blob: d16e5041c289530e8f07f69c7fb3c591fbebe10b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import 'scheduled_test.dart';
import 'src/stream_matcher.dart';
import 'src/utils.dart';
export 'src/stream_matcher.dart';
/// A wrapper for streams that supports a pull-based model of retrieving values
/// as well as a set of [StreamMatcher]s for testing the values emitted by the
/// stream.
/// The only method on [ScheduledStream] that's actually scheduled is [expect],
/// which is the method that users testing streaming code are most likely to
/// want to use.
class ScheduledStream<T> {
/// The underlying stream.
final Stream<T> _stream;
/// The subscription to [_stream].
StreamSubscription<T> _subscription;
/// The completer for emitting a value requested by [next].
/// If this is non-null, [_pendingValues] will always be empty, since any
/// value coming in will be passed to this completer.
Completer<T> _nextCompleter;
/// The completer for emitting a value requested by [hasNext].
Completer<bool> _hasNextCompleter;
/// The set of all streams forked from this one.
final _forks = new Set<ScheduledStream<T>>();
final _forkControllers = new Set<StreamController<T>>();
/// The queue of values emitted by [_stream] but not yet emitted through
/// [next].
final _pendingValues = new Queue<Fallible<T>>();
/// All values emitted by this stream so far.
/// This does not include values emitted by the underlying stream but not yet
/// emitted through [next].
List<T> get emittedValues => new UnmodifiableListView(_emittedValues);
final _emittedValues = new List<T>();
/// All values emitted by the underlying stream.
/// This is intended primarily for providing debugging information.
List<T> get allValues {
var list = new List<T>.from(_emittedValues);
list.addAll(_pendingValues.where((value) => value.hasValue)
.map((value) => value.value));
return new UnmodifiableListView(list);
/// Whether the wrapped stream has been closed.
bool _isDone = false;
/// Whether [next] has been called but has not yet returned.
/// This is distinct from `_nextCompleter != null` when [next] is called while
/// there are pending values available, until the future it returns completes.
bool _isNextPending = false;
/// Creates a new scheduled stream wrapping [stream].
ScheduledStream(this._stream) {
_subscription = _stream.listen((value) {
for (var c in _forkControllers) {
if (_hasNextCompleter != null) {
_hasNextCompleter = null;
if (_nextCompleter != null) {
_nextCompleter = null;
_isNextPending = false;
} else {
_pendingValues.add(new Fallible.withValue(value));
}, onError: (error, stackTrace) {
for (var c in _forkControllers) {
c.addError(error, stackTrace);
if (_hasNextCompleter != null) {
_hasNextCompleter.completeError(error, stackTrace);
_hasNextCompleter = null;
if (_nextCompleter != null) {
_nextCompleter.completeError(error, stackTrace);
_nextCompleter = null;
} else {
_pendingValues.add(new Fallible.withError(error, stackTrace));
}, onDone: _onDone);
/// Enqueue an expectation that [streamMatcher] will match the value(s)
/// emitted by the stream at this point in the schedule.
/// If [streamMatcher] is a [StreamMatcher], it will match the stream as a
/// whole. If it's a [Matcher] or another object, it will match the next value
/// emitted by the stream (as though it were a [nextValue] matcher).
/// This call is scheduled; the expectation won't be added until the schedule
/// reaches this point, and the schedule won't continue until the matcher has
/// matched the stream.
void expect(streamMatcher) {
streamMatcher = new StreamMatcher.wrap(streamMatcher);
var description = 'stream emits $streamMatcher';
schedule(() {
return streamMatcher.tryMatch(this).then((description) {
if (description == null) return;
var expected = prefixLines(streamMatcher.toString(),
firstPrefix: 'Expected: ',
prefix: ' | ');
var actual = prefixLines( {
return prefixLines(value.toString(), firstPrefix: '* ');
firstPrefix: ' Emitted: ',
prefix: ' ');
var which = '';
if (description.length > 0) {
which = '\n' + prefixLines(description.toString(),
firstPrefix: ' Which: ',
prefix: ' | ');
}, description);
/// Returns a Future that completes to the next value emitted by this stream.
/// It's a [StateError] to call [next] when another call's Future has not yet
/// completed, or when the stream has no more values. The latter can be
/// checked using [hasNext].
Future<T> next() {
if (_isNextPending) {
return new Future.error(
new StateError("There's already a pending call to "
new Chain.current());
if (_pendingValues.isNotEmpty) {
_isNextPending = true;
var valueOrError = _pendingValues.removeFirst();
if (valueOrError.hasValue) {
return valueOrError.toFuture().whenComplete(() {
_isNextPending = false;
} else if (_isDone) {
return new Future.error(
new StateError("ScheduledStream has no more elements."),
new Chain.current());
_isNextPending = true;
_nextCompleter = new Completer();
return _nextCompleter.future;
/// Returns a Future that completes to a boolean indicating whether the stream
/// has additional values or not.
Future<bool> get hasNext {
if (_hasNextCompleter != null) return _hasNextCompleter.future;
if (_pendingValues.isNotEmpty) {
return _pendingValues.first.toFuture().then((_) => true);
} else if (_isDone) {
return new Future.value(false);
_hasNextCompleter = new Completer();
return _hasNextCompleter.future;
/// Returns a fork of this stream.
/// The fork begins at the same point [this] is at. Values can be read from it
/// without consuming values in [this]. If [this] is closed, the fork will be
/// closed at whatever point it's currently at.
ScheduledStream<T> fork() {
var controller = new StreamController<T>();
for (var valueOrError in _pendingValues) {
if (valueOrError.hasValue) {
} else {
controller.addError(valueOrError.error, valueOrError.stackTrace);
if (_isDone) {
} else {
var fork = new ScheduledStream<T>(;
return fork;
/// Closes this stream.
/// This cancels the subscription to the underlying stream and acts as though
/// [this] was closed immediately after the current position, regardless of
/// whether the underlying stream has emitted additional events.
void close() {
for (var fork in _forks) {
if (!_isDone) _onDone();
/// Handles a "done" event from the underlying stream, as well as [this] being
/// closed.
void _onDone() {
for (var c in _forkControllers) {
if (_hasNextCompleter != null) {
_hasNextCompleter = null;
if (_nextCompleter != null) {
new StateError("ScheduledStream has no more elements."),
new Chain.current());
_nextCompleter = null;
_isNextPending = false;
_isDone = true;