blob: 9fdfb294f381cfda9f574a5417fdae81eaae209f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'scheduled_stream.dart';
import 'scheduled_test.dart';
import 'src/utils.dart';
import 'src/value_future.dart';
/// A class representing a [Process] that is scheduled to run in the course of
/// the test. This class allows actions on the process to be scheduled
/// synchronously. All operations on this class are scheduled.
/// Before running the test, either [shouldExit] or [kill] must be called on
/// this to ensure that the process terminates when expected. Note that [kill]
/// is using SIGKILL, to ensure the process is killed on Mac OS X (an early
/// SIGTERM on Mac OS X may be ignored).
/// If the test fails, this will automatically print out any stdout and stderr
/// from the process to aid debugging.
class ScheduledProcess {
/// A description of the process. Used for error reporting.
String get description => _description;
String _description;
/// Whether a description was passed explicitly by the user.
bool _explicitDescription;
/// The encoding used for the process's input and output streams.
final Encoding _encoding;
/// The process that's scheduled to run.
ValueFuture<Process> _process;
/// A fork of [_stdout] that records the standard output of the process. Used
/// for debugging information.
Stream<String> _stdoutLog;
/// A line-by-line view of the standard output stream of the process.
ScheduledStream<String> get stdout => _stdout;
ScheduledStream<String> _stdout;
/// A canceller that controls both [_stdout] and [_stdoutLog].
StreamCanceller _stdoutCanceller;
/// A fork of [_stderr] that records the standard error of the process. Used
/// for debugging information.
Stream<String> _stderrLog;
/// A line-by-line view of the standard error stream of the process.
ScheduledStream<String> get stderr => _stderr;
ScheduledStream<String> _stderr;
/// A canceller that controls both [_stderr] and [_stderrLog].
StreamCanceller _stderrCanceller;
/// The exit code of the process that's scheduled to run. This will naturally
/// only complete once the process has terminated.
ValueFuture<int> _exitCode;
/// Whether the user has scheduled the end of this process by calling either
/// [shouldExit] or [kill].
bool get _endScheduled => _scheduledExitTask != null;
/// The task where this process is scheduled to exit -- either by waiting to
/// exit ([shouldExit]) or by killing the process ([kill]).
/// It's legal for the process to exit before this task runs. This can happen
/// for example if there's still standard output to read from the process
/// after it exits.
Task _scheduledExitTask;
/// The task during which the process actually exited.
Task _actualExitTask;
/// Schedules a process to start. [executable], [arguments],
/// [workingDirectory], and [environment] have the same meaning as for
/// [Process.start]. [description] is a string description of this process; it
/// defaults to the command-line invocation. [encoding] is the [Encoding] that
/// will be used for the process's input and output.
/// [executable], [arguments], [workingDirectory], and [environment] may be
/// either a [Future] or a concrete value. If any are [Future]s, the process
/// won't start until the [Future]s have completed. In addition, [arguments]
/// may be a [List] containing a mix of strings and [Future]s.
ScheduledProcess.start(executable, arguments,
{workingDirectory, environment, String description,
Encoding encoding: UTF8})
: _encoding = encoding,
_explicitDescription = description != null,
_description = description {
assert(currentSchedule.state == ScheduleState.SET_UP);
_updateDescription(executable, arguments);
_scheduleStartProcess(executable, arguments, workingDirectory, environment);
var stdoutWithCanceller = _lineStreamWithCanceller(
_process.then((p) => p.stdout));
_stdoutCanceller = stdoutWithCanceller.last;
_stdoutLog = stdoutWithCanceller.first;
var stderrWithCanceller = _lineStreamWithCanceller(
_process.then((p) => p.stderr));
_stderrCanceller = stderrWithCanceller.last;
_stderrLog = stderrWithCanceller.first;
_stdout = new ScheduledStream<String>(stdoutStream());
_stderr = new ScheduledStream<String>(stderrStream());
/// Updates [_description] to reflect [executable] and [arguments], which are
/// the same values as in [start].
void _updateDescription(executable, arguments) {
if (_explicitDescription) return;
if (executable is Future) {
_description = "future process";
} else if (arguments is Future || arguments.any((e) => e is Future)) {
_description = executable;
} else {
_description = "$executable ${ => '"$a"').join(' ')}";
/// Schedules the process to start and sets [_process].
void _scheduleStartProcess(executable,
environment) {
var exitCodeCompleter = new Completer<int>();
_exitCode = new ValueFuture(exitCodeCompleter.future);
_process = new ValueFuture(schedule/*<Future<Process>>*/(() async {
if (!_endScheduled) {
throw new StateError("Scheduled process '$description' must "
"have shouldExit() or kill() called before the test is run.");
var results = await Future.wait([
new Future.sync(() => executable),
new Future.sync(() => workingDirectory),
new Future.sync(() => environment)
var concreteExecutable = results[0] as String;
var concreteArguments =
DelegatingList.typed/*<String>*/(results[1] as List);
var concreteWorkingDirectory = results[2] as String;
var concreteEnvironment = results[3] == null
? null
: DelegatingMap.typed/*<String, String>*/(results[3] as Map);
_updateDescription(concreteExecutable, concreteArguments);
var process = await Process.start(concreteExecutable,
workingDirectory: concreteWorkingDirectory,
environment: concreteEnvironment);
process.stdin.encoding = UTF8;
return process;
}, "starting process '$description'"));
/// Listens for [_process] to exit and passes the exit code to
/// [exitCodeCompleter]. If the process completes earlier than expected, an
/// exception will be signaled to the schedule.
void _handleExit(Completer exitCodeCompleter) {
_process.then((p) => p.exitCode).then((exitCode) {
_actualExitTask = currentSchedule.currentTask;
/// Converts a stream of byte lists to a stream of lines and returns that
/// along with a [StreamCanceller] controlling it.
Pair<Stream<String>, StreamCanceller> _lineStreamWithCanceller(
Future<Stream<List<int>>> streamFuture) {
// Ignore errors from the future. They'll be reported through [schedule].
streamFuture = DelegatingFuture.typed(
streamFuture.catchError((_) => new Stream.fromIterable([])));
return streamWithCanceller(new LineSplitter().bind(
.map((chunk) {
// TODO(nweiz): Once this becomes integrated with the test package,
// add a heartbeat here.
return chunk;
/// Schedule an exception handler that will clean up the process and provide
/// debug information if an error occurs.
void _scheduleExceptionCleanup() {
currentSchedule.onComplete.schedule(() {
if (currentSchedule.errors.isEmpty) return null;
if (!_process.hasValue) return null;
var killedPrematurely = false;
if (!_exitCode.hasValue) {
killedPrematurely = true;
// Ensure that the onComplete queue waits for the process to actually
// exit after being killed.
expect(_process.value.exitCode, completes);
return Future.wait([
]).then((results) {
var stdout = results[0].join("\n");
var stderr = results[1].join("\n");
var exitDescription;
if (killedPrematurely) {
exitDescription = "Process was killed prematurely.";
} else {
exitDescription = "Process exited with exit code ${_exitCode.value}";
if (_actualExitTask != _scheduledExitTask) {
var taskString = _actualExitTask.toString();
if (taskString.contains("\n")) {
exitDescription += " in task:\n${prefixLines(taskString)}";
} else {
exitDescription += " in task $taskString";
exitDescription += ".";
"Results of running '$description':\n"
"Standard output:\n"
"Standard error:\n"
}, "cleaning up process '$description'");
/// Returns a stream that will emit anything the process emits via the
/// process's standard output from now on.
/// This stream will be independent from any other methods that deal with
/// standard output, including other calls to [stdoutStream].
/// This can be overridden by subclasses to return a derived standard output
/// stream. This stream will then be used for [stdout] and [stderr].
Stream<String> stdoutStream() {
var pair = tee(_stdoutLog);
_stdoutLog = pair.first;
return pair.last;
/// Returns a stream that will emit anything the process emits via the
/// process's standard error from now on.
/// This stream will be independent from any other methods that deal with
/// standard error, including other calls to [stderrStream].
Stream<String> stderrStream() {
var pair = tee(_stderrLog);
_stderrLog = pair.first;
return pair.last;
/// Writes [line] to the process as stdin.
void writeLine(String line) {
schedule(() {
return _process.then((p) => p.stdin.writeln('$line'));
}, "writing '$line' to stdin for process '$description'");
/// Closes the process's stdin stream.
void closeStdin() {
schedule(() => _process.then((p) => p.stdin.close()),
"closing stdin for process '$description'");
/// Sends [signal] to the process.
void signal(ProcessSignal signal) {
schedule(() {
return _process.then((process) => process.kill(signal));
}, "sending signal $signal");
/// Kills the process, and waits until it's dead.
void kill() {
if (_endScheduled) {
throw new StateError("shouldExit() or kill() already called.");
schedule(() {
return _process
.then((p) => p.kill(ProcessSignal.SIGKILL))
.then((_) => _exitCode);
}, "waiting for process '$description' to die");
_scheduledExitTask = currentSchedule.tasks.contents.last;
/// Waits for the process to exit, and verifies that the exit code matches
/// [expectedExitCode] (if given).
void shouldExit([int expectedExitCode]) {
if (_endScheduled) {
throw new StateError("shouldExit() or kill() already called.");
schedule(() {
return _exitCode.then((exitCode) {
if (expectedExitCode != null) {
expect(exitCode, equals(expectedExitCode));
}, "waiting for process '$description' to exit");
_scheduledExitTask = currentSchedule.tasks.contents.last;