filePath, contents, tests, outcomes);
var filename = path.basenameWithoutExtension(filePath);
tests.forEach((name, contents) {
new File(path.join(fullDir, '${filename}_${name}_multi.dart'))
var realSdkResolver = createSdkPathResolver(getSdkDir().path);
var batchCompiler = createCompiler(realSdkResolver);
var allDirs = [null];
for (var dir in allDirs) {
if (codeCoverage && dir != null) continue;
group('dartdevc ' + path.join('test', 'codegen', dir), () {
var outDir = new Directory(path.join(expectDir, dir));
if (!outDir.existsSync()) outDir.createSync(recursive: true);
var testFiles = _findTests(path.join(inputDir, dir), filePattern);
for (var filePath in testFiles) {
if (multitests.contains(filePath)) continue;
var filename = path.basenameWithoutExtension(filePath);
test('$filename.dart', () {
// TODO(jmesserly): this was added to get some coverage of source maps
// and closure annotations.
// We need a more comprehensive strategy to test them.
var sourceMaps = filename == 'map_keys';
var closure = filename == 'closure';
var destructureNamedParams = filename == 'destructuring' || closure;
var moduleFormat = filename == 'es6_modules' || closure
? ModuleFormat.es6
: filename == 'node_modules'
? ModuleFormat.node
: ModuleFormat.legacy;
var success;
// TODO(vsm): Is it okay to reuse the same context here? If there is
// overlap between test files, we may need separate ones for each
// compiler.
var compiler = (sourceMaps ||
closure ||
destructureNamedParams ||
moduleFormat != ModuleFormat.legacy)
? createCompiler(realSdkResolver,
sourceMaps: sourceMaps,
destructureNamedParams: destructureNamedParams,
closure: closure,
moduleFormat: moduleFormat)
: batchCompiler;
success = compile(compiler, filePath);
var outFile = new File(path.join(outDir.path, '$filename.js'));
expect(!success || outFile.existsSync(), true,
reason: '${outFile.path} was created if compilation succeeds');
if (codeCoverage) {
group('sdk', () {
// The analyzer does not bubble exception messages for certain internal
// dart:* library failures, such as failing to find
// "_internal/libraries.dart". Instead it produces an opaque "failed to
// instantiate dart:core" message. To remedy this we hook up an analysis
// logger that prints these messages.
var savedLogger;
setUp(() {
savedLogger = AnalysisEngine.instance.logger;
AnalysisEngine.instance.logger = new PrintLogger();
tearDown(() {
AnalysisEngine.instance.logger = savedLogger;
test('devc dart:core', () {
var testSdkResolver = createSdkPathResolver(path.join(
testDirectory, '..', 'tool', 'generated_sdk'));
// Get the test SDK. We use a checked in copy so test expectations can
// be generated against a specific SDK version.
var compiler = createCompiler(testSdkResolver, checkSdk: true);
compile(compiler, 'dart:core');
var outFile = new File(path.join(expectDir, 'dart/core.js'));
expect(outFile.existsSync(), true,
reason: '${outFile.path} was created for dart:core');
var expectedRuntime = => 'dev_compiler/runtime/$f');
test('devc jscodegen sunflower.html', () {
var filePath = path.join(inputDir, 'sunflower', 'sunflower.html');
var success = compile(batchCompiler, filePath);
var expectedFiles = ['sunflower.html', 'sunflower.js',];
for (var filepath in expectedFiles) {
var outFile = new File(path.join(expectDir, 'sunflower', filepath));
expect(outFile.existsSync(), success,
reason: '${outFile.path} was created iff compilation succeeds');
test('devc jscodegen html_input.html', () {
var filePath = path.join(inputDir, 'html_input.html');
var success = compile(batchCompiler, filePath);
var expectedFiles = [
for (var filepath in expectedFiles) {
var outFile = new File(path.join(expectDir, filepath));
expect(outFile.existsSync(), success,
reason: '${outFile.path} was created iff compilation succeeds');
/// An implementation of analysis engine's [Logger] that prints.
class PrintLogger implements Logger {
void logError(String message, [CaughtException exception]) {
print('[AnalysisEngine] error $message $exception');
void logInformation(String message, [CaughtException exception]) {}
void logInformation2(String message, Object exception) {}