blob: 5f6a853651cc7c5d4a2e8eac9a8e72514035de3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'ast.dart';
// An identifier here is defined as:
// * A sequence of `_`, `$`, letters or digits,
// * where no `$` comes after a digit.
final _identifier = RegExp(r'^[_$a-z]+(\d[_a-z\d]*)?$', caseSensitive: false);
// A lower camel-case here is defined as:
// * Any number of optional leading underscores,
// * a lower case letter, `$` or `?` followed by a "word-tail"
// (a sequence of lower-case letters, digits, `$` or `?`),
// * followed by any number of either
// * an upper case letter followed by a word tail, or
// * an underscore and then a digit followed by a word tail.
// * and potentially ended by a single optional underscore.
final _lowerCamelCase =
// A lower-case underscore (snake-case) is here defined as:
// * A sequence of lower-case letters, digits and underscores,
// * starting with a lower-case letter, and
// * with no two adjacent underscores,
// * and not ending in an underscore.
final _lowerCaseUnderScore = RegExp(r'^[a-z](?:_?[a-z\d])*$');
@Deprecated('Prefer: ascii_utils.isValidFileName')
final _lowerCaseUnderScoreWithDots =
// A lower-case underscored (snake-case) with leading underscores is defined as
// * An optional leading sequence of any number of underscores,
// * followed by a sequence of lower-case letters, digits and underscores,
// * with no two adjacent underscores,
// * and not ending in an underscore.
final _lowerCaseUnderScoreWithLeadingUnderscores =
final _pubspec = RegExp(r'^_?pubspec\.yaml$');
// A library prefix here is defined as:
// * An optional leading `?`,
// * then any number of underscores, `_`,
// * then a lower-case letter,
// * followed by any number of lower-case letters, digits and underscores.
final _validLibraryPrefix = RegExp(r'^\$?_*[a-z][_a-z\d]*$');
/// Returns `true` if the given [name] has a leading `_`.
bool hasLeadingUnderscore(String name) => name.startsWith('_');
/// Check if this [string] is formatted in `CamelCase`.
bool isCamelCase(String string) => CamelCaseString.isCamelCase(string);
/// Returns `true` if this [fileName] is a Dart file.
bool isDartFileName(String fileName) => fileName.endsWith('.dart');
/// Returns `true` if this [name] is a legal Dart identifier.
bool isIdentifier(String name) => _identifier.hasMatch(name);
/// Returns `true` if this [id] is `lowerCamelCase`.
bool isLowerCamelCase(String id) =>
id.length == 1 && isUpperCase(id.codeUnitAt(0)) ||
id == '_' ||
/// Returns `true` if this [id] is `lower_camel_case_with_underscores`.
bool isLowerCaseUnderScore(String id) => _lowerCaseUnderScore.hasMatch(id);
/// Returns `true` if this [id] is `lower_camel_case_with_underscores_or.dots`.
bool isLowerCaseUnderScoreWithDots(String id) =>
// ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
/// Returns `true` if this [fileName] is a Pubspec file.
bool isPubspecFileName(String fileName) => _pubspec.hasMatch(fileName);
/// Returns `true` if the given code unit [c] is upper case.
bool isUpperCase(int c) => c >= 0x40 && c <= 0x5A;
/// Returns true if this [libraryPrefix] is valid.
bool isValidLibraryPrefix(String libraryPrefix) =>
/// Returns true if this [id] is a valid package name.
bool isValidPackageName(String id) =>
_lowerCaseUnderScoreWithLeadingUnderscores.hasMatch(id) &&
isIdentifier(id) &&
class CamelCaseString {
static final _camelCaseMatcher = RegExp(r'[A-Z][a-z]*');
// A camel case string here is defined as:
// * An arbitrary number of optional leading `_`s or `$`s,
// * followed by an upper-case letter, `$` or `?`,
// * followed by any number of letters, digits, `?` or `$`s.
// This ensures that the text contains a `$`, `?` or upper-case letter
// before any lower-case letter or digit, and no letters or `?`s before an
// `_`.
static final _camelCaseTester = RegExp(r'^_*(?:\$+_+)*[$?A-Z][$?a-zA-Z\d]*$');
final String value;
CamelCaseString(this.value) {
if (!isCamelCase(value)) {
throw ArgumentError.value(value, 'value', '$value is not CamelCase');
String get humanized => _humanize(value);
String toString() => value;
static bool isCamelCase(String name) => _camelCaseTester.hasMatch(name);
static String _humanize(String camelCase) =>
_camelCaseMatcher.allMatches(camelCase).map((m) => m[0]).join(' ');