blob: d10ead7355d490d2849777bef539f2d134e68e89 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// This file supports profiling dynamic calls.
part of dart._runtime;
class _MethodStats {
final String typeName;
final String frame;
double count;
_MethodStats(this.typeName, this.frame) {
count = 0.0;
class _CallMethodRecord {
var jsError;
var type;
_CallMethodRecord(this.jsError, this.type);
/// Size for the random sample of dynamic calls.
int _callRecordSampleSize = 5000;
/// If the number of dynamic calls exceeds [_callRecordSampleSize] this list
/// will represent a random sample of the dynamic calls made.
List<_CallMethodRecord> _callMethodRecords = new List();
/// If the number of dynamic calls exceeds [_callRecordSampleSize] this value
/// will be greater than [_callMethodRecords.length].
int _totalCallRecords = 0;
/// Minimum number of samples to consider a profile entry relevant.
/// This could be set a lot higher. We set this value so users are not
/// confused into thinking that a dynamic call that occurred once but was
/// randomly included in the sample is relevant.
num _minCount = 2;
/// Cache mapping from raw stack frames to source mapped stack frames to
/// speedup lookup of source map frames when running the profiler.
/// The number of source map entries looked up makes caching more important
/// in this case than for typical source map use cases.
Map<String, String> _frameMappingCache = new Map();
List<List<Object>> getDynamicStats() {
// Process the accumulated method stats. This may be quite slow as processing
// stack traces is expensive. If there are performance blockers, we should
// switch to a sampling approach that caps the number of _callMethodRecords
// and uses random sampling to decide whether to add each additional record
// to the sample. Main change required is that we need to still show the total
// raw number of dynamic calls so that the magnitude of the dynamic call
// performance hit is clear to users.
Map<String, _MethodStats> callMethodStats = new Map();
if (_callMethodRecords.length > 0) {
// Ratio between total record count and sampled records count.
var recordRatio = _totalCallRecords / _callMethodRecords.length;
for (var record in _callMethodRecords) {
var stackStr = JS('String', '#.stack', record.jsError);
var frames = stackStr.split('\n');
var src = '';
// Skip first two lines as the first couple frames are from the dart
// runtime.
for (int i = 2; i < frames.length; ++i) {
var frame = frames[i];
var mappedFrame = _frameMappingCache.putIfAbsent(frame, () {
return stackTraceMapper('\n${frame}');
if (!mappedFrame.contains('dart:_runtime/operations.dart') &&
!mappedFrame.contains('dart:_runtime/profile.dart')) {
src = mappedFrame;
var actualTypeName = typeName(record.type);
.putIfAbsent("$actualTypeName <$src>",
() => new _MethodStats(actualTypeName, src))
.count += recordRatio;
// filter out all calls that did not occur at least _minCount times in the
// random sample if we are dealing with a random sample instead of a
// complete profile.
if (_totalCallRecords != _callMethodRecords.length) {
for (var k in callMethodStats.keys.toList()) {
var stats = callMethodStats[k];
var threshold = _minCount * recordRatio;
if (stats.count + 0.001 < threshold) {
_totalCallRecords = 0;
var keys = callMethodStats.keys.toList();
(a, b) => callMethodStats[b].count.compareTo(callMethodStats[a].count));
List<List<Object>> ret = [];
for (var key in keys) {
var stats = callMethodStats[key];
ret.add([stats.typeName, stats.frame, stats.count.round()]);
return ret;
clearDynamicStats() {
// We need to set this property while the sdk is only partially initialized
// so we cannot use a regular Dart field.
bool get _trackProfile => JS('bool', 'dart.__trackProfile');
void trackProfile(bool flag) {
JS('', 'dart.__trackProfile = #', flag);
_trackCall(obj) {
if (JS('bool', '!#', _trackProfile)) return;
int index = -1;
if (_callMethodRecords.length == _callRecordSampleSize) {
// Ensure that each sample has an equal
// _callRecordSampleSize / _totalCallRecords chance of inclusion
// by choosing to include the new record in the sample the with the
// appropriate probability randomly evicting one of the existing records.
// Unfortunately we can't use the excellent Random.nextInt method defined
// by Dart from within this library.
index = JS('int', 'Math.floor(Math.random() * #)', _totalCallRecords);
if (index >= _callMethodRecords.length) return; // don't sample
var record =
new _CallMethodRecord(JS('', 'new Error()'), getReifiedType(obj));
if (index == -1) {
} else {
_callMethodRecords[index] = record;