Minor change for legibility

Slight change to the AdjustHue function to adjust readability.
diff --git a/adjust.go b/adjust.go
index 09baacb..98a40fa 100644
--- a/adjust.go
+++ b/adjust.go
@@ -95,11 +95,12 @@
 	shift = math.Min(math.Max(shift, -180), 180)
-	shift = shift / -360
+	summand := shift / -360
 	return AdjustFunc(img, func(c color.NRGBA) color.NRGBA {
 		h, s, l := rgbToHSL(c.R, c.G, c.B)
-		h = math.Mod(h+shift, 1.0)
+		h += summand
+		h = math.Mod(h, 1.0)
 		r, g, b := hslToRGB(h, s, l)
 		return color.NRGBA{r, g, b, c.A}