blob: b6b4e678247bacd4a2a519afd6767de07fb27407 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "dart:async" show Future, Stream;
import "dart:convert" show Encoding;
import "dart:isolate" show Isolate;
import "io.dart" as io; // TODO: make this import configuration dependent.
/// Resource loading strategy.
/// An abstraction of the functionality needed to load resources.
/// Implementations of this interface decide which URI schemes they support.
abstract class ResourceLoader {
/// A resource loader that can load as many of the following URI
/// schemes as are supported by the platform:
/// * file
/// * http
/// * https
/// * data
/// * package
/// (For example, file: URIs are not supported in the browser).
/// Relative URI references are accepted - they are resolved against
/// [Uri.base] before being loaded.
static const ResourceLoader defaultLoader = const PackageLoader();
/// Reads the file located by [uri] as a stream of bytes.
Stream<List<int>> openRead(Uri uri);
/// Reads the file located by [uri] as a list of bytes.
Future<List<int>> readAsBytes(Uri uri);
/// Reads the file located by [uri] as a [String].
/// The file bytes are decoded using [encoding], if provided.
/// If [encoding] is omitted, the default for the `file:` scheme is UTF-8.
/// For `http`, `https` and `data` URIs, the Content-Type header's charset
/// is used, if available and recognized by [Encoding.getByName],
/// otherwise it defaults to Latin-1 for `http` and `https`
/// and to ASCII for `data` URIs.
Future<String> readAsString(Uri uri, { Encoding encoding });
/// Default implementation of [ResourceLoader].
/// Uses the system's available loading functionality to implement the
/// loading functions.
/// Supports `http:`, `https:`, `file:` and `data:` URIs.
class DefaultLoader implements ResourceLoader {
const DefaultLoader();
Stream<List<int>> openRead(Uri uri) => io.readAsStream(uri);
Future<List<int>> readAsBytes(Uri uri) => io.readAsBytes(uri);
Future<String> readAsString(Uri uri, { Encoding encoding }) =>
io.readAsString(uri, encoding);
/// Implementation of [ResourceLoader] that accepts relative and package: URIs.
/// Like [DefaultLoader] except that it resolves package URIs and relative
/// URI references as well.
/// This class may be useful when you don't want to bother creating a [Resource]
/// object, and just want to load a resource directly.
class PackageLoader implements ResourceLoader {
const PackageLoader();
Stream<List<int>> openRead(Uri uri) async* {
yield* io.readAsStream(await resolveUri(uri));
Future<List<int>> readAsBytes(Uri uri) async =>
io.readAsBytes(await resolveUri(uri));
Future<String> readAsString(Uri uri, { Encoding encoding }) async =>
io.readAsString(await resolveUri(uri), encoding);
/// Helper function for resolving to a non-relative, non-package URI.
Future<Uri> resolveUri(Uri uri) async {
if (uri.scheme == "package") {
return Isolate.resolvePackageUri(uri);
return Uri.base.resolveUri(uri);