blob: e36f876f6dc5bf60de990ad8a68970fbd168884d [file] [log] [blame]
package wincred
import (
var nullPointer = unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(0))
// Create a Go string using a pointer to a zero-terminated UTF 16 encoded string.
// See
func utf16PtrToString(wstr *uint16) string {
if wstr != nil {
buf := make([]uint16, 0, 256)
for ptr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(wstr)); ; ptr += 2 {
rune := *(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr))
if rune == 0 {
return string(utf16.Decode(buf))
buf = append(buf, rune)
return ""
// Create a byte array from a given UTF 16 char array
func utf16ToByte(wstr []uint16) (result []byte) {
result = make([]byte, len(wstr)*2)
for i, _ := range wstr {
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(result[(i*2):(i*2)+2], wstr[i])
// Copies the given C byte array to a Go byte array (see `C.GoBytes`)
func goBytes(src unsafe.Pointer, len uint32) []byte {
if src == nullPointer {
return []byte{}
slice := (*[1 << 30]byte)(src)[0:len]
rv := make([]byte, len)
copy(rv, slice)
return rv[:]
// Convert the given CREDENTIAL struct to a more usable structure
func nativeToCredential(cred *nativeCREDENTIAL) (result *Credential) {
if unsafe.Pointer(cred) == nullPointer {
return nil
result = new(Credential)
result.Comment = utf16PtrToString(cred.Comment)
result.TargetName = utf16PtrToString(cred.TargetName)
result.TargetAlias = utf16PtrToString(cred.TargetAlias)
result.UserName = utf16PtrToString(cred.UserName)
result.LastWritten = time.Unix(0, cred.LastWritten.Nanoseconds())
result.Persist = CredentialPersistence(cred.Persist)
result.CredentialBlob = goBytes(unsafe.Pointer(cred.CredentialBlob), cred.CredentialBlobSize)
result.Attributes = make([]CredentialAttribute, cred.AttributeCount)
attrSliceHeader := reflect.SliceHeader{
Data: cred.Attributes,
Len: int(cred.AttributeCount),
Cap: int(cred.AttributeCount),
attrSlice := *(*[]nativeCREDENTIAL_ATTRIBUTE)(unsafe.Pointer(&attrSliceHeader))
for i, attr := range attrSlice {
resultAttr := &result.Attributes[i]
resultAttr.Keyword = utf16PtrToString(attr.Keyword)
resultAttr.Value = goBytes(unsafe.Pointer(attr.Value), attr.ValueSize)
return result
// Convert the given Credential object back to a CREDENTIAL struct, which can be used for calling the
// Windows APIs
func nativeFromCredential(cred *Credential) (result *nativeCREDENTIAL) {
if cred == nil {
return nil
result = new(nativeCREDENTIAL)
result.Flags = 0
result.Type = 0
result.TargetName, _ = syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(cred.TargetName)
result.Comment, _ = syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(cred.Comment)
result.LastWritten = syscall.NsecToFiletime(cred.LastWritten.UnixNano())
result.CredentialBlobSize = uint32(len(cred.CredentialBlob))
if len(cred.CredentialBlob) > 0 {
result.CredentialBlob = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&cred.CredentialBlob[0]))
} else {
result.CredentialBlob = 0
result.Persist = uint32(cred.Persist)
result.AttributeCount = uint32(len(cred.Attributes))
attributes := make([]nativeCREDENTIAL_ATTRIBUTE, len(cred.Attributes))
if len(attributes) > 0 {
result.Attributes = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&attributes[0]))
} else {
result.Attributes = 0
for i, _ := range cred.Attributes {
inAttr := &cred.Attributes[i]
outAttr := &attributes[i]
outAttr.Keyword, _ = syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(inAttr.Keyword)
outAttr.Flags = 0
outAttr.ValueSize = uint32(len(inAttr.Value))
if len(inAttr.Value) > 0 {
outAttr.Value = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&inAttr.Value[0]))
} else {
outAttr.Value = 0
result.TargetAlias, _ = syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(cred.TargetAlias)
result.UserName, _ = syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(cred.UserName)