blob: 4af40b21e6d622331560426e7a8faa4ca3272016 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 Dgraph Labs, Inc. and Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package badger
import (
type tableMock struct {
left, right []byte
func (tm *tableMock) Smallest() []byte { return tm.left }
func (tm *tableMock) Biggest() []byte { return tm.right }
func (tm *tableMock) DoesNotHave(hash uint32) bool { return false }
func TestPickTables(t *testing.T) {
opt := DefaultIteratorOptions
within := func(prefix, left, right []byte) {
opt.Prefix = prefix
// PickTable expects smallest and biggest to contain timestamps.
tm := &tableMock{left: y.KeyWithTs(left, 1), right: y.KeyWithTs(right, 1)}
require.True(t, opt.pickTable(tm), "within failed for %b %b %b\n", prefix, left, right)
outside := func(prefix, left, right string) {
opt.Prefix = []byte(prefix)
// PickTable expects smallest and biggest to contain timestamps.
tm := &tableMock{left: y.KeyWithTs([]byte(left), 1), right: y.KeyWithTs([]byte(right), 1)}
require.False(t, opt.pickTable(tm), "outside failed for %b %b %b", prefix, left, right)
within([]byte("abc"), []byte("ab"), []byte("ad"))
within([]byte("abc"), []byte("abc"), []byte("ad"))
within([]byte("abc"), []byte("abb123"), []byte("ad"))
within([]byte("abc"), []byte("abc123"), []byte("abd234"))
within([]byte("abc"), []byte("abc123"), []byte("abc456"))
// Regression test for
within([]byte{0, 0, 1}, []byte{0}, []byte{0, 0, 1})
outside("abd", "abe", "ad")
outside("abd", "ac", "ad")
outside("abd", "b", "e")
outside("abd", "a", "ab")
outside("abd", "ab", "abc")
outside("abd", "ab", "abc123")
func TestPickSortTables(t *testing.T) {
type MockKeys struct {
small string
large string
genTables := func(mks ...MockKeys) []*table.Table {
out := make([]*table.Table, 0)
for _, mk := range mks {
opts := table.Options{ChkMode: options.OnTableAndBlockRead}
tbl := buildTable(t, [][]string{{mk.small, "some value"},
{mk.large, "some value"}}, opts)
out = append(out, tbl)
return out
tables := genTables(MockKeys{small: "a", large: "abc"},
MockKeys{small: "abcd", large: "cde"},
MockKeys{small: "cge", large: "chf"},
MockKeys{small: "glr", large: "gyup"})
opt := DefaultIteratorOptions
opt.prefixIsKey = false
opt.Prefix = []byte("c")
filtered := opt.pickTables(tables)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(filtered))
// build table adds time stamp so removing tailing bytes.
require.Equal(t, filtered[0].Smallest()[:4], []byte("abcd"))
require.Equal(t, filtered[1].Smallest()[:3], []byte("cge"))
tables = genTables(MockKeys{small: "a", large: "abc"},
MockKeys{small: "abcd", large: "ade"},
MockKeys{small: "cge", large: "chf"},
MockKeys{small: "glr", large: "gyup"})
filtered = opt.pickTables(tables)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(filtered))
require.Equal(t, filtered[0].Smallest()[:3], []byte("cge"))
tables = genTables(MockKeys{small: "a", large: "abc"},
MockKeys{small: "abcd", large: "ade"},
MockKeys{small: "cge", large: "chf"},
MockKeys{small: "ckr", large: "cyup"},
MockKeys{small: "csfr", large: "gyup"})
filtered = opt.pickTables(tables)
require.Equal(t, 3, len(filtered))
require.Equal(t, filtered[0].Smallest()[:3], []byte("cge"))
require.Equal(t, filtered[1].Smallest()[:3], []byte("ckr"))
require.Equal(t, filtered[2].Smallest()[:4], []byte("csfr"))
opt.Prefix = []byte("aa")
filtered = opt.pickTables(tables)
require.Equal(t, y.ParseKey(filtered[0].Smallest()), []byte("a"))
require.Equal(t, y.ParseKey(filtered[0].Biggest()), []byte("abc"))
func TestIteratePrefix(t *testing.T) {
if !*manual {
t.Skip("Skipping test meant to be run manually.")
testIteratorPrefix := func(t *testing.T, db *DB) {
bkey := func(i int) []byte {
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%04d", i))
val := []byte("OK")
n := 10000
batch := db.NewWriteBatch()
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if (i % 1000) == 0 {
t.Logf("Put i=%d\n", i)
require.NoError(t, batch.Set(bkey(i), val))
require.NoError(t, batch.Flush())
countKeys := func(prefix string) int {
t.Logf("Testing with prefix: %s", prefix)
var count int
opt := DefaultIteratorOptions
opt.Prefix = []byte(prefix)
err := db.View(func(txn *Txn) error {
itr := txn.NewIterator(opt)
defer itr.Close()
for itr.Rewind(); itr.Valid(); itr.Next() {
item := itr.Item()
err := item.Value(func(v []byte) error {
require.Equal(t, val, v)
return nil
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, bytes.HasPrefix(item.Key(), opt.Prefix))
return nil
require.NoError(t, err)
return count
countOneKey := func(key []byte) int {
var count int
err := db.View(func(txn *Txn) error {
itr := txn.NewKeyIterator(key, DefaultIteratorOptions)
defer itr.Close()
for itr.Rewind(); itr.Valid(); itr.Next() {
item := itr.Item()
err := item.Value(func(v []byte) error {
require.Equal(t, val, v)
return nil
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, key, item.Key())
return nil
require.NoError(t, err)
return count
for i := 0; i <= 9; i++ {
require.Equal(t, 1, countKeys(fmt.Sprintf("%d%d%d%d", i, i, i, i)))
require.Equal(t, 10, countKeys(fmt.Sprintf("%d%d%d", i, i, i)))
require.Equal(t, 100, countKeys(fmt.Sprintf("%d%d", i, i)))
require.Equal(t, 1000, countKeys(fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)))
require.Equal(t, 10000, countKeys(""))
t.Logf("Testing each key with key iterator")
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
require.Equal(t, 1, countOneKey(bkey(i)))
t.Run("With Default options", func(t *testing.T) {
runBadgerTest(t, nil, func(t *testing.T, db *DB) {
testIteratorPrefix(t, db)
t.Run("With Block Offsets in Cache", func(t *testing.T) {
opts := getTestOptions("")
opts.IndexCacheSize = 100 << 20
runBadgerTest(t, &opts, func(t *testing.T, db *DB) {
testIteratorPrefix(t, db)
t.Run("With Block Offsets and Blocks in Cache", func(t *testing.T) {
opts := getTestOptions("")
opts.BlockCacheSize = 100 << 20
opts.IndexCacheSize = 100 << 20
runBadgerTest(t, &opts, func(t *testing.T, db *DB) {
testIteratorPrefix(t, db)
t.Run("With Blocks in Cache", func(t *testing.T) {
opts := getTestOptions("")
opts.BlockCacheSize = 100 << 20
runBadgerTest(t, &opts, func(t *testing.T, db *DB) {
testIteratorPrefix(t, db)
// go test -v -run=XXX -bench=BenchmarkIterate -benchtime=3s
// Benchmark with opt.Prefix set ===
// goos: linux
// goarch: amd64
// pkg:
// BenchmarkIteratePrefixSingleKey/Key_lookups-4 10000 365539 ns/op
// --- BENCH: BenchmarkIteratePrefixSingleKey/Key_lookups-4
// iterator_test.go:147: Inner b.N: 1
// iterator_test.go:147: Inner b.N: 100
// iterator_test.go:147: Inner b.N: 10000
// --- BENCH: BenchmarkIteratePrefixSingleKey
// iterator_test.go:143: LSM files: 79
// iterator_test.go:145: Outer b.N: 1
// ok 41.586s
// Benchmark with NO opt.Prefix set ===
// goos: linux
// goarch: amd64
// pkg:
// BenchmarkIteratePrefixSingleKey/Key_lookups-4 10000 460924 ns/op
// --- BENCH: BenchmarkIteratePrefixSingleKey/Key_lookups-4
// iterator_test.go:147: Inner b.N: 1
// iterator_test.go:147: Inner b.N: 100
// iterator_test.go:147: Inner b.N: 10000
// --- BENCH: BenchmarkIteratePrefixSingleKey
// iterator_test.go:143: LSM files: 83
// iterator_test.go:145: Outer b.N: 1
// ok 41.836s
// Only my laptop there's a 20% improvement in latency with ~80 files.
func BenchmarkIteratePrefixSingleKey(b *testing.B) {
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir(".", "badger-test")
defer removeDir(dir)
opts := getTestOptions(dir)
db, err := Open(opts)
defer db.Close()
N := 100000 // Should generate around 80 SSTables.
val := []byte("OK")
bkey := func(i int) []byte {
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%06d", i))
batch := db.NewWriteBatch()
for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
y.Check(batch.Set(bkey(i), val))
var lsmFiles int
err = filepath.Walk(dir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if strings.HasSuffix(path, ".sst") {
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
b.Logf("LSM files: %d", lsmFiles)
b.Logf("Key splits: %v", db.KeySplits(nil))
b.Logf("Key splits with prefix: %v", db.KeySplits([]byte("09")))
b.Logf("Outer b.N: %d", b.N)
b.Run("Key lookups", func(b *testing.B) {
b.Logf("Inner b.N: %d", b.N)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
key := bkey(rand.Intn(N))
err := db.View(func(txn *Txn) error {
opt := DefaultIteratorOptions
// NOTE: Comment opt.Prefix out here to compare the performance
// difference between providing Prefix as an option, v/s not. I
// see a 20% improvement when there are ~80 SSTables.
opt.Prefix = key
opt.AllVersions = true
itr := txn.NewIterator(opt)
defer itr.Close()
var count int
for itr.Seek(key); itr.ValidForPrefix(key); itr.Next() {
if count != 1 {
b.Fatalf("Count must be one key: %s. Found: %d", key, count)
return nil
if err != nil {
b.Fatalf("Error while View: %v", err)