divide benchmark results by 10 since benchmark_harness reports the time it took to run 10 times, not once
diff --git a/benchmark/index.dart b/benchmark/index.dart
index 2746009..781e0aa 100644
--- a/benchmark/index.dart
+++ b/benchmark/index.dart
@@ -105,7 +105,9 @@
         await new Future(() {});
         var factory = benchmarkFactories[benchmarkSelect.value];
         var benchmark = factory(objectCount, mutationCount, configSelect.value);
-        var resultMicros = benchmark.measure();
+        // Divide by 10 because benchmark_harness returns the amount of time it
+        // took to run 10 times, not once :(.
+        var resultMicros = benchmark.measure() / 10;
         if (results.length <= x) results.add([]);
         results[x].add(resultMicros / 1000);