blob: b585f0bdaa0346d40e8dd6c0c2442b59a00116a1 [file] [log] [blame]
.. py:module:: docker.models.networks
Create and manage networks on the server. For more information about networks, `see the Engine documentation <>`_.
Methods available on ``client.networks``:
.. rst-class:: hide-signature
.. py:class:: NetworkCollection
.. automethod:: create
.. automethod:: get
.. automethod:: list
.. automethod:: prune
Network objects
.. autoclass:: Network()
.. autoattribute:: id
.. autoattribute:: short_id
.. autoattribute:: name
.. autoattribute:: containers
.. py:attribute:: attrs
The raw representation of this object from the server.
.. automethod:: connect
.. automethod:: disconnect
.. automethod:: reload
.. automethod:: remove