blob: 64ad7bf521c2520dfbe5d2dd55d499d1510338a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
library rasta.target_specification;
import 'dart:convert' show
import 'dart:async' show
import 'package:compiler/compiler_new.dart' show
class TargetSpecification {
/// The location of the JSON file that defined this TargetSpecification.
final Uri source;
/// The --library-root option of dart2js.
final Uri libraryRoot;
/// The value of --packages option of dart2js.
final Uri packageConfig;
/// The location of the platform configuration.
final Uri platformConfig;
/// Maps each library to a patch file.
final Map<Uri, Uri> patches;
TargetSpecification({Uri source, Uri libraryRoot, Uri packageConfig,
Uri platformConfig, this.patches})
: source = nullCheck('source', source),
libraryRoot = nullCheck('libraryRoot', libraryRoot),
packageConfig = nullCheck('packageConfig', packageConfig),
platformConfig = nullCheck('platformConfig', platformConfig);
Future<Null> validate(CompilerInput inputProvider) async {
await validateIsFile(inputProvider, packageConfig, 'packages', source);
await validateHasFile(
inputProvider, libraryRoot, 'library-root', source,
await validateIsFile(inputProvider, platformConfig, 'platform', source);
String toString() {
return "TargetSpecification(source: '$source', "
"libraryRoot: '$libraryRoot', packageConfig: '$packageConfig')";
static TargetSpecification decode(String jsonText, Uri source) {
Map<String, dynamic> json = JSON.decode(jsonText);
Uri libraryRoot = decodeUri("library-root", json, source);
Uri packageConfig = decodeUri("packages", json, source);
Uri platformConfig = decodeUri("platform", json, source);
Map<Uri, Uri> patches = decodePatches("patches", json, source);
return new TargetSpecification(
source: source, libraryRoot: libraryRoot, packageConfig: packageConfig,
platformConfig: platformConfig, patches: patches);
Map<Uri, Uri> decodePatches(
String name, Map<String, dynamic> json, Uri base) {
Map<String, String> patches = json[name];
if (patches == null) {
throw new StateError("'$name' not defined in $base");
Map<Uri, Uri> result = <Uri, Uri>{};
patches.forEach((String libraryName, String patchName) {
Uri uri = base.resolve(libraryName);
if (result[uri] != null) {
throw new StateError(
"$base: '$name' has multitple entries for '$libraryName'");
result[uri] = base.resolve(patchName);
return result;
Uri decodeUri(String name, Map<String, dynamic> json, Uri base) {
String path = json[name];
if (path == null) {
throw new StateError("'$name' not defined in $base");
return base.resolve(path);
Future<String> readStringFromUri(
CompilerInput inputProvider,
Uri uri) async {
var data = await inputProvider.readFromUri(uri);
if (data is String) return data;
List<int> bytes = data;
if (bytes.isNotEmpty && bytes.last == 0) {
bytes = bytes.getRange(0, bytes.length - 1).toList();
return UTF8.decode(bytes);
nullCheck(String name, value) {
if (value == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("[$name] is null");
return value;
/// Validate that [uri] is a file that can be read by [inputProvider].
Future validateIsFile(
CompilerInput inputProvider, Uri uri, String name, Uri source) async {
await inputProvider.readFromUri(uri).catchError((error, StackTrace trace) {
throw new ConfigurationError(name, source, uri, error, trace);
/// Validate that [path] is is a file in [uri] that can be read by
/// [inputProvider].
Future validateHasFile(
CompilerInput inputProvider, Uri uri, String name, Uri source, String path)
async {
Uri file = uri.resolve(path);
await inputProvider.readFromUri(file).catchError((error, StackTrace trace) {
throw new ConfigurationError(name, source, uri, error, trace);
class ConfigurationError {
final String name;
final Uri source;
final Uri uri;
final error;
final StackTrace trace;
ConfigurationError(, this.source, this.uri, this.error, this.trace);
String toString() {
String traceText = trace == null ? "" : "\n$trace";
return "'$name' in '$source' ($uri) has a problem: $error$traceText";