blob: 85a1396f63010d2c8552aa6d4a27d4c3fcf26479 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: docker.client
Creating a client
To communicate with the Docker daemon, you first need to instantiate a client. The easiest way to do that is by calling the function :py:func:`~docker.client.from_env`. It can also be configured manually by instantiating a :py:class:`~docker.client.DockerClient` class.
.. autofunction:: from_env()
Client reference
.. autoclass:: DockerClient()
.. autoattribute:: configs
.. autoattribute:: containers
.. autoattribute:: images
.. autoattribute:: networks
.. autoattribute:: nodes
.. autoattribute:: plugins
.. autoattribute:: secrets
.. autoattribute:: services
.. autoattribute:: swarm
.. autoattribute:: volumes
.. automethod:: close()
.. automethod:: df()
.. automethod:: events()
.. automethod:: info()
.. automethod:: login()
.. automethod:: ping()
.. automethod:: version()