blob: 0a43a6bf9a5716e8c92f9081da6a17442c52ca2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Tests that a static configuration can be loaded in pieces, even with
/// deferred imports.
library smoke.test.static_in_pieces_test;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:smoke/smoke.dart' show Declaration, PROPERTY, METHOD;
import 'package:smoke/static.dart' show useGeneratedCode, StaticConfiguration;
import 'piece1.dart' as p1;
import 'piece2.dart' deferred as p2;
import 'common.dart' as smoke_0;
import 'common.dart' as common show main;
abstract class _M0 {} // C & A
final configuration = new StaticConfiguration(checkedMode: false, getters: {
#i: (o) => o.i,
#inc0: (o) => o.inc0,
#inc1: (o) => o.inc1,
#inc2: (o) => o.inc2,
#toString: (o) => o.toString,
}, setters: {
#i: (o, v) {
o.i = v;
}, parents: {
smoke_0.AnnotB: smoke_0.Annot,
smoke_0.D: _M0,
smoke_0.E2: smoke_0.E,
smoke_0.F2: smoke_0.F,
_M0: smoke_0.C,
}, declarations: {
smoke_0.A: {
#i: const Declaration(#i, int),
#inc0: const Declaration(#inc0, Function, kind: METHOD),
#inc1: const Declaration(#inc1, Function, kind: METHOD),
#inc2: const Declaration(#inc2, Function, kind: METHOD),
#j: const Declaration(#j, int),
#j2: const Declaration(#j2, int, kind: PROPERTY),
smoke_0.B: {
#f: const Declaration(#f, int, isFinal: true),
#w: const Declaration(#w, int, kind: PROPERTY),
smoke_0.C: {
#b: const Declaration(#b, smoke_0.B),
#inc: const Declaration(#inc, Function, kind: METHOD),
#x: const Declaration(#x, int),
#y: const Declaration(#y, String),
smoke_0.D: {
#i2: const Declaration(#i2, int, kind: PROPERTY, isFinal: true),
#x2: const Declaration(#x2, int, kind: PROPERTY, isFinal: true),
smoke_0.E: {
#noSuchMethod: const Declaration(#noSuchMethod, Function, kind: METHOD),
#y: const Declaration(#y, int, kind: PROPERTY, isFinal: true),
smoke_0.E2: {},
smoke_0.F: {
#staticMethod: const Declaration(#staticMethod, Function,
kind: METHOD, isStatic: true),
smoke_0.F2: {},
smoke_0.G: {
#b: const Declaration(#b, int, annotations: const [smoke_0.a1]),
#d: const Declaration(#d, int, annotations: const [smoke_0.a2]),
smoke_0.L: {
#incM: const Declaration(#incM, Function, kind: METHOD),
#m: const Declaration(#m, int, kind: PROPERTY, isFinal: true),
smoke_0.L2: {
#incM: const Declaration(#incM, Function, kind: METHOD),
#m: const Declaration(#m, int),
#n: const Declaration(#n, int),
_M0: {
#i: const Declaration(#i, int),
#inc: const Declaration(#inc, Function, kind: METHOD),
#inc0: const Declaration(#inc0, Function, kind: METHOD),
#j: const Declaration(#j, int),
#j2: const Declaration(#j2, int, kind: PROPERTY),
}, staticMethods: {}, names: {});
main() {
test('smoke', () async {
expect(configuration.getters[#j], isNull);
expect(configuration.getters[#j], isNotNull);
await p2.loadLibrary();
expect(configuration.names[#i], isNull);
expect(configuration.names[#i], 'i');